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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Alhimik - 06-07-2015

[Incoming Transmission]

[Image: sqe48kg.png]
[Sen.Lt. Anton Volkov]

The system of Baffin is a relatively old system, with several terrestrial and gas giant around its main star. Situated on the very border of the Barrier Nebula, with large quantities of mineable water and other important resources thus being ideal for settlement. The system was explored by a loose organization of Zoners, later known as being one of the few esoteric cults in Sirius, the Temporary Autonomous Zoners.
Several stations are known to exist within the extension of the Barrier Nebula that crosses the system, aswell as some special mining ships. Docking rights to the aforementioned stations should be requested from the Temporary Autonomous Zoners.
Baffin connects to Roussillon, Tau-29 and Coronado. The biggest chance of Gallic or Order attack are from Tau-29, Order capital vessels can't come from Liberty side, but they can come from side of Tau's. To defend Baffin from attacks from Tau, two or three weapons platforms can be placed near the jumphole. They, most likely, couldn't stop capital vessels, but they can force them to slow down the attack. It will give the TAZ (and possibly the SCRA) time to launch a bomber attack against enemy intruders.
-> Planet Hodge and Podge - planetoids of equal mass, Hodge and Podge share a violent orbit with each other. Perfect place for a hidden hangar or land base. Chao asteroids field can make radars less effective, thus cloaking a base to some degree
-> Coronado jump hole - Crayter Republic is also an enemy of Gallia, but is neutral to Order. They also are neutral to Coalition. Conclusion: One more allied forces. Defence platforms requirement - minimal
-> Roussillon jump hole - Tau-115 or "Roussillon" is a system recently occupied by Gallic liberalist group The Council. Council is neutral to us and hostile to Gallic Royal Navy. One more allied forces. Defence platforms setup requirement - minimal

Baffin good location to "fortification".Zoners also have a few ice miners in the Devon ice cloud, thus making Zoners less dependent from water traders
-> Zoners shipyard called "Pueblo Bonito" is located in oribt of planet Eris, a large gas giant with mass 76.89 x 10e24 kg and diameter 10,216 km
-> Zoners colony called "Shasta Orbital Skyhook" is located ain orbit of "Goddess Geode", planet which is an ultra rare carbon type planet. The entire surface of the planet is composed of crystals and light silicate dust. It has an atmosphere composed of carbon dioxide and sodium. Mass: 9.89 x 10e23 kg and diameter is 2,216 km

[Guncam photo]
[Image: DkWz9Bc.png] [Image: g4ivt2o.png] [Image: jRUd7Xx.png]
[Image: 6m69A6r.png] [Image: EFWUCU6.png]

[System map]

[Image: IBfyfVt.png]

[Transmission end]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 06-07-2015

[Transmission Begins]
From: The S.C.R.A. High Command
To: All Coalition Assets.
Priority: HIGH
[Image: Coalition-sig.png]
[Message Begins]
"Senior Lt, for completing the inspection of our allies defensive lines and a comprehensive report that the Ministry of Truth is currently delighting in it is our privilege to declare that mission completed and to award you with an allotment of 2,000,000 Social Credits and a Revolutionary Engineering Corps Pin (Junior Grade), wear it on your collar with pride and know that even the Engineers of Mykolaiv now will share drinks with you!

New Missions have been added to the board comrade, keep it coming and we may yet win over Sirius within a year!"

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 06-10-2015

[Transmission Begins]
From: The S.C.R.A. High Command
To: All Coalition Assets.
Priority: HIGH
[Image: Coalition-sig.png]
[Message Begins]
"Anton Volkov, for months you have been hard at work making yourself visible on our reports and ensuring the Coalition's presence across Sirius. High Command thus bestows upon you the rank of Commander. Bare in mind this is a probationary rank, ignore the Commissar that is constantly watching you over your shoulder as he is there to ensure that if our faith in you proves to be a mistake he'll be there to rectify the error in a rapid manner.

Fly Comrade! And try not to get blown up by a Nova Torpedo!"

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Exodus - 06-11-2015

ID: Junior Lieutenant Anatoliy Boykov
Location: Zhukovsky Station
Subject: Recon Flight

Privet Comrade!

I was informed about the updated mission board and I took the chance to complete one of the tasks. 'Recon Cadiz", the priority beta mission is fulfilled. I've run several scans of the station and the result can be seen below. The procedure was interrupted several time by corsair patrol wings but I was able to continue the scan once I've dealt with 'em.

The following footage indicates that Cadiz Base is equipped with several EMP and conventional station turrets which can easily hit larger objects yet a fighter or a bomber can easily avoid the shots. The surroundings can be used as cover as well so with all those turrets equipped on Cadiz they are not safe at all.

[Image: Cadiz%20Recon%203_zpsrdakn0oi.png][Image: Cadiz%20Recon%202_zpso7eloafl.png][Image: Cadiz%20Recon%201_zpsexzydikc.png]

On the other hand, the weapon platforms around Cadiz base are well hidden. Some of the smaller asteroids are equipped with turrets which can cause some damage but once they are identified, our bombers and even our fighters can disable them for a longer period, giving time to the heavier warships to get close to Cadiz and open fire from a safe distance.
[Image: Cadiz%20Recon%204_zpsv8mt92rk.png]
Based on the informationg gathered during the recon mission we can attack the Corsair base with ease if the certain weapon platform are disabled and the fleet must use the rock formations as covers. Blitz attacks are recommended but thats up for the planning division to decide.

Anatoliy signing off.

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Exodus - 06-11-2015

ID: Junior Lieutenant Anatoliy Boykov
Location: Arranmore Station
Subject: Recon Flight

Privet Comrade!

I have completed the next recon mission after scannin Cadiz Base. My ship was refitted and rearmed so I was ready to head to Dublin. Arranmore Station gave me a spot in their dock so I used the station as a staging point in that theatre. The system is full of mines, at least the Molly base and the BMM station is surrounded with loads of it. I spent my time in Dublin so I have the exact location of the following assets.

[Image: Dublin%20Recon%201_zpslpl0agpx.png][Image: Dublin%20Recon%203_zps6wbhqjv7.png][Image: Dublin%20Recon%204_zps2nrvn005.png]

Detailed description

We have also managed to intercept radio transmission of the Armored Forces patrol wings and we have the detailed description of the patrol routes. I have managed to mark their movement on the map and estimated the routes. I have marked them, so Molly forces might take care crossing those routes, or they can go offensive and raid those wings. During my flight gunboats and fighters were dispatched to capture me but I was able to leave them behind and get to safe disctance.

[Image: Dublin%20Recon%205_zpsslegkwbk.png][Image: Dublin%20Recon%206_zpsxcqmoz7b.png]

I hope the information gathered will help our forces and we might lend a helping hand to the Mollys as well. I am currently docked on Arranmore Station and the Molly folks are quite welcoming. I will head to the Taus to inspect those system and look for more information that can be essential to our nation.

Anatoliy signing off.

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 06-11-2015

[Transmission Begins]
From: The S.C.R.A. High Command
To: All Coalition Assets.
Priority: HIGH
[Image: Coalition-sig.png]
[Message Begins]
"Mr Boykov, for finishing two missions in a timely manner it is our honour to award you with a Class II Recon Ribbon and an allotment of Social Credits. Furthermore you are being moved up to the rank of Lieutenant as you have been a Sub-Lieutenant for quite some time.

More Missions will be added as the old ones are checked off as completed. Well done comrades!"

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 06-14-2015

[Image: dpophfr.png]

Comm ID: Commissar Tabakov
Subject: Combat Sorties
"Yesterday I joined up with members of the VWA in the Frankfurt System in response to a threat from the Sigmas. A group of Corsair Raiders had crossed into Rheinland Territory and were preparing to loot and pillage anything they could get not bolted down. VWA and I terminated most of the Corsair Fighters with minimal losses when a pair of Unioners joined the fray on the side of the Corsairs.

This act of overtly siding with our sworn foe has shown their true colours to both the VWA and a LWB who had come to aid the fight for Frankfurt. The Unioners are to be considered Traitors to the Cause and treated like any regular pirate. Terminated with extreme prejudice.

Today I managed to snag a target of opportunity in Omicron Theta. A Core vessel had been fighting a group of Hessians for some time, two of the Hessians left while one remained behind to keep on the Core, unfortunately a Corsair ship also joined in the fray, shooting at both sides. I stepped in to end the fight quicker and got a kill on the Core ship. However I had to leave post-haste as it was likely more Core ships would be responding to the incident near the Freeport.

That is all I have to report, I need to get to my ship as it needs to be tweaked so it won't fall to peices after both yesterday's engagement and today's."


Core Ship

Unioner Declaration

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Exodus - 06-16-2015

[Image: Anatoliy%20BoykovC1_zpsmzr984wo.png]

ID: Lieutenant Anatoliy Boykov
Location: Freeport 15
Subject: MIssion Report

Privet HQ!

I have to report that two missions from the Board are done by my crew. Along with the fellow comrades of the Revolutionary Army, I was able to track down the Rheinland capital ships, located in Hamburg, Stuttgart and Omega 7. Oder Shipyard was also caught on the lense and I have some details about it.

[Image: I%20Spy%201_zpsony1ljfn.png] [Image: I%20Spy%204_zpsfhv53dpx.png] [Image: I%20Spy%203_zpsugaicsxd.png] [Image: I%20Spy%206_zpshtk4hope.png]

'I Spy' - Detailed description

The mission called 'Into the Taus!' was also successfully completed. The gallic presence in the Taus are far more superior than any other pirate or unlawful factions. With Obstinate cruisers and patrol wings swarming in the systems I was able to retrieve usefull data about their battleship called Guillestre. The exile battleship, Nagasaki was also scanned and I have their exact location marked in the report. Planet Harris was also found and all the defense platforms are registered.

[Image: Into%20the%20Taus%202_zpszfurpy7v.png] [Image: Into%20the%20Taus%201_zpsp40jqsg9.png] [Image: Into%20the%20Taus%204_zpstcw2awta.png] [Image: Into%20the%20Taus%206_zpsneu4nvzu.png] [Image: Into%20the%20Taus%205_zpssiaetrhw.png]

'Into the Taus!' - Detailed description

With all the information gathered I present you the results which, I believe, will be usefull to the Marshall of the Army. The mission 'Into the Taus!' and 'I Spy' are completed I believe. If the Command Centre requires me to run other scans in that region I can be deployed as soon as you wish.

Anatoliy signing off.

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Exodus - 06-18-2015

[Image: Anatoliy%20BoykovC1_zpsmzr984wo.png]

ID: Lieutenant Anatoliy Boykov
Location: Mykolaiv Research Station
Subject: 'Samples' Acquired

Privet Comrade!

I have delivered the samples you have requested and it was handled over to the scientists of Mykolaiv Research Station. We have managed to acquire small and medium samples. Comrade Commander Volkov was leading the incursion into Kappa, with Comrade Junior Lieutenant Stukov and me in the formation. We have faced several [REDACTED] beings and eventually we have left towards Omicron 74 and refitted on Sparta Station. I have made it back to Omega 52 where the samples were handled to the scientists and as the mission debrief mentioned I will not talk about it any further. I hope that our science division will make some improvements based on their research.

[Image: Acquire%20Sample%201_zpstunlka2k.png] [Image: Acquire%20Sample%202_zpso5n8yh7f.png] [Image: Acquire%20Sample%203_zpsx52qi3ww.png]

I'm heading to Libertonian space to gather further information about their operations and assets. I will sign in once I'm out of their territory and it is safe to use comm channels.

Anatoliy signing off.

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Exodus - 06-18-2015

[Image: Anatoliy%20BoykovC1_zpsmzr984wo.png]

ID: Lieutenant Anatoliy Boykov
Location: Freeport 4
Subject: Filthy capitalists

Privet HQ!

I have been to the heart of capitalism, Liberty. California stinks. Rogues, hackers, corporate dogs, police and navy forces flyin' all around. It's a real mess out there. With Liberty Navy warships deployed in the vicinity I was able to sneak in and out easily. I wonder with all that resources what the Revolutionary Army would be capable of. So, with all that allow me to present their strongholds in the system of California.

[Image: Recon%20California%201_zpspcjj1mui.png] [Image: Recon%20California%202_zps0afkzufr.png] [Image: Recon%20California%203_zpsuz0afcae.png]

I was able the track down the hidden research base of the Navy which is not so hidden after all. In the detailed description you can find information on how did I manage to discover it's location. It is sad to see so much resources used by these capitalist traitors. We could build hundreds of warships from all the materials and mining field they have.

[Image: Recon%20California%204_zpsgd3nekgq.png] [Image: Recon%20California%205_zpshkacnrns.png]

California - Detailed description
I am now stationed on Freeport 4 but that is likely to change by the end of the day. Being always in motion helps me to stay one step ahead of our enemies. I believe caution is also part of our life in such corner of the universe.

Anatoliy signing off.