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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 09-28-2016

[Transmission Begins]
From: Commissar Nikita Tabakov
To: Coalition Forces
Priority: HIGH
[Image: Coalition-sig.png]
[Message Begins]

"Not long ago the New Moscow Sensor Array system detected 3 unidentified vessels, I quickly boarded my Insurgent to investigate and if need be remove the intruders. What I found was rage-inducing. A member of the Bretonian Armed Forces' Secondary Fleet and a Freelancer under his employ were in the system 'surveying', I intercepted and offered the two I was able to catch the chance to surrender. They chose instead to attempt to activate their Cruise Engines and flee from my sight. Naturally I could not allow this to happen and interdicted them. I destroyed the Freelancer ship with barely a struggle, his Bretonian ally put up a struggle while the third ship ran away out of New Moscow with it's tail between it's legs.

Eventually a well-placed Cruise Disrupter detonated several Nuclear Mines close to the enemy's Spatial SHF caused a catastrophic failure of the hull integrity and another enemy of the Republic was laid to waste."

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса
[Transmission Terminates]

- Guncam-

Hostiles Downed

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Sasha Nikolev - 09-28-2016

Engaging Transmission Sequence

From: Junior Lieutenant Alexandra Nikolev
To: Coalition Command
Priority: Medium
Subject: Hispania Mission


This is Alexandra Nikolev, Junior Lieutenant of the People's Army. Encapsuled in the data packets being transmitted is the flight log and guncam footage of my mission to upload content to the Hispania Capsule.

Enclosed Below additionally is a written summary of the Journey:

I had begone my flight from Omega-52, as the Sirians Call it, New Moscow in it's proper title. Piloting a Partisan light fighter, armed with Paralyzer Missiles, and Kalashnikov armaments. My ammo tubes were full up on mines and countermeasures, the nanobot and shield battery capacitors full.

From New Moscow I set out, taking a brief route through the Omegas, into Rheinland. Avoiding the Major arteries, and attention, using the Partisan's slim profile and speed to my advantage, I cleared Rheinland without Incident, however in the system of Sigma-13, I was challenged by the Kusari Navy.

However, the officer in question proved ill capable of fighting in the Nebula, and soon I slipped out of his range, a limited amount of shield batteries poorer. From there I proceeded clearly to the Next Sigma, and from there, to Omicron Beta. Omicron Beta is where the fist troubles occurred, and I encountered Outcast patrols on long range scanners. They were easily avoided however.

Then I arrived in Omicron Alpha. It is with reluctance that I admit, the system holds some limited beauty, but nothing in Comparison to our own proud home. Sparing no time on such trivialities as sightseeing, I engaged my cruise engines and approached the Hispania. Already trouble was brewing, I had multiple contacts on scanners, but they did not engage me.

I began the upload to the data capsule on the Hispania. Surprisingly, I was not bothered by Outcasts during this time, it was only when I attempted to leave did they notice me. The Partisan easily outpaced their inferior craft, and I was cleared all the way to Sigma-19 System, where I rendezvoused with a fellow Coalition Pilot, one Captain Mehmed Selim. He escorted me back to New Moscow.

The Flight was uneventful, the route short through the Omegas, with no contacts found. In New Moscow, we encountered another Coalition pilot, whom recommended I go through a full decontamination routine before I sat down to submit my report, which I've done.

With the summary completed, Below is the attached footage.

Glory to the Coalition

Footage: Guncams

[Image: Coalition-sig.png]

Transmission Sequence Terminated

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 09-28-2016

[Transmission Begins]
From: The Office of the Premier
To: Junior Lieutenant Alexandra Nikolev
Priority: HIGH
[Image: Coalition-sig.png]
[Message Begins]
"You have gone forth from our noble Motherland, you went to the Ark that bore our fore-fathers and fore-mothers to Sirius, hidden amongst those who would become the Outcasts and the Corsairs who even now fight eachother for dominance. You have seen the decadence of the Maltese Nation up close and personal and saw the corruption that we seek to cut out from the heart of Humanity.

You have completed a trial that many before you have done, some have come home in victory, others never returned home and are forever remembered as the honored dead. In recognition of your journey and ability to survive in hostile territory and return home you are awarded the Hispania Memorium. Always remember where we came from Comrade, but remember to look ahead to the glorious future we shall create which shall unite all Sirius under our ideals.

Furthermore you are to be promoted to Lieutenant. Go forth and continue to bring Socialism to Sirius. Live for the Coalition, Fight for the Republic, Flourish under the Red Banner!"

Sirius Coalition
Сириуса Коалиция
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - conmann35 - 09-28-2016

[Image: YEZkLnb.gif]


From: Captain Mehmed Selim, CPW-Lithuania

Today's victory in the name of the People and the Revolution was very hardly fought and sorely won. The Sovetskaya and the Lithuania deployed into Bretonian space in order to give the faltering crown of that regime more problems to worry about. While the Sovetskaya suffered heavy damage and was taken down, we were still more than a match for the tea-drinkers.

Vodka can be used to re-power and repair just about any engine array known to us. As for the Bretonians and their tea, let us say they will have to use more.. conventional methods to fix their ships, and their broken tea sets.

For the Motherland, for the Revolution.

Captain Selim out.


RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Sasha Nikolev - 10-02-2016

Engaging Transmission Sequence

From: Junior Lieutenant Alexandra Nikolev
To: Coalition Command
Priority: Medium
Subject: Hispania Mission


This is Alexandra Nikolev, Lieutenant of the People's Army.

This Message Dump will record my actions on this day, as of 5:18 PM, 10/2/823 as of Standard Sirian Reckoning.

I began my patrol from the Omega-52 System, intending to inspect the defenses of our Allies in Baffin, To check on the updates since the last recomendation had been made. Rather than taking the shorter route through Bretonia, I decided to engage a full patrol, taking in the Omegas, Rheinland, and Hudson of the Independent Worlds. My trip through Rheinland was uneventful, and I went unnoticed, save for a lone Daumann trader whom caught me briefly on it's scanners.

Entering Hudson, and then Liberty, I encountered Numerous Liberty Navy Vessels on long range scanners, however, I avoided a directedly hostile encounter. Zeal and Skill are of course meritable, but a dead pilot is of use to no one, outside of it's orders. Avoiding the Naval Patrols, I progressed through New York, California and Cortez, into Coronado.

In Coronado Itself, I encountered a Congressman, whom wished me a good day, I replied in kind, and entered the Baffin system. Taking a thorough look at the system's defenses...I find them woefully lacking. Any kind of determined force, large than a patrol, could easily siege and occupy the system, through it's numerous Jump Holes.

This Officer recommends the construction of multiple heavy weapon platforms, or a permanent defensive base, rather than a shipyard and colony, in order to protect it more thoroughly. Where they to reach out to us, brave and intelligent Coalition Engineers could easily construct them a mighty defensive installation.

This is all I have to say.

Attached Proof of entering Baffin: Guncam
Glory to the Coalition

[Image: Coalition-sig.png]

Transmission Sequence Terminated

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - conmann35 - 10-14-2016

[Image: YEZkLnb.gif]


From: Captain Mehmed Selim, CPW-Lithuania. Detached fighter service out of Vogtland.

Yet again I report success in the name of the motherland and for the revolution. Our noble Hessian Comrades received the assistance they required in Dresden. While this is likely just another in the always growing list of skirmishes, there is little feeling like taking out some of the Rheinland's corrupt.

For the Motherland, for the Revolution.

Captain Selim out.

Confirmed Kill.

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 10-20-2016

[Transmission Begins]
From: The Office of the Premier
To: Coalition Forces
Priority: HIGH
[Image: Coalition-sig.png]
[Message Begins]
"Comrades, The Coalition calls upon you to perform a task. Planet Harris as you know has recently been taken by the Kingdom of Gallia if you follow the Volgograd News Agency, This has struck a severe blow to the morale of the forces of the sociopathic 'Kingdom of Bretonia'. Naturally the High Command wants to take advantage of this period of the loss of morale to further our goals in the Bretonian Theater. The Coalition needs detailed scans of the holdings in Dublin which includes the Jump Gate itself.

If the defenses are sufficently weakened due to reconfiguring their forces to meet Gallia in New London and Leeds this may offer an opportunity for us to weaken the House even further and aid our valued friends in the Republic of Dublin with the reclamation of their territory. We shall analyze the data for weaknesses in both the Armed Forces' defenses as well as the Jump Gate to determine the best way for us to disable it to prevent Bretonia's forces from pouring into the system to defend Graves and their local Garrison.

Furthermore scans of the Poole system is in order as the Republic of Dublin has a significant presence there and we suspect that is where the Fes Battlegroup has fled, find them and locate targets of opportunity Comrades, those who complete this task shall be looked upon favorably by the People's Republic and rewarded for their patriotism.

Long Live the Coalition!"

Sirius Coalition
Сириуса Коалиция
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 11-06-2016

[Transmission Begins]
From: CPW Trotsky
To: Coalition High Command
Priority: MODERATE
[Image: Coalition-sig.png]
[Message Begins]
"During an operation to the 'Republic of Liberty' for Communication's Eavesdropping Duty our ship was contacted by a member of [CLASSIFIED] to delivery Data Files to a ship in Omega-49. After confirming that it was not a trap the Trotsky met with [CLASSIFIED] and took on several sensitive data files loaded onto mobile servers. The Servers were stored in the Secured Hold as we slipped out of California and out of Liberty Space.

The Trip was thankfully quiet, though the crew remained on edge due to what we were carrying, but in the end we made it to Omega-49 and met with [CLASSIFIED] where we transfered the Servers and both went our own ways.

All in all a successful mission and another one for the Ministry of Truth to keep it's eyes upon. We are now back in New Moscow for refueling and R&R on JiangXi's Santiago Colony with it's warm beaches and good food.

Coalition Forever!!"

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Major.H - 11-09-2016

Engaging Tr........sion Sequence
From: Junior Lieutenant Alexei Volkov
To: Coalition Command
Priority: Medium

[Image: Coalition-sig.png]
Subject: Hispania Mission

This is Alexei Volkov, Lieutenant of the People's Army.
I selected the following route to reach the Hispania wreck in Omicron Alpha:
Om..... Omega
Omicron Gamma
Omicron Xi
.....on Beta
Omicron Alpha

I passed a few enemy batt...... and weapons platforms.

At the Hispania I had to eliminate one Outcast snubcraft. The Pilot is now my prisoner.
I found a suitable boarding point on the wreck of the Hispania and boarded it.
After ........ . hour I was able to locate the hidden recorder
The device had been vandalized, but with the help of "U-tube" and some spare.. .... I was able to get it to a temporary state of

Radiation from one of the sy..... . passed through has dam.... .y radio transmitter.
Other than that the trip was .......full.
.............. the Coalition

Hispania Mission Photo

Transmission Seque....... ....nated

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 11-17-2016

[Transmission Begins]
From: The Office of the Premier
To: Junior Lieutenant Alexei Volkov
Priority: HIGH
[Image: Coalition-sig.png]
[Message Begins]
"You have done well in your mission to the Hispania to honour those who came before us, from the Hispania a great many of our ancestors sprung forth and struck a major blow to the Houses, dividing the Hispanics through a simple act of sabotage to ensure that a 5th House did not spring forth from them and instead two weaker 'Mini-Houses' who even now war with one another ensures their estrangement. The Coalition agents having left the Corsairs long ago to come meet with the rest of our people in New Moscow after the cowardly Corsairs betrayed those of us still amongst them brought with them more brothers and sisters for the cause which increased our ability to fight against the corruption of the Houses.

Your Motherland is proud of you Comrade, to that end we are awarding you the Hispania Memorium Medal, let it be a reminder of where we came from and that even the simplest of acts can ensure victory for us all. In addition you are to be promoted to the rank of Lieutenant with the privileges it entails. Ura Comrade! "

Sirius Coalition
Сириуса Коалиция
[Transmission Terminates]