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Daumann Heavy Construction - Recruitment Center - Printable Version

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RE: Daumann Heavy Construction - Recruitment Center - Rvg5 - 02-10-2018

Firstname: Vincent
Surname: Stiglitz
Age: 21
Origin: Rhineland
Short biograph:
I was born on New Berlin, as young boy I spent my days running errands around the planet, piloting light craft. My father is a retired Rhineland Military Pilot and served many years before retiring to start a family. I have various family spread across all the great houses, including a Freelancer Uncle (Vincent Rhinehart) living in Liberty, and a crazy Russian Uncle who deals arms to the borderworlds. I have spent my life piloting ships and have experience from small craft to large freighters as I helped with my uncles shipping company a couple of years before I went on my own. I am now looking to join up with a good company to get access to the ripe market that both Rhineland and our neighboring houses offer.
Division to join:
[X ] - Transport Division
[ ] - Mining Division
[ ] - Security Wing
Why do you want to work for Daumann?
I am looking to gain access to tools that as a freelancer I would not normally have, this includes certain restricted materials and better equipped ships. Both to further myself, and the glory of Rhineland.
Why do you think Daumann should hire you?
I have already had many years of experience shipping and piloting, despite my age. I also think that having a young and adventuresome pilot could give many advantages to this organization, these include but are not limited to. My charisma and charming personality, my connections in Both Liberty and the Borderworlds, as well as my cousins in Bretonia. Lastly my Father is a Military Veteran and I want to do what I can to help the great house.

『Vincent Stiglitz
Vincent Stiglitz

// OORP Notes:
Discord Details: Dont have it. Willing to use it.
Have you read our Infomation Page: <Yes>
Have you read the Laws of Rheinland: <Yes>
Do you require money for a start up ship of the selected division of your choosing: <Yes-ish> (Although not much, I have some money saved from my Father and my previous jobs)
All applicants with genetic modifications will be rejected: (read animal ears, tails, fur, three or more breasts, or any other sort of abomination will be rejected) (I would like to inform you I am human as human comes.)

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction - Recruitment Center - Daumann Heavy Construction - 02-17-2018

[-|--] Receiving transmission

Source: < Hanna Richter >
hrichter@dhc.rh | support@dhc.rh
DHC Global Secretary

Signal Strength: Very High
Encryption: AgeiraSec3
Subject: Re: Application

Herr Stiglitz,

Good news! Your application has been ACCEPTED. You will be entered in our thorough training program on a trial period, completing several rotations in various departments in order to acclimatize you with company policies, procedures and to introduce you to various divisions. During this time you will shadow some of our most experienced employees. Head to The Ring located in the New Berlin system to finalize your application. Your division manager will brief you on the next steps.

Welcome to Daumann Heavy Construction!

[-|--] Hanna Richter

No files attached.

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction - Recruitment Center - Aiour - 05-10-2018

Firstname: <Prinz>
Surname: <Lützow>
Age: <26>
Origin: <Rhineland>
Short biograph: <I was raised as an orphan by a great old man on his cargo ship. In all my days i was his right hand, helping, negotiating with all kindes of people. We have transported various kinds of goods from gases, liquids to humans, animals and bacteria. I have experience with pirates, how to avoid them or not get borded. Been throught hell and back on that old cargo ship, but now the ship has fallen into disrepair and the old guy has passed away and i thought i can start again as a transporter.>
Division to join: <Mark with a [X]>
[ X] - Transport Division
[ ] - Mining Division
[ ] - Security Wing
Why do you want to work for Daumann? <It's one of the best choices I can make and the old man would be proud of me...>
Why do you think Daumann should hire you? <I have a vast experience in transportation and know many profitable routes for both parties.>

『<Prinz Lützow>
<Prinz Lützow>

// OORP Notes:
Discord Details: <Dont have it.>
Have you read our Infomation Page: <Yes>
Have you read the Laws of Rheinland: <Yes>
Do you require money for a start up ship of the selected division of your choosing: <No>

If you wish to contact me über mein encrypted S.K.Y.P.E channel, use this adress: xeljex

All applicants with genetic modifications will be rejected: (read animal ears, tails, fur, three or more breasts, or any other sort of abomination will be rejected)

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction - Recruitment Center - mang109 - 05-24-2018

Firstname: Klaus
Surname: Schiller
Age: 56 (approx.)
Date of Birth: Unknown
Origin: Rhineland
Short biograph: A lifelong miner, long independent, looking for some steady work.
Division to join: <Mark with a [X]>
[ ] - Transport Division
[X ] - Mining Division
[ ] - Security Wing
Why do you want to work for Daumann? Hoping for a steady flow of jobs, rather than scrabbling round for rocks.
Why do you think Daumann should hire you? I've got the ship, I've got the skills.

『Klaus Schiller
『[font=segoe script] Klaus Schiller


// OORP Notes:
Discord Details: Mang109
Have you read our Infomation Page: Yes
Have you read the Laws of Rheinland: Yes
Do you require money for a start up ship of the selected division of your choosing: No

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction - Recruitment Center - Daumann Heavy Construction - 06-25-2018

[-|--] Receiving transmission

Source: < Hanna Richter >
hrichter@dhc.rh | support@dhc.rh
DHC Global Secretary

Signal Strength: Very High
Encryption: AgeiraSec3
Subject: Re: Applications


Your applications have been accepted. Head to The Ring located in the New Berlin system to get your first Anweisungen.

[-|--] Hanna Richter

No files attached.

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction - Recruitment Center - GAndersonM24 - 01-24-2019

Firstname: Walter
Surname: Bergmann
Age: 32
Origin: Rheinland
Short biograph: Born of the Planet of New Berlin to a father and mother who were both new the mining business well. His father had been a miner with Daumann Heavy Construction for years before his ship was attacked by Red Hessians. Having to struggle to make ends meet he started work as a Freelancer with the skills his father taught him but had always wanted to follow in his foot steps having seen the good life it provided for his family and enjoying space flight since a young age. He now seeks to be accepted by DHC to continue in the footsteps of his father.

Division to join:
[ ] - Transport Division
[X] - Mining Division
[ ] - Security Wing

Why do you want to work for Daumann? It was a family tradition and having seen the kind of life it can provide.
Why do you think Daumann should hire you? I am an experienced pilot with time served as a Freelance Miner.

『Applicant: Walter Bergmann

// OORP Notes: Looking to establish ties here and set up a Mining Base in Munich
Have you read our Infomation Page: Yes
Have you read the Laws of Rheinland: Yes
Do you require money for a start up ship of the selected division of your choosing:No

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction - Recruitment Center - Daumann Heavy Construction - 01-24-2019

[-|--] Receiving transmission

Source: < Hanna Richter >
hrichter@dhc.rh | support@dhc.rh
DHC Global Secretary

Signal Strength: Very High
Encryption: AgeiraSec3
Subject: Re: Application

Herr Bergmann,

Your application has been ACCEPTED. Head to The Ring located in the New Berlin system to finalize your application. Your division manager will brief you on the next steps.

Welcome to Daumann Heavy Construction!

[-|--] Hanna Richter

No files attached.

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction - Recruitment Center - Saber.Jeff - 02-18-2019

Firstname: <Friedrich>
Surname: <Klose>
Age: <30>
Date of Birth: <796 AS>
Origin: <Rheinland>
Short biograph: <A lifelong miner, long independent, looking for some steady work.>
Division to join: <Mark with a [X]>
[ X] - Transport Division
[X ] - Mining Division

Why do you want to work for Daumann? <Hoping for a steady flow of jobs, rather than scrabbling round for rocks.>
Why do you think Daumann should hire you? <I am a very skilled miner and the captain of the transport ship. Moreover, I am very serious and diligent in my work.>

『<Friedrich Klose>
『[font=segoe script]<Friedrich Klose>


// OORP Notes:
Discord Details: <Saber.Jeff#1530>
Have you read our Infomation Page: <Yes>
Have you read the Laws of Rheinland: <Yes>
Do you require money for a start up ship of the selected division of your choosing: <Yes>
All applicants with genetic modifications will be rejected: (I am a pure human being)

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction - Recruitment Center - Milan - 02-24-2019

Firstname: Lothar
Surname: Karlsohn
Age: 33
Date of Birth: 19th March 792 A.S.
Origin: Rheinland
Short biograph: I was born and raised on cold planet Hamburg. My family was part of the working class and saved enough money to allow me to study engineering and business on New Berlin after I got my Abitur. Then I followed a two-year training program in foreign lenguages. I've been working as a counsellor and independant trader up to these days.
Division to join: <Mark with a [X]>
[X] - Transport Division
[ ] - Mining Division
[ ] - Security Wing
Why do you want to work for Daumann? Primarily, to make my parents proud by joining a prestigious company. Also to get a stable job insuring a steady income to my family.
Why do you think Daumann should hire you? I'm a young motivated professional with a good knowledge of business and foreign lenguages, which will certainly prove useful when it comes to exports. I also have a small experience of piloting in difficult conditions.
『Lothar Karlsohn
Lothar Karlsohn

// OORP Notes: New to Discovery, first application to a player faction.
Discord Details: MilanK#1110
Have you read our Infomation Page: <Yes/No>
Have you read the Laws of Rheinland: <Yes/No>
Do you require money for a start up ship of the selected division of your choosing: <Yes/No> My starting funds are unfortunately very low... I could definitely use a company Behemoth, if the Transport Division staff is kind enough to provide me one.
All applicants with genetic modifications will be rejected: (read animal ears, tails, fur, three or more breasts, or any other sort of abomination will be rejected) The company doctors will surely confirm that I am a regular homo sapiens sapiens!

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction - Recruitment Center - Amethran - 03-01-2019

Firstname: Lori
Surname: Nehaus
Age: 28
Date of Birth: 1th July 798 A.S.
Origin: Rheinland
Short biograph: Born on the Daumann station of Briesen Mining Facility in the Omega-7 system. Through her life she always wanted to be a miner just like her father and this dream become reality after her 18th birthday when she officially become part of the Daumann Heavy Constructions secondary fleet. In the last ten years she worked with the secondary fleet but now she decided to join the first fleet of DHC.
Division to join: <Mark with a [X]>
[X] - Transport Division
[X] - Mining Division
[ ] - Security Wing
Why do you want to work for Daumann? For me, it's like a family business. My father worked his whole life as a miner for the company while my mother is worked as a security officer on the Briesen Mining Facility in the last twenty years.
Why do you think Daumann should hire you? A still relatively young but experienced pilot who is worked her whole life on the mining fields of Rheinland.

『<Lori Nehaus>
<Lori Nehaus>

// OORP Notes:
Discord Details: amethran#7920
Have you read our Infomation Page: Yes
Have you read the Laws of Rheinland: Yes
Do you require money for a start up ship of the selected division of your choosing: No
All applicants with genetic modifications will be rejected: I'm a genetically pure human. No modification made on me.