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Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Printable Version

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RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Hone - 06-03-2013

(06-02-2013, 02:58 AM)AeternusDoleo Wrote: First post updated. Changes:
Some fixes as per Belarus post.
Solar Engineering ID changed.

I'm looking to wrap this up as the 4.87 development cycle is coming close to player beta. Please check if there's anything missed/wrong/unusual. If there's no further comments that haven't already been addressed, I'll run this by the other admins.

Ill repeat my question, how come Bretonian Privateers can no longer raid Gallic homeworlds, when raiding behind enemy lines is their entire point? They raided Kusarian homeworlds when Bretonia was at war with Kusari!

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - AeternusDoleo - 06-04-2013

Explain to me which bases the Privateers would be using - as the nearest faction bases you have an agreement with are the Outcast bases, Kirkwall and Cali. Those don't give you the range to hit the Gallic core worlds. I am not aware of any RP suggesting you have an agreement with the Maquis, Corse, Council or Brigands - of those only the Maquis lorewise would approve of you stomping on Gallic civvies - You'd be competition to the Brigands and Corse, and the Council doens't attack civvies.

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Hone - 06-04-2013

Id assume Maquis mainly. You cant really expect there to be forum agreements when there is no official Maquis faction and the QCP has become an inactive subfaction of the BAF can you? Are the IDs useability dependent on having an active official factions?

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Lamare - 06-04-2013

(06-04-2013, 07:29 AM)AeternusDoleo Wrote: Explain to me which bases the Privateers would be using - as the nearest faction bases you have an agreement with are the Outcast bases, Kirkwall and Cali. Those don't give you the range to hit the Gallic core worlds. I am not aware of any RP suggesting you have an agreement with the Maquis, Corse, Council or Brigands - of those only the Maquis lorewise would approve of you stomping on Gallic civvies - You'd be competition to the Brigands and Corse, and the Council doens't attack civvies.

There is one Outcast station in Lorraine, Torino
Somehow that station isnt mentioned here

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Duvelske - 06-04-2013

after reading several discussions it might be a good idea to add within

Quote:Proposal: ID changes for 4.87

more lore on the id cards. So people are more aware of the faction instead of using it for the advantages it has and take the disadvantages along with it. As i have the feeling many people do not understand many factions. or at least faction lore. As some id's have more info on it then others. For example:

(05-14-2013, 04:57 PM)AeternusDoleo Wrote: INFOCARD
Bretonia Armed Forces

The Bretonian Armed Forces are the military of Bretonia. They maintain Bretonian rule in systems claimed by Bretonia and assist in law enforcement. They also patrol the systems bordering Bretonia. Bretonia is at war with Gallia.

What do you know about the id? in short:
- Bretonian military
- They maintain rules (which ones? May we make em up? and claimed bretonia space whats that?)
- assist in law enforcement. corruption is also allowed? as RP wise it is possible.
- what systems are bordering bretonia then? (i know its partly meantioned within the zoi, but the ones longer here know what it means. others do not.)

and yes i have to agree its mostly up to the players to go read lore on the forums/wiki for example. But there are too many who do not. It is just play and he i can do this, so basically i can also.. And then the gray area of violations comes. because people are then not aware for example that some things are not allowed to do so. Sure you cannot remove the grayarea's but you can shorten it out by just adding more lore to the id's itself.

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - AeternusDoleo - 06-04-2013

The Torino station is kind of out of range as well, unless the Outcasts are happy to let the Bretonian Privateers rummage through some of their most defended areas... But that's beside the point. The fact that there's no active Maquis faction doesn't really matter. More the fact that there has been no roleplay whatsoever about this. Going into Gallic turf itself could easily piss off the Brigands and Corse whose turf you are invading, which would require a rephack to reflect that. At the very least you'd end up with a nodock rephack on Council bases since the Council wouldn't want to be associated with what in Gallia would be seen as Bretonian terrorists. Unless the Corse and Brigands say otherwise, nodock for them as well.
If you're cool with that, I'll add the Gallic coreworlds in.

At Duvelske: It's a brief faction overview, not a full one. I considered adding the entire faction infocard, but that would make the ID infocards very long and cumbersome. The idea was more to have a few brief points of who and what the faction is. Much of what you address can't be set in stone since it can change over the course of the mod.

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Hone - 06-04-2013

Please note, Im not a member of the privateer faction - the QCP, Im not speaking for them or officialy at all. Im just requesting as a player. Id love to do some privateer RP, like I used to do with my indy in Kuari, but Im not in a position of power to negotiate yknow?

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Duvelske - 06-10-2013

Well as i did see Aet did fix our nice docking cruiser/battleships within house space. But even before we made this suggestion with several popes within TAZ.

Quote:; dsy_license_pf_04_grp
Temporary Autonomous Zoners


Pilot carrying this ID is a genuine and authorized Discordian Pope. A blessed child of the goddess called Eris who:
- Can smite cabbages in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral transport, in defense of Zoner bases, or those who dare insult the Goddess of Discord
- Can demand contraband, levy fines consisting of Five Tons of Flax and put ships in Oblivion if they refuse to cooperate or violate the Pentabarf. (within Baffin only.)
- Cannot dock cruisers, battleships, or transports (with more then 3,600 cargo) within House Space. except on GMG, IMG or Zoner bases.
- May align your Pineal Amulets with the Sacred Chao.

Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships and a flying beanie.
This ID may only be used if you are enlightened by Eris herself and granted to be a Pope of the Temporary Autonomous Zoners.

If the line
Quote:- Cannot dock cruisers, battleships, or transports (with more then 3,600 cargo) within House Space. except on GMG, IMG or Zoner bases.
has to be changed i suggest just using the 2 current lines

Quote:- Cannot dock Cruisers and Battleships on any base within any House, except on Zoner bases.
- Cannot dock transports with more than 3,600 cargo within any House, except on GMG, IMG or Zoner bases.


Quote:- Eris prohibits any Pope to dock Cruisers and Battleships on any base within any House, with exception on Zoner bases. Or her torn will fall upon you
- Chao will fall upon you when you dock transports with more than 3,600 cargo within any House, except on GMG, IMG or Zoner bases.

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - SMI-Great.Fox - 06-10-2013

(06-04-2013, 07:29 AM)AeternusDoleo Wrote: Explain to me which bases the Privateers would be using - as the nearest faction bases you have an agreement with are the Outcast bases, Kirkwall and Cali. Those don't give you the range to hit the Gallic core worlds. I am not aware of any RP suggesting you have an agreement with the Maquis, Corse, Council or Brigands - of those only the Maquis lorewise would approve of you stomping on Gallic civvies - You'd be competition to the Brigands and Corse, and the Council doens't attack civvies.

To backup Hone on his Privateer bit.

More than a year ago, the QCP actually were permitted to use 1 particular base for such operations.

Here's the link

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Yuki - 06-10-2013

Quote:Hogosha ID


The Hogosha are a quasilawful crime syndicate with a strong influence in Kusari society who wish to repel influences from foreign houses. They oppose the Blood Dragons, Golden Chrysanthemums and Junkers. Considered civilians in Kusari society, they abide by Kusari law within Kusari systems, but can engage in piracy outside of Kusari borders. The Hogosha are allied with the Corsairs and frequently smuggle Alien Artifacts.

Pilot carrying this quasilawful ID is a member of the Hogosha who:

- Can attack lawfuls, unlawfuls and quasilawfuls in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, or in defense of a base of the same affiliation.
- Can demand cargo and credits from ships outside of Kusari house space, and attack them if they do not comply. Ships belonging to Samura are exempted from this.
- Can attack unlawfuls, quasilawfuls and ships which belong to a house or organisation considered hostile by Kusari within their Zone of Influence.
- Can attack Junkers and Gallic Junkers anywhere.
- Cannot ally with any lawfuls except for KNF, KSP, and Samura against unlawfuls only.
- Cannot use any transport with more than 4,300 cargo.

Zone of Influence: Kusari, systems directly bordering Kusari, Lyonnais
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats

I'd like to have Kishiro added to the following line, if possible:
Quote:Cannot ally with any lawfuls except for KNF, KSP, and Samura against unlawfuls only.