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Liberty Forces Message dump - Printable Version

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Liberty Forces Message dump - aznremix416 - 05-05-2009

***Welcome to the Liberty Naval Command Reports Channel***
::opening mainstream link...standby:
*Incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Commander Antonio Backus
To: All Liberty forces


Navy presence: squadron

Ships: 3x guardian VHF, 1 battlecruiser
Pilot in charge:Captain Joe Mctyre
Wingman1: Commander Antonio Backus
Allied help: Joe.Young

I started my patrol searching for hostiles that destroyed a LPI ship. We stumbled between manhattan and found a falcata outcast and a Rogue Destroyer. Wasting no time we sprang into action, and me and Captain Mctyre engaged the Falcata, the Rogue Destroyer joined in too. We called for capital support and just our luck, a battlecruiser (LNS-Massachussets) was in the vicinity and went to aid us. the BC joined the fray and we quickly disposed of the destroyer, the bomber however remained. Me and Captain Mctyre kept on the falcata with Joe Young entering the battle. The Falcata however decided that he would rather die and crashed into his planet. We have not found a pod in the atmosphere so he must of ejected last minute. Pretty good skirmish today, no casualties on our side

Commander Backus signing out,

Ending transmission..
***transmission terminated***

Liberty Forces Message dump - casero - 05-05-2009

>>>> Incomming transmission <<<<
>>>> Comm ID: Lieutenant Commander Casero <<<<
>>>> Loading message <<<<

I just can say, thank you all. I'll keep giving my best into this.

Regarding to THE BATTLE OF PLANET KIEL, it was a difficult task, but the bomber squad (Kapinos, Young and myself) did a great job taking out the battleship Gneisenau, unfourtanely after we took the last capital ship, my bomber turned useless against the wraths. I just got one unlucky rheinland bomber while it was trying to snac one of our guys.

However, don't expect more shots like that one from me, it was a unique opportunity.
Our Lieutenant Commander Anderson made a great job leading us during the battle.

>>>> Transmission ends <<<<

Liberty Forces Message dump - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 05-05-2009

Battle Report: LNS Leyte Gulf

Old betty was caught slave running, she was chased and almost caught when the LPI and LN forces involved were set upon by a rogue destroyer, betty escaped in the confusion.

If she is seen in liberty space, she is to be terminated.

Liberty Forces Message dump - Ackarion - 05-05-2009

**Incoming transmission**

Cpt Daniels / LNS-Greystone.

I understand the upholding of the law, why is a liberty cruiser concerned for such a matter, in addition tis a LPI issue at the most. I see no threat in our security and defence. Is there a fine? Incarceration? a termination of a civilian, no sir, I disagree to such a request. I believe command needs to issue such a order. Trader/Smuggler does not warrent a harsh punnishment nor to be issued by the LN. I do agree a fine is to be imposed.

Cpt Daniels

**End Transmission**

Liberty Forces Message dump - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 05-05-2009

I did the scan, and persued and let LPI take over.

As for punishment, the slaver clearly called for support in the forum of the dessie, as the dessie was shadowing the slaver, when LPI caught the slaver a second time at manhattan (at which point the slaver just docked rather than pay fine, despite RP locking the ring)

Liberty Forces Message dump - Husher - 05-05-2009

**uploading report**
**Checking user ID**
**ID confirmed: Capt. Joe Mctyre.**
**uploading for public eyes**

Hello forces of Liberty.

Today all alarms were going off in the scramblerooms of our forces.
A massive Rheinland fleet was on approach to planet Houston.

The Liberty force engaged this force with equal force 10k from Planet Houston.

The defence forces:
[LN]-LNS-Arizona overall command.
And some Liberty citizens who responded and came to aid Liberty.

Attack force:
RNC-Rheinland.Tiger. Destroyed.
RNC-Prometheus. Destroyed.
RNC-Bergheim. Destroyed.
RNC-Castrop.Rauxel. Destroyed.
RNC-Dessau. Destroyed.
RSScpt.rommel. destroyed.
RhM-J.Steinhoff. fled.
Cthulhu. fled.

Secondary attackers:
Harvester-72. destroyed.
Harvester-68. destroyed

To: Naval Highcommand.
Quite a large force we met today in Houston.
Rheinland sended 2 Battleships with there support to planet Houston.
Our forces worked good together today and we could destroy there fleet.
Ill upload some guncamera shots.
Photos say more than words i think.

Opening fire:
Oh my god big treat:
Lining up to fire:
cruiser down:
first Battleship down:
Second battleship goes down:
Final fights:
The cleanup:

A harsh and brutal fight.
I hope i named all incidents iff not contact me and ill fix it.

Liberty Forces Message dump - Contaan - 05-06-2009

--Incoming Transmission--
--Message Encrypted--
--Message Decoded--

Sender: Lt.Commander Galen Anderson

Made a quick patrol in the Lansing yesterday and rendevoused with several ships including LNS Leyte Gulf, LNS PuddleJumper and Sub Lieutenant Hank Kapinos. LPI officers were also present, which included Jarjaxle Entrie, James Kurios and Aiden Maggard. Most of our forces were in Texas at the time trying to find and combat the Rheinland cruiser Leipzig. I ordered the crew to move to the West Point-Manhattan line to find the rogue gunboat Bendak Starkiller. Officer Jarjaxle Entrie and I found him in the lane and a conversation ensued about somehow me taking his "pizza". From his garbled words, I would suspect that he was drunk. He was calm for most of the time, trying to sleep, however his friend Zack"Jazz"Colson arrived and snapped him out of his apparent drunkeness and attacked.

With Zach in a Greyhound, he took out Officer Entrie's ship in the fight and the pirates soon concentrated fire on my ship. I requested assistance and it came in the form of Sub Lieutenant Kapinos in his bomber. My gunners quickly took out the greyhound and the gunboat with Bendak soon fell afterwards.

Without Kapinos's help, the Lansing and her crew would have been destroyed. My personal thanks, Sub Lieutenant.

Lt.Commander Anderson, signing off.

--End Transmission--

Liberty Forces Message dump - Garrett Jax - 05-06-2009

Naval Recruit Jadin Larsen.....logging in.

Duty Report

Today sucked. It started off harmlessly enough. Stood pretty much picking my nose for hours with Officers Blackburn and Tomlinson. Begged, to no avail, to be sent out to do scouting and reconnasaince missions. Received a well meant lecture from some LSF agent telling me not to wish for conflict.

Finally, I was sent off with Officer Blackburn to patrol NY tradelanes, probably just to shut me up. Nothing happened during our patrol. Received some disparaging remarks about how poorly Liberty Navy is doing in the war with Rheinland. That was the same day Liberty Navy enjoyed a rousing victory against our enemies. He must not read the news much.

Received a distress call from Officer Tomlinson that several Indie Rheinland vessels bursted into Texas system, and Officer Blackburn and I beelined it back to Houston. I was about to state my intentions to engage the foe, however the enemy stated his intentions with blaster fire. Nothing else. I barely escaped immediate destruction, but in my efforts to be honorable and fair, my ship suffered too much damage to recover. I made a few more weak attempts to fight them off, but my damaged guns could hardly penetrate their reinforced shielding. Plus, there were so many against us. Strange that the Battleship Missouri didn't fire at them. The officer in charge of that Battleship should be courtmartialed for incompetance. Either that, or the Rheinlander intruders were masking their transponder ID's. May have to look into that.

Anyways, my ship was damaged beyond recovery and, to be honest, I lost consciousness for a long time. I don't even remember being tractored back to Houston and placed in the medical facilities here. Nevertheless, the doctor says I'll be out soon, so I will be back out there again fighting the good fight. No pics of the battle, as the indestructable flight recorder strangely went inactive.

Naval Recruit Jadin Larsen.....logging out.

Liberty Forces Message dump - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 05-06-2009

Adding a screencap from the battle, finaly found were vista saves em to.

Liberty Forces Message dump - Jihadjoe - 05-06-2009


COMM ID: Liberty Navy High Command
DESTINATION: Liberty Navy personel.

SUBJECT: Recent promotions.

Admiral Hale speaking. I would like to congratulate the following people on their furthered progress through the ranks.

For extreme valor in the field, exemplary service and continued dedication to the people of Liberty, I hereby promote Hank Kapinos to Lieutenant.

For long service and outstanding capability shown over many months, Galen Anderson is promoted to the rank of Commander.

For constant vigilance against the enemys of liberty, long service and exemplary conduct, I promote Seth Karlo and Antonio Backus to the rank of Captain.

For actions above and beyond the call of duty, I hereby promote Jake Benson to the rank of Vice Admiral. Welcome to the high command Benson, I know the work you've done in the past and it's been much appreciated.

Upon studying the service history of Ms Christina Robinson, I hereby promote her several ranks to the position of commander.

Finally, I am promoting our Quartermaster David Hastings to Captain. A long serving and dedicated member of the Navy, Hastings has distinguished himself in the field of logistics, as well as being a highgly valued man in the field.

Congratulations to all the men and women listed above, continue to make Liberty proud.

Admiral Hale out.