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Public Newcomer Helper Log Thread - Printable Version

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Angel Message Dump - Sassafras - 09-30-2009

A combo post of two shifts. Was happy to meet and help out some great guys including Event-Horizon, Mark.Ford, Los_My_Uit, Hirano_Takayoshi, Tzoky, Kemp, Louis.Desaix, and [TMG]Quinn.Leo.

Let me see now, helped out with the /givecash command, mining scrap metal in Pittsburgh, upgrading to class 4 shields on the Rhino, discussed factions in Bretonia with a player ultimately deciding to join the BAF, and gave out a nice beginning trade run to Kusari:

Manhattan -> Planet Kyushu: neon
Planet Kyushu -> Fuchu Prison (Shikoku): light arms
Deshima Station (Shikoku) -> Manhattan: h-fuel

Two things that were interesting.

Fellow named [BPS]-Wicked launched out of Erie then proceeded to kill every under-level ship within range. Seeing a common theme here I asked him if he spoke English, answer was "No". He said he was German. I switched to Google Translate and found a translation from English to German to "Stop for a moment". He thankfully complied. I then searched my skype chats for a German speaker. Found some in both RM and RHA chats. Having my interpreter lined up, I went back in game. Sadly and with a bit of frustration on my part, the player had logged off.

Second thing was a player called me who had a Freelancer ID and was flying a Liberty gunboat. He told me the tale that LN ships were destroying his gunboat since he had a Freelancer ID. So he asked me if a Freelancer could use a Liberty gunboat within the roleplay rules. I told him the answer was No. A Freelancer, which is only a civilian, could not use a navy/military ship. He then started to debate with me why he should have said ID/ship combo.

You know, debating with an Angel about a rule is pointless. We can't change them, and in his situation, it would have saved him much grief to just get a different gunboat or ID--problem solved mucho easy.

As the Corsairs would say, "adios amigos".

Angel Sass

Angel Message Dump - n00bl3t - 10-01-2009

Pulled a shift today.

No idea how long.

Taught someone how to use the /stuck command. (It got them out of a sticky situation.)

Anyway, I will be in Omicron Minor until further notice. (Or until we get self .beam commands so we can go where needed on our own steam.)

Have we thought about assigning different places of Sirius to each Angel?

(Also, I may need to rename my Angel.)

Angel Message Dump - Silmathien - 10-01-2009

At what time are you on?

And can someone give me a hint where i could find the jumphole to Champagne?

Angel Message Dump - n00bl3t - 10-01-2009

' Wrote:At what time are you on?

And can someone give me a hint where i could find the jumphole to Champagne?

Most times.

PM sent.

Angel Message Dump - Sassafras - 10-02-2009

First off, last night I received donations to The Angels totaling 40 million credits. My heart is bursting with happiness for our wonderful supporters.

So a gigantic THANK YOU to an anonymous donor from the Zoners and Curt.Remmert. You guys made my night.

I have to admit that last night I was tired, down right pooped. My day job kicked my butt. So I jumped in the Angel flyer and headed to my favorite destination for peace and tranquility--Buffalo Base. From there I received a steady stream of PMs and reached out to all the level 10 and under ships with well wishes and offers of assistance.

Over the course of the evening I chatted with Losses, Muskratt, BroKenWing, d'Anconia, and probe009. Had a lengthy discussion on the missions and differences between the LN, LSF, and LPI.

And finally had a lovely chat with Chana.Ashkenazi. Fly safe out there.

Angel Sass

Angel Message Dump - Sassafras - 10-06-2009

A mini post if you will. Helped out some nice folks including Marius.GL, Tsumo_Timin, and StarRunner. Assisted with morph setup, mining instruction, and IMG ship and gun selection for a Freelancer.

Currently updating the user guide that Angels use for helping new pilots, researching the Platinum mining location in Pennsylvania, and getting the new Angels situated.

Angel Sass

Angel Message Dump - Sassafras - 10-08-2009

Was a quiet night tonight. Spent my time testing three new beginner trade routes for the Angel User Guide. Here they are:

Manhattan -> Planet Kyushu: neon
Planet Kyushu -> Baltimore Shipyard (New York): ship hull panels

Manhattan -> Planet Honshu: neon
Planet Honshu -> Newark Station: optronics

Planet Pittsburgh -> Planet Honshu: boron
Planet Honshu -> Yukawa Shipyard (Honshu): optronics
Yukawa Shipyard -> Rochester Base: engine components
Rochester Base -> Planet Pittsburgh: consumer goods

These are easily survivable in a Rhino and provide a nice round trip to Kusari.

In the midst of this was called to Kyushu to speak to a couple of indie Outcasts who were displaying some outlandish behavior. They cloaked before I could get there. I suspect the hammer will fall hard on these two.

I had a great chat with [IG]Naginata. A very nice pilot. Said hello to Czar and Mishy.

My eyes seem to be falling shut.

Angel Sass

Angel Message Dump - Sprolf - 10-09-2009

Five hours on an unrepped Angel, and some intresting junk to report.

1: I assisted someone last night. I forget everything else.
And no, I wasn't drunk. Just really really tired. But I know I did a good job at it.

2: Helped a guy, MUHA. This is basically what I call a "complete intitiation," in that I told him everything that he needed to know about the game and factions and trading and fighting and whatnot. I advised him how to make money, got him into a freighter (MUHATRADER) and showed him a route. He didn't have enough time to run it with me, though.

3&4&5: Talked with people about capital ships, after they PMed me, told them the rules and what to do. Three situations in total, two in New York, and one in Omega 3. The people in Omega 3 didn't show any signs of repentance, however. Corsair caps, go figure. At least one sanction report was avoided.

6: I met Dusty. Highlight of my night.

And some miscellanea that I don't really need to report as it wasn't very important.
I spent a little bit of time chasing down the Platinum Ore. Not fun.

That's all, for now.

Unrepped, uninebriated, and unawake,

.beam would be so handy sometimes...

Oooooh, that's right.
I ran into a Battlecruiser that didn't like the rules and didn't like Joe and had got sanctioned without a report but was so busy telling me how great he was that he didn't have time to tell me why he and Joe got on so poorly. I had to log off because he took up so much time and because I had to go. Mercifully.

Angel Message Dump - Sassafras - 10-09-2009

Angel Sprolf, fantastic first day, post, and welcome again to the heavenly host.

Angel Sass

Angel Message Dump - Fleur Dupont - 10-09-2009

Hello all,
just want to let you know, that i really do apreciate the help i did get from you, when i needed it.
I actually do now my best to help newcomers myself, as me was helped as i started.
