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Enlistment Office [Recruitment] - Printable Version

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Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - casero - 12-19-2010

[Image: comheader.png]
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>>>>Comm ID: Taishō Hajime Hiroito
>>>>To: Isatu Hirawata, Shin Takeru, Jin Hyuga
>>>>Subject: Application for the Kusari Naval Forces


Your applications have been accepted, you will be contacted by our offices soon to move you to our facilities.

<span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%]<div align="right]Kaigun Taishō, Hiroito Hajime.
[Image: comfooter1.png]

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - jahnis - 12-22-2010

Topic: Application to be accepted in the glorious Navy of the KNF.
From: Akuma Takeru
Age: 23
Home: Planet Kyushu
Weight: 84kg
Height; 1,93m


I was born on Kyushu. I lived together with the family of my Cousin Shin Takeru since my Father was killed in Action in the Bretonian War. My Mother died because of an Illness. I grew up under the strict military Drill of my Uncle. After finishing Military Academy I worked for a few years in Order to buy myself a Chimera. I sincerely hope to be accepted in to the Ranks of the KNF in order to bring honor to the Kusari Empire and my family.

Reasons for joining the KNF:
To bring honor and glory to empire and family

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Bakamono - 12-24-2010

[Image: comheader.png]
>>>ID: Shōshō Mikako Takahashi
>>>>To: Akuma Takeru
>>>>Subject: Application for the Kusari Naval Forces
Your application has been accepted, welcome to the Kusari Naval Forces.
Please make sure you have access to Delta Communications if you don't already.
Please make yourself available on band Sigma Kappa Yankee Phi Epsilon for patching into the Naval communications network.
Takahashi out.
[Image: comfooter.png]

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Charo - 12-29-2010


[Image: 14yuki.jpg]

Konnichiwa Navel Forces. It is in my interest to join your ranks...

Name : Yuki Arakaki
Age : 23
Gender : Female
Bio: //Please note that this still a WIP\\
Reason for Joining: I wish to have an honorable cause in my life.
Current Ship Transmitter: Yuki.Arakaki //In case you want to see me in action\\

I am wishing to hear from you soon.


Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Landers - 12-30-2010

[ID: Raidon Takashi]
Name: Raidon Takashi
Age: 22
Gender: Male


Raidon Takashi was born on Planet Kyushu, 796 A.S. His familly is loyal to the Emperor and to the state, so the parents want Raidon to be the soldier of the greatest empire. Raidon learnt hard in the primary school. He left the secondary, and went to the Naval Forces Academy. He's quite good in a Very Heavy Fighter, and he provided obedience to his teachers / trainers. Now, he's finished the Naval Forces Academy.

Reason of joining the KNF:

I want to protect and serve the empire and the emperor.


Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - casero - 01-01-2011

[Image: comheader.png]
[font=Century Gothic]
>>>>Comm ID: Taishō Hajime Hiroito
>>>>To: Yuki Arakaki, Raidon Takashi
>>>>Subject: Application for the Kusari Naval Forces


Yuki Arakaki, I'm sorry to tell you that your application has been rejected, we think you still need more basic training and a major knowledge of Bushido.

Raidon Takashi, your application has been accepted, you will be contacted by our officers soon.

<span style="font-size:10pt;line-height:100%]<div align="right]Kaigun Taishō, Hiroito Hajime.
[Image: comfooter1.png]

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - akira.tyas - 01-02-2011

.: Incoming transmission :.

To: Kusari naval forces highest command
From: Akira Tyas
Subject: Requesting join to KNF

Personal Data

Gender: Female
Age: 21
Origin: Planet New Tokyo
Known siblings: Sean Tyas, Miho Tyas
Available Ships: J17P - 95P "Chimaera", Kusari Gunboat

[Image: chim2.jpg]

Bio and motivation:
Born as a youngest, with one brother and sister, daughter of Kusary Officer, killed in battle. When i was younger I was used to fly with my brother, miner, and taking care about guns and turrets. My brother was captured and tortured by pirates, during his shift. After his release, i swore to myself, that i will help to neutralise future threat in all Kusari space. The best way to succeed in that, is join Kusari Naval Forces and be trained by the bests. With almost unlimited resources, im able to fly any type of ship and im prepared to climb, as much i can.

Your Loyal
Akira Tyas

[Image: akiratyaspost.jpg]

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Bakamono - 01-04-2011

[Image: comheader.png]
>>>ID: Shōshō Mikako Takahashi
>>>>To: Akira Tyas
>>>>Subject: Application for the Kusari Naval Forces
Your application has been accepted, welcome to the Kusari Naval Forces.
Please make sure you have access to Delta Communications if you don't already.
Also, please make yourself available on band Sigma Kappa Yankee Phi Epsilon for patching into the Naval communications network.
Takahashi out.
[Image: comfooter.png]

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - ChillerMiller - 01-05-2011

---Incomming Transmission---

Name: Yoshiro Sezumo
Age: 21
Gender: Male

Bio: Yoshiro was born on planet Honshu. His mother died after his birth and he was raised by his strict father. He was taught to honor his family and his emperor everytime. Yoshiro was sent to the military academy to make his first step to honor his emperor. He learned fast, in order to become a soldier of the emperor one day.
It took some years to finish the academy, but he is now ready to serve the emperor as a soldier of the Kusari Naval Forces

Reason of joining the KNF: To honor his family and his emperor.

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Kenobi - 01-06-2011

*** Communication sequence initiated ***
*** Startbit set - Comms ready ***

ID: Commander Ijen Ohara

Dear Sirs,

With regret I must let you know that the Liberty Navy is not what I expected. After many years of service to them, I still am not offered the position of Bomber-pilot. The same position my father had when he was still amongst us.
Therefore they leave me mo choice but to come to you, my home-grounds. My Home-system New Tokyo. I hope that here I can follow my fathers footsteps and become the great bomberpilot I he allways dreamed of.


Ohara out.

*** Stopbit set - Comms terminated ***