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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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RE: SCRA Communications Centre - SnakeLancerHaven - 09-25-2014

[Image: 1zyew6s.jpg]

Allright, what do we have here... *Switches a page in his Document*

[Mission Report Starts with a Soundtrack]

Yes, an [*USI*] Vessel called Jericho. Had a nice little chat with him, wondered where he was moving, of course the Revolution had no intentions in harming it, did we? It seemed like he wasn't alone though.

[1st Capture] , [2nd Capture]

Trading? Supply? Smuggle? We're soon to find out as he agreed to let me tag along for a little longer.

5000 Industrial Hardware and a trip through Southampton as he had to dock for quick repairs... Their intention could be only to supply something, what were they building? What were they hiding?

[1st Capture] , [2nd Capture]

A Place somewhere near the Dublin Jumpgate, he changed course. There I saw what was actually going on. A Base, as I knew, those 5000 Industrial Hardwares could only be for that. But there was something weird on that Station... It's name... Coalition Station? This was weird indeed.

[Panorama Cam]

I will take a deeper look into this, but for now I had to withdraw as the Station was hostile and shot at me as soon as I approached.

For now I will wait for further instructions from HWE, this might be indeed something interesting to look into. A Station this close in the Capital of Bretonia isn't a chance that can be wasted, Arslan out.

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 10-02-2014

[Image: ddtb.png]
ID: Dmitry Dubovik
Target: SCRA
Security: High

Privet, Comrades.

During last months, I with severall different comrades from Coalition and outside were striking at heart of capitalists, royalists, pirates, counter-revolutionaires and slavers. Our enemies might be bigger, stronger and richer then us, but we still come out as victors. Our skills, our courage, our ideals and our ikons beat theirs by ten times if not more. That is why our faith in Coalition never fades - we WILL triumph above so called Houses and their minions. But to do that we need people. Spread the word of Coalition among civilians. Open their eyes and hearts to Coalition glory. Make them join the Revolution and rise against their lords. Take the images Ill show you and use them as proof of Coalition's strength.

Be warned - not all of the images are for propoganda use. Images that conrain Nomad tech is a secret. Me an some comrades took them from one freelancer and delivered to our research labs. Do not show them to anyone outside of SCRA.

Dubovik over.

Attached files: Encouraging images
[Image: jaydeesig.png]

[Image: endtb.png]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Aphil - 10-12-2014

[Transmission Begins]

From: Joseph Garcia
To: The SCRA
Priority: HIGH

[Image: xxvnuZn.png]
[Message Begins]

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Revolutionary Army,

I am pleased to announce my limited return. I am not fully aware as to what you've been told in regards to my absence but to set the record straight I sustained severe injuries during an ambush on patrol in Omicron Theta.

But that's all in the past now. I am pleased to see that Comrade Warner has taken well to the role of Field Marshal. I congratulate you on taking this difficult role in stride.

It saddens me however to see the roster so diminished. These past months have been hard on our forces so I am certainly proud of each and everyone of you.

My injuries have been severe and I'm unsure in what capacity I will be able to return, for now however I will focus on what I excel in. Combat.

I know you have all given so much to the cause but now is not the time to become complacent. We must strike at our enemies, we must remind the people that we're still around and that we have not forgotten their plight. Most of all we must dispel the rumours that we are a brutal and merciless society.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I expect you all to continue to be excellent and I shall ensure that you are by being on the frontlines with you.

Joseph Garcia
Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army

[Message Ends]

[Attached Files: NONE]
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 10-13-2014

[Image: dpophfr.png]

Comm ID: Commissar Tabakov

Subject: Combat Sortie

"Earlier today the Coalition along with a returned Specialist went out and engaged multiple targets in the Omegas and Rheinland.

We first encountered *Classified*, the targets were engaged with locals and a Red Hessian in an unprovoked assault. One target was shot down while the 2nd one was driven off. Later we encountered a very loud screaming Corsair Battleship, thankfully it was put out of it's misery by our task-force before we moved onto Rheinland.

A Cruiser and a Phantom Fighter attempted to impeded our progress, however they bit the dust in a brief engagement. From there we went to Hamburg and engaged in hassment operations. I wasn't present for several of the kills however the largest target downed was a Rheinland 'Bismarck' class Battleship."



Corsair Battleship Destroyed

Rheinland Cruiser Destroyed

Rheinland Battleship Destroyed

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - ~Aro~ - 10-15-2014

[Image: pLKX59u.png]

Guten Tag comrades, this is Jun.Lt. von Kerow recon mission to Omicron Alpha system successfully finished. Hispania wrecks scaned, and Coalition beacon downloaded on my "Partisan" computer.

For the Coalition! Ura!


...Signal status: Lost...

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Madotsuki - 10-16-2014

[Image: itrrZrB.png]

Hello, comrades.

I've completed recon mission in Omicron Alpha.

Personal data is uploading to Coalition beacon... done.

[Close distance to Hispania]

For the Coalition!

::transmission terminated::

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 10-20-2014

[Image: ddtb.png]
ID: Dmitry Dubovik
Target: SCRA
Security: Low

Privet, Comrades.

Two more rookies have joined our ranks, and proved to be more then regular meatbags we see among their ranks. I hope they are not going to stop on that level and only improve over time. Karl Von Kerol and Richard Dreyfus, you are awarded with Hispania Memorium. Continue on your serving to the State and ideals of Revolution.

Dubovik over.

Attached files: NONE
[Image: jaydeesig.png]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 10-23-2014

COMM ID: His Watchful Eye
LOCATION: *Classified*

TARGET ID: S.C.R.A. Assets
SUBJECT: Initiate Operation May Day

[Image: HWE.png]



"All elements initiate May Day."

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Flash™ - 10-26-2014

[Image: gFCQ8CI.png]

Privet comrades,

I am glad to be back on duty, after my dismiss due to family matters. I was also happy to still see my "Insurgent" class fighter on the deck of Gorodok, I thought it would be taken away due to its age. Anyways, back on topic.

Did a scouting mission I guess you can say, with comrade Dreyfus to Rheinland. Checked on our comrades in Rheinland, they seem to doing fine in Dresden. Of course while doing that, we had to take a look into New Berlin. I can say one thing, their patrols decreased since the last time I been there.

We also noticed a odd installation in front of the planet. It was armed, and hostile, so makes me wonder if it's some sort of defense installation for Planet New Berlin.

That will be all, I guess.

"Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса"

Alex Krukov

[Image: dfPszYq.png]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Karl von Kerow - 10-31-2014

[Image: aWjA2qL.png]

Guten Tag or Morgen comrades. This is Jun.Lt. von Kerow, and I have news for you. First of all, my "Partisan" has been destroyed and I was heavily hurt. Now I can't walk because my legs were injured in the explosion, so I must change battle missions to research tasks, transportation and medical help for Coalition soldiers. I hope I may be useful like Transport pilot or etc.