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Information about upcoming Zoner changes - Printable Version

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RE: Information about upcoming Zoner changes - 7AlphaOne1 - 02-24-2014

Lower omicrons and nomicrons should be connected then. And I have seen the models. first one looks like zoner bomber, second one like the big coalition warship in vanilla startup and the third like a cargo pod structure less Barge.

edit: a reminder to keep this civil, people.

RE: Information about upcoming Zoner changes - Sath - 02-24-2014

(02-24-2014, 12:16 PM)Kazinsal Wrote: Zoners should stop sending heavy transports into places known to have large concentrations of Nomads then.

Then where will they?

They are not useful in home space,and their homeworlds is the edge world.You may say that they have bases in the taus and omegas.But do you think that it is wise for them to operate more frequently there.Also,zoner neutrality doesnt mean that they cant be pirated,which many are already well aware of.Therefor these new transports are nothing but another useless addition to the mod,which will soon be removed if not buffed ID wise and their restrictions removed,which in that case,and as you said,Zoners will have to look working more into the house space and the borderworlds.

Which in turn contradicts the very basic Zoner idea,that they inhabit the wildest places of Sirius,and they are not outright traders to have 3 transports to their name.Simple logice but yet not answered,which is what I have been asking from the start of this discussion.

EDIT: Do you think that they can use these transports to their fullest potential?Different cases,different problems:

Case 1:Take Omicron Theta
I consider that to be the home of Zoners,for the love of Vanilla.They use these transports to transport goods from there to various places,or bring in goods from various paces to there.Notice that the Sair homeworld is abnormally close to Theta.The sairs cant just keep their mouth shut if they see a Zoner passing through with something valuable in their hold.And dont argue that being a battletrasport,it can withstand attacks.2 bombers or a cruiser or even a group of Titans can take this down if caught in the middle of their systems.And this being edge worlds,no lanes to shield run and dock.No frequent bases in the vicinity to somehow shield run and dock(which is what the explanation was given regarding the hull of these battletransports that it would have heavier hull which can make it survive till docking in a nearest base).Sairs and noms threaten in the Omicron Gamma.

Case 2:Omicron Delta

Another big Zoner activity prone area.Taking battletransports in a system where the nomads can easily pounce on you,anytime,anywhere.Also,add to that the risk of pirate attacks.You get banged hard in that case.Easily the most dangerous place for the Zoners to trade.

Case 3:WAT

There is no such case as the Zoners are mainly found only in these regions.Atleast the traders just use these regions quite often,given the ID restriction.So,your idea,kills the Zoner activity.Regardless of whatever justification you may provide for the namesake,you can not defend and deny the fact that adding another transport or 2 which replaces the existing,most used Zoner ships,the neph and the aquillon,will create a chaos,destroy the Zoner activity,mainly the indys,unless and until,the ID restrictions are removed for these transports to be used in house space.Else,we can all bid a teary goodbye to the Zoners :'(

Can you answer this?I have never seen people who are defending the nerf,answer the most basic question I have asked.What good will this do to the Zoners?What will be their justification to back up the removal of the Zoner Juggernaut and the Aquillon?

RE: Information about upcoming Zoner changes - Echo 7-7 - 02-24-2014

(02-24-2014, 12:37 PM)sathish.wazza Wrote: ...
Which in turn contradicts the very basic Zoner idea,that they inhabit the wildest places of Sirius,and they are not outright traders to have 3 transports to their name.Simple logice but yet not answered,which is what I have been asking from the start of this discussion.

Correction: Zoners simply live outside of House space. Living in the Edge Worlds is an option, not a requirement. In vanilla, the majority of Zoner income was from trading essential supplies, so there is a very strong precedent for them having transports.

RE: Information about upcoming Zoner changes - Mister_X - 02-24-2014

Just wanted to ask something about the Zoner Academy Wazza mentioned.
Can't he RP that with the new ship, or does the Academy have to be located on a huge battleship?

RE: Information about upcoming Zoner changes - Sath - 02-24-2014

(02-24-2014, 12:51 PM)Mister_X Wrote: Just wanted to ask something about the Zoner Academy Wazza mentioned.
Can't he RP that with the new ship, or does the Academy have to be located on a huge battleship?
The ship that he used there was a Colony ship,which has the looks and the story behind it to support the idea of Orphanage.And it is not an outright battleship,but it has the defenses of a battleship to defend itself.

You cant use these transports to run an orphanage.

Some more clarifications:

Orphanage:A place which gives shelter and food for people who have lost their parents.A place for them to "live"

Transport:A vessel/entity used for moving things from one place to another.

Basic thought,orphans,and in general,you cant expect people to be sheltered in a transport.Would anyone of us accept a bus/train/car to be our home/orphanage?Some things are meant to be,they cannot be altered.

EDIT:Similar question,under a different context.

(02-23-2014, 03:22 PM)sathish.wazza Wrote:
(02-23-2014, 03:03 PM)Omega472 Wrote: You seem to be taking this as if they're completely replacing the ship. To my understanding, they're simply modifying their class and how they stand as compared to other ships. You're free to RP just as you were before.
And if I recall correctly, caps are more dangerous than transports anyways?

How does making a Colony BS class ship into a battletransport doesnt mean "replacing".No explanations till now.And what can we RP with a battletransport that was before RPed as a Colony ship?The ship was huge and very much armoured to protect their inhabitants and the domes from the Nomads that were near their doorstep,just some steps away from their settlements in Omicron Delta.The current battletransport has huge cargo,is offering no defense against any threat that might be posed.That is just a blockade who were RPing with their juggys for this long.I even know a guy who bought it to just use it as an orphanage.What do you think they get in return,a completely useless restricted battletransport,not even worth a part of the time and ingame cash they invested into RPing and buying these things.

RE: Information about upcoming Zoner changes - Mister_X - 02-24-2014

How about a liner?

RE: Information about upcoming Zoner changes - Kazinsal - 02-24-2014

If you can't roleplay a colony ship without battleship turrets, you shouldn't be roleplaying something as complex as a colony ship. /opinion

RE: Information about upcoming Zoner changes - NonSequitor - 02-24-2014

@Jinx: What are the projected cargo hold volumes for the Aquilon and Nephilim replacements? Could the option be open to make them into supertransports, with cargo hold volumes of 7,000 and 9,000?

Those volume numbers might sound excessive, but I'm also assuming that both models wil be a pain in the backside to navigate through asteroid fields.

And they would be tempting targets for pirates, thus sparking the need for escorts, thus livening up the Borderworlds and Lonlicrons.

RE: Information about upcoming Zoner changes - Sath - 02-24-2014

What liner would you suggest?

Passenger Liner:Similar to a transport,used to transport people from one place to another(which is the RP wise "to be used ship" for people transportation.)Since people cant live inside the containers and pods of the normal transports.Which makes the liner the "transport" I have been speaking about.

Luxury Liner:The term luxury is there to give that some meaning.Not affordable by many and cant be staged as a home/colony ship/orphanage.It is because it is no more a luxury in case if it houses "many" people who have to struggle for their daily food and are on the move always to find a permanent home.That bunch cant be RPed there.

Pilgrim LinerTongueretty much the same.A transport,transporting people instead of goods.In its RP case,it is suitable for transporting criminals and slaves.

RE: Information about upcoming Zoner changes - Gytrash - 02-24-2014

(02-24-2014, 12:16 PM)Kazinsal Wrote: Zoners should stop sending heavy transports into places known to have large concentrations of Nomads then.

Zoners should all move to the middle house space because devs want to take away their ability to defend themselves. There's a 20k word post, or set of posts explaining why we need these ships and why it's a bad idea to remove them or change them to transports. Please read that.