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Dinner aboard the Neith - Printable Version

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Dinner aboard the Neith - ErikssonJeny - 02-27-2011

Gardner notices Eriksson coming back to the table.

"Ahh captain, just in time, we have just started serving the lobsters!"

EDI Droids started serving the following meal:

[Image: Lobster.gif]

Dinner aboard the Neith - Dave Synk - 02-27-2011

Dave came alongside Ellie, he sat down very quietly and waited in silence. He looked at the Lobster, and he started to eat again with his ellegant state.

Dinner aboard the Neith - TheJarl - 02-27-2011

Morrigan poked the lobster with her fork and her face looked very uncertain.


Dinner aboard the Neith - ErikssonJeny - 02-27-2011

"This is a meal you have to force so it wans to get eaten. You take the tail and pull it off. In the tail is the meaty goodness."

Eriksson answered to Morrigan's uncertain look.

Dinner aboard the Neith - ErikssonJeny - 02-28-2011

Gardner:"For desert we brought 25 different flavours of ice cream, 6 different kinds of cake, apple, lemon & blueberry pie, and a variety of cookies. You can eat a little bit of everything if you wish, there's enough for everyone. Bon apetit."

Dinner aboard the Neith - Jeremy Hunter - 02-28-2011

Ellie, Jeremy, Izzy, and Aqua ftoze and looked at Rika.

Her lobster was finished.

They looked at the ice cream.

"Oh, motherfudger..." Izzy said, controling her cursing

Rika was already scoopong ice cream.

Dinner aboard the Neith - Dave Synk - 02-28-2011

After finishing his lobster. Dave refused any desert. As he took his glass of tea, and was starting to walk slowly around the room...

Dinner aboard the Neith - TheJarl - 03-01-2011

With much difficulty Morrigan finished her lobster, when the ice cream came, however she happily went into the offence.

Dinner aboard the Neith - ErikssonJeny - 03-02-2011

Eriksson stood up, took his glass and clinged it to get everyone's attention.

"MAy I have your attention, please, I would like to make a toast. To my dear friends and collegues, to the Order and our cause, and to humanity itself. God bless us all!"

Dinner aboard the Neith - Dave Synk - 03-02-2011

Dave took up his glass.

"To our greater cause ! "