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Angel Message Dump - Sassafras - 09-23-2009

Angel Xareck....come back soon. We miss you already.

Angel Message Dump - n00bl3t - 09-24-2009

' Wrote:Currently having internet issues, so I won't be running any shifts until that's resolved.

Sorry, good luck Angels!

Angel Xar

See you soon.

Also, I will be moving out of Pennsylvania to spread good cheer.

Angel Message Dump - Sassafras - 09-26-2009

Morning shift today, 2-3 hours I think. Awesome and groovy pilots I helped were Rageman_M, VonClaus, bjarki_h, Magz, Trooper4985, and the lovely fleur_*April*_Dupont.

Oh yes, and [BH]-STROG- popped out of Penn and started laying waste to all the under level ships. I tried talking to him, but alas, he no speak English. I asked an amigo in RHA to speak to him in Russian, but STROG wouldn't respond to him. Not giving up hope, asked still another amigo in Keeperville to talk to him, but he had technical difficulties. Ah well, can't win em all. I foresee a sad trip to Bastille for said fellow.

Aside from that, a typical shift. I dusted the cobwebs off of [The_Angels]Fire.Angel and helped two nice fellows with bounty-hunter missions from Sheffield Station.

Happy Saturday,

Angel Sass

Angel Message Dump - Sassafras - 09-29-2009

Pulled a quick night shift tonight. Helped Narendran with a question about level 10 guns.

Then was honored to assist the Mandalorians in Coronado with several top-secret tests on weapons of unknown origin. I'm unable to say more under pain of death by Mandalorian firing squad, but then they realized as an Angel, I can't die!

Angel Sass

Angel Message Dump - Cyberanson - 09-29-2009

Alright Angels, after Sass was so friendly to tell me where to post my concern, I will do it here.

Let this be said first: I do NOT want a trial by forum or any other childish stuff.

Yesterday we met a new player in orbit of planet Hamburg. The ships name was 'Enterprise' and it was a Rheinland battleship without ID, weapons or equipment. Because we are the #1 RP faction (:P) we started to RP with him, rather then just bombing him with OOC or cruelty.

While we stayed inRP all the time and tried to explain to him some things, he told us, that the Angels told him, where to get a Rheinland battleship and some more stuff. No problem with that so far.

But how was it possible that the respective Angel did not tell him, that he needs a proper ID and at least some idea of the server as a whole, before sending him to the big ones? He even didn't know how to dock on Hamburg with his battleship.

I would appreciate the Angels to take care of such battleship requesters with extreme care. Sometimes they might need some more advice then just 'Grab your battleship at ...'. We did not sanctioned him, because he seemed to understand the basics with our RP. Afterwards I explained some more stuff to him via private and he seemed to be understanding.

Angel Message Dump - Sassafras - 09-29-2009

Hi Ventana,

Excellent feedback. I'll get all the Angels to read your concerns, which I totally agree with. I personally did not encounter a player looking for a battleship. I don't think I ever have, but it might happen.

Thanks again for posting.

Angel Sass

Angel Message Dump - eyvind - 09-29-2009

EDIT: Not happening:
<strike>I would like to give notice that I will be away from my duties until Friday of next week, October 9. I will be traveling and in all likelihood unable -- and unwilling -- to play Freelancer in the meantime.</strike>

On the issue Ventana brought up:

I have encountered a number of people expressing a want or will to buy and fly a battleship. I have never had to tell any of them where to buy their ships and it has never been specifically about the Rheinland Battleship. I doubt I talked to this person.

When someone contacts me about battleships, I explain the decision to them. I explain the applicable official faction rights and that capital ship captains often have high standards imposed on them, formally or not. I generally tell these people to talk to the official faction or factions in control of an NPC faction before they purchase the ship. I think this is a good idea for many reasons, most of which should be obvious enough.

That said, we have no control over people beyond that of influence by advice and suggestion. We are guides, answerers of questions, helpers of the confused and little else.

Angel Message Dump - swift - 09-29-2009

First of all, Ventana, thanks for posting any sort of feedback.
Similar to what the others have said, I, and all other Angels, to my knowledge, don't meet -that- many players questioning about battleships, presumably because they learn at least those kind of basics while trading away for them.
I did one or two times, and I've had a pretty long conversation with them, not just about the ID, but their motivation and such as well.
I'm sure the others would do the same or better, so I'm sure it was a broken communication on one side.
We're not immune to errors though, so I'll leave that possibility there too.

But I will take even more care in the future with those players, though, just in case.

Oh and, a little addendum. I know I'm a little annoying with this, but everyone keeps using the term "Sanction him/her" in the context of their own person. That's wrong, what you meant, I'm sure, was file a report.
I know you know it, but someone might get the wrong impression.

Angel Message Dump - n00bl3t - 09-30-2009

I have a few conversations about battleships, however, most of my conversations involve what is the biggest transport and which VHF has the biggest powercore, agility and looks awesome.

Needless to say, I do not remember talking to anyone about a Rheinland Battleship recently. If ever I talk about a BS, I talk for a long time, not only about guard ID's, but about how they die quickly in combat to bombers and how to role-play members of crew, as well as the general dislike of an independent player flying one.

Angel Message Dump - Xareck - 09-30-2009

Hi there!

Thanks a lot for the feedback.

I must say I've never had this problem occur with me, though I will look out for it from now on.

Thanks again,

Angel Xar