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SF Message Dump - Printable Version

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SF Message Dump - DBoy1612 - 12-20-2006

Run Messaging Program
Run Command "Send To"
Message to: Admiral Firebird
CommID: DBoy, Black Squadron Commanding Officer

Admiral Firebird,

I hear for a reliable source that a small faction calling themselves UFO have had an open attacked on SF in Cambridge. If possible may I have the full story?

Thank you

Black Squadron Commanding Officer

Message End
Run Command "Send Message"
Message Sent.
Program Termanted

SF Message Dump - Firebird - 12-20-2006

' Wrote:Run Messaging Program
Run Command "Send To"
Message to: Admiral Firebird
CommID: DBoy, Black Squadron Commanding Officer

Admiral Firebird,

I hear for a reliable source that a small faction calling themselves UFO have had an open attacked on SF in Cambridge. If possible may I have the full story?

Thank you

Black Squadron Commanding Officer

Message End
Run Command "Send Message"
Message Sent.
Program Termanted

Think its a case of work in progress...little patience and I think a report will be in.

SF Message Dump - thekillerppodl - 12-20-2006

tranmission 2 : all
comm id ppodl

watch out for fleet adimal his refuel to answer my hail met with a warnign of force he answerd the then went on a big talk about how he was gonan kick my but next time in a BS (i was in a templer) . i how ever epplied killing me was going do nought and that SF would kill him

god some peopel are gits...


SF Message Dump - Firebird - 12-20-2006

' Wrote:tranmission 2 : all
comm id ppodl

watch out for fleet adimal his refuel to answer my hail met with a warnign of force he answerd the then went on a big talk about how he was gonan kick my but next time in a BS (i was in a templer) . i how ever epplied killing me was going do nought and that SF would kill him

god some peopel are gits...


Slight translation :cool:

tranmission 2 : all
comm id ppodl

watch out for "fleet admiral" his refusal to answer my hail met with a warning of force. he answered then went on a big talk about how he was going to kick my butt next time in a BS (i was in a templer) . i however replied killing me was going do nothing and that SF would kill him


SF Message Dump - thekillerppodl - 12-20-2006

tranmission 2 : all
comm id ppodl

thanks sir anyway he also wanted me to attack him to below 1/2 his shields however i shot him one and didn't bother to finish it i took a screenshto of him asking but it won't work (check wiht nynx) he was in cambridge
and i can'ttype well cause i'm drunk and ermm..


SF Message Dump - Hyperwave22 - 12-20-2006

Transmit to: All SF Personnel
Comm ID: Captain Hyperwave

First of all, I would like to welcome all new members to SF. I'll get to the bar once it stops snowing here:P

Additionally, I am awaiting confirmation of a new recruit:

Forum: Killer_Dave
In-game: [SF]-SFFG-Killer_Dave

transmission ends...

SF Message Dump - Firebird - 12-20-2006

K sry about lack of formatting but rushed here...

1. Exile and Killer_dave have been added to the roster.
2. Moved several members to the inactive list. If I've placed someone as inactive and this is not the case, inform me via PM and I'll correct.

SF Message Dump - Ant - 12-20-2006

Transmit to: All SF personnel
Comm ID: Lieutenant Carlaw, SFGB FireAnt

[AW-B]Denicalus was again involved in a bit of a ruckus today, with the AW ship opening fire on a [F.E.A.R] tagged vessel.
It appeared that the [F.E.A.R] vessels were capable of defending themselves, so there was no need to get involved.

Both sides were requested to cease hostilities within Cambridge.

[AW-B]Denicalus indicated to the [F.E.A.R] ships that they were unwelcome in Omicron Theta whether there were AW ships in the area or not.
One is mystified at how they might expect to enforce such a rule.
I must say, we had a bit of a giggle over that one.

transmission ends

SF Message Dump - Ant - 12-21-2006

Transmit to: All SF personnel
Comm ID: Lieutenant Buxton, SFBS Repulse

Called in from Leeds by the FireAnt, who reported the following.
Quote:Helghast and HF ships requested to leave the system and informed they would be fired on otherwise. They refused.
Opened fire on HF dreadnaught Atlas, who returned fire. Sustained moderate damage and returned to Cambridge to request assistance.
Repulse responded by advancing to Cambridge and moving to intercept hostile vessels, assisted by F.E.A.R and other friendly vessels.

Repulse opened fire on Helghast Cruiser(KidNasty) and hostile vessels responded.
[AW-B]Denicalus gunboat was noticed firing on Repulse. We did not return fire.
Engagement culminated with the [HF]Atlas destroyed by Repulse.

Helghast cruiser was pursued to planet Cambridge and fired on. Misfire made the local police angry, so Repulse disengaged and proceeded to mining colony for resupply.

Pursued by [AW-B]Denicalus which continued to fire on Repulse. Again we did not return fire.

Helghast vessel was seen to leave Cambridge and Repulse proceeded with recruitment operation in New York, not as shiny new looking as she was before the battle.

End of Transmission

SF Message Dump - Hyperwave22 - 12-21-2006

Transmit to: All SF Personnel - Priority 1
Comm ID: SFBS-Sierra
SFBS-Sierra was met today by 3 HF vessels and 1 Helghast Vessel in Cambridge. A transmission was sent over comm, saying something like: Prepare to die, Sierra. Due to the hostility, I fired first (immediately after the threat), in order to get the uphill advantage. I had a tipoff from a trader that they had been attacking the Cambridge area, so I thought this the best way to deal with this threat. They were not asked to leave system, but were asked to state their business, as there was an AW in the area. I tried to avoid hostilities with them, but was confronted by an Osiris, a fighter, and two other ships of unknown identification.

Battleship Sierra was horribly outnumbered, and was crippled completely. Southampton Shipyard has agreed to initiate repairs immediately; although they did start to complain about Sierra ending up there so often:P

Following the crippling of Battleship Sierra, a form of disease, possibly a variant of smallpox advanced, has been released over the atmosphere of Cambridge. SFMF-Horizon is being deployed from its stationing in Newcastle to assist in the curing of the disease.

AW, while not committing any illegal actions, appeared to be escorting HF from Theta to Omega-5. At that point, the AW ship remained in Omega-5 while the HF and Helghast ships engaged SFBS-Sierra. He appeared to have similar comm frequencies, but there is no true evidence against him.

Disaster relief organizations are being set up in Cambridge... again.

In addition, politically-wise, I discovered another problem. Evidently, according to HF, SF is essentially on their kill-on-site list, but I'm not sure. HF transmitted the comment contradicting himself, thus I'm not sure quite what he meant, but it was along the lines of: "SF is on our KOS list, but not quite" or something similar to this.

End transmission