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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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RE: SCRA Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 05-18-2014

[Image: ddtb.png]
ID: Dmitry Dubovik
Target: SCRA
Security: Low

Privet, Comrades.

It appears that one of our rookies are doing good job on his duties. Kamal Khan completed all beginners tests, proved his worth and skills. He yet have much to learn, but he showed that he can and want to do it.
Comrade Kamal, you have been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Continue on your good work and may the glory be with you.

Dubovik over.

Attached files: NONE
[Image: jaydeesig.png]

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RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Gulryz - 05-19-2014

[Image: Osama_SCRAtb.png]

Kamal Khan reporting

Yesterday, i started my Patrol in Omega-3 system one of our New SCC| solider joined me and we started our patrol, we patrol the whole system and reached Omega-7 Jump gate there we saw a Gateway| ship , we started talking to him, while we were talking to him, A Rheinland Freighter appeared he started shooting at us and that attack result in his death my ship got minor problems, it's navigation system was not working, so i return to Freeport 1 and dock and repaired my ship after that i undock Freeport 1 and saw a Junker outside there, while talking to him he told me that SCC| guys already met him and he wanna join Coalition after that i continue my patrol and reached Aland Shipyard there i saw a [IND] ship but he was in hurry so he left soon, i keeping patroling system then return to Freeport 1 and found one more Junker there, he was carrying Refugees , my scanner shown 1747 refugees in his ship, i talked to him, i will upload the log file, after that i dock on Freeport 1 and check all my ship systems and send his report. Kamal out

*Uploading Files*


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RE: SCRA Communications Centre - King Owl - 05-20-2014

**Starting Transmission**

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**Loading Visual and Audio data**
**Access Granted**
**Subject:First Patrol**
**Target-ID:SCRA Comandament.**

Zdrazvite, comrades! As many of you should know i am Denna, and today i brought interesting and selected information for the report.My patrol started yesterday.Quick after i undocked from Zvezdny Gorodok i recived a comm send by the Captain of Radek, willing to bring his vessel into my patrol, but as united as we are , not long after we were warming our engines, we have been contacted by the Krasnaya, Storm Class Gunboat.We agreed to regrup at Omega-5 Jump Hole.After we have been lined up and almost ready to jump , another brother in arms joined us , none but SCRA|CPW-Che.Guevara . After the Siege Fleet was assambled we maked our way to Rheinland , where i had the change to meet the all mighty Flagship Havana.Now to have this all related good enought my report will be fragmented , in each section i will bringing guncams, and rellating the story.

The Rheinland Fight

After we have regruped in Sector E-6 , New Berlin. System.At the first superficial scan , Havana had told us , we have 2 Rheinland Gunboats , and a lost signal of a Battleship.By the first look , we were the dominant forces, with 2 Cruisers, 1 Battleships, A bomber and Gunboat.But we were fighting on their home.After me and Krasnaya were concentrated on killing a Gunboat , bombers have arrived and started launching Nova Torpedos into the fuselage of the Havana. From there it all was mayham.I left the wing and went to help Havana , but instead being helpful , i found myself into being tailed by two bombers and Gunboat.My ships was the first one wrecked and so my escaped pod was dragged into Havana.Then more forces have arrived from the enemy.We fought bravely , but we were heavyly outnumberd after my ship was doomed.The final call of the Fight was 4-5 to them , after all their capital vessel was banished.But Krasnaya was outmatched by their bombers and so was the fight.

Below you can see guncams taken during the battle.


Cuple of hours after i woke up from Mykolaiv Research Station( Do not ask me how i was there) i've seen my ships back and ready to go. The Mechanic got the ship back from a junker Frigate.They told the ships had only it's electronics affected and some fuselage hits, looked like i've been hit by an EMP System.So i decied i will visit Hispania in Omicron Alpha, but something strange appeard on my radar in Omega-3.My AI scaned it , but strangely my electronics were jammed by the object.To me it looked like a Neutron star, or somekind of Star/Sun that was either dead or being formed.

Attached below are Images i could take.


Current Information is High Priority and it's encryption is maximum.
Only the High-Command eyes.

While i was flying around Bretonia, as my destination were the Taus, and the nearest Freeport, i've came around something very special to the Queen.While i was 10k above Southhampton, i spoted something , extreamly guarded.Knowing my skills and assassin habbits , I had used them to Capture screens , detailed, from which looked like the Bretonians are building a Super-Vessel.Bigger then their battleship,and almost as big as the Liberty Carrier.So i decided to cruiser to it and get as close as i could without luring the whole fleet was near it , against it.Therefore , were two thoughts in my mind, "I am doing this from my Nation" and second "I can die each second if i step with the wrong feet".And i hope this will make the Admirality and the High Command look twice who to send in special missions.And aswell you can see some close ups to one of the Gallic/Bretonian station, which is damaged.

As all the others had , below are the private images.
❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻


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**Signal Lost**

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RE: SCRA Communications Centre - King Owl - 05-21-2014

[Image: eIOcvrb.png]
» » » » » Starting Transmission «» Decryption in progress « « « «
»Sender ID: Denna Kossof
» Target ID: SCRA Commandament
» » Subject: Second Patrol
» » » » » Loading Audio and Video Recordings « « « « « « « « ««


Zdrazvite, comrades!

The Battle of Hamburg

Yesterday, i had the grate honor to me , nobody but Dmitry Dubovnik.He was quite happy to see me , and some he asked me if i will join him , the Hessians and some independent allies in a big battle in Hamburg.Same as usual the Rheinalnd army had just a bit of brain , over the fearsome enemy Liberty.When we arrived there, the Rheinland fleet consisted of:1 Cruiser , 2-3 Gunboats , and More then 6 Bombers.Liberty on the onther side, as usual thought that having a more fire power will help so they camed with:4-5 Battlecruiser, 1-2 Siege Cruiser, 1 Carrier and 2-3 Dreadnaughts.We had 3 bombers if i recall correct , that being counted without me and Dmitry.So we decided to sattle back and send our novas towards the enemy biggest capital ship.I was more the happy to command the Bombers from our small fleet, we've gatherd.After 10 minutes in a fight the first kills were made.More adventuros by my kind i decided to go in and try kill some snub-craft, happy it ended up with me SNAC'ing a Battlecruiser.After the fight was almost over, Rheinland decided to bring their capital vessel.Happy for us we have escaped with no loses whatsoever.

Below you shall find a link , that willtake you to a channel where you can see guncams.


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[Image: BCFpwQt.png]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Gulryz - 05-24-2014

[Image: Osama_SCRAtb.png]

**Opening Transmission**
[Image: izv2wJCPYQSJO.png]

Files of Infected Battleship scans, Love.Joy and sleeper

*Uploading Files*

[Image: temp.png]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - DartStriker - 05-26-2014

With the confidence of a small church mouse, the lanky clerk slides a plain vanilla folder into the drop box of the Propaganda Ministry. Across the top it reads confidential, inside is contained a press package to promote the might of the nation.

[Image: scrapropaganda_zps7adb1aea.png~original]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 05-26-2014

[Image: Warner.png]

Comm ID: Field Marshal Ben Warner, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army

Subject: XKR-EV-TWO

"Gentlemen, as you may have noticed several new pieces of motivational materials has been recently plastered on several walls of important Revolutionary Army facilities such as our glorious Sevastopol Depot and Mykolaiv Research Station. Take note of the vessels proudly displayed upon it's pages, for you are seeing the new future of Coalition long-range warfare against those who would seek to commit genocide against our people. The houses who would sooner see us destroyed than take our rightful place as a power on par with their own, pirates who would steal what we have to fuel their own appetites for luxury and death and those who would wipe us from the face of Sirius just because of what we represent.

Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present the XKR-EV-TWO "Tempest" Light Carrier, crafted by the hands of our skilled engineers in Mykolaiv, the mind of XiaoBei and the various teams of support personnel onboard Mykolaiv, she shall carry the Fighter Corps to distant reaches of Sirius and beyond that our normal engines will be unable to.

The first Prototypes are at present still in Mykolaiv undergoing the final stages of construction, however be proud, the future of Revolutionary Warfare is just around the corner. We shall show our foes that the People's Republic of the Sirius Coalition is indeed a strong united force!

Long live the People's Republic!"

Ben Warner, Field Marshal
Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - King Owl - 05-26-2014

[Image: eIOcvrb.png]
Zdrazvite comrade! The grateness of the Coalition is at it's peak.Me and my men have bowed I'm front of the grateness of our new ship. But my idea is to keep this secret , and when we will need it, guerilla strike and have the enemy bow at its grateness, and then all shall obey under the coalition

Deanna Kossoff , out !

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Alhimik - 05-31-2014

[Image: JiS1PE3.jpg]

Zdravite comrade!
I complete my mission in Omicron Aplha. Road was very far, and I meet some Royal Navy at Leeds , but I do not enter to battle, I continue my way, so, my information: Hispania(bottom) and topping
I was attacked by some Outcasts fighters, but all it was destroyed, now I at road to Omega-52.
Volkov, out!

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 05-31-2014

[Image: ddtb.png]
ID: Dmitry Dubovik
Target: SCRA
Security: Low

Privet, Comrades.

Im going to drop here a notice about recent changes in ranking system, promotions and more.
Firstly, rank of Lieutenant have been improved lately. From this day, Lieutenants are given limited access to ''Storm'' Gunboat. They can field it if nesessary or by order of commanding officer.
Second, Lieutenant Kamal Khan proved his loyalty and ability to command over recruits and younger pilots. He have been promoted to Commander rank and given keys to Destroyer ''International'' to field it against our foes.
Third, Juniour Lieutenants Lena Nikolaevskaya and Salah Husaini was promoted to rank of Lieutenant.
Fourth, Juniour Lieutenants Denna Kossoff and Anton Volkov have been awared with Hispiania Memorium for completing their initiation mission.
That would be all news for that moment.

Dubovik over.

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