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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 06-18-2015

[Transmission Begins]
From: The S.C.R.A. High Command
To: All Coalition Assets.
Priority: HIGH
[Image: Coalition-sig.png]
[Message Begins]
"Mr Boykov, your name seems to cross our desk regularly. But in any case we have reviewed the data you have sent back and are happy to grant you that which you have earned for the glory of the Revolutionary Army. Thus is it our honour to award you: 9,000,000 Social Credits, 2 Recon Ribbons Class III, 1 Recon Ribbon Class II and for your 'other services' in the name of Coalition progress His Watchful Eye has passed along a Ministry of Truth Collar Pin

Your comrades for the [REDACTED] mission shall be sent their own awards post-haste

Your Social Credits will be sent along as soon as possible, in the meantime well done comrade! Keep up the good fight! "

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Cheetah - 06-19-2015

[Incoming Transmission]

[Image: XVa5o6E.png]
From: Junior Lieutenant Artem Stukov
Vessel ID: SCRA|Artem.Stukov
To: SCRA High Command
Subject: Samples Acquired

Stukov reporting in. We with comrades Volkov and Boykov have destroyed few █████ ships, including their ███████ fighter units and █████-class Gunboat. I've acqured one Fighter and one Gunboat remains, along with some █████ organisms. This cargo was delivered to the scientists on Mykolaiv Research Station.
Stukov out.

P.S. Beware when handling it, this stuff easily dissolved all bottles of vodka in my cargo bay!

=== Shipcam ===
Cargo Delivered

[Transmission End]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Sciamach - 06-23-2015

[Image: R60lWQB.png]

[Processing Data Feed]
Comms Relay Protocol: Sync-Transmission
Encryption: Standard
Subject: That could'a gon' bett'r

Sooo... Y'all don't mind If I got the ol'Vostok blown up right?

I mean her sister ship's still sittin' back on Gorodok all prepped still soo...

Also: I may need a pickup sometime soon... uhh.. M'self and the crew had to eject in order to, well; live.
We got some Junkers to pick us up and are tryin' to arrange transit back home. In the meantime, I'm in the process of uploadin' the datastream the Vostok was recordin' while that little incursion of ours was undertakin'.

So, it turns out that the Autopilot was a little more.. autonomous than we thought.... Now I kinda feel bad that it's dun' gone exploded

Aw well, s'pose the data backups will have t'do. Next time y'send me out thar back home, send some pilots that've actually flown a'fore and know which joystick's tha' one they be needin' ta' grab onta. They dun' got themselves swatted like a horsefly in a shootin' gall'ry... and the shootin' gallery allows rocket launch'rs.. With AM warheads.

Point is; train up som' better rookies.

[End Feed]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Exodus - 06-24-2015

[Image: Anatoliy%20BoykovC1_zpsmzr984wo.png]

ID: Lieutenant Anatoliy Boykov
Location: Zvezdny Gorodok
Subject: Rheinland Report

Privet Comrade!

I was able to rearm my vessel and it's also upgraded with a cloaking device. For a vesel, doing reconnaissance is important to move swiftly and silently behind enemy lines. With the new cloak I am able to do that, true, just for a limited ammount of time. With the new upgrade I was deployed to Dresden to do some scans and estimating the damage of the abandoned RFP base. After the locating the base I took several pictures of it and with the help of our engineers we can say that the base can be repaired and restored partially allowing to be operational once again.

[Image: Dresden%203_zpsyydcb4pn.png] [Image: Dresden%204_zpsvuwuetn1.png] [Image: Dresden%205_zps8wev7tbs.png]

As you can see, the base is severly damaged. One of the hangar bays is destroyed, and without a massive ammount of resources it will be hard to be rebuilt. Along with the hangar bay, the side which faces the sun, is also damaged and will be hard to use that section anytime soon. One of the hangar bays, around 40% of the station's body and the tower section, with minor repairs, is basically liveable. Oxygen, water and other system might be severly damaged, so weekly tranports could be necessary. Yet with one working hangar bay, deploying patrol wings might be problematic, also stationing smaller vessel on the station is not an option. With all that, I would doubt the station could be usefull as it requires a lot of resources to make it operational.

[Image: Dresden%202_zpsg7vvvcwu.png] [Image: Dresden%201_zpses6p10gi.png]

Dresden - Detailed description

As you can see, the Krüger and Rheinland Military bases are also located and scanned. Yo can read the longer version of the report above. I hope my work will be useful to our and the hessian's cause as well. I will visit Liberty soon, as the head of capitalism, and I will do some research on their operations and stations. I have the feeling that Liberty sectors are hiding special secrets what we could turn against them. We'll see. With my cloaking device I will make sure they won't notice me.

Anatoliy signing off.

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 06-25-2015

[Transmission Begins]
From: The S.C.R.A. High Command
To: All Coalition Assets.
Priority: MEDIUM
[Image: Coalition-sig.png]
[Message Begins]
"Lieutenant Anatoliy Boykov, your report has been logged and noted, as such the mission shall be removed from the board and the High Command is pleased to award you your allotment of Social Credits and a Recon Ribbon Class III. Furthermore you are granted permission to equip experimental armaments upon your Insurgent-Class Snub-Fighter if you see fit. Well done Comrade and you may expect your allotment of Social Credits shortly.

Keep up the work."

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Exodus - 06-27-2015

[Image: Anatoliy%20BoykovC1_zpsmzr984wo.png]

ID: Lieutenant Anatoliy Boykov
Location: Zvezdny Gorodok
Subject:Red October

Privet High Command!

With the latest upgrade, I was able to return to Liberty and fly all around it's core systems without being noticed. When I ran out of supplies I've docked in Baffin, as the local zoners, more of mad people, welcomed me there. After spending the night there I was able to return to Liberty. I was heading through the "Badlands", as libertonians call it, when I picked up a faint radio chatter. From the lines what I've heard I was pretty sure, that a vessel was heading to Texas system to the local prison station. I have no idea what was that vessel up to in that part of New York at the first place, but I really didn't care. As far as I've had something to go after, I was satisfied.

Cloaking in Texas

[Image: Theft%201_zps371kyc5y.png]

Sneaking through the "Badlands" and heading to Texas was easy. I was closing in to sector grid F-4 where the ship, as in the faint chatter mentioned, was heading to. When I got close to the location, it was clear to me that the destination of the vessel was a prison station. I've engaged my cloaking device as Navy vessels were patroling the vicinity. Battleships with gunboat and fighter wing escorts were cruising just a few hundred meters away from me, so I was hoping that the new cloak will do it's job. Which apparently it did. I was sitting in the cockpit, wathcing around and keeping my eyes on the prison station. I must admit, I've never seen anything more bad looking than that crazy prison station. Who would let prisoners stay next to the main tradelanes, the heavy populated areas? Planning and acting for libertonians is not going very well. How delightful.

Observing unknown vessel

[Image: Theft%203_zpsjn6zpqmm.png]

I was waiting next to the prison station, hopeing that my scanners will be able to detect the unknown signature that was picked up in the "Badlands". While scanning the station, the docking bay's doors were opening and a ship undocked from the station. From what I was able to see, it was a small transport like vessel, with a weaponry capable to deal great damage. I managed to get closer and take a closer look on the vessel. It was an armed transport, which was confirmed by the scanners as well, heavily armed and armored, capable to survive almost everything. Black and grey in color, with the ugly capitalist logo on it's side. It was a bad looking ship, not fast but not slow either. It was easily manoeuvrable and was a small target within the crosshair. Low profile, agile and ugly, the best combination ever.

Following the target

l[Image: Theft%205_zpso7by5a3d.png]

The vessel started to move and left the station without any escort and headed to Bering system. I was able to follow it closely, as my cloak was doing a very good job keeping me hidden. I was flying next to him, and could take a closer look into it's cargo. The ship was empty, beside the two men crew who was operating the vessel. They were heading to the Freeport in Bering system, for meeting their 'comrades' and discussing some future deals. At least that was what I've heard over their inner comm system, I was attached to. The capitalists are talking a lot on their comms, yet I could easily yell from the back of the ship, up to the cockpit. Nevermind, for a recon unit the best possible target is the one who talks loudly, using systems that can be easily eavesdropped.

Preparing to dock

[Image: Theft%207_zpsuoh1b894.png]

The armored transport, named Stiletto, reached the Freeport and was preparing to dock. A few seconds later after the armored transport docked, suddenly Xenos showed up and Bounty Hunters were hunting them, so in the complete mess, I've managed to get inside the station through the open hangar doors. My bomber was safe and sound, being cloaked, attached to the stations hull. Once the crew left the ship I managed to get on board their ship and within a few minutes I figured out how to override the safety protocols and was able to get the engines start. I've triggered the undocking sequence and was able to get rid of the station as soon as possible. When I was out, engaged the tractor beam and aimed it on my bombers location. The cloaking device automatically turned off and I was able to fly out of the sector in minutes towing my precious vessel..


[Image: Theft%208_zpsfu8gmfl2.png]

Flying through Rheinland seemed to be a good option, while my eyes were on the scanners for possible enemy contacts. I was avoiding tradelanes and crowded areas, flying through the empy sectors were easier for both the two ships attached together by the tractor beam, both for me. I took my chance to take some rest while the scanners of the Stiletto were constantly searching the area. With luck, or better to say, due to my recon skills, I was able to get to Omega 5 from where getting back to Omega 52 was an easy maneuver. Using the bomber's communication IDs, I warned our troops that I'm heading to our home system with a libertonian vessel and I wouldn't mind if they cease fire for the time being. I've received an escort from our patrol wings and docked the vessel at Zvezdny Gorodok, after Mykolaiv RS declared that the ship is not emitting any signal, nor it can be tracked or detected by Liberty forces.

'Grizzly' Liberty Shuttle

[Image: Theft%209_zpstpko4jil.png]

Opportunities like these do not appear often, so I took my chance to get our hands on a libertonian vessel. It might hold valuable information for our cause, yet that is up to our engineers to unlock and decrypt the codes. Maps, high valuable targets, patrol routes, secret files... that's only part of the details we can find if our technicians will be able to extract the data without any loss. So far we have identified the class of the ship, that kinda data is easily accessible even from a locked computer. It is a 'Grizzly' Liberty shuttle, used for transporting high valuable targets, like officers and up to government workers. The vessel has 8 weapon slots and a heavily reinforced hull. It is also equipped with a satellite dish, countermesures, mines and is capable to reach 350 m/s speed top. The ship's transponder and ID was changed, and now the ship is flying under freelancer flags. Oh, and the libertonian logo can be easily removed upon request. Yet I must note, that the ship could be easily used for infiltration or undercover ops in Liberty territory. Destroying the ship after the extraction of valuable information would be the best solution and it is highly recommended though.

Anatoliy signing off.

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Exodus - 06-30-2015

[Image: Anatoliy%20BoykovC1_zpsmzr984wo.png]

ID: Lieutenant Anatoliy Boykov
Location: Arranmore Station
Subject: Peekaboo

Privet High Command!

After returning from Liberty I took my chance to visit the battle worn system, Leed. I was able to collect several information regarding gallic and bretonian troops. The situation is tense, as patrol wings of the two houses are clashing every moment. Next to the sun, in a remote location of the sector, you can see the Armed Forces and the Royal Navy shooting each other. With Gaians, Mollys, Outcasts and bounty hunters in the system, the whole place looks like a playground of the capitalist regim. I would call my mission successfull, my scanner collected as much data as they could during the short time I was in Leeds. The cloaking device I have equipped on my bomber was qualified efficient. You can see the report below, I hope the High Command can make a good use of it.

Leeds System

[Image: Bretonias%20Loss%206_zpsf9cru8nx.png]

The former bretonian system, Leeds, is under constant pressure of the Gallic Royal Navy. They have a well established strike force overwathcing the whole sector. Even though they are there in force, the lower part of the sector, map wise, is still occupied by the Bretonia Armed Forces and ocasionally Mollys and Gaians are flying there as well. They are constantly fighting the Gallic forces, yet without any heavy support it is a real pain to do that. I saw several friendly wing getting ripped apart by gallic cruisersi and battleships. Planet Leeds and it's vicinity is constantly monitored by the invaders, both using satellite dishes and other fancy equipments. I was able to fly all around the sector with the cloaking device I have mounted on my vessel, without that I would have been attacked several times.

Planet Leeds

[Image: Bretonias%20Loss%203_zpsmltvbcyr.png]

I have to report something fancy. I really enjoyed the sight that welcomed me next to planet Leeds. The gallic battleship, the Oubli is wrecked. Even though the planet's defense systems are constantly firing on enemy targets, the are is secure. Without their battleships, the gallics are flying cautiously around the planet. I have no information about the current situation on the surface of the planet but the local area seems pretty clear to me. Larger taskforces could get a hold there if they plan to act quickly. Once the gallic cavalry would arrive there would be no retreat but fight to death only. It seems that the libertonian and bretonian joint operation had a really good effect in the area. Softening up gallic lines are the first step, and in this case, I must tell that the capitalists did a an extremly ideal move in the sector.

Border Station

[Image: Bretonias%20Loss%205_zpskde6sutn.png]

Glasgow outpost is currently occupied by IDF Shipping and it is atacking hostiles, defending the jumpgate leading to Tau 31. Ile de France Shipping is basically a gallic corporation without actual military force. Of course, the Royal Navy is supporting them and vice versa. They have a bad influence over the sector and with the station in their hands I would say, they own some firepower. Yet, all corporations can be bought with credits, might be a chance worth to try. Capitalism and corruption is walking hand in hands, both should be exterminated, in a certain order.

LD 14

[Image: Bretonias%20Loss%202_zpshjlgi4bl.png]

The refinery station is occupied by te Gallic Royal Navy. They can refit their vessels there in case of emergency, yet the station is not heavily populated. Due to the hazardous enviroment only a small crew is operating the station. It can provide shelter for a short period for gallic forces but it should not be considered as a valuable asset. On the contrary, the station can be easily cleaned out with proper equipment and enviromental suits.

Mining Operations

[Image: Bretonias%20Loss%202_zpshjlgi4bl.png]

Stokes Mining Station is currently under GMS occupation. The Gallic Metal Service managed to get the station operational yet it's only working with low efficiency. The station is equipped with traditional defenses capable of causing a little bit of headache for tranport vessels. Other than the, there is nothing lethal about the base. Of course, gallic forces tend to visit the are quite often, so running into patrols can be expected.

I have returned to Arranmore Station to get my vessel in shape once again. While the revolutionary bomber was being repaired I have managed to get some supplies to Mykolaiv Research Station. I have high hope for the Tempest Light Carrier of hours. I'm confident that our engineers will do a great job and get that ship up and running very soon. It could be a great asset to our nation. And would definitely scare our enemies, which is also important. You can check my delivery reports here if you wish.

Anatoliy signing off.

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 07-13-2015

[Transmission Begins]
From: The S.C.R.A. High Command
To: All Coalition Assets.
Priority: MEDIUM
[Image: Coalition-sig.png]
[Message Begins]
"Lieutenant Anatoliy Boykov, the High Command has received your report on the Leeds system as well as your work on the Tempest Project. Your work has brought us one step closer to victory comrade and such deeds are not ignored.

You have been granted an allotment of 9,000,000 Social Credits and we are also pleased to award you the Volgograd Industrial Pin. Not only that it is the pleasure of the High Command to award you the Coalition's Gallic Campaign Medal (Sirius). Well done comrade! Ura!."

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 07-24-2015

[Transmission Begins]
From: SCRA|CPW-Trotsky, Commissar Strauss
To: All Coalition Assets.
Priority: HIGH
[Image: Coalition-sig.png]
[Message Begins]
"Earlier the Trotsky went on a sortie through the Omega systems. We traversed through the Omega-5, 47, 55 and 58 system until we came across what appeared to be a Freelancer in a Corvo Research Vessel with the name 'Armed.Arms.Dealer' on our return trip in the Omega-5 system. Naturally we drew close to investigate the vessel and it's cargo. To our horror we discovered Black Level materials whose energy-signatures are associated with Nomadic hardware. After 'convincing' the Captain to relinquish his cargo who had attempted to flee multiple times by releasing small amounts of his cargo and trying to flee via cruise while our tractor beams were scooping up the materials into an isolated cargo-bay with a full Haz-Mat team on site, we warned the Captain never to haul such cargo ever again. Although he claimed vengence and swore to take it back with help from 'bombers'.

Not wishing to stick around the Trotsky returned to Omega-52 and with the aid of Lieutenant Anatoliy Boykov the materials were transferred to the TOR-ONE where Black Level Scientists will examine the various materials in addition to our current materials on site.


x5 Nomad 'Blasters'

x1 Derelict Nomad Artifact

x49 assorted Daam K'Vosh Artifacts (minimum-zero energy levels, 14 of which were sent to TOR-ONE for examination, rest scheduled for destruction)

Various Nomadic biomasses [To be Isolated in Class IV Containment systems]

At present all Ministry of Truth assets along with Revolutionary Army personnel are advised to be on the lookout for this individual and perform random scans on his ship should he seek to continue his illegal act of gathering Black Level materials."

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - JayDee Kasane - 08-21-2015

[Image: JDTB.png]

Identification: Julia Dorian, SCC Commissar
Message from: Zvezdny Gorodok, room #412
Message to: SCRA High Command
Subject: Security of a Typhoon Cruisers
Priority: Very High

Nihao! This is Julia.

I've got some very unpleasing situation, which I luckily have been dealth with peacefully and fast. The violater returned what he have stolen and got what he can use against our enemies. But the risk of this remains high as long as we will not make something about it.
Today while on patrol of Omega 52 I have spotted the Militia fleet ship. But the ship class was unusual for what I used to see around Coalition space. This incompetent pilot have been flying our famous warship "Typhoon"! I dont know how he and his friends have been able to bypass the Mykolaiv Station security but someone there have been surely sleeping while on guard post! I would recommend to check the security of our shipyard. If even the incompetent militia pilot have been able to get the Typhoon and get away with it, imagine the damage can be made by group of saboteurs! Something have to be done about it and soon.
Sending proof of this crime. The papers have also been sent to His Watchful Eye. He will decide the punishment for this little pranker.

Visual proof: #1 #2 #3

For the better future! For The Coalition!

[Image: ENDTB.png]