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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Recruitment - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Vrabcek - 09-26-2010

Laura schoon und Steven Axt

Your application is accepted. Welcome to the Rheinland Military.

You are required to report to the Recruit briefing auditorium ASAP and watch this video. This is mandatory

BOOKMARK "The Rheinland Military Information Center, Central Access to the Rheinland Military Database"
Here's your copy of the field manual. The naming conventions are listed here(scroll down until you see "Ship Naming Convention"). You are cleared to fighter class (Wrath VHF and Snubnose bomber) ships.

The standard ship is the Wrath. You are not required to have a bomber for starters, but you are encouraged to procure one also if you have the means to acquire it.

Repost your bio here.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - ~WD~Percy1979 - 09-26-2010

Discovery Forum Name: Andreas.Reisinger
S.K.Y.P.3 Protocoll ID: Percy1979

[Image: andreasreisiger.jpg]

Name: - Andreas Reisinger
Rank: - Zugfuhrer
Medals: - Iron Cross 1st Class, War Merit Cross 2nd Class, General Assault Badge 4th class
Assignment: - Rottenfuhrer
Code Name: - Iota 6
Callsign: Percy
Age: - 30
Height: - 190 cm
Weight: - 100 Kg
Hair Color: - blond/grey
Eye Color: - blue/green
Planet/Station of Origin: - Essen Station

Background Information:

Andreas Reisinger was born in 787 A. S. at Planet new Berlin as true Rheinlander. He was brought up in a working class family. His Father is an employee of Kruger Minerals and his mother is a housewife. As an only child he used to be teased by his classmates always, because he was an arrogant nerd. Because of that, he tried to get involved in a group of Teenager in his age of 14, which was a bit xenophobic. With the experience of this named group he wanted to become a Rheinland Military to secure his Vaterland. From his Father he learned many of mechanics and Ships. So today he is able to repair and fly small ships of rheinland. In 807 A. S. he got into Rheinland Military. He allways gets the best notes in Combatsimulations, because of his arrogance in young years, which he didnt get off his character, he allways got into trouble with his Vorgesetzten. Nevertheless he absolved the academy with bravura. In this way he is now a Flieger of [WRF] for disciplinary reasons. He was demoted to a Jager Rank. But now he is feeling well with this situation, cauz the command chains are shorter. He has to prove again, and he looks forward to his new duties.

Basic Personality Traits:

Medical advice: The subject physically is fine. He dont have any organic lesion. The blood and urine tests dont show any illegal or not allowed materials. The accomplished succesfully all the physic tests. Appropriate for active service.

Psychological advice: His personality of course is shaped by arrogance and lightest sense. He thinks, that all none Rheinlanders must get out off rheinland. He is very intelligence and talkative. He follows the philosophy of shooting first and then ask questions, because he is a bully.

Buro of Marineintelligenz advise: His physical and mental properties make him absolutely fit for the service.

Ship Class: Wraith, Bergelmir

Other: none other Information available until yet.

For how long have you been playing on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?

- since april 2009

What made you come play on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?

- I like the RP elements on this server and the large choice of oppertunities and the manifold RP.

What other characters do you have on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server?

- Quentin.Quake (Merc)
- Asteria, Costa.Cortez (Junker Pirate Train and Transport)
- Shaulanca's-Revenge-3 - (Corsairs, several Ships, Gunboat, Bomber, Fighter, AI Drone)
- Zolan.Losath (Bountyhunter, several Ships)
- Tanja Uebermut (Red Hessian, several Ships)
- Thomas Finke (Kruger, Several Ships)

What OOC reason do you have for joining the RM?

Wolfspirit the funder of the West Rheinland Fleet switched the sides, the rest of WRF cant be longer in the WRF, because he dont want it, and kicked the whole Iota Wing out off the WRF, because we dont follow him to the revolutionaries. I love Rheinland, the lawfull side, sure ive a few chars that are unlawfull, but my heart beats 100% for the lafwull side, to keep the innocent civilians and Rheinland Citizens against the whole unlaufwull crap outside their in space.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Vrabcek - 09-26-2010

Andreas Reisinger your applications are now under review.
I have sent you the[color=#33FF33]questionnaire
, fill it out and send it back to me.
This is standart recruitment procedure, we have to know whether you know everything you supposed to know for a recruit.
So take your time with filling out the questions.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Vrabcek - 09-26-2010

Erick Kaiser und Andreas Reisinger

Your application is accepted. Welcome to the Rheinland Military.

You are required to report to the Recruit briefing auditorium ASAP and watch this video. This is mandatory

BOOKMARK "The Rheinland Military Information Center, Central Access to the Rheinland Military Database"
Here's your copy of the field manual. The naming conventions are listed here(scroll down until you see "Ship Naming Convention"). You are cleared to fighter class (Wrath VHF and Snubnose bomber) ships.

The standard ship is the Wrath. You are not required to have a bomber for starters, but you are encouraged to procure one also if you have the means to acquire it.

Repost your bio here.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Vrabcek - 09-26-2010

Due the influx of new recruits the recruitment



until futher notice

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Vrabcek - 10-30-2010

Rheinland Government Announcement

The Rheinland Military has reopened the recruitment centers on every Rheinland planet and station.

[color=#00FF00]Are you ready to do your part?

Become a Rheinland soldier today and defend our beloved Vaterland with
honour, strength, pride and with a hard-charging sense of duty!

Rheinland needs you!
Fight for Freedom! Fight for Rheinland!

Read the Recruitment Procedures, the information found here and hand in your application now

Rheinland Military High Command

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Moneybags - 10-31-2010

Discovery Forum Name: Moneybags
Name: Military.Drone-2.0
Rank: -
S.K.Y.P.E designation(//username): caleb.moneybags

Age: 5
Height: Hologram is about 5'4"
Weight: N/A
Hair Color: Hologram has Blonde hair
Eye Color: Hologram has Brown eyes

Planet/Station of Origin: Detroit Munitions

Background Information: The Military.Drone System 2.0 was created 5 years ago on Detroit Munitions. Its origional intent was to be used for Liberty forces, and the ID was Navy.Drone instead of the new Military.Drone. The program was implanted into an Upholder Bomber, and it server its perpose for sevral years. But reccently, a smart hacker that freelanced in Rhienland got into the system when it was doing recon in Hamburg. The program then turned on its wing of Liberty fighters, and was 'adopted' by the Military.
The program has now been adapted to transfer between a Wraith and a Bergelmir. Although it cannot power them both at once, it uses whichever ship is more fitting for the situation.

Basic Personality Traits: It's a very low tech program. Ageira was very cheap when they tinkered with the system's intellegance, so it can only speak in very small words and phrases. The Drone has little to no free will outside the program to destroy Liberty forces, pirates, and destroy contraband.

Ship Class: Wraith, Bergelmir


For how long have you been playing on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ? Over 2 years.

What made you come play on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ? Well I had the mod but I couldn't get the servers to come up, but here I am, so I eventually got it to work.

What other characters do you have on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server? Shadows|Venture

What OOC reason do you have for joining the RM? Well, I'v never RPed a Rheinlander. So I thought it's about time I did

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Diabolicus - 10-31-2010

Discovery Forum Name: Diabolicus
Name: Constanze Keika
Rank: Kanzlerjunge
S.K.Y.P.E designation(//username): Thisrandomguy666

Age: 18
Height: 5'2
Weight: 125
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green

Planet/Station of Origin: Planet New-Tokyo, Adopted at 6 months, grew up on Stuttgart.

Background Information: Born in a poor Kusarian family, she was given in adoption to a caring farmer family of Stuttgart. She lived a life of labour and duty, but was subjected to a lot of LWB propaganda, which her parents were supporters of. She, herself, never paid much attention to it and simply spent her days helping her parents on the farm. She was homeschooled, and spent a lot of her free time reading, trying to be a living encyclopedia. At the age of 10, her parents lost the property of their farm to the hands of Synth Food. Since her parents had no more income and were unable to take care of her, she was sent to join the ranks of the Stuttgart's Kanzlerjugend, where she was thought discipline, respect and such valors. After spending years in this paramilitary unit, she became a fervant follower of the Kanzler, ready to sacrifce herself to serve his will, which she did by subsequently enrolling herself into the Rheinwehr.

Basic Personality Traits: She can be stern, disciplined and courageous, she also has a wild side and will show it when not on duty. She is somewhat over zealotous when it comes to the Kanzler and his will, and considers the ''Communist'' threat to be great, as much as the Libertonian one, though she does not bear such a rage against the LWB. She has nerves of steel, a will of iron and she strives for perfection, never less.

Ship Class: -

Other: -

For how long have you been playing on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?
Beginning .84
What made you come play on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?
Tried to RP on Void, they told me to GTFO to Disco.
What other characters do you have on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server?
LR- and Aoi Iseijin ones.
What OOC reason do you have for joining the RM?
Got some friends there.

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Vrabcek - 10-31-2010

Egmund Tauber und [color=#33FF33]Constanze Keika, your applications are now [color=#33FF33]under review.
I sent you the questionnaire, fill it out in the meanwhile so we could decide about you.

. The Rheinland military is not planning to use any drones/robots/AIs in the primary fleet yet. We still believe that the old ways are the best. Therefore the application was [color=#FF0000]DECLINED

Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Vrabcek - 10-31-2010

Egmund Tauber und Constanze Keika

Your application is accepted. Welcome to the Rheinland Military.

You are required to report to the Recruit briefing auditorium ASAP and watch this video. This is mandatory

BOOKMARK "The Rheinland Military Information Center, Central Access to the Rheinland Military Database"
Here's your copy of the field manual. The naming conventions are listed here(scroll down until you see "Ship Naming Convention"). You are cleared to fighter class (Wrath VHF and Snubnose bomber) ships.

The standard ship is the Wrath. You are not required to have a bomber for starters, but you are encouraged to procure one also if you have the means to acquire it.

Repost your bio here.