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Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - farmerman - 04-19-2010

' Wrote:4. Alot of us don't fly Phantom ships cause they suck. It's about the RP, not the ships.

Do you really want to start down that road by claiming that? And if it's about the RP, who cares about the quality of the ships?

Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - Virus - 04-19-2010

' Wrote:1. Yeah Sabre is better than Guardian so my LN will fly a Sabre form now on. I'll fly an osiris on my LR cause I couldnt find the LR Battleship. And I'll fly my Zoner Juggy on my freelancer cause there aint no freelancer Juggy.

2. Are you sure?

3. You are wrong.

4. You fly Sabres and Osirises because its for Pvp, if "because the others suck" is your argument

1. It is a requirement to own a Shadow VHF. Every member should own at least one. I own one, but I prefer my Sabre because I get seasick flying the Shadow. This will be rectified and that will be what I fly almost exclusively after, and what I hope everyone else does. Our ship options are currently; Phantom, Borderworld, Civilian. Exactly the same as any other pirate faction that operates in the borderworlds... Well, except for the Phantom kit. Red Hessians, Unioners, Outcast, Corsairs, Bundschuh, hell even the Mollys, GC, and Blood Dragons use a similar shipline.

2. We what? One Tridente? It's not our fault that the ship is spammed. We need a gunboat, the Outcasts are our neighbors. We also have access to the Rogue Gunboat due to a deal with the Liberty Rogues until we develop our own.

3. Ignoring this.

4. I explained the Sabre earlier. My Osiris has been in existence since.... 4.76 or so? We don't have a battleship. It's been somewhat grandfathered in to the modern role play because we need a flagship and yet have absolutely no battleship.

' Wrote:I witnessed a cruiser by the name of Tesla.Revenge blowing up a cargo with barely 3 line of word in New York earlier tonight. Now, what is the point of such gratuitous massacre?... "you help liberty, I'm your welcoming party" boom. Hum? Really?

Saronsen messaged me about this, I told him to have you contact me with any information you have on this and I would be glad to look into. Please PM me any SSs or chatlogs you might have.

Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - Serpentis - 04-19-2010

' Wrote:Do you really want to start down that road by claiming that? And if it's about the RP, who cares about the quality of the ships?

Kind of have to agree with that, BUT.

Ive had several AWESOME (for once) RP encounters with Umbra.Venator

He is by far one of the best RPers ive met when it comes to making one not feel like it's the usual: "I shall cut you, I shall do that, I am your doom!" *Muhahahahhaha*

When I encountered him the first time I thought it went awesome, even if I got my but kicked by two fighters and a cruiser (xD)

After that we had a Long looooong fight me in a Spatial and he in a Shadow (or what ever the fighter was called) He was a great fighter pilot and I believe that the ships just needs to be learned into for them to become a lethal weapon.

Proven by his prowess by killing a GB and a fighter (or what it was he fought).

The other Phantom encounters I've encountered haven't been close to the level of RP epicness that Umbra have shown.

Ashame? Yes,
Am I suprised? No.

I want to see more of the Phantoms and I want them to actually RP properly then just say "No you" to people Rping "advanced" characters..

So far, Thanks to Umbra, I love the Phantoms.

Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - Virus - 04-19-2010

I did. I probably should have responded, sorry. I've been very impressed with what I've been hearing about Umbra Venator lately. Lots of good things.

Also, Karlotta, I don't really feel like arguing with you any more. You'll be banned in a little while anyway.

Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - Dab - 04-20-2010

Re-opened and Karlotta and Karlotta-related posts removed at request of faction leader.

On a relevant note, when someone is ranting and trolling randomly, or when Karlotta has a spree again, leave the responses to the faction leader, or just ignore them/it entirely. That way we don't have the big long rantfest we got before, and so I don't have to go through cleaning it all out after Virus gets fed up with you all. You give feedback, he responds.. Phantoms should be the only ones responding to the feedback here, unless you are supporting something someone else said.

So please, for my sanity and the sanity of poor Virus, keep it down.

Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - schlurbi - 04-20-2010

I wanted to say that Valentine is awesome :3 Always like hanging around with him. I also like the Way Profanus talks. I like them both, kind of the only Phantoms I have seen. Continue like that!

Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - Dennis Jameson - 04-20-2010

I want the Slipstream back as well, but let's face it... it'll neeeeeever happen.

Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - Zelot - 04-20-2010

No, your not getting the Slippy back, can you please shut up about it now?

Edit: And Sindy, I think your pm went along the lines of "Are you in an RP mood or a PVP mood?" Suggesting that the to are mutually exclusive. When a Phantom is on thier Phantom character, they are always there to rp. I can understand why Bacon was annoyed.

Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - BaconSoda - 04-21-2010

Ship usage is a moot point. It's been the subject of 15 of these 30 pages, and we've decided on a rule to always own a Shadow. With the Shadow the way it is, I doubt it'll be long before everyone and his mother has a Penumbra. Good ship, the Penumbra. I've gotten Luxury Liners to explode in it before. I doubt it'll take long for others to start using it.

Funny you should complain about RP, though, Sindroms. I believe you put these in one of your Skype chats:
- Spazzydragon (Sindroms), Sunday, April 18, 2010 5:30 AM

Why? Only to ridicule us? I can note that you were sitting at a trade lane, sighting someone who doesn't really want to be seen, nor really wants to chat. 5k of space doesn't leave much room for chatting anyway. What exactly did you even expect? You're a lawful fighter craft, we don't really have the time to fight fighters. Not to mention that Liberty is the capitol of capital ships in the game. Later that night we had to run from this:

Because we didn't leave a lawful mercenary alone quick enough. I don't see what we did wrong there, leaving you. I think the LR would do the same thing, really.

Furthermore, asking if I wanted to PvP or RP? That's funny, really. Anyone who has to ask for RP does not have RP in mind. Frankly, this inquiry just pissed me off. It ruined my night, in fact, and I was having a great night. I was just getting complimented for this:

And then someone comes along and just decides to spit at me. I'll tell you something right now: I don't appreciate this. I don't go pming the Rogues or any of your characters whether you're in the mood for a political debate or whether you're going to be quick to the trigger. I'm not all that fond of a lot of people here, and I would NEVER think to say something like this to someone. It's simply rude and it does little but segregate the server population. If I may ask nicely, I would appreciate it if you would refrain from doing this to me or any other Phantom in the future. Thank you.

And would you like to know why Umbra rushed off without saying a word? It's because he was coming to help me with this:

A nice Liberty Gunboat who came up the lane right after I had finished laying a trap for a .:J:.. Lets have a look at that trap, too, while we're at it.

I don't think that's poor RP. I don't think that's even mediocre RP. I rather think that this is good RP; the Junker was even inclined to agree, and he died, even! Really, I don't know where your accusations of me being more interested in PvP than RP are coming from.

Oh, yeah, and Virus? You're a troll. How's that for feedback!?

EDIT: Hahaha, also, see that note from Shamrock in your first screen? That's me talking to him. I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't attempt to drag our name through the mud in the future, especially on such horribly shallow accusations.

Phantom Empire Faction Feedback - Rodent - 04-21-2010

Ooh, anger here.

*Busts out flamethrower*

Alright then, back to the point of feedback. I have had very limited encounters with the Phantoms But they have been good encounters. One minor gripe though- You guys can be too direct at times. I'd honestly enjoy some sort of 'manipulation' RP from your side, like the one Bacon did on the Junkers. Good job there! With limited means but a lot of reputation and terror, the Phantoms could really crack some stuff with good ol' 'scaring others into doing your work'. Would be funny to see a fat LPI guy (No offense to the real LPI:P) being scared by the phantoms into doing some real crazy stuff in New York.

Have a good day!