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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Weltuntergang - 05-13-2023

[Image: 77fdc549afd4cfd9c196a6dea97abe84.png]
Source: Frankfurt
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Leutnant Jonas Wagner
Recipient: Rheinwehr
Subject: Corsair Barge in Dresden

Guten Abend,
This is surreal! The Corsairs took a BARGE to Dresden and faced us and Coalition! A massive chaos ensued between all parties, I rammed into a Coalition fighter!

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Jonas Wagner
Leutnant der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: zZl6blY.png]

[Image: tfMtFht.png] [Image: HpIs3GZ.png] [Image: LdI1cZ7.png] [Image: w78WINz.png] [Image: 8gIGBaJ.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - splitterniko - 05-13-2023

[Image: avatar_37793.png?dateline=1588512416]
Source: Flagship of the West Flotte KKS-Greifenstein
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr, Konteradmiral Ferdinant von Habsburg, Herzog vom Fichtenwalde
Recipient: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ
Subject:Report on the New Berlin incident

Geschätzte Kameraden, sehr geehrte vorgesetzten.

I have two important things to report. They are connected. First, I intercepted a Liberty Navy ship in New Berlin. It was a Bison-class transport ship from the 46th to be exact "Navy-46th|MM-LNT-Courage" right off the planet New Berlin, so the Liberty Navy broke our laws. Here are the relevant paragraphs. And violations (Excerpt from the Rheinland Code)
This is to break the law concerning military vessels of other governments in the Rheinland. Now we come to the cargo.

I asked the transport if he had a special license. He denied it and said that he was allowed into any system and wanted to bring these firearms to Fort Augsburg. Here is the data from my ship's records
At this point I began to search the ship. However, RHA scum then appeared and attempted an underhanded assassination attempt on me while I was working the case of the Liberty transport. Fortunately I was able to react quickly enough to take up the fight, but at the time I was flying a machine that would be used for future training. So the ship is neither well armed nor particularly fast or maneuverable. As the RHA pilot was faster than me and more maneuverable, I was just able to save myself in the hangar of Bonn station.
(Here is the data from my ship's records)

[Image: XJZdcRF.png]

I heard over the radio that the RHA pilot then quickly took off before reinforcements arrived. however, the Liberty ship took advantage of this and fled in the direction of Frankfurt. Where it was stopped again by Kamerad [RM]Lt.Jurgen,Schmidt who destroyed the goods and escorted the Liberty cargo back to Liberty.

Ferdinant von Habsburg
Konteradmiral der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: LAZDpR1.png]
[Image: tfMtFht.png][Image: tfMtFht.png][Image: N8vVEOM.png]
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RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - scatts - 05-22-2023

Source: Station Bonn
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM
Submitter: Flieger Gregor Bartolomeus Sandman
Recipient: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ
Subject: Unioner Scout Thuringia

Sehr geehrtes Oberkommando.

I hereby report of a scout Unioner, named Klaus Schufter, who was spotted by Gunboat [RM]KKS-Raeren and me while on patrol through Thuringia. It was obvious he tried to escape, immediately when he got aware of our presence. We repeatedly ordered him to hold and stay down to no effect and he proceeded to jump to the Hamburg system. We followed, closing in and got in range to attempt and break cruise but he managed to jump one more to Bering. We followed again, slowly closing the distance, to get into weapons reach, all the while trying to verbally get him to stop. Our efforts were ultimately fruitless when he reached and docked on Pacifica Base, where we stopped the pursuit and returned to the New Berlin system.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Gregor Bartolomeus Sandman
Flieger der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr

[Image: img]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Arne - 05-23-2023

[Image: John.gif]
Source: KKS-Ostkantone
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-GKR-BLG
Submitter: Konteradmiral Gunter Kunrad
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Order contact und Training

Guten Tag Oberkommando,

It was a moving day. I was patrolling with the gunboat KKS-Raeren. It started with scanning the cargo of MFN|Alpha.Neuss-1 in Sigma 15. During that scan, I noticed an Order vessel on my radar with the nametag Order|Lightbane. As the distance was too big, I could not pinpoint it's exact location. I decided to escort the Neuss-vessel for it's own safety, as It was unclear how the Order vessel would react.

Later I got joined by fellow Kameraden Bootsmann Niklas Schulz, Flieger Sandman, Kommandant Arne von Asgard und Oberleutnant Jurgen Schmidt. About to sign off as Frankfurt deemed safe, Oberleutnant Schmidt found the signal of the same order vessel I met in the Sigmas. At first the pilot seemed hesitant to talk with us. I assured him that none of my men would fire and gave him an escape route towards a nearby jumphole to show our intentions were not hostile.

We questioned the pilot about multiple issues. Why they attacked Rheinland forces in the past, why they collaborated with Corsairs and other unlawfuls. It's answers were somewhat convincing, though that doesn't make the past right. I will not go too far in details, as the following conversation gives all the info you need. I will await Oberkommando's opinion and steering on this matter.

[22.05.2023 17:39:27] MFN|Alpha.Neuss-1: We need repair materials for our base officer
[22.05.2023 17:39:37] [RM]KKS-Raeren: I will escort you out then.
[22.05.2023 17:39:45] [RM]KKS-Raeren: Anomalies have been spotted.
[22.05.2023 17:40:04] MFN|Alpha.Neuss-1: Danke

[22.05.2023 17:41:44] [RM]Bmn-Schulz.Niklas: im on your side
[22.05.2023 17:56:55] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Hold on, Rheinwehr units
[22.05.2023 17:56:59] 2023-05-22 17:56:59 SMT
[22.05.2023 17:56:59] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: I've got something
[22.05.2023 17:58:47] 2023-05-22 17:58:47 SMT
[22.05.2023 17:58:47] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Found it again
[22.05.2023 17:59:06] 2023-05-22 17:59:07 SMT
[22.05.2023 17:59:06] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: Guten Tag Order vessel
[22.05.2023 17:59:20] 2023-05-22 17:59:20 SMT
[22.05.2023 17:59:20] Order|Lightbane: Guten abend, Rheinlanders. Surprised?
[22.05.2023 17:59:24] 2023-05-22 17:59:24 SMT
[22.05.2023 17:59:24] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: do not harm unless fired upon
[22.05.2023 17:59:39] 2023-05-22 17:59:40 SMT
[22.05.2023 17:59:39] Order|Lightbane: I'd prefer to keep some distance.
[22.05.2023 18:00:01] 2023-05-22 18:00:01 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:00:01] Order|Lightbane: Do not wish for something unneeded to occur.
[22.05.2023 18:01:31] 2023-05-22 18:01:31 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:01:31] Order|Lightbane: I assure you that you're rather wasting your fuel in this chase. I intend to harm upon anyone.
[22.05.2023 18:01:35] 2023-05-22 18:01:35 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:01:35] Order|Lightbane: no harm*
[22.05.2023 18:02:14] 2023-05-22 18:02:14 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:02:14] Order|Lightbane: You're not entirely talkative, are you?
[22.05.2023 18:03:01] 2023-05-22 18:03:01 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:03:01] Order|Lightbane: A-hem. Hallo?
[22.05.2023 18:03:26] 2023-05-22 18:03:27 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:03:26] [RM]Bmn-Schulz.Niklas: order vessel please wait
[22.05.2023 18:03:28] 2023-05-22 18:03:28 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:03:28] Order|Lightbane: I'm used to exchanging words at this point, mind you.
[22.05.2023 18:03:38] 2023-05-22 18:03:38 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:03:38] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Spotted him again
[22.05.2023 18:03:52] 2023-05-22 18:03:52 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:03:52] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Order vessel, cut, your engines.
[22.05.2023 18:03:54] 2023-05-22 18:03:54 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:03:54] Order|Lightbane: Right then, sure. Beware that I do not enjoy Rheinland vessels approaching me too close.
[22.05.2023 18:04:05] 2023-05-22 18:04:05 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:04:05] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: My men will not fire, i promise
[22.05.2023 18:04:12] 2023-05-22 18:04:12 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:04:12] Order|Lightbane: We call that the... "privacy bubble."
[22.05.2023 18:04:21] 2023-05-22 18:04:21 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:04:21] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Very funny.
[22.05.2023 18:04:33] 2023-05-22 18:04:33 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:04:33] Order|Lightbane: How can I trust you? You've brough an entire armanda!
[22.05.2023 18:04:33] 2023-05-22 18:04:33 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:04:33] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: hold 3 clicks away men.
[22.05.2023 18:04:44] 2023-05-22 18:04:44 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:04:44] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: You call this an armada?
[22.05.2023 18:04:56] 2023-05-22 18:04:56 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:05:03] 2023-05-22 18:05:03 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:05:03] Order|Lightbane: That was close.
[22.05.2023 18:05:12] 2023-05-22 18:05:12 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:05:12] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: Asgard, hold fire
[22.05.2023 18:05:13] 2023-05-22 18:05:14 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:05:13] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Not to you, calm down, soldier
[22.05.2023 18:05:14] 2023-05-22 18:05:14 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:05:14] Order|Lightbane: What would you prefer to call it?
[22.05.2023 18:05:38] 2023-05-22 18:05:38 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:05:38] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: I would find something a little more dignified, ja?
[22.05.2023 18:05:40] 2023-05-22 18:05:40 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:05:40] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: Our patrol routes happened to collide in Frankfurt.
[22.05.2023 18:05:43] 2023-05-22 18:05:43 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:05:43] Order|Lightbane: I'm eyewitnessing a Battlecruiser merely a klick away!
[22.05.2023 18:05:52] 2023-05-22 18:05:52 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:05:52] Arne.von.Asgard: Lightbane is a nice fellow, it seems
[22.05.2023 18:06:13] 2023-05-22 18:06:13 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:06:13] Order|Lightbane: Of course I am. I'm getting tired of acting repetitive for this many decades.
[22.05.2023 18:06:23] 2023-05-22 18:06:24 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:06:49] Order|Lightbane: Today, I've chosen to venture a bit more prone to surveillance, somewhat passionate to exhibit my peaceful nature.
[22.05.2023 18:07:08] 2023-05-22 18:07:08 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:07:08] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: "Surveillance?"
[22.05.2023 18:07:32] 2023-05-22 18:07:32 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:07:32] Order|Lightbane: Indeed. Wish to know why?
[22.05.2023 18:07:36] 2023-05-22 18:07:36 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:07:36] Arne.von.Asgard: an exhibitionist
[22.05.2023 18:07:47] 2023-05-22 18:07:47 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:07:47] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: Enlighten us
[22.05.2023 18:07:54] 2023-05-22 18:07:54 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:07:54] Order|Lightbane: I wouldn't exactly take joy in having some civilians scared over my presence, as they had been washed by the false propaganda.
[22.05.2023 18:08:32] 2023-05-22 18:08:32 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:08:32] Order|Lightbane: I wish one day that those same individuals, alongside the law enforcement, would welcome us in a more appropriate manner,
[22.05.2023 18:08:45] 2023-05-22 18:08:45 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:08:45] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: You seem to be not in too good books with us indeed... Something about helping terrorists.. care to explain?
[22.05.2023 18:08:50] 2023-05-22 18:08:50 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:08:50] Order|Lightbane: for my presence is solely based on protection of the colonies, against Nomad proliferation into your ranks.
[22.05.2023 18:09:16] Order|Lightbane: Terrorists... I've been called a terrorist on numerous occassions. Yet, do I appear like one?
[22.05.2023 18:09:16] 2023-05-22 18:09:16 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:09:16] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: I would beg to differ that there is plenty more you have been doing than that
[22.05.2023 18:09:32] 2023-05-22 18:09:32 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:09:32] Order|Lightbane: I sure am a terrorist for those damned Nomads.
[22.05.2023 18:10:01] 2023-05-22 18:10:01 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:10:01] Order|Lightbane: As for ordinary, working-class people, I'm a mere guardian of their lives.
[22.05.2023 18:10:07] 2023-05-22 18:10:07 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:10:07] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: The Order has fought against our Rheinland Military units alongside those savages they call the "Corsairs"
[22.05.2023 18:10:25] 2023-05-22 18:10:25 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:10:25] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Vhy should we believe you to be any different?
[22.05.2023 18:10:58] 2023-05-22 18:10:58 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:10:58] Order|Lightbane: Corsairs... They're surely energetic, can't deny. However, their methodolgy is based on such acts that justify their... whateve
[22.05.2023 18:11:02] 2023-05-22 18:11:02 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:11:02] Order|Lightbane: Goals I assume.
[22.05.2023 18:11:23] 2023-05-22 18:11:23 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:11:23] Order|Lightbane: As for us... the Order... The mankind seems to have forgotten our genuine values.
[22.05.2023 18:11:41] 2023-05-22 18:11:41 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:11:41] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: The Corsairs are not an example of the ends justify the means!
[22.05.2023 18:11:45] 2023-05-22 18:11:45 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:11:45] Order|Lightbane: Officers, I'm an Agent of the primary fleet, one guiding the entirety of the Order.
[22.05.2023 18:11:57] 2023-05-22 18:11:57 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:11:57] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: Schmidts question remains, why did you help the Corsairs against us?
[22.05.2023 18:12:00] 2023-05-22 18:12:00 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:12:00] Order|Lightbane: Primary fleet that guides the Order that is.
[22.05.2023 18:12:12] 2023-05-22 18:12:12 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:12:12] Order|Lightbane: I am slowly getting there, herr.
[22.05.2023 18:12:33] 2023-05-22 18:12:34 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:12:33] Order|Lightbane: I have yet to witness someone of my kind, from the Primary Fleet, assist anyone against any law enforcement.
[22.05.2023 18:12:35] 2023-05-22 18:12:35 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:12:35] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Look around you, the dangers of this area
[22.05.2023 18:12:42] 2023-05-22 18:12:42 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:12:42] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: We may not have time for slowly
[22.05.2023 18:12:54] 2023-05-22 18:12:54 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:12:54] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: Give it time, Oberleutnant.
[22.05.2023 18:13:17] 2023-05-22 18:13:17 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:13:17] Order|Lightbane: If you have concrete evidence that proves involvement of the Primary Fleet against your people based on your speech...
[22.05.2023 18:13:20] 2023-05-22 18:13:21 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:13:21] Order|Lightbane: I am eager to see it.
[22.05.2023 18:13:24] 2023-05-22 18:13:24 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:13:24] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Ja, kommandant. [resigningly]
[22.05.2023 18:13:51] 2023-05-22 18:13:51 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:13:51] Order|Lightbane: Though, if someone from our secondary fleet, those that sometimes act in rather unusual ways, have indeed somewhat
[22.05.2023 18:13:51] 2023-05-22 18:13:51 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:13:51] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: We have full evidence of such acts recorded
[22.05.2023 18:14:01] 2023-05-22 18:14:01 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:14:01] Order|Lightbane: transgressed, then we can surely guide them.
[22.05.2023 18:14:20] 2023-05-22 18:14:20 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:14:20] Order|Lightbane: Militar, I have a sincere question.
[22.05.2023 18:14:28] 2023-05-22 18:14:29 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:14:28] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Proceed
[22.05.2023 18:14:38] 2023-05-22 18:14:38 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:14:38] Order|Lightbane: How would you act, if there was a renegade, apart from your primary ranks, causing chaos outside your control?
[22.05.2023 18:14:44] 2023-05-22 18:14:44 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:14:44] Order|Lightbane: Whilst you were totally unaware of it.
[22.05.2023 18:15:01] 2023-05-22 18:15:01 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:15:01] Order|Lightbane: This appears to be the similar situation.
[22.05.2023 18:15:36] 2023-05-22 18:15:36 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:15:36] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Did you not set the motion forward to allow that?
[22.05.2023 18:15:41] 2023-05-22 18:15:42 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:15:41] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Such as... allying with Corsairs?
[22.05.2023 18:16:11] 2023-05-22 18:16:11 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:16:11] Order|Lightbane: If you wished to ally with the Order, against someone like the Nomads, we surely would accept such an offer.
[22.05.2023 18:16:33] 2023-05-22 18:16:34 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:16:33] Order|Lightbane: We see no productivity in commencing frontal aggressions against someone who's different.
[22.05.2023 18:16:55] 2023-05-22 18:16:55 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:16:55] Order|Lightbane: Our sole enemies are the Nomads, their sympathizers, those who have falled into their miserable hands.
[22.05.2023 18:17:15] 2023-05-22 18:17:15 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:17:15] Order|Lightbane: However, Human enemies, ones that seemingly despise us, utterly wish us to be gone.
[22.05.2023 18:17:36] 2023-05-22 18:17:36 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:17:36] Order|Lightbane: For those reasons, we are forced to defend ourselves. You wouldn't remain static if you had a madman charging you wish a knife.
[22.05.2023 18:18:03] 2023-05-22 18:18:04 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:18:03] Order|Lightbane: Now, the Primary Fleet, as I am fairly certain, has never engaged in a frontal aggression against your people.
[22.05.2023 18:18:15] 2023-05-22 18:18:15 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:18:15] Order|Lightbane: Unless, some of you were puppets of the Nomads.
[22.05.2023 18:18:26] 2023-05-22 18:18:26 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:18:26] Order|Lightbane: In which case, we'd appropriately warn.
[22.05.2023 18:18:47] 2023-05-22 18:18:47 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:18:47] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: Very well, I will take this issue and... recording to Oberkommando. See what they will make of it.
[22.05.2023 18:19:02] 2023-05-22 18:19:02 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:19:02] Order|Lightbane: I am not yet done, I have much more to express, inquire...
[22.05.2023 18:19:07] 2023-05-22 18:19:07 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:19:07] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Continue
[22.05.2023 18:19:18] 2023-05-22 18:19:18 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:19:18] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: by all means
[22.05.2023 18:19:20] 2023-05-22 18:19:20 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:19:20] Order|Lightbane: That incident that you're reffering to.
[22.05.2023 18:19:42] 2023-05-22 18:19:42 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:19:42] Order|Lightbane: There might have been ignorant secondary assets that maybe have done such awful deeds.
[22.05.2023 18:20:13] 2023-05-22 18:20:13 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:20:13] Order|Lightbane: If it indeed were the case, we'd be fairly ready to make up for the losses, guiding those specific individuals, sanctioning...
[22.05.2023 18:20:52] 2023-05-22 18:20:52 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:20:52] Order|Lightbane: Again, the "terrorist" argument that is sometimes tossed upon us, is mere lack of knowledge that lacks in certain people.
[22.05.2023 18:21:11] 2023-05-22 18:21:11 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:21:11] Order|Lightbane: If we truly were the terrorists, you would see us committing terrible crimes against humanity. Which, we do not.
[22.05.2023 18:21:39] 2023-05-22 18:21:39 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:21:39] Order|Lightbane: I also trust you wish to eradicate the Nomad infestation, assuming you're somewhat aware of it?
[22.05.2023 18:21:46] 2023-05-22 18:21:46 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:21:46] Order|Lightbane: Those beings aren't so dumb.
[22.05.2023 18:22:03] 2023-05-22 18:22:03 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:22:03] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: We have our issues with them for sure.
[22.05.2023 18:22:42] 2023-05-22 18:22:42 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:22:42] Order|Lightbane: And, the Order certainly does have knowledge into Nomad infestation, not only in Rheinland, but Sirius and Gallia-wide.
[22.05.2023 18:23:19] 2023-05-22 18:23:19 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:23:19] Order|Lightbane: You should know that we'd rather die like real warriors, than let them loose against us, humans.
[22.05.2023 18:23:45] 2023-05-22 18:23:45 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:23:45] Order|Lightbane: Though, I should admit that our kind is fortunate to have someone like the Order.
[22.05.2023 18:24:00] 2023-05-22 18:24:01 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:24:00] Order|Lightbane: You wouldn't wish to know all the terror that we have gone, and are still going trough on daily basis.
[22.05.2023 18:24:15] 2023-05-22 18:24:15 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:24:15] Order|Lightbane: Especially in the Omicrons.
[22.05.2023 18:24:54] 2023-05-22 18:24:54 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:24:54] Order|Lightbane: Unfortunately, we Human alliances, criminals and Nomad profiters seek war against us. Again, to eradicate us.
[22.05.2023 18:25:32] 2023-05-22 18:25:32 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:25:32] Order|Lightbane: Genuine criminals, and "lawful" contractors allying against someone like us? How does that make sense!
[22.05.2023 18:26:07] 2023-05-22 18:26:07 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:26:07] Order|Lightbane: There's many puzzles to be solved, Militar. And, I wish not to lose more people over foolish politics.
[22.05.2023 18:26:54] 2023-05-22 18:26:54 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:26:54] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Very well then. I must go now, and report this back
[22.05.2023 18:26:58] 2023-05-22 18:26:58 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:26:58] Order|Lightbane: Ja, I'm done for now. Wish not to reveal any more than I already shouldn't have.
[22.05.2023 18:27:01] 2023-05-22 18:27:01 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:27:01] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Best of luck to you all.
[22.05.2023 18:27:17] 2023-05-22 18:27:17 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:27:17] Order|Lightbane: That's interesting, unexpected.
[22.05.2023 18:27:34] 2023-05-22 18:27:35 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:27:34] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: Very well, I will report this to Oberkommando. See what they think about it.
[22.05.2023 18:28:05] 2023-05-22 18:28:05 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:28:05] Order|Lightbane: Diplomatic matters can probably clear up the situation much better.
[22.05.2023 18:28:11] 2023-05-22 18:28:11 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:28:11] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: However, for your own safety you do well not to gather too much attention around here, as the official stance towards the-
[22.05.2023 18:28:20] 2023-05-22 18:28:20 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:28:20] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: Order is still considered hostile.
[22.05.2023 18:28:35] 2023-05-22 18:28:35 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:28:35] Order|Lightbane: Very well. I've been practicing that for many years.
[22.05.2023 18:29:14] 2023-05-22 18:29:14 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:29:14] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: Very well, you can go now. Perhaps until later, Lightbane.
[22.05.2023 18:29:20] 2023-05-22 18:29:20 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:29:20] Order|Lightbane: I appreciate the distance.
[22.05.2023 18:29:31] 2023-05-22 18:29:31 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:29:31] [RM]KKS-Raeren: B: Bootsman, back up 2 clicks please.
[22.05.2023 18:29:33] 2023-05-22 18:29:34 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:29:33] Order|Lightbane: Vielen dank. I'll leave now. I have missions to conduct.
[22.05.2023 18:29:49] 2023-05-22 18:29:49 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:29:49] Order|Lightbane: Good luck out there, and, have no mercy for any Nomad collaborators!
[22.05.2023 18:29:57] 2023-05-22 18:29:57 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:29:57] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: Never had, safe skies
[22.05.2023 18:30:06] 2023-05-22 18:30:07 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:30:06] Order|Lightbane: If you have any further questions, you may have the freedom to contact me.
[22.05.2023 18:30:23] 2023-05-22 18:30:23 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:30:23] Order|Lightbane: The communique might be passed to the higher echelons.
[22.05.2023 18:30:34] 2023-05-22 18:30:35 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:30:34] Order|Lightbane: Godspeed.
[22.05.2023 18:30:38] 2023-05-22 18:30:38 SMT
[22.05.2023 18:30:38] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: Likewise. Auf wiedersehn

After this encounter I trained and teached Flieger Sandman about Military basics including patrolling, cargo scanning and standard knowhow that a Rheinwehr pilot should know. We also chased after a Unioner, but he already made a detailed report about it, so no need to repeat that. He seems talented and eager to learn. If he keeps it up, I see a bright future ahead for him in our ranks.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Gunter Kunrad
Konteradmiral der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
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RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - scatts - 05-23-2023

Source: Station Bonn
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM
Submitter: Flieger Gregor Bartolomeus Sandman
Recipient: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ
Subject: Skirmish near Kreuzberg

Sehr geehrtes Oberkommando.

I hereby report of a group of RHA, ARZ and SCRA terrorist affiliates, who invaded Rheinland territory while I was on a training patrol with Vizeadmiral Habsburg and Fregattenkapitän Harrisburg as officers and Flieger Perish and Kohpeiss. Our radar showed the presence of previously mentioned terrorist elements In Frankfurt, after internal reports suggested their activity in Thuringia. Vizeadmiral Habsburg then decided to carefully start investigating and pursuing them. We caught them in New Berlin after following them for a while through the tradeline system. We engaged them near Kreuzberg in the Ruhrfeld, but had to retreat since the terrorist pilots were better trained. (Which I believe was also a valuable lesson learned, which no theoretical training can achieve, the lesson being that when ever possible, sharpen your skills and try to pick the battlefield in your favor). After our retreat, more well-trained RM-pilots took over and continued to fight. Our training ended with an evaluation of the indivual pilot experiences, moderated by Vizeadmiral Habsburg.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Gregor Bartolomeus Sandman,
Flieger der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr

[Image: img]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - scatts - 05-25-2023

Source: Station Bonn
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM
Submitter: Flieger Gregor Bartolomeus Sandman
Recipient: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ
Subject: Mining cooperation Kruger/DHC/RM

Sehr geehrtes Oberkommando.

I am pleased, to hereby report of a successful cooperate mining/transport operation of Kruger, DHC and RM forces.
I started patrol duty earlier this evening (2100), When commanding officer Vizeadmiral Habsburg, ordered me to execute guard duty for the Kruger Barge-vessel "Schwermetall".
I proceeded to escort "Schwermetall" through the tradelane system to planet Heidelberg, where we left the tradelane and crossed open space until reaching Hausenfeld minable area.
Two DHC mining vessels (DHC Kaiser 4 and DHC Erzgebirge) were already on site busy with mining aluminum ore. (They were clearly as professional as they were efficient). I orbited the area in a 1500-2500k distance.
I had to engage three smaller pirate vessels, likely snub-fighters, one of which was destroyed the two others managed to retreat (Pursuing was not an option under these mission parameters). No other hostile contacts were monitored in the whole endeavor. A second Kruger Barge "Leichtmetall" then joined the operation as I continued orbiting. When "Schwermetall" reached its maximum capacity, we both headed to Breuninger Depot in the New Berlin system, where I was redirected to continue guard duty for "Leichtmetall". The rest of the operation went as planned with the exception of one recklessly flying Rheinland police officer (Schulze, Klaus) who almost hit the "Leichtmetall" exiting a tradelane. The situation was resolved without further delay and commotion. The officer apologized and no damage was done to "Leichtmetall". From transcripts of inter-operational communication, I can savely conclude, that this joint operation turned out to be a success, both in means of financial earnings, as well as interdisciplinary collaboration.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Gregor Bartolomeus Sandman,
Flieger der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr

[Image: img]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - BobMacaroni - 05-26-2023

Source: Battleship Schwerin
Encryption: port RM-HC-R5C-RU4T-MD
Submitter: Oberleutnant Jurgen Schmidt
Recipient: Oberkommando
Subject: Order.

Guten Abend.

I've come across something interesting on my patrols. While on patrol with the KKS Raeren, Bootsman Niklaus Schulz, and Arne Von Asgard, we heard reports of terrorists in the area. We swept the system, and while doing so came across a unit of the Order. The Order unit kept blinking in and out of our radar, and as they are listed as hostile to Rheinland, we went searching for it. We were close to Sektor 7, which further amplified our worries about his whereabouts. Eventually, he was spotted near the Sigma 13 jump gate. As the gate was blocked by Arne Von Asgard, he continued to run from us. Eventually, the KKS Raeren assured him he wouldn't be harmed, and he relented. He cut his engines in the Taunusfeld. I did not like the location as the result of pirate activity was high.

However, he had some interesting things to say. He attempted to convince us that he was harmless and we weren't his enemy. However, I was very suspicious due to the Orders pirate connections. The agent said he was doing "Survellaince", which I highly disliked to hear, but he said it was for a different purpose. He said he came to hunt down Nomads, which brings me to my next point.

If the Order had come to do surveillance to guard against Nomad threats, he seemed to be cautious of a Nomad resurgence. I am not sure how much we can trust his words, but I suggest you take what you can from what I have gleaned. If there are indeed more Nomads and Order agents on the way, it would be best we stay informed.

[22.05.2023 17:56:54] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Hold on, Rheinwehr units
[22.05.2023 17:56:57] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: I've got something
[22.05.2023 17:57:04] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Order spotted
[22.05.2023 17:57:20] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Lost it..
[22.05.2023 17:57:29] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: It was right here?
[22.05.2023 17:57:33] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: 14 clicks.
[22.05.2023 17:57:37] [RM]KKS-Raeren: Got it
[22.05.2023 17:57:43] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: Guten Tag Order vessel.
[22.05.2023 17:57:55] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Affirmative. Heading to your position
[22.05.2023 17:58:19] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Where did it go?
[22.05.2023 17:58:35] [RM]KKS-Raeren: About that way, but could have gone bottom
[22.05.2023 17:58:40] [RM]KKS-Raeren: Was 11 clicks
[22.05.2023 17:58:45] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Found it again
[22.05.2023 17:59:04] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: Guten Tag Order vessel
[22.05.2023 17:59:07] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: It's in the Westerwald. Give chase
[22.05.2023 17:59:18] Order|Lightbane: Guten abend, Rheinlanders. Surprised?
[22.05.2023 17:59:22] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: do not harm unless fired upon
[22.05.2023 17:59:37] Order|Lightbane: I'd prefer to keep some distance.
[22.05.2023 17:59:47] [RM]Bmn-Schulz.Niklas: Found him
[22.05.2023 17:59:59] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Copy
[22.05.2023 18:00:08] [RM]Bmn-Schulz.Niklas: On the way to sigma 13
[22.05.2023 18:00:14] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: We will not harm you.
[22.05.2023 18:00:18] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: You have my word.
[22.05.2023 18:00:29] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Asgard take the lane route
[22.05.2023 18:00:44] Arne.von.Asgard: Ok
[22.05.2023 18:00:51] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: Try not to shoot him
[22.05.2023 18:02:03] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Location?
[22.05.2023 18:02:23] [RM]Bmn-Schulz.Niklas: 2E jumphole
[22.05.2023 18:02:44] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Copy that. On my way
[22.05.2023 18:03:25] [RM]Bmn-Schulz.Niklas: order vessel please wait
[22.05.2023 18:03:36] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Spotted him again
[22.05.2023 18:03:50] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Order vessel, cut, your engines.
[22.05.2023 18:03:52] Order|Lightbane: Right then, sure. Beware that I do not enjoy Rheinland vessels approaching me too close.
[22.05.2023 18:04:03] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: My men will not fire, i promise
[22.05.2023 18:04:10] Order|Lightbane: We call that the... "privacy bubble."
[22.05.2023 18:04:19] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Very funny.
[22.05.2023 18:04:31] Order|Lightbane: How can I trust you? You've brough an entire armanda!
[22.05.2023 18:04:31] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: hold 2 clicks away men.
[22.05.2023 18:04:42] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: You call this an armada?
[22.05.2023 18:05:01] Order|Lightbane: That was close.
[22.05.2023 18:05:10] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: Asgard, hold fire
[22.05.2023 18:05:12] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Not to you, calm down, soldier
[22.05.2023 18:05:12] Order|Lightbane: What would you prefer to call it?
[22.05.2023 18:05:36] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: I would find something a little more dignified, ja?
[22.05.2023 18:05:38] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: Our patrol routes happened to collide in Frankfurt.
[22.05.2023 18:05:41] Order|Lightbane: I'm eyewitnessing a Battlecruiser merely a klick away!
[22.05.2023 18:05:50] Arne.von.Asgard: Lightbane is a nice fellow, it seems
[22.05.2023 18:05:57] [RM]KKS-Raeren: Fall back Until 2 clicks please
[22.05.2023 18:06:11] Order|Lightbane: Of course I am. I'm getting tired of acting repetitive for this many decades.
[22.05.2023 18:06:47] Order|Lightbane: Today, I've chosen to venture a bit more prone to surveillance, somewhat passionate to exhibit my peaceful nature.
[22.05.2023 18:07:06] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: "Surveillance?"
[22.05.2023 18:07:30] Order|Lightbane: Indeed. Wish to know why?
[22.05.2023 18:07:34] Arne.von.Asgard: an exhibitionist
[22.05.2023 18:07:45] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: Enlighten us
[22.05.2023 18:07:52] Order|Lightbane: I wouldn't exactly take joy in having some civilians scared over my presence, as they had been washed by the false propaganda.
[22.05.2023 18:08:30] Order|Lightbane: I wish one day that those same individuals, alongside the law enforcement, would welcome us in a more appropriate manner,
[22.05.2023 18:08:43] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: You seem to be not in too good books with us indeed... Something about helping terrorists.. care to explain?
[22.05.2023 18:08:48] Order|Lightbane: for my presence is solely based on protection of the colonies, against Nomad proliferation into your ranks.
[22.05.2023 18:09:14] Order|Lightbane: Terrorists... I've been called a terrorist on numerous occassions. Yet, do I appear like one?
[22.05.2023 18:09:14] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: I would beg to differ that there is plenty more you have been doing than that
[22.05.2023 18:09:30] Order|Lightbane: I sure am a terrorist for those damned Nomads.
[22.05.2023 18:09:59] Order|Lightbane: As for ordinary, working-class people, I'm a mere guardian of their lives.
[22.05.2023 18:10:05] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: The Order has fought against our Rheinland Military units alongside those savages they call the "Corsairs"
[22.05.2023 18:10:23] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Vhy should we believe you to be any different?
[22.05.2023 18:10:56] Order|Lightbane: Corsairs... They're surely energetic, can't deny. However, their methodolgy is based on such acts that justify their... whateve
[22.05.2023 18:11:00] Order|Lightbane: Goals I assume.
[22.05.2023 18:11:21] Order|Lightbane: As for us... the Order... The mankind seems to have forgotten our genuine values.
[22.05.2023 18:11:39] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: The Corsairs are not an example of the ends justify the means!
[22.05.2023 18:11:43] Order|Lightbane: Officers, I'm an Agent of the primary fleet, one guiding the entirety of the Order.
[22.05.2023 18:11:55] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: Schmidts question remains, why did you help the Corsairs against us?
[22.05.2023 18:11:58] Order|Lightbane: Primary fleet that guides the Order that is.
[22.05.2023 18:12:10] Order|Lightbane: I am slowly getting there, herr.
[22.05.2023 18:12:31] Order|Lightbane: I have yet to witness someone of my kind, from the Primary Fleet, assist anyone against any law enforcement.
[22.05.2023 18:12:33] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Look around you, the dangers of this area
[22.05.2023 18:12:40] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: We may not have time for slowly
[22.05.2023 18:12:53] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: Give it time, Oberleutnant.
[22.05.2023 18:13:15] Order|Lightbane: If you have concrete evidence that proves involvement of the Primary Fleet against your people based on your speech...
[22.05.2023 18:13:19] Order|Lightbane: I am eager to see it.
[22.05.2023 18:13:22] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Ja, kommandant. [resigningly]
[22.05.2023 18:13:49] Order|Lightbane: Though, if someone from our secondary fleet, those that sometimes act in rather unusual ways, have indeed somewhat
[22.05.2023 18:13:49] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: We have full evidence of such acts recorded
[22.05.2023 18:13:59] Order|Lightbane: transgressed, then we can surely guide them.
[22.05.2023 18:14:18] Order|Lightbane: Militar, I have a sincere question.
[22.05.2023 18:14:27] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Proceed
[22.05.2023 18:14:36] Order|Lightbane: How would you act, if there was a renegade, apart from your primary ranks, causing chaos outside your control?
[22.05.2023 18:14:42] Order|Lightbane: Whilst you were totally unaware of it.
[22.05.2023 18:14:59] Order|Lightbane: This appears to be the similar situation.
[22.05.2023 18:15:34] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Did you not set the motion forward to allow that?
[22.05.2023 18:15:40] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Such as... allying with Corsairs?
[22.05.2023 18:16:09] Order|Lightbane: If you wished to ally with the Order, against someone like the Nomads, we surely would accept such an offer.
[22.05.2023 18:16:32] Order|Lightbane: We see no productivity in commencing frontal aggressions against someone who's different.
[22.05.2023 18:16:53] Order|Lightbane: Our sole enemies are the Nomads, their sympathizers, those who have falled into their miserable hands.
[22.05.2023 18:17:13] Order|Lightbane: However, Human enemies, ones that seemingly despise us, utterly wish us to be gone.
[22.05.2023 18:17:34] Order|Lightbane: For those reasons, we are forced to defend ourselves. You wouldn't remain static if you had a madman charging you wish a knife.
[22.05.2023 18:18:03] Order|Lightbane: Now, the Primary Fleet, as I am fairly certain, has never engaged in a frontal aggression against your people.
[22.05.2023 18:18:13] Order|Lightbane: Unless, some of you were puppets of the Nomads.
[22.05.2023 18:18:24] Order|Lightbane: In which case, we'd appropriately warn.
[22.05.2023 18:18:45] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: Very well, I will take this issue and... recording to Oberkommando. See what they will make of it.
[22.05.2023 18:19:00] Order|Lightbane: I am not yet done, I have much more to express, inquire...
[22.05.2023 18:19:05] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Continue
[22.05.2023 18:19:16] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: by all means
[22.05.2023 18:19:18] Order|Lightbane: That incident that you're reffering to.
[22.05.2023 18:19:40] Order|Lightbane: There might have been ignorant secondary assets that maybe have done such awful deeds.
[22.05.2023 18:20:11] Order|Lightbane: If it indeed were the case, we'd be fairly ready to make up for the losses, guiding those specific individuals, sanctioning...
[22.05.2023 18:20:50] Order|Lightbane: Again, the "terrorist" argument that is sometimes tossed upon us, is mere lack of knowledge that lacks in certain people.
[22.05.2023 18:21:09] Order|Lightbane: If we truly were the terrorists, you would see us committing terrible crimes against humanity. Which, we do not.
[22.05.2023 18:21:37] Order|Lightbane: I also trust you wish to eradicate the Nomad infestation, assuming you're somewhat aware of it?
[22.05.2023 18:21:44] Order|Lightbane: Those beings aren't so dumb.
[22.05.2023 18:22:01] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: We have our issues with them for sure.
[22.05.2023 18:22:40] Order|Lightbane: And, the Order certainly does have knowledge into Nomad infestation, not only in Rheinland, but Sirius and Gallia-wide.
[22.05.2023 18:23:17] Order|Lightbane: You should know that we'd rather die like real warriors, than let them loose against us, humans.
[22.05.2023 18:23:43] Order|Lightbane: Though, I should admit that our kind is fortunate to have someone like the Order.
[22.05.2023 18:23:59] Order|Lightbane: You wouldn't wish to know all the terror that we have gone, and are still going trough on daily basis.
[22.05.2023 18:24:13] Order|Lightbane: Especially in the Omicrons.
[22.05.2023 18:24:52] Order|Lightbane: Unfortunately, we Human alliances, criminals and Nomad profiters seek war against us. Again, to eradicate us.
[22.05.2023 18:25:30] Order|Lightbane: Genuine criminals, and "lawful" contractors allying against someone like us? How does that make sense!
[22.05.2023 18:26:05] Order|Lightbane: There's many puzzles to be solved, Militar. And, I wish not to lose more people over foolish politics.
[22.05.2023 18:26:32] [RM]Fl-G.Sandman: Good evening you guys
[22.05.2023 18:26:52] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Very well then. I must go now, and report this back
[22.05.2023 18:26:56] Order|Lightbane: Ja, I'm done for now. Wish not to reveal any more than I already shouldn't have.
[22.05.2023 18:26:59] [RM]Obl-Jurgen.Schmidt: Best of luck to you all.
[22.05.2023 18:27:15] Order|Lightbane: That's interesting, unexpected.
[22.05.2023 18:27:32] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: Very well, I will report this to Oberkommando. See what they think about it.
[22.05.2023 18:28:09] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: However, for your own safety you do well not to gather too much attention around here, as the official stance towards the-
[22.05.2023 18:28:18] [RM]KKS-Raeren: K: Order is still considered hostile.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!
Jurgen Schmidt
Oberleutnant der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
[Image: TspNusz.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - scatts - 05-27-2023

Source: Station Bonn
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM
Submitter: Flieger Gregor Bartolomeus Sandman
Recipient: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr HQ
Subject: Pirates in Stuttgart/Neu Berlin

Sehr geehrtes Oberkommando.

I hereby report of a situation that developed two days ago. I was starting scheduled patrol from station Bonn, when all available forces were ordered to the Stuttgard system at the Sigma 7 Jumpgate immediately. Reports stated, a group of pirates from different factions (RHA, RAVE, HRZ), were spotted harrassing civilians. I went there to support my fellow comrades and superiors as ordered. Arriving on the AO, I saw the fight was already going in favor of the pirate elements, since they had the numbers on their side. RM-forces were outnumbered by three to one. Also the pirate ships were surprisingly well armed and armored. The fight were short and RM-forces had to retreat to regroup, when reports came in that pirates were also spotted attacking vessels in the New Berlin planetary defense area. At first I was hesitant to believe such travesty, since I found it hard to imagine such impudence, but upon arriving on site, I quickly learned the reports were true. Pirates openly attacked targets within range of the planetary defense platforms of NEW BERLIN. Me and the few ships that got away from the Stuttgard skirmish, quickly joined the battle and suffered massive losses. The RM-vessels involved were just to damaged from the previous fight. We were almost out of ammonition, shieldbatteries and nanobots at this point as well. Lucky enough, the planetary defense system worked as intended and managed to repent the enemy eventually. The escape pods from destroyed RM-ships were saved and no further pirate attacks were reported this day. But the damage was done. Not just did we suffer significant damage to our vessels and personel, but the RM-military was publicly attacked and defeated in the very centre of its house space, above the main planets surface. Judging by this situation, No one in the whole of Rheinland could and should vote against our recruiting and training budget anymore. We need the numbers. And we need the numbers available as soon and as well trained as possible. We can not let this stand. We can not let the pirates roam unpunished through our home.

At this point I have to reach out and name a pilot I had the honor to fight with side by side at the Sigma 7 gate. Rheinland police officer Rob Weiss, who joined in on the fight against the pirates. I salute his coviction and willingnes to put himself in harms way for the people of Rheinland. I have not gotten word from him since then, and I fear he got KIA which would be, again, a true loss to our home and our house.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Gregor Bartolomeus Sandman,
Flieger der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr

[Image: img]

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Gregor Bartolomeus Sandman,
Flieger der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - RedCore - 06-07-2023

Source: New Berlin
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-TMD-TRM
Submitter: Rekrut
Recipient: Rekrut, Lukas Drake
Subject: Liberty Police in New Berlin

Sehr geehrtes Oberkommando.

We started our patrol on Planet new Berlin, on the exit of the atmosphere we got Liberty Police on our Radar.
[Image: iMZBn2f.png]
The Liberty where entering Rheinland property without permit. The MRD told them to leave.
[Image: a4sb773.png]
We escorted them out of Rheinland. In Hudsen we defended the border.
[Image: gPmrBpu.png]
We got sure there is no enemy on the boarder left

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Lukas Drake
Rekrut der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!
Lukas Drake
Rekrut der Reinwehr

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Arne - 06-11-2023

[Image: John.gif]
Source: KKS-Ostkantone
Encryption: port RM-MAS-1NTS-GKR-BLG
Submitter: Konteradmiral Gunter Kunrad
Recipient: Rheinland Military
Subject: Escorting Traders en HRZ encounter

Guten Tag Oberkommando,

About to finish my inspection of the New Berlin defenses, I met a trader under the callsign The-Jim-Dandy-2. I offered to escort him until Omega 7. He accepted. The trip itself was without danger. After saying our goodbyes at the Omega 3 Jumpgate, I returned.

[08.06.2023 20:11:15] The-Jim-Dandy-2: Greetings to ya [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad. Shipping lanes seem well enough. Be on yer merry way and good day!
[08.06.2023 20:11:27] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Guten Tag Jim Dandy
[08.06.2023 20:11:30] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Safe Skies out there
[08.06.2023 20:11:40] The-Jim-Dandy-2: So far, at least in New Berlin
[08.06.2023 20:11:45] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Where are you heading?
[08.06.2023 20:11:55] The-Jim-Dandy-2: New London!
[08.06.2023 20:12:02] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: I can escort you until the omegas
[08.06.2023 20:12:15] The-Jim-Dandy-2: Seems good and fair.  Deal
[08.06.2023 20:13:43] The-Jim-Dandy-2: Pirates these days have been flying hungry Gunboats and Transports that can punch a hole in titanium!
[08.06.2023 20:13:58] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Ich weiss... it's horrible
[08.06.2023 20:14:14] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Danke Gott that the Corsairs have gone silent a bit
[08.06.2023 20:14:21] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: So we can focus on internal matters
[08.06.2023 20:14:24] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Guten Tag!
[08.06.2023 20:14:31] JGDco.US-Jormungandr: Good
[08.06.2023 20:14:38] JGDco.US-Jormungandr: Good Day!
[08.06.2023 20:15:44] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: clear
[08.06.2023 20:16:14] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Guten Tag!
[08.06.2023 20:16:24] GMS|Anduril: hello
[08.06.2023 20:16:31] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: New Berlin is safe for now.
[08.06.2023 20:16:54] The-Jim-Dandy-2: Gallic?  Wow.
[08.06.2023 20:17:11] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Yes, Rheinland has been flourishing since the peace between liberty and Gallia
[08.06.2023 20:17:32] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Couldn't have a better timing
[08.06.2023 20:17:46] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Guten Tag
[08.06.2023 20:18:09] The-Jim-Dandy-2: Shame what dun happend  to Bretonia.  About half their systems were glassed
[08.06.2023 20:18:23] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Yes from a humanitarian perspective it was horrible
[08.06.2023 20:18:51] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Not to mention that poor zoners in Erie..
[08.06.2023 20:18:56] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: clear
[08.06.2023 20:20:29] The-Jim-Dandy-2: So eh if ya dont mind me askin, what was that uprising in Rheinland all about?
[08.06.2023 20:20:41] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: You mean the Civil war?
[08.06.2023 20:20:47] The-Jim-Dandy-2: Yes, that.
[08.06.2023 20:21:08] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Monarchists staged a revolution.
[08.06.2023 20:21:16] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Federalists fought back
[08.06.2023 20:21:24] The-Jim-Dandy-2: Cant be peaceful all the time eh?
[08.06.2023 20:21:37] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: There is a peace, with both parties not happy about it.
[08.06.2023 20:21:47] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: But peace nonetheless... to end the bloodshed
[08.06.2023 20:22:22] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Now we're a constitutional monarchy
[08.06.2023 20:22:22] The-Jim-Dandy-2: givecash [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad 2000000
[08.06.2023 20:22:28] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: No need for that
[08.06.2023 20:22:46] The-Jim-Dandy-2: You sure?
[08.06.2023 20:22:49] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: It's my duty to protect traders.
[08.06.2023 20:22:55] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: We're not bounty hunters
[08.06.2023 20:23:05] The-Jim-Dandy-2: Roger that!   Safe flights rheinland!
[08.06.2023 20:23:10] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Likewise

Entering the tradelane to planet Stuttgart, I had some vague readings of a HRZ member on my scanner. I saw a barge not far from entering said tradelane. I warned said trader with callsign JGDco.US-Jormungandr and continued to escort him until Freistadt base. The pirate was not found again during said escort.

[08.06.2023 20:25:47] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Trader stop!
[08.06.2023 20:25:58] JGDco.US-Jormungandr: yes?
[08.06.2023 20:25:54] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Pirates on next trade lane!
[08.06.2023 20:26:08] JGDco.US-Jormungandr: Thank You, Sir.
[08.06.2023 20:26:12] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: I will escort you and keep an eye out.
[08.06.2023 20:26:20] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: But you better keep moving if you plan on going
[08.06.2023 20:26:40] JGDco.US-Jormungandr: Moving now.
[08.06.2023 20:27:46] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: so far safe
[08.06.2023 20:27:54] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: We had HRZ nearby
[08.06.2023 20:28:49] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Jumpgate clear
[08.06.2023 20:29:28] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: jg omega 7 clear
[08.06.2023 20:29:38] JGDco.US-Jormungandr: thanks
[08.06.2023 20:30:13] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: I can escort you until the Omega 3 jumpgate, then you're on your own
[08.06.2023 20:30:25] JGDco.US-Jormungandr: Appreciate it.
[08.06.2023 20:32:49] JGDco.US-Jormungandr: I'm docking at Freistadt. Thank You Sir!
[08.06.2023 20:33:11] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: You're welcome, take care!
[08.06.2023 20:33:18] JGDco.US-Jormungandr: You Too.

About to enter Stuttgart again, I was awaited by said HRZ gunboat ship with the tag name "Amnestie" at the jumpgate. The conversation was... interesting. I got the captain's name: Kurt Weinbaum. He and his crew seemed willing to mend their ways. I believe in second chances, but as stated here under, it would all depend on the crimes he and his crew had commited over time. We'll see to it once he contacts the Rheinwehr. I let him go for once, giving him a chance to reach us.

[08.06.2023 20:35:04] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: Guten Tag.
[08.06.2023 20:35:16] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Guten Tag...
[08.06.2023 20:35:31] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: Been a while since one of the Rheinwehr officers has deigned to visit us down here.
[08.06.2023 20:35:37] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: Especially an admiral...
[08.06.2023 20:35:45] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: I'm not here for visiting trust me
[08.06.2023 20:35:59] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: Indeed?
[08.06.2023 20:36:14] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: Then what are you here for?
[08.06.2023 20:36:31] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Getting traders safe out of Rheinland
[08.06.2023 20:36:53] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: I see, I see. I do the same, you know.
[08.06.2023 20:36:57] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Since you're so curious, my turn. What are you here for?
[08.06.2023 20:37:21] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: Me? Oh, I live here.
[08.06.2023 20:37:35] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: I suppose it's something...
[08.06.2023 20:38:11] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: If i may be curious, what is your folks philosophy...
[08.06.2023 20:38:26] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: What does it mean to be a Schwarzen Herz..
[08.06.2023 20:38:43] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: Philosophy? Well...
[08.06.2023 20:39:45] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: We look out for each other. We take what we need to survive. And we don't appreciate intruders. Especially Corsairs.
[08.06.2023 20:40:05] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Interesting... What made you hate them?
[08.06.2023 20:40:19] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Since they also "take what they need".
[08.06.2023 20:41:03] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: Why, my time in the Rheinwehr.
[08.06.2023 20:41:40] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: You were a former Rheinwehr member?
[08.06.2023 20:42:28] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: I was. I wonder if you still have my records.
[08.06.2023 20:42:50] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: If i have a name, i could look that up
[08.06.2023 20:42:57] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: Haha.
[08.06.2023 20:43:02] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: What made you leave in the first place?
[08.06.2023 20:44:21] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: The Corsairs killed people dear to me. But it was my admiral's orders that got them killed.
[08.06.2023 20:44:22] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Earns more in Rheinland
[08.06.2023 20:44:44] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: It saddens to hear me we failed our countrymen
[08.06.2023 20:45:07] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Let me guess... civil war?
[08.06.2023 20:46:07] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: I joined after it was over. No, it was a Corsair raid.
[08.06.2023 20:46:42] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: We were driving them back, but they sent a small group after a Rheinland hospital ship
[08.06.2023 20:46:53] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: The admiral refused to intercept.
[08.06.2023 20:47:05] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: He decided to destroy their main force.
[08.06.2023 20:47:34] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: The Rettung... didn't make it.
[08.06.2023 20:47:57] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: It saddens me incompetence made this happen...
[08.06.2023 20:48:05] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: Well, that's a first.
[08.06.2023 20:48:12] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: It's a start, I guess.
[08.06.2023 20:48:39] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: In order to get better, our leadership needs to accept it's... errors.
[08.06.2023 20:48:47] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: They wanted to put me behind bars after I started questioning people.
[08.06.2023 20:49:04] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: So now I'm here. Fighting Corsairs in my own way.
[08.06.2023 20:49:33] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: Quite good at it, too. You know how many artifact smugglers we got this month?
[08.06.2023 20:49:41] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: Three convoys.
[08.06.2023 20:49:47] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: That's... not bad at all.
[08.06.2023 20:50:14] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: Got a crew, and some allies to help me out. It's not so bad.
[08.06.2023 20:50:18] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: While that is impressive, that still doesn't allow you to pirate traders.
[08.06.2023 20:50:48] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: Oh. Well. That's sad. We do need to eat.
[08.06.2023 20:51:07] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: You know there are other ways to get food
[08.06.2023 20:51:13] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: And i'm not referring to the cannibalists
[08.06.2023 20:51:39] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: We've got guns and the corporate fat cats will never run out of money. What's the issue?
[08.06.2023 20:52:04] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: The ones you pirate from aren't the "fat cats".
[08.06.2023 20:52:10] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: You're stealing from normal workers
[08.06.2023 20:52:16] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Not that i agree with stealing in general mind you
[08.06.2023 20:52:38] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: captains just delivering what they are ordered to deliver
[08.06.2023 20:53:27] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: Yeah, well, it sure doesn't make me happy to take from the more honest man, but what else would I do?
[08.06.2023 20:53:35] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: There's no pardon for deserters.
[08.06.2023 20:54:16] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: There is under my command... however that of course would mean starting from the bottom.
[08.06.2023 20:54:41] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Because it's hard to trust deserters. I'm sure you'd understand.
[08.06.2023 20:55:39] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: You're serious? An amnesty for me and my crew - if they want it. You can make it happen?
[08.06.2023 20:56:31] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: That would depend on the crimes you and your crew commited... But i'll see what i can do...
[08.06.2023 20:57:44] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: Huh. Well. It is a long list.
[08.06.2023 20:59:07] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: The name's Kurt Weinbaum. And you are?
[08.06.2023 20:59:09] JGDco.US-Jormungandr: ok, thanks.
[08.06.2023 20:59:24] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Gunter Kunrad
[08.06.2023 20:59:39] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: Good to know.
[08.06.2023 21:00:00] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Should you have... interest in returning to the Rheinwehr, send me on the neural net.
[08.06.2023 21:00:18] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: Sure. I'll think about it.
[08.06.2023 21:00:37] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: And as said before,  I can't promise your return, but i'll see what i can do.
[08.06.2023 21:00:48] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: Should your file deem reasonable.
[08.06.2023 21:00:59] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: Suppose this is goodbye for now.
[08.06.2023 21:01:23] HRZ~Amnestie: CO: Have a good evening.
[08.06.2023 21:01:28] [RM]KAdm-Gunter.Kunrad: For now yes. Safe skies... her Weinbaum.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

Gunter Kunrad
Konteradmiral der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
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