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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Exodus - 04-05-2015

[Image: Anatoliy%20Boykov_zpsfwcssqsp.png]

ID: Mladshiy leytenant Anatoliy Boykov
Location: Mykolaiv Research Station
Subject: Flight Record

Privet Comrade!

Today we have teamed up with Comrade Moreau in order to isnpect the bordering systems. We didn't record any infringement of our laws. I must admit I don't like the smell of the capitalist Alliance descendants but cannot purge this foxhole with two bombers.

Attachment #1

With all that, we have ended our patrol in a local bar drinking some fine vodka. A bit too much maybe. Still, I think Comrade Moreau would agree that nothing happened worth mentioning, as far as I remember of course.

Anatoliy signing off.

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Alhimik - 04-07-2015

Greetings comrades, Sen.Lt. Anton Volkov is back from temporary leave and back to my duty in Revolutionary Army.
First of all I wish to begin mine recon mission in deep Omicron's and Sigma's, I think after mine temporary leave much things changed at this systems.

For the Coalition.

Volkov out

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 04-20-2015

[Image: dpophfr.png]

Comm ID: Commissar Tabakov
Subject: Odessa Survey Mission
"The CPW Che Guevara and myself in an Insurgent met with members of the Independent Miner's Guild in Omega-3 after the Guevara helped repulse a Corsair raiding party from the system. The Survey Ship 'Biscayne Bay' along with it's escorts were led to Omega-5 and from there towards Omega-52 along the Red Hessian lines as that was the safest path rather than traversing the Hole directly.

The ships were escorted into Omega-52 and from there begun the initial scans of Odessa, the IMG then completed their scans, reported they would have to send a team to the lower atmosphere/surface areas to get more in-depth scans but say it is 'promising'.The IMG will be conducting the survey over a period of time, coming in and out of Omega-52 to conduct the survey."


IMG In orbit of Odessa

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Alhimik - 04-22-2015

[Image: W1qArCp.png]
Greetings comrades, Volkov here.
Here results of my patrol in Independent worlds. More people join to Communism, rescued slaves now wish begin work on our manufactures. One Zoner-slaver killed and we have more Workers. I think my mission was successful
For the Coalition.
Volkov out.

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 04-26-2015

[Image: dpophfr.png]

Comm ID: Commissar Tabakov
Subject: Omega-7-11 Assault
"Today Red Hessian Army and S.C.R.A. forces engaged Rhienland Lawful forces in the Omega-7 system, [RHA] had a fighter under threat by three ships, a Rheinland VHF, a Rheinland Bomber and a Transport being utilized as a combat vessel. Coalition Patrol arrived quickly on the scene and aided in the disabling of the transport and forced the bomber to flee under cloak. The Fighter was destroyed in a 1-1 duel with a member of the Red Hessian Army.

In Omega-11 my lone patrol ship met up with [RHA] vessels and aided one of their Transports against a Daumann Uruz raider attempting to crack the hull of the RHA's transport, thankfully the ship in question was a lousy shot and was disabled rather quickly. "


Combat Transport Downed

BDM Wraith Downed

Daumann Aggressor Downed

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 05-02-2015

[Transmission Begins]
From: The S.C.R.A. High Command
To: All Coalition Assets.
Priority: HIGH
[Image: Coalition-sig.png]
[Message Begins]
"Comrades, today a harsh blow was struck to the imperialists of the Kingdom of Bretonia and the corrupted Republic of Liberty. Coalition strike fighters in New London distinguished themselves with courage, discipline and zeal that brings glory to all those who believe in the Coalition's ideals, Bretonian and their allied forces were closing in on a Gallic facility newly established in New London in their next phase of conquest, naturally the Coalition would not pass up such an opportunity to lengthen the war by 'evening the odds', Two pilots braved a firestorm of Capital Ships, Fighters and Bombers and came out victorious!

Captain Auguste Moureau and Commissar Nikita Tabakov are to be commended for their efforts in combating the threat that overshadows Omega-52 each day, therefore it is our honour to bestow the Red Star of the Coalition for taking the fight to the enemy right in their heart and ensuring a Coalition victory with no loses to our own.

With such acts of valour it will not be long before Sirius falls under our domain and the Red Flag flies over each and every House in the final victory!"

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса
[Transmission Terminates]


[LN] Downed

Liberty ship downed

BAF Downed

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Alhimik - 06-03-2015

[Incoming Transmission]

[Image: sqe48kg.png]
[Sen.Lt. Anton Volkov]

Greetings comrades, Volkov is here.
Today I come to Mykolaiv with interesting cargo in my ship. This cargo - rare guns who was taken from destroyed ships in some systems. This weapon was gifted to scientists and engineers of Mykolaiv. Full list of weapon:

[Image: i4osdSp.png]

[Transmission end]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 06-07-2015

[Transmission Begins]
From: The S.C.R.A. High Command
To: All Coalition Assets.
Priority: HIGH
[Image: Coalition-sig.png]
[Message Begins]
"Comrades, the Revolutionary Army has a task bestowed upon us by the State Duma and the office of the Premier of the People's Republic. As may or may not know our goal in the current struggle over Omega-49 is not just the expulsion of the Corsair menace alongside our allies in the Republic of Dublin and the Red Hessian Army, but to secure a combat corridor to the promising Cayman System where our crippled foes, the Reapers of Sirius remain. While normally their numbers would not be worth much in the face of the might of the Triumvirate Forces, the ever annoying Corsair Empire is determined to whittle away our forces and create as many causalities.

Still we must press onwards, however in order to wage a War the People's Republic needs information. Fortified Locations, Fuel Depots and other High Priority Targets that would benefit the Triumvirate forces. Detailed Scans will be required of the system's defenses and potential resources that can be tapped post-invasion. Furthermore we need up-to-date information on the Corsair Headquarters in Omega=49, the location of their battleship and estimation on strengths.

Go forth and seek out this information comrades, the future of all free People is depending upon your efforts! Do not fail your Republic!"

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Cheetah - 06-07-2015

[Incoming Transmission]

[Image: XVa5o6E.png]
From: Junior Lieutenant Artem Stukov
To: SCRA High Command
Subject: Reconnaissance Report

Stukov reporting in. Battleship Fes' exact location in Omega-49 is 3G. Judging by it's exterior, scanner readings and turret projectiles fired upon me, it's a refitted Osiris-class battleship. Installed armaments are well suited against heavy targets such as Gunboats and Destroyers, but Fes seems to lack any anti-snub weapons. Massive bomber attack might be a good option to recycle Fes into scrap metal. I don't have any information about any light or medium craft within the battleship's docking bays, so, watch out for possible fighter ambush.

Jumphole from Omega-49 to Cayman is heavily guarded by Reapers. There's three weapons platforms located in 4km from the jumphole, accompanied by the Ranseur-class battleship Fuen Lebrada. Like in case with Fes, both platforms and battleship are badly fitted against agile targets.

Our primary target should be the Shadowhaven Station. It's a massive starbase of an unknown class, orbiting the planet Braillia. Station configuration, power signatures of many facilities and count of highly encrypted transmissions going to and from the base indicates that the Shadowhaven is the capital base of Reapers as well as their main command center. If we want to disorientate the main Reapers forces, we should destroy the base as fast as possible.

Reapers also have three auxiliary bases in the system. First is Antikythera Shipyard, an Utopian Deliverer class shipyard, located in 2G. It has a huge moor where a ship of almost any size, including battleship, can be repaired. Next is Manatum Repair Station located in F6, serving the same purpose. The last is Kara Stellar Lab, located within a big radioactive minefield in 3B. Any light craft should not enter the minefield: immense radiation, combined with high-explosive mines, will shred apart any snub within mere seconds. If we will need to use a big bomber party against the lab, then we will need a party van for it.

The next interesting part is stellar bodies. First and main is the above-mentioned Planet Brailia. It is a highly radioactive, cold world with dying little Reapers presence. Even the upper atmosphere is polluted with radioactive isotopes and something which looks like Liquid Cardamine. I dunno what the Reapers did with the planet, but the result is catastrophic. Next is the moon Bactun orbiting Brailia, which seems to be very rich in resources. It has little to no atmosphere, relatively low escape velocity and smooth surface can make this moon a reliable source of metals and minerals for ship construction. The last planet is planet Fuere located near Manatum, a gas giant with valuable gases in upper atmosphere which can be converted into fuel for Reapers fleet... or for our own.

Stukov out.

=== Enemy Objects Footage ===
Battleship Fes
Cayman Jumphole Defences List
Battleship Fuen Lebrada
Shadowhaven Station
Antikythera Shipyard
Manatum Station
Kara Station (so-called 'Stellar Laboratory')
Cayman System Map

[Transmission End]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 06-07-2015

[Transmission Begins]
From: The S.C.R.A. High Command
To: All Coalition Assets.
Priority: HIGH
[Image: Coalition-sig.png]
[Message Begins]
"Gentlemen, for completing a task with great speed and efficiency it is the honour of High Command to bestow upon our comrade Artem Stukov the Recon Ribbon Class II and an allotment of 10,000,000 Social Credits for him to use as he wishes within our glorious People's Republic.

The Mission Board has thus taken the task off the table and updated it with an even more challenging mission. Go forth comrades and make your Republic proud of you!"

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса
[Transmission Terminates]