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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Alvin - 06-15-2014

[IMG float=left][/IMG]


Successfully Connected.

Comm ID: Gao Weijian
Location: Okiwana
Encryption: Medium
Piority: None
Subject: Mission Report 01SRE

Good-day fellow comrade, this is Jr Lt Gao reporting from the station Fujisawa in Okinawa.

First of all, I would like to offer my gratitude to the army for giving me the chance to fight for the revolutionary cause, it is certainly an honor to be flying with my comrades to battle.

Flying along side with Adam and Dmitry on patrol few days ago, I happened to met my first fight for the Coalition pretty quickly as recorded on log #2658 . We engaged the Corsairs after they attacked and unfortunately during the fight, my port wing hit a drifting mine and ripped almost half the ship apart along with the gun cam. I barely legged it to nearby Freeport 9 for extensive repairs.

While waiting for the ship to repair at the station, my memory have re-collected conversations between our comrades talking about the "Hispania Memorium" where people of the coalition pay respect to our past and the glorious work forefathers did to preserve our ideology. I took on this as my quest and flew up the sector as soon as everything was ready.

I got to say, the journey was a lot easier than I thought, it may possibly be the sector is more familiar to me and with my fellow contacts in Kusari, I manage to go to and locate the "Hispania" pretty quickly. It was certainly a breath taking site and something to remember by. I took a few moments to pay my respects to our ancestors and our fallen comrades then left prompty. An outcast must have detected my entry to the system and started to search for me. I left without being spotted and made my way to Okinawa for a pit stop and to contacting my family based there.

Below are the guncam shots for the incident.
Spotting the Hispania
Approach Sleeper Ship
Inspecting Internal Structure
Junker Radio Broadcast (We should have one of these thing playing propaganda in every system in Sirius)
Savage outcasts as usual

At this moment, I am having my interceptor fitted with the best armor available to make sure the craft is more sturdy in future fights. I am also trying to negotiate with my family to see if I could relocate some extra assets to the coalition army for the revolutionary cause. I should be back to the Omega's in a couple of days seeing how things go up here.

Weijian out.


RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Alvin - 06-18-2014

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Successfully Connected.

Comm ID: Gao Weijian
Location: Sigma 13
Encryption: Medium
Piority: None
Subject: Status Report 02SR

Gao Weijian again, I am sure you would have noticed a Kusari transport flying out of the blue with supplies into coalition space. I hope it didn't cause border controls too much trouble although I am sure they are competent people guarding our borders. Anyways, I sincerely apologies for not notifying the control sooner. Ion storm has been on high activity recently in this sector and I had trouble getting the comm message through.

As you have probably realised, I have manage to secure a transport ship and a Supply assistant (aka CAD#) with me after my some negotiations with my family. Hopefully it will increase our productivity and serve our cause well. There is no need worry about security as both of the ship and robot is under our complete authority and control. The robot operates by it self as I set the parameters of criteria and limits, so it will automatically find construction materials needed for projects and bring it back to the base with the best economic efficiency in calculation.

I would like to also note the ship I had acquired was used in the civil war to overthrow the Kusari goverment and severely damaged in one of the battle. Most of the weapons subroutines and capacitors were wrecked beyond repairs, replacement would mean having to replace the hull as well which was considered cost ineffective. The ship can still fire for a short period but will overheat the systems very quickly and automatically switch off. I will see if I can get this sorted out in the future and restore to its former condition. Anyway, I am on my way down back to Omega 52 as I speak, hopefully will see each other soon comrades.

Weijian out.


RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Alvin - 06-20-2014


Successfully Connected.

Comm ID: CAD#KGJW9 (Supply Supervisor Robot)
Location: Omega 52
Encryption: High
Piority: Low
Subject: Supply Alert - Progress Update

=== Automated Alert - Do not reply ===

Supply Affected: Stage I: Super structure

Notice -
Construction Material: Titanium
Delivery Target: Mykolaiv Research Station
Status: Fully Transfered
Comment: None

Action -
Removing criteria "Titanium" from parameters.


RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Alhimik - 06-26-2014


Successfully Connected.

Comm ID: Anton Volkov
Location: Omega 52
Encryption: High
Piority: Low
Subject: N/A
S.K.Y.P.3: beng.11

Greetings comrads, this is Volkov.
Yesterday I fly at "Omicrons" and this is my report:

[LN Cruiser at Omicron Minor]

When I come to planet Toledo in Omicron Minor I see at scanners Liberty Navy Cruiser nearly Battleship Isis wrecks, I hide in asteroinds and begin to scaning cruiser, they have name LNS-Honor, when they engadge their engines and begin fly out from orbit of Toledo they find me, and I begin attack it at self-defence , but they run from Omicron Minor and I can't find it again.

[Red Hessians raid to Omicron Gamma]

I comed to Omicron Theta at 20:31 (Volgograd Time) and see 2 Red Hessians BS, 1 Cruiser and some bombers, they comed to begin raid in Gamma. I go with it and enter to battle for the name of Coalition and Red Revolution, this is be good battle, but my bomber was damaged and I must leave battle and return to Omicron Theta.

This is end of my report, For the Coalition, Comrads!


RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Alvin - 06-29-2014

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Successfully Connected.

Comm ID: Gao Weijian
Location: Omega-41
Encryption: Low
Piority: Low
Subject: Patrol Report 03R

My comrades, this is Weijian reporting from Freeport 5 in Omega 41.

I would like to foremost express my appreciation for the army to promote me into a full time pilot with the rank of lieutenant. In return, I will continue dedicate my full support and loyalty to the army and do my best not to disappoint.

Anyhow, In hopes to protect our citizens and better serve the army, I have requisite a new storm class gunboat from the army surplus. Fitted with new weapons, electronics and armor systems for the previous days, I have set out a route patrol into the Omegas and the borders of Omicrons test out this hardware in field conditions.

The patrol was mainly quiet until I reach the Freeport 9 return way point. I have then witness a huge fight of epic portions just outside the station, participants includes: Corsairs, Outcast, Bounty hunter Core, Order, Nomads, Red Hessians, Freelancers and even Zoners. The scene was an utter mess, a bloodbath would pretty much fit the description. I have no idea how this random free for all fight came to be as the battle was already underway when I came across the crowd.

I would loved have a crack at some of these targets in midst of the chaos. However without proper backup, I would not want to risk putting this new asset into battle especially when there are enemies battleships and cruisers at the zone too. After all, wasting good coalition ammunition when our enemies are doing the job for us? There will be certainly less enemies for the coalition to take out after that fight. I just made some battle surveys instead before heading back to report on the situation. Below are the ship cam for the incident.

Combat Scene 1
Combat Scene 2
Heavy Ships

From what I can tell most of my ship hardware almost fully functional, except for the weapons systems which I would love the eventually test out along side with my comrades when they have time on patrol in the future.

Weijian out.


RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Gulryz - 07-01-2014

[Image: Osama_SCRAtb.png]
Kamal Khan reporting

Kamal here again, So, Last 2 were great.My patrol started in Omega-3 as always, I meet a junker with Pirate ID but after that I got a call from respected Captain Niuzai Guofeng to act as his back in Omricons so I left Omega-3 and went there, There were nomads who were chasing respected Niuzai Guofeng. It was a fair fight there after that I return to Omega-3 and dock at Freeport to repair my ship in order to again start my patrol. After finishing my patrol I return to Freeport, That was all.

*Uploading Files*

[Image: temp.png]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - DeLametr - 07-11-2014


Successfully Connected.

Comm ID: Gregoriy Zelinskiy
Location: Omega-52
Encryption: Medium
Piority: Low
Subject: N/A

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Greetings comrades!
This is my first report at SCRA army!

[Adventures at Alpha]

Me and Anton Volkov flyes at Omicron Alpha yesterday. We decided to check Hispania's wreck. It's looks like wery old. All cameras like abandoned. Wery old place. I'm remebered Story of Earth, about old city, Pripyat. Ghost-city. It's looks strange, and we could return at the home from that system.


RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 07-12-2014

[Image: Warner.png]

Comm ID: Field Marshal Ben Warner, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army

Subject: CPW Lenin's Progress

"I have been monitoring the progress on the Lenin and I must say I am pleased, however we must not slack in our duty, with the deliveries of materials from the Junker Marauders our engineers have been able to finish several sections of the prototype and begin work on several others, however our primary focus is the reactor systems and the propulsion systems.

In recognition of our significant progress I am authorizing extra Vodka Rations to all Coalition personnel which may be redeemed at Kalashnikov's on Zvezdny Gorodok. However should Mykolaiv's security personnel catch any of you drunk trying to 'help' weld armour plates on the Lenin the punishment will involve an old sneaker worn by Boris when he didn't shower for two weeks, your nose and a roll of Duct Tape.

For the Motherland! Ura!

Ben Warner, Field Marshal
Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 07-16-2014

[Image: Warner.png]

Comm ID: Field Marshal Ben Warner, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army

Subject: Promotion

"It's rare when I grant a promotion, however this one has been long comming due to the continued dedication and hard work put forth by this individual.

Senior Lieutenant Kyle Winston, you are nolonger a Senior Lieutenant, you've managed to scratch your way up to the rank of Commander. the Socialist Republic expects great things of you Commander, do not disappoint her for you are following in the footsteps of many heroes of the revolution who came before you, do not disgrace the flag!

For the Coalition! URA!"

Ben Warner, Field Marshal
Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - DeLametr - 07-18-2014


Successfully Connected.

Comm ID: Gregoriy Zelinskiy
Location: Omega-9
Encryption: High
Piority: Medium
Subject: N/A

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Greetings comrades! That is my second report!

[Exploring at Omega-9]

After a good night's sleep, I decided to make a small exploration at Omega-9. I explored about 10 minutes and decided to return to base. But not. I found evil RNC cruiser. He has not been configured on the talk and did not want join the communism. And we started fighting. I cut down he's shields, half of hull and finished him by Coalition Anti-matter cannon. That was good fight and nice explode.