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The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - Printable Version

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LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Adam.Smith. - 02-18-2012

Where the money is going: Adam.Smith

Kills: 3 Outcasts 1 Xeno and 1 independent Pirate

Normal workin day.

  • [Image: Xeno_BMP.jpg]
    [Image: Xeno_D_BMP.jpg]
    Situation: Xeno in NY
    [Image: OC_b1_BMP.jpg]
    [Image: OC_b1_D_BMP.jpg]
    Situation: Cardamine Abuser- I guess I saved him- now he cannot abuse traders anymore.

    [Image: pirate_BMP.jpg]
    [Image: pirate_D_BMP.jpg]

    Situation: Independent Pirate- it just does not stops.

    [Image: OC_B2_BMP.jpg]
    [Image: OC_B2_D_BMP.jpg]
    Situation: Second Outcast Bomber

    [Image: OC_tr_ID_BMP.jpg]
    [Image: OC_tr_BMP.jpg]
    Situation: And his Trident companion
Payment owed: Let see: 1 Xeno-1,2, 2 x OC bomber- 2,4 then 1x Pirate-1 and 1x GB -1.4 You own me 6m

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - meoshi - 02-18-2012

-= Incoming Message =-
-= Sender: Ronald Roberts =-
-= Subject: Bounty =-

Greetings, I bagged me a Xeno out at Manhattan today.

Xeno Scan

Xeno Death

Send 1,600,000 to BHG|Ronald_Roberts

-= Transmission Ends =-

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - generic - 02-19-2012

*Incoming transmission*

Hello gentlemen,
this is Joshua Hammer, and I have one little kill to report.

Where the money is going: joshua.hammer

Kills: The pirate fighter BigJo.

Circumstances: Some liberty guys just saw me travelling around in California and asked for my help, as they were fighting a gunboat of the infamous Magician. I destroyed one pirate troublemaker to lift some pressure from them and to let them kill that gunboat.


Payment owed: One million credits

*transmission ends*

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Ursus - 02-19-2012

Where the money is going: Festus.Hagen

Kills: 1 Lane Hacker gunship, 1 XA bomber

Circumstances: Saw a bunch of kill messages for these two, so I saddled up the Orca and took a ride into town. The hacker flew into me by the Norfolk, so I shot down the lane and hit him with a CD, then ran him down and destroyed his ship. Then I went looking for the XA but found BHG|Ronald.Roberts busy with him, while another junior Xeno was shooting at an indy Navy ship nearby. Somehow or another Ronald ended up killing the junior ship, and I destroyed the XA ship. It was Ronald's fight, so he should get the money for that one, pay me and I'll pass it along.

I also want to mention that I got the kill shots on two other XA ships earlier in the day that I engaged along with a Navy indy. I didn't got the guncam pics before the data scrolled off the viewer, and I do not expect payment for these, but am posting the comm log excerpts belown in order to prevent any claims of abuse.

  • Lane Hacker ID and Kill
    [Image: th_warhol-id-0.png] [Image: th_warhol-kill-0.png]

  • XA ID and Kill
    [Image: th_xa-night-id-0.png] [Image: th_xa-night-kill-0.png]

  • earler XA kills
    [18.02.2012 23:14:08] Festus.Hagen: alright XA-Coachwhip: there's a bounty on your ship and I'm here to claim it
    [18.02.2012 23:14:11] XA-Lancehead,: I've destroyed at least two of your GBs. Doesn't sound weak
    [18.02.2012 23:14:34] Festus.Hagen: you've swarmed my gunboat 2x doesn't make you strong
    [18.02.2012 23:15:05] XA-Lancehead,: Ah, screw him
    [18.02.2012 23:15:47] XA-DeathAdder,: coming in to assist
    [18.02.2012 23:16:45] Death: XA-Coachwhip: was killed by Festus.Hagen (Gun)
    [18.02.2012 23:16:50] Festus.Hagen: buh-bye
    [18.02.2012 23:16:54] Festus.Hagen: you gonna run now?
    [18.02.2012 23:17:06] Death: Lark was killed by Hashiba (Gun)
    [18.02.2012 23:17:12] XA-Night: And we are something, because I survived. *smiles*
    [18.02.2012 23:17:19] Death: XA-Lancehead, was killed by Festus.Hagen (Gun)
    [18.02.2012 23:17:24] Festus.Hagen: buh-bye

Payment owed: 1.2m hacker + .2 gunship bonus; 1.2m xeno + .4 XA bonus; 3,000,000 total

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Dada - 02-20-2012

Where the money is going: Kai.Dressel

Kills: Infamous.the.Legend outcast ID/tridente gunboat

Circumstances: Me and my partner caught this outcast at the California jump gate, in New-York. A moment after the engagement, the target tried to escape until Alcatraz base...without success. We blew him up in the ice field.

Payment owed: 1.400.000 SC

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - meoshi - 02-21-2012

-= Incoming Message =-
-= Sender: Ronald Roberts =-
-= Subject: Bounty =-

Greetings, I bagged another xeno at Manhattan the other day.

Xeno Scan

Xeno Death

Send 1,200,000 to BHG|Ronald_Roberts

-=Transmission Ends =-

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Ursus - 02-21-2012

Where the money is going: Festus.Hagen

Kills: 1 outcast bomber; 1 indy pirate bomber

Circumstances: Saw a bunch of hostiles in NY so I engaged them with my Orca. Same thing happened again a couple more times later.

  • Outcast ID and Kill

    [Image: th_ghitamarcucci-id-0.png] [Image: th_ghitamarcucci-kill-0.png]

  • indy ID and kill

    [Image: th_ironrackham-id-0.png] [Image: th_ironrackham-kill-0.png]
Payment owed: Outcast 1.2m; Pirate 1.0m; total 2.2m

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Ursus - 02-25-2012

Where the money is going: Festus.Hagen

Kills: 1 pirate ptrans; 1 rogue destroyer

Circumstances: Myself and Kai.Dressel were investigating a pair of suspicious ships, named Cry_Baby and McFight. We caught up to Cry_Baby's pirate transport when he went to Bering and his partner went to Hudson, and Kai engaged him in combat. When Cry_Baby started getting low on hull, McFight brought his Rogue Destroyer through the jumphole and asked to join the festivities. We decided to finish Cry_Baby quickly, so I took a couple of shots with the Orca forward gun to knock his shield generator down, and Kai finished him off with a snac. Now we turned our attention to McFight--luckily he was setup wtih all basic turrets, and we were in the Bering asteroid field, so he was not able to maintain damage on either ship. Within a few minutes we were able to bring all of his systems down, and once again Kai delivered the killing blow with his SNAC.

You may be wondering why I'm posting these instead of Kai, it's because the recorder erroneously assigned the kill shot on Cry_Baby to me, and assigned the kill shot on McFight to somoe nobody pilot named "NPC". However I did manage to record the SNAC destroying McFight, so it should be taken into consideration. Furthermore, an ion storm wiped out the visual recorder data from the kill on Cry_Baby before I could copy it here, so I have to use the logfile data for that.

  • ID for Cry_Baby

    [Image: th_cry_baby-id-0.png]

  • ID and Kill for McFight

    [Image: th_mcfight-id-0.png] [Image: th_mcfight-kill-0.png] [Image: th_mcfight-kill-1.png]

    Logfile data:

    Quote:[25.02.2012 04:44:31] Kai.Dressel: pirat at freeport
    [25.02.2012 04:44:42] Festus.Hagen: in bering?
    [25.02.2012 04:44:46] Kai.Dressel: yes
    [25.02.2012 04:44:58] Festus.Hagen: cry_baby probably
    [25.02.2012 04:45:12] Festus.Hagen: mcfight his partner is in hudson
    [25.02.2012 04:46:29] Festus.Hagen: i'm at houston coming to bering
    [25.02.2012 04:47:11] Festus.Hagen: mcfight still in hudson
    [25.02.2012 04:48:52] Cry_Baby: i said i give
    [25.02.2012 04:49:20] Kai.Dressel: You give what?
    [25.02.2012 04:49:29] Cry_Baby: i give up
    [25.02.2012 04:49:36] Festus.Hagen: cut your engines
    [25.02.2012 04:49:49] Festus.Hagen: i'll take mcfight
    [25.02.2012 04:49:51] McFight: Can I join Kai?
    [25.02.2012 04:49:53] Kai.Dressel: ok
    [25.02.2012 04:49:54] CONSOLE: Notice to Space Farers : Long range probes indicates approaching ION storms in 10 minutes.
    [25.02.2012 04:50:00] McFight: I wanna fight too:)
    [25.02.2012 04:50:24] Festus.Hagen: rogue destroyer
    [25.02.2012 04:50:33] Festus.Hagen: kill crybaby we take out dessie
    [25.02.2012 04:50:39] McFight: you gonna die now
    [25.02.2012 04:50:41] Kai.Dressel: yes
    [25.02.2012 04:51:21] /2
    [25.02.2012 04:50:48] Festus.Hagen: Well that was a big mistake, Cry_Baby
    [25.02.2012 04:51:03] Death: Cry_Baby was killed by Festus.Hagen (Gun)
    [25.02.2012 04:51:07] Festus.Hagen: sorry
    [25.02.2012 04:51:13] Festus.Hagen: you killed it with torp
    [25.02.2012 04:51:18] Festus.Hagen: server messed up
    [25.02.2012 04:51:21] /1
    [25.02.2012 04:51:21] Festus.Hagen: alright McFight there's a bounty on your ship and I'm here to claim it
    [25.02.2012 04:51:24] Kai.Dressel: no problem:P
    [25.02.2012 04:51:32] Kai.Dressel: Its your turn rogue!
    [25.02.2012 04:54:54] CONSOLE: Sirius Meteorological Institute, Late Warning department leader, The Right Honourable Fellow Hoodlum, Esq., confirms approaching ION storm will reach Sirius in 5 minutes. Proceed to nearest docking facility at best speed.
    [25.02.2012 04:57:56] McFight: I give up!
    [25.02.2012 04:57:59] McFight: You win!
    [25.02.2012 04:58:06] McFight: You can have the bountrry...1
    [25.02.2012 04:58:09] Kai.Dressel: We know this.
    [25.02.2012 04:58:10] McFight: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    [25.02.2012 04:58:10] Death: McFight was killed by an NPC
    [25.02.2012 04:58:12] Festus.Hagen: nice shot
    [25.02.2012 04:58:14] Festus.Hagen: nooo
    [25.02.2012 04:58:17] Kai.Dressel: Yeah
    [25.02.2012 04:58:23] Kai.Dressel: grrr npc
    [25.02.2012 04:58:26] Festus.Hagen: npc got kill
Payment owed: 1m for indy pirate; 1.2m for Rogue, 1m bonus for Destroyer; 3.2m total

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Dashiell - 02-26-2012

Where the money is going: BHG|Banjo

Kills: 1 Hacker gunship

Circumstances: a hacker gunship was pirating in cali. we asked him to stop, with snacs.

  • [Image: th_hackergs1a.jpg]

    [Image: th_Hackergs1b.jpg]
Payment owed: 1.200.000

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Dada - 02-27-2012

Where the money is going: Kai.Dressel

Kills: 1.Juan.Jimmenez liberty rogue ID/werewolf shf 2.Red.Wolfe liberty rogue ID/pirat transport

Circumstances: 1: I was patroling in california and i caught Juan between planet Mojave and New-York gate. LNS-Dark.Angel offered me a bonus to eliminate this criminal. I have engaged Juan and he tried to escape until Alcatraz, but he failed.
2: While the same patrol...Me and my partners caught this rogue close of Manhattan, too close. We asked many questions to him but, no answers. The silence didn't help him.

Payment owed: 2.400.000 SC