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»UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Printable Version

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RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Kauket - 08-27-2021

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Keeper Revenant

[Image: unknown.png]


Skopoi is on ice for now. With the changes of circumstances, we may require their service with the upcoming incursions. See to it that you ensure these power cores do not overload, Lazurith. You have my grace to assist the project.

If there are flaws, bring it up to the teams immediately.


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Geno - 08-27-2021

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Guardian Lazurith

[Image: BGwcsMq.png]

Understood. The Skopoi project will be revised from top to bottom under our... renewed supervision, and everything new will be reported accordingly.
Over and out.

...transmission complete
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RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Kauket - 09-02-2021

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Keeper Revenant

[Image: TEdZjQ6.png]


The Pyxis has reported it has returned with a full load of Azurite Gas for Research & Development purposes.


Future deliveries related to the hyperspatial studies will need to be filed appropriately with the quartermaster. A node will be established for such for organisation purposes.


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RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - ONIKS - 11-29-2021

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Specialist Adularescence

[Image: OMPzsOE.png]


Sitrep. Unit AX-240232-470, codename - Adularescene, has converged on Ascension Point. Status green.

Awaiting further orders.


...transmission complete
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RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Darkstar_Spectre - 01-12-2022

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Guardian Arcanite


Arcanite reporting an update regarding the situation concerning Edinburgh and Planet Gaia.

At 0913 SMT, contact was established with a Molly vessel in Dublin. The vessel in question claimed to be bringing people down to the surface of Gaia to recruit refugees on the surface. The Molly allowed for this asset to accompany it during its runs to the surface, and it attempted to answer any questions to the best of its ability.

Unfortunately, it was unable to shed much light on the current situation with the Gaians, and as such, it remains unconfirmed at this moment whether or not the Gaians have access to a biological weapon. The Molly was however able to clear up their alledged goal on the surface of the planet, they claim to only be on the planet for recruitment purposes, and that the reports of fighting have been exaggerated. It did admit, that in space, however. their vessels were coming under attack by Gaian forces, regularly enough that the Mollys have resorted to moving through the small gap present between Edinburgh's two stars in an attempt to avoid contact with the Gaians.

The Molly also claimed the Union Corse is being contracted by a Gallic individual on the ground, one who is attempting to organize and command the Gallic remnants on the surface, the Molly then claimed that the Corse's activities include bringing mercenaries down to the surface, despite the facts that there supposedly is no fighting occurring on the surface, and that such an action would be unnecessary were that the case, it is hard to ascertain whether the Molly is withholding details or simply unaware of any actual conflict on the surface.

The full recordings of the conversation with the Molly will be attached below for a full analysis by the Inner Phalanx. In the meantime, Arcanite awaiting further orders on how to proceed with current mission.


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RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Darkstar_Spectre - 01-13-2022

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Guardian Arcanite


An update to the previous message, a chance encounter lead to making contact with a Gaian active in the Edinburgh conflict. Unfortunately, however they were unwilling to engage in dialogue at that moment, stating that they wished for the system to be vacated, and should the Technocracy wish to speak with them, it should be via a transmission.

Recording attached below as before. Arcanite will stand by and await mission update.


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RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Kauket - 01-30-2022

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Revenant

[Image: unknown.png]


The Directorate has issued a warning regarding the Liberty Insurgency.

Some assets may be redeployed to the Hudson system in interests of defending allied assets. The station owned by Vincent, is under siege from the Insurgency. Reports forwarded indicate their purpose for attacking has yet to be determined, but can be rounded down to political interests of expanding influence. Or some form of power play yet to be revealed.

Assets are informed to disperse any Insurgent vessel within the ten click parameter of the facility in interests of protecting it. Until a clear answer has been obtained, the Insurgency shall be forbidden from entering Inverness, we cannot trust their motives.

Do not initiate hostilities against the Insurgency. Unless they are violating the defensive space of the Abrams Research Station or Inverness. Warn them once to leave, and if they refuse, force them to vacate.

>Insurgents opening up on the facility
>Battleship neutralised
>Cruiser neutralised.


...transmission complete
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RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Kauket - 04-10-2022

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Revenant

[Image: NqZ2nOf.png]



I can affirm that my department in the Xenology sector has received incoming signals from beyond the Barrier afflicting our Tau relays. The relay subsystems for the Uplink connecting Orion group were disrupted along the Omega sub-space route, the damage is still being assessed, but an estimation is made with the Omega-Omicron relay being deprecated at the main hub. A temporary resolution was employed by Orion group, utilizing deep space probes to bounce the signals ahead, but they desperately lack the resources they need to continue.

A message was intended for homeworld from these relay probes. Commander Skiron has checked in, confirming the first phase of the mission was successful. They are in position but require additional resources to alleviate their on-going problem. They have requested reinforcements in order to repair the relay.

I have a decrypted version of the message forwarded to the neural uplink.

In addition, some of the reports regarding the Crayter-Insurgent coalition has come through. 57 subjects have been retrieved for interrogation.

As you know, my department is currently focused on matters pertaining to the Ascendancy initiative, as well as observing over the Vagrant scenario. Their subordinates may need a little nudge to obtaining the resources for Gatekeeper.

Development regarding the Final Journey has not made substantial progress, but the theory regarding psionic defences could be cross-delegated over to the main science department, as part of a fortuity of xenobiotic hostilities. Or in the event, somehow, the Xenophages weaponise them. In any case, it may be prudent to delegate some resource relocation to Skiron's group.

I will delegate some of my subordinates to overview the situation regarding the resource shortages.


...transmission complete
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RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Kauket - 04-12-2022

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Templar Frostbite

[Image: a4aRgvy.png]


Frost reporting in.

A general security alert was raised at approximately seventeen hundred hours for unauthorised flights. Two drone units detached and responded appropriately. The Insurgency was detected en-route to the Coronado system. The response team successfully managed to disable the freight vessel, and severely damage some escorts before being decommissioned. According to satellite data, the Insurgent craft left the sector, leaving the defence forces untested.

Recovered footage from the response craft:


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RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Kauket - 06-16-2022

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Templar Frostbite

[Image: a4aRgvy.png]


We received data upon the Uplink regarding higher activities stemming from the Vespucci sector. Efforts to move refugees out seem to be on the uprise. We have liberated a considerable amount of individuals, but we suspect more incursions will be occurring within the following weeks, if not already.

Refugee Interdiction 1 | Refugee Interdiction from CR |
Interdiction - Drop off - Intercepted target - Refugee Drop off | Interception

One unit successfully repelled a Liner convoy inbound to Coronado. Most notably, the convoy was being protected by the Insurgency.

Cargo scan | Identity confirmation | Initial demands | Dialogue reference | Reference 2 | Liner attempted to sneak around House enforcement whilst the Insurgents distracted them | Neutralization of target. | Forced escort into emergency landing | Second escort pacification | Recovered refugee lifeboat, 56 individuals

In addition, a Coalition ferry ship was detected headed to the Insurgent front. Target was successfully escorted out of the system. Reference.

More efforts of Crayter - Insurgent collaboration was discovered earlier on patrol.

Conversation - Initiation | Evidence of distraction | Reference of Conversation | Interrogative inquiries | Inquiry 2 | Inquiry 3 | Inquiry 4 | Suspects intruded after disregarding warning | Ferry neutralised | Confirmation of Insurgency hostilities

Lastly, we can confirm the safe arrival of collaborators from the Manhattan scene, all 122 individuals are accounted for as well as the additionals from the Affiliate completion of their extraction task. As for the refugee crisis, we have redirected 6,945 persons to Elgin for processing.


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