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Memorial thread - Printable Version

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RE: Memorial thread - SnakeLancerHaven - 05-19-2019

REMEMBER SNACs and old Bomber setups, EMPs and Energy without Scatters : )

Also I miss 4.85

RE: Memorial thread - darkxy - 04-09-2020

(05-19-2019, 01:15 PM)SnakeLancerGame Wrote: Also I miss 4.85


RE: Memorial thread - Stolt. - 04-09-2020

Yeah honestly can we just revert to 4.85 but with current ship models

RE: Memorial thread - pillow - 04-09-2020

revert to 85 story and systems wise Smile

RE: Memorial thread - Reeves - 04-09-2020

Delete these grave-diggers, their rose tinted glasses for the good old days is honestly boomer af and cringe.


RE: Memorial thread - Shiki - 04-09-2020

Boomer thread

RE: Memorial thread - Saronsen - 04-09-2020

RE: Memorial thread - E X O D I T E - 04-09-2020

Honestly, I miss allain. That dude was one of the nicest people I ever met on this server.
Also for all the shenanigans, Nodoka was genuinely entertaining and gave me a fun 10-month narrative of escalating tension that you'd read in any halfway decent political thriller.
I had good fun in like 4.87 farming missions in a Faffy with Swifty over in New Hampshire, and he was one of the reasons I decided the Nomicrons would be good fun.
Rusty Wing was a total bro, and we had great fun shooting things up in Leeds together. If you're lurking, please do come back.

RE: Memorial thread - kokek - 10-12-2020

Hello everyone,
Im here to tell you all who met him that my brother Zekkz has passed away last night.
Altho his time here in discovery was short i have spent few years playing Freelancer multiplayer and will continue to honor his memory alive by keeping Zekkz little cottage operational as long as i can.

You are all invited to stop by the station and grab a drink and a cigar from a station in his name. (please take just 1)

RE: Memorial thread - Zaltarias - 10-14-2020

Member nemps lagging