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Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - Printable Version

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Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - Syrus - 10-28-2011

Central Independent Miner Guildfunds

Mister Holcott all looking good there, your application was [color=GREEN]accepted

Mister Whittaker it would have been appreciated if you also included your reputation with the Corsairs, but the more important Outcast-reputation is visible and everything else seems fine, so you were [color=GREEN]registered
on the IMG bounty board.

Miss Silver you seem to have miscalculated the payment somehow. For those targets it is 12.8 million credits. That's 4.8 million for the gunboats and 4 million for each the Sinner and the lapdog.

[Image: imgbbpayment111028.png]


(automated removal messages:)

Shinobi Agency your registration on the IMG bounty board has been removed for not claiming any kills in over 3 months.
(last claim: 37 July 819 A.S. - overall claimed: 51.5 million)

[font=Times New Roman][color=#FFFFFF]Matthew Koster, Bounty Board coordinator

Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - Stoat - 10-31-2011

<div align="center]###-Incoming Transmission-###

[Image: Sumerian.png]

Comm ID: Josh Randall
Location: Sheffield Station, Manchester

Where the money is going: BHG|Sumerian

Kills: Corsair GB

Ran into this one in Omega-3. He didn't last long once he'd built up the courage to actually attack.

  • [Image: th_screen7-2.png] [Image: th_screen8-2.png]
Payment owed: 2,400,000
###-Transmission ends-###

Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - Stygian - 11-02-2011

[Image: commslinkamethyst.png]
Two Corsairs bite the dust courtesy of a little explosive ordinance.
4 million to Amethyst.Reaver
[Image: commslinkend.png]

Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - Silver - 11-02-2011

[Image: commslinksilver06.png]

Light it up, burn it up, do some and some.

*She gulps a shot of whisky*

Dead, all of them.
One of them, twice.

And one of them Rorry boys.

.:K2 ID Scan:.
.:Pop'ked once:.
.:Pop'ked again:.

.:Sally pop:.

.:MJ ID Scan:.

.:Teapot.Driver ID Scan:.
.:Pot pop:.

.:Crespo.Diaz ID Scan:.

.:CNS-Obia"le.Chef" ID Scan:.

.:ECG|Adm-Evolution ID Scan:.
.:Evo pop:.

.:Ghringo ID Scan:.
.:Arriba Pop:.

.:Fox.O'Water ID Scan:.
.:Confirmation of being one of Rorry's toothbrushes:.

Send the 28.400.000 SC to Silver.Reaver

And thanks for noticing up that miscalculation, love.
Seems i got to get a new accountant. With a brand new head.



[Image: commslinkend.png]

Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - Syrus - 11-04-2011

[color=#33CCFF]Central Independent Miner Guildfunds

Miss Silver we already talked about the claims. Payment will be 26 million, as we expect a glitch to have send the "K2" destruction twice. We really doubt he rebuild his ship that fast.

[Image: imgbbpayment111104.png]

Emergency Defense Group Enterprise you were already messaged about this, but I wanted to inform you again. As your contract for the Tau-defense ended, you may now claim bounties for the Tau-region and the independent worlds on this board again. Good hunting!

[font=Times New Roman][color=#FFFFFF]Matthew Koster, Bounty Board coordinator

Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - Stygian - 11-05-2011

Name: Clive Raine
Call-Sign: Same as above
Ship Type(s): Manta, BH Bomber
Identification: ID
Weapons Loadout: Loadout Shot 1, Loadout Shot 2
Reputation: IMG, Corsair, Outcast
Some things about myself/the company I represent: Not much to say really. I'm a Bounty Hunter. I kill scumbags for credits. I suppose thats all the info you'll need and thats all your are getting.

I wish to claim bounties in this/these IMG Bounty Board Zone(s): (put an X in the box(es) you want)
[X] Taus & Orkney
[X] Southern Bretonia
[X] Omegas
[X] Independent Worlds

I wish to claim bounties for the ICMG Bounty Board: (put an X in the box you want)
[X] Yes
[] No

I agree with the Terms of Agreement stated in the Combined IMG & ICMG Bounty Board
Clive Raine

Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - Syrus - 11-05-2011

[color=#33CCFF]Central Independent Miner Guildfunds

Mister Raine your registration was [color=GREEN]accepted
. Good hunting!

----- ANNOUNCEMENT -----
The time limit in which you have to post your claims on the IMG bouny board has been increased to seven (7) days.

[font=Times New Roman][color=#FFFFFF]Matthew Koster, Bounty Board coordinator

Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - FIST.Co - 11-05-2011

[Image: FIST_Logo.png]
To: IMG and ICMG Bounty Office
Possible Contract for Security Service
To whom it may concern,

I would ask to enter channel, where I have already proposed a better way to conduct business between our groups.

I know that Fist & Co has not yet claimed anything on this board, but that was due to comming up with more convenient ways to provide documented security service.

Here is quick access link to channel, where CR has been invited too.
Mark Lee,
Fist & Co

Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - Jacques Brissot - 11-07-2011

income transmission...
link establish..
screen show a face...
[Image: 93531888.jpg]
ID: Jacques Brissot


for IMG bounty board

tau 37 .. a lot of outcasts ships

tau 37...

Terrador ID

Gene.Starwind ID

Ambrosio.Blanco ID

Arja Stark ID

money : 2,4 +2,4 + 2 + 2 = 8,8 mil
send to SMP|Bank

Au revoir

screen off...
link terminated...
transmission ended...

Independent Miners Guild Bounty Board - Stoat - 11-09-2011

<div align="center]###-Incoming Transmission-###

[Image: Sumerian.png]

Comm ID: Josh Randall
Location: Sheffield Station, Manchester

Where the money is going: BHG|Sumerian

Kills: Outcast Sabre

Decided to take a run up into the Taus to see what the hunting is like. Seems I might be staying for a while at least. Here's an Outcast I ran into for you.

  • [Image: th_screen7-3.png] [Image: th_screen8-3.png]
Payment owed: 2,000,000
###-Transmission ends-###