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Liberty Navy 46th Fleet - Mission Debrief Report - Printable Version

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RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Mission Debrief Report - TheDoctorXI - 11-21-2021

[Image: Dm8Zx3l.png]

Mission Debrief
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: GRANTED

Mission Protocol: VANGUARD

Sender Name: Vice Admiral Martin Kemp-Smith
Vessel Name: 46th|LNS-Anchorage
Systems Visited: New York, Alaska
Other Operatives Present: Lieutenant Tony Storn, Delta-17

Description of report: The Anchorage was preparing for a routine patrol of New York while moored at Trenton, gathering up some pre-departure supplies before moving out. Delta-17 of the Secondary Fleet had already made his way around the system. A short while, just before planned departure, Delta-17 reported contact and I ordered a priority departure from Trenton and made our way to reinforce Delta with Lieutenant Storn. On arriving at the scene, there was nothing picked up by the sensor arrays aboard the Anchorage, so Storn moved with Delta and I ordered the Anchorage to move towards Norfolk, but dropped out of the lane prematurely in an effort to cut said contact off. Delta and Storn reported the contact, which ended up being an Arbiter Class of the Insurgent Secondary Fleet, named "Massachusets".

After it was reported that the contact was fleeing, both Delta and Storn peeled off and rendezvoused with Anchorage near Norfolk Shipyard. A short time had passed and Delta had, yet again, picked up a signature on his scanner and spotted the Arbiter moving towards Chadwick station via the trade lanes. Both Delta and Storn successfully intercepted the heavy capital, but only once it had made tracks in to Alaska.

On jumping in to Alaska, Storn and Delta-17 had kept the Massachusets locked down with cruise disruptors and we engaged with extreme prejudice. The vessel, at first, seemed to not be engaging. Not sure if their gunnery crews were up to the task, to be frank. We continued pounding it with all batteries, while Delta was unleashing nova torpedos to great effect, while Storn kept the target from engaging its cruise engines. A little while later, I ordered both the snubs to disengage to which they did and the Anchorage continues the barrage of heavy fire.

The Massachusets Captain eventually decided enough was enough and requested weapons hold. I advised that if he was surrendering, that it would be accepted under a few conditions. One, he makes his way to Juneau and depart the Massachusets to allow the Navy to study the Arbiter Class - and finally, two, to disable their shields.

It followed the conditions I had set and make their way towards Juneau. Of course, the automated defences of the fleet and station weren't too keen on its presence and was opening up, but ceased once the vessel was securely moored at Juneau. I advised Juneau ahead of time to prepare a security team to be present to subsequently arrest and detain the Captain and his crew.

The vessel remains at Juneau for study and assessment.

Recommendations: No recommendations to advise on. Both Lieutenant Storn and Delta-17 conducted themselves in a manner befitting a Naval Officer, well done to them both. The outcome may well have differed if they were not present.

Martin Kemp-Smith
Vice Admiral
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet

Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Navy 46th Fleet and is a classified encryption for the eyes of 46th operatives only and is not to be passed on to anyone outside of the organisation.

End of Debrief

RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Internal Comms - Tenshi - 12-01-2021

[Image: 46th-logogif.gif]

Mission Debrief
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: GRANTED

[Image: Sam-Brown3.png]

Sender ID: Lieutenant Jr. Grade Samantha Brown
Vessel ID: 46th|LNS-Defiance
Systems Visited: New York
Other Operatives Present: Captain Patrick Benson
Subject: Report - 30/11/828 | Nomad cruiser in New York

Report Description

Good evening,

It's safe to say that today's patrol did not go as planned, and nor did it go well for that matter. Approximately two hours ago I was patrolling New York along with Captain Benson when we came across a Rogue bomber which the Captain proceeded to chase down while I remained behind, flying on the Defiance, one of the fleet's Condor-class gunboats.

After showing a second Rogue bomber the door away from Manhattan I thought it'd be time to go find the Captain and see what he's up to, but it wasn't. I saw something I definitely didn't expect to see outside Manhattan; a Nomad cruiser. I of course ordered the cruiser to leave Liberty space and it begun cruising towards a seemingly random direction, far from anything apart from the star in the center of the system.

At some point, the cruiser stopped and aimed it's weapons at me, I knew it'd end up coming down to an engagement and honestly this one's odds were fairly against me. Not only was it a -cruiser-, but it apparently also had the nomad equivalent of the human solaris-class weapons which are naturally highly effective against targets like gunboats.

Needless to say, the nomad took me down with ease, but it would seem that my objective to drive it out of Liberty was accomplished as the reinforcements that arrived - quite late - did not find any trace of it.

That is all.


At least one of the Condors belonging to our shared fleet should be equipped with non-light primary weaponry so as to be able to effectively combat larger ships, should the need arise.


Samantha Brown
Lieutenant Junior Grade
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet

Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Navy 46th Fleet and is classified and encrypted for the eyes of 46th operatives only and is not to be passed on to anyone ouside this organisation.

RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Mission Debrief Report - Wolverine518 - 12-01-2021

[Image: Dm8Zx3l.png]

Mission Debrief
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: GRANTED

Mission Protocol: Obsidian

Sender Name: Lt. Cmdr. Tony Storn

Vessel Name: 46th|LNS-Alaska
Systems Visited: Cortez, California, New York

Other Operatives Present: Fleet Admiral Aden Tanner

Description of report: It's been a while since i filled one of these out. I was given temporary command of LNS-Alaska and was prepping for my first command in a Capital-grade ship when Fleet Admiral Tanner in the LNS-Ranger called for backup at West Point. I took Alaska from Cortez to West Point and found two INS ships there. Tanner, myself, and other naval vessels present engaged the insurgent. We disabled one before an Insurgence gunboat appeared and hopped in as well. Before too long two Aux capital ships arrived and engaged our forces as well. We drove them off but not before the Alaska and another naval vessel got disabled. It was my first taste as a CO of a capital ship and while inexperienced, this fight taught me a few things i hope to apply later in my career.

Recommendations: Recommend we stay vigilant in order to keep liberty safe

Tony Storn
Lt. Cmdr.
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet

Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Navy 46th Fleet and is a classified encryption for the eyes of 46th operatives only and is not to be passed on to anyone outside of the organisation.

End of Debrief

RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Mission Debrief Report - Blake Wayne Van Leer - 12-26-2021

[Image: ciDmRRm.png]

Mission Debrief
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: Standard Mission Debrief


Sender ID: Blake Wayne Van Leer

Vessel ID: 46th|Bravo-88
Systems Visited: New York

Description of report: hard fight

On my on-leave check-in my Plover came across a hostile with hostages.

Unfortunately after a close battle my vessel was disabled, sending me straight back to my Leave.

The hostile was heavily damaged however and 5th|Victoria.Blake was present to rescue the hostages...I hope.
I had better luck with XA-Diadem who was scared off by my mere presence and didn't dare to face me. Little does he know I haven't been in a cockpit for a very long time and even a mere Rogue can take me down. I didn't want to tempt my luck, checked in with Salt lake and returned to dealing with the reasons for my temporary leave.

Van Leer
Rear Admiral Upper Half on Leave
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet

Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Navy 46th Fleet and is classified and encrypted for the eyes of 46th operatives only and is not to be passed on to anyone ouside this organisation.

End of Debrief

RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Mission Debrief Report - TheDoctorXI - 01-01-2022

[Image: 46th-logogif.gif]

Mission Debrief
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: GRANTED

[Image: unknown.png]

Sender ID: Admiral Martin Kemp-Smith
Vessel ID: 46th|LNS-Anchorage
Systems Visited: New York, Omicron Nu
Other Operatives Present: 46th|Recoil-28
Subject: Report - 31/12/828 | Reconnoiter in Nu

Report Description

Attention Fleet,

I had been pondering that given that the recent festive period being over, that a patrol from the Fourty-sixth Fleet's roots would be in order. I had Recoil-28 to hand, so, naturally, I decided a reconnoiter in low-force around Omicron Nu might be useful. After all, it is not a system we regularly frequent in any day-to-day capacity.

We jumped from two-clicks to the south of Trenton Outpost in New York and arrived at the very edge of the system in Nu. Which, for the purposes of the recon mission, proved to be a bit of a hassle - must present a comms to our coordinate supplier as these outdated ones just aren't cutting to scratch. That being said, it did prove useful later on. At any rate, we went about a regular patrol around the system, the immediate area was secure so we made tracks for the supergate to Virginia, and to resupply with jump drive batteries before proceeding.

The gate was clear and all seemed well, so we proceeded about our business. Later on, strange comms came through via long-range channel. It seemed very familiar and seemed Nomadic, in nature and intent. We were twenty-clicks away from Planet Marshall, at coordinate F-4, and could see what to be a Nomad patrol out in the distance. We both immediately cloaked and moved closer for a better look - I can thank the uprated scanner that was installed to the Anchorage for allowing me to detect them before they could pick us up on their own scanners. Once we cloaked, we moved in and identified two large warforms, in the shape of a Battlecruiser and what I believed to be a Cruiser, but this proved to be inaccurate as I will explain later - and a bomber. The Battlecruiser was armed with a cloak disruptor and had activated it, guessing we got a bit close but remained cloaked, so it wasn't able to de-cloak either of us. Recoil-28 and the Anchorage took turns to return to the Surveyor to resupply with cloak batteries, but by this time, the Nomads were wise to our general whereabouts.

We managed to successfully re-cloak and maneuver to a safe location and spun up the jump drive and returned to New York. We called for reinforcements from other Fleets of the Navy and a few were able to answer the request for backup. Cadet Victoria Blake and Delta-17 of the Fifth Fleet heeded the call, along with LNS-Cataclysm of the Secondary Fleet.

We all flew to Virginia and rendezvoused by the Texas gate in system. I anticipated that they would be laying in wait somewhere near the supergate in Nu, so spun the drive back up and jumped us to a safe location in the system. Recoil-28, Cadet Blake and Delta-17 moved ahead of the Cataclysm and Anchorage to recon and locate the enemy force. Turned out they were sitting around by the Minor jump hole. The group engaged with extreme prejudice and all contacts were successfully eliminated, totaling the destruction of the Nomad Battlecruiser, a Gunboat and not in fact a Cruiser, and their single bomber.

We proceeded to jump back to New York and was considered overall mission success with no casulaties.


The initial reconnoiter was considered a textbook success, though the incorrect identification of what was their Gunboat, will need work and study moving forward. A job well done to both pilots of the Fifth Fleet is owed, as well to the Captain or Commanding Officer of the Cataclysm and her crew.


Martin Kemp-Smith
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet

Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Navy 46th Fleet and is classified and encrypted for the eyes of 46th operatives only and is not to be passed on to anyone outside this organization unless granted approval from a 46th operative.

RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Mission Debrief Report - SmokesDen - 01-01-2022

[Image: Dm8Zx3l.png]

Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: CLASSIFIED

[Image: eaBvZtI.jpg]

Sender ID: Amanda "Amy" Broucehouse

Vessel ID: Classified

Class of Mission: Classified

Systems Visited: New York

Other Operatives Present: None Present but Self and the Valentine Crew

Classified Mission report: Just a standard Salt Station fill up, nothing to serious then that. Gonna resume filling her up soon and send out to Sabah under orders of Vice Admiral Divison leader, James Creed.

Recommendations: Nothing top my head at this stage

Amanda "Amy" Broucehouse
"Armour Division Assistant
Lieutenant commander "
of Liberty Navy 46th Fleet

Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Navy 46th Fleet and is classified and encrypted for the eyes of 46th operatives only and is not to be passed on to anyone ouside this organisation.

Report Decoded

RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Mission Debrief Report - James Horatio Creed - 01-01-2022

[Image: Dm8Zx3l.png]

Mission Debrief
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: GRANTED

[Image: 95o45nY.jpg]

Sender Name: James Horatio Creed

Vessel Name: 46th|J'Creed Guardian VHF

Systems Visited: New York

Other Operatives Present: 46th|Tony_storn

Description of report: Vessel named Veronica Auditore ... Masked IFF ... Freelancer ID

Report Details Below

Myself and Tony Storn wer'e doing a regular patrol and decided to fly past Planet Manhatten, where we saw a Bounty Hunter and what looked like a civilian. On approach we decided to scan the ship and Tony noticed the ship had Gallic weaponry on board, and i noticed it had Nomad type material on board aswell.

The pilot assured us that they worked for the Liberty Security Force, but without a proper scanning of the transponder which was masked for some reason and could not be properly identified, how could we possibly know this individual works for the LSF.

After some conversation we managed to relieve the pilot of the Nomad material and dsetroy it, and also the individual was very cooperative about applying for a licence for the Gallic weaponry.

This individual has been warned about the licensing and also about the Nomad materials which were on board the ship.

I would recommend that this individual is kept under observation and is reminded of the fact that the weapons must be licensed before they can enter Liberty space.

James Horatio Creed
Vice Admiral
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet

Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Navy 46th Fleet and is a classified encryption for the eyes of 46th operatives only and is not to be passed on to anyone outside of the organisation.

End of Debrief

RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Mission Debrief Report - SmokesDen - 01-03-2022

[Image: Dm8Zx3l.png]

Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: CLASSIFIED

[Image: eaBvZtI.jpg]

Sender ID: Amanda "Amy" Broucehouse

Vessel ID: Classified

Class of Mission: Classified

Systems Visited: New York to Coronado

Other Operatives Present: James Creed, Team on Camouflaged , Team on Valentine and Myself

Classified Mission report: Transportng in a Convoy with James Creed and his team while the Team on Valentine has their Orders pre given by him on debreifing room before we departed, Cruising was fine, but we got a bit worried when we begin to delievery a second load with this Voice.. Since their cloaked , we are still yet unknown their Idenity signiturers.

Got to Sebah secessfully but James Creed sounded a bit shakened up on what they could be, I just feel it like a mother figure would.. eh.. his a grown him, I should'nt to much or to long.. THats all for my current report.

Recommendations: Idenify this mysterious guy... His Ship Code is, Void.Watcher

Amanda "Amy" Broucehouse
"Armour Division Assistant
Lieutenant commander "
of Liberty Navy 46th Fleet

Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Navy 46th Fleet and is classified and encrypted for the eyes of 46th operatives only and is not to be passed on to anyone ouside this organisation.

Report Decoded

RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Mission Debrief Report - James Horatio Creed - 01-03-2022

[Image: Dm8Zx3l.png]

Mission Debrief
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: GRANTED

[Image: 95o45nY.jpg]

Sender Name: James Horatio Creed

Vessel Name: 46th|LNS-Tomahawk

Systems Visited: Virginia System

Other Operatives Present: No others present

Description of report: GunterTheHunter is the individual in this report

Report Details Below

It has been a while since I have done a report so here we go ......

I was moving through the Virginia system and spotted a convoy who had previously been watched over by myself and the 5th Fleets Akhetaten Osiris commanded by Uhmen.

On trying to initiate a scan by moving alongside the convoy of vessels I was cruise Disrupted by this Bounty Hunter detailed in my ships log that is in this report.
This individual told me that he had accidently pressed a lot of buttons on his control panel and it was an accident, but continued to disrupt my vessel another two times and commenting that he hit the buttons "Like this", so basically he disrupted me another twice delibrately.
This in my opinion is a way of disrupting an officer and of course a lower ranked Admiral in his duty.

I would recommend to High Command to contact this individual, and question him on why he did this to my vessel and why he was disrupting me from doing what would normally be clased as a Naval Officers duty

James Horatio Creed
Fleet Admiral
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet

Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Navy 46th Fleet and is a classified encryption for the eyes of 46th operatives only and is not to be passed on to anyone outside of the organisation.

End of Debrief

RE: Liberty Navy 46th Fleet Mission Debrief Report - James Horatio Creed - 01-06-2022

[Image: Dm8Zx3l.png]

Mission Debrief
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: GRANTED

[Image: 95o45nY.jpg]

Sender Name: James Horatio Creed

Vessel Name: 46th|LNS-Tomahawk

Systems Visited: New York / California / Cortez

Other Operatives Present: No others present

Description of report: Another encounter with ANGEL-09

Report Details Below

Another report from me ...... I will get the hang of it again soon,

Patrolling on my own in Tomahawk ... just to see if anything was going on really, and who should I bump into in Cortez, but ANGEL-09 the android.
As I have already explained to this unit or thing .... or whatever, entering Liberty is just not a good thing for this individual......thing.

I proceeded to have a conversation, because Nine, as it likes to be called, was going to escort a convoy of transports through liberty space. The android said to me ... "I kept my promise" .... until a transport revealed their route right in front of me.

Under no circumstances is this android to be left to wander Liberty, but I am sure it will try to enter and also defy my order to not do so, and it brings me to the point of mentioning that we need good hard solid evidence if the android is seen in Liberty space before we take action to dismantle it.

Cam footage will be collected and archived and if this android persists in entering Liberty, I can safely say that we will be contacting the Liberty Government with details, and asking for a possible way to keep this android from entering.

I have supplied logs of our conversation, and there now seems a little bit of anger coming from the android, which is not good at all.

James Horatio Creed
Fleet Admiral
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet

Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Navy 46th Fleet and is a classified encryption for the eyes of 46th operatives only and is not to be passed on to anyone outside of the organisation.

End of Debrief