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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - DBoy1612 - 06-01-2007

Run Messaging Program
Run Command "To"
Message to RM
CommID: Vineta - Captain Meric Freelamen

Another run in with the NovaPG today... 4 NovaPG Ravens Talons came in to range following a trader named Bs|-Lancer-X.

The targets were engaged and 2 of the pilots ships were destroyed before the other 2 retreated back to Chukoku.

All for now, back to patrolling.

End Message
Run Command "Send"
Message Sent
Terminate Program

Rheinland Military Message Dump - DBoy1612 - 06-02-2007

CommID: Meric Freelamen

Quick and simple. The Blood Dragon Archelon is now KoS with the Rheinland Military.

Freelamen out

Rheinland Military Message Dump - DBoy1612 - 06-03-2007

Run Messaging Program
Run Command "To"
Message to Rheinland Military High Command
CommID: Admiral DBoy

My fellow allies, I am afraid I bring bad news today.

Black Squadron has recently declared War on the FEAR. And I wish to know Rheinland's status towards them, and if you will support Black Squadron in this War...

This faction was set to war for attacking not only Black Squadron pilots, but our friends and allies as well.

Please send any message in reply to this on the Black Squadron Comm Center.

( )

Thank you for your time.


End Message
Run Command "Send"
Message Sent
Terminate Program

Rheinland Military Message Dump - caylith - 06-03-2007

Message: RM

Comm ID: Admiral Hiltraud, Battleship Westphalia

Delivery of the Battleship Westphalia took place this afternoon. Official christening of the battleship will take place when the Chancellor and Fleet Admiral Krieg are available for the ceremonies.

While positioning the Westphalia in orbit outside of New Berlin an SCRA bomber Deiter Zehn came a little too close for comfort. Needless to say he was dealt with swiftly.

The Westphalia will continue her watch over New Berlin until further orders are given.

Hiltraud out

----message ends----

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Virus - 06-04-2007

Comm. ID: Chancellor Reinhardt
Transmission to: Bs| Rheinland Military

F.E.A.R. will now be considered AT WAR with the Rheinland Military. There is little else to say.

Execute with extreme prejudice. Take no prisoners. We are not interested in mercy.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Kane - 06-05-2007

Transmission to: Admiral Kaiser
Comm ID: Fleet Admiral Krieg

Madam, I am shocked. I was willing to give you the benifit of the doubt for a time, but this I must call you upon.

I am reading a report on my desk that describes you talking with, at great lengths no less, with a pirate in our space. Madam, that must never happen again. -No- pirates are to be tolerated; give them an inch and they will take a mile. The next encounter with a pirate, no matter their colors, I expect there to be a cry of attack, followed shortly by a haz-mat team sifting through the still hot peices of our enemies.

I trust I have made myself clear. Dismissed!

Message Ends:

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Dog-Soldier - 06-05-2007


I have an intelligence report that indicates [Scythe] forces are now active again in the Stuttgard system and taking advantage of the 'spread-out' state of the proud Rheinland Forces. My intel would suggest that they are planning an arms raid on container ships in the area and possibly New Berlin. I will increase my patrol pattern to take this into account. Do you have any further orders?

Rheinland Military Message Dump - DBoy1612 - 06-08-2007

Run Messaging Program
Run Command "To"
Message to RM
CommID: Vineta - Meric Freelamen

Outcasts, two of them showed up today in New Berlin while I was on patrol. Pilots names were BongSolo and Jay.

Targets were found infront of Planet New Berlin flying stingers, all of Rheinland shooting the pilots.

I engaged BongSolo and followed him as he tried to escape to Frankfurt, target was soon later destroyed.

Though, Jay gave me a much harder time. As he took me through the field of New Berlin. It did slow me down in my Cruiser, but target was disrupted constantly as he tried to escape. Jay was soon later destroyed as he attempted to duel my Cruiser.

All for now, back to patrols

End Message
Run Command "Send"
Message Sent
Terminate Program

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Qunitinius~Verginix - 06-08-2007


This is Axel Topf, from the bridge of the Kormoran. Today, i was patrolling New Berlin and I encounted a trading fleet from the IND. They were scanned and had nothing save for H-Fuel and Engine Components. Other ships were also scanned, but nothing of the contraband type was found.

A helghast ship also appeared, and me and Sam asher engaged the Foolish non-human pirate. He later killed himself with his own torpedos.

Axel topf out!
Axel's Quote 'The Chancellors words are his will and must be follwoed to the letter!'

Rheinland Military Message Dump - caylith - 06-10-2007

Message to: RM high command

CommID: Admiral Kaiser

Seems we have a smuggler who continues to think he can get away from us and our rules. A container transport, Runner 001, should be added to our kill on sight list. This is the second time he has slipped past our scanners. He refuses to pay his fine. Until you say otherwise I will shoot him on sight.

On a lighter note, we have a new recruit, Gangrel. He flies a wrath, RM ID in his hold. Seems to be excellent material for our ranks. He should be contacting you shortly with his papers.

Hiltraud out.

----message ends----

Message to: Admiral Krieg

CommID: Admiral Kaiser

Sir, I disobeyed orders earlier this week. I was just concerned with political problems stemming from attacking that Blood Dragon (read, server rules that were thrown in my face). I will not, however, make this mistake again. Weapons on both the Westphalia and HolleKat, my Wrath fighter, will be hot to any...any...pirate in the future.

If I disobey orders again, i'd expect nothing less than to be stripped of rank and thrown in the brig.

Thank you for your time, sir!

Admiral Kaiser

----message ends----