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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 04-15-2017

[Transmission Begins]
From: The Office of the Premier
To: Coalition Personnel
Priority: Moderate
[Image: Coalition-sig.png]
[Message Begins]
"The Republic has been eagerly watching our newest pilots in the field. Even now your names are quickly becoming popular amongst the citizens of JiangXi and Volgograd. Even the Colony on Estergebirge has been eagerly clamouring for more news on the state of the fight against the Houses.

Lena Riemann, you have done us all proud. Proving to be a capable combat pilot in the field and a patriot of the Revolution across Sirius. Hence forth you are promoted to Commander. As such you are to undergo training in the use of a Typhoon-Class Vessel of your choice. Continue to make the Republic proud Comrade.

Pyotr Ledovskoy, your scouting report has been of interesting reading within the Ministry of Truth. Thus the Ministry has asked us to send along a Ministry of Truth Armband [3rd Class] in recognition of your efforts in increasing our knowledge of the enemy and where they dwell. Furthermore you are to be commended for your efforts in escorting our trade vessels, such acts of valour are what makes the Coalition a united people. We foresee great things in your future should this trend continue.

And finally Lukas Riemann, Commissar Tabakov observed your take-down of the Bretonian spy. Needless to say he was impressed at how you handled him so readily without his aid. In addition he also mentioned you were part of the escort of the previously mentioned transport. The Coalition thanks you for your continued efforts against the enemies of the Republic and has sent along a gift for your uniform. A Motherland's Armband, 3rd Class as recognition of your defense of both our economic strength and the heartland of the Revolution.

There is still much work to be done comrades. The Republic is watching you as each one of you goes out into Sirius to fight for the cause. We shall not let our people down nor those who need our aid in the Houses. Sirius is ours to grasp Comrades, let us reach! "

Sirius Coalition
Сириуса Коалиция
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Mushy - 04-16-2017

[Image: Coalition-sig.png]


<Encryption Level: Iron Curtain II>

[Image: 6FvQP7z.gif]

From: Lt. Pyotr Ledovskoy

Location: Low Planet Odessa Orbit, New Moscow

Topic: Mission Report > Cleaning Sirius, Artifacts Found

So, I have gone to Liberty yesterday, with newly promoted Commander Lena Riemann. We were noticed by a few authorities, and they sure caused some trouble along the way. Nevertheless, we got into Liberty. We were spotted there by a large group of soldiers and law enforcers of this.. corrupt hellhole, and we were forced to split up. Afraid of what may happen next, I fled the scene to hide inside a debris field, turned of all comms and electronics, and stayed there, concealed in the debris, until things got calmer.

Didn't take long, and I moved to the 'California' system through Texas, where I've met a junker in a rusty old salvage vessel. Probably out of fear or out of another reason, the junker did not respond to me, at all. Thing is, the vessel was full of the vicious substance known as Cardamine. Such filth is dangerous to the ordinary people of Liberty! I demanded that they drop the trash, but they were still absent. Thus, forcibly, I separated the rusty vehicle apart, and destroyed the putrid orange mess. Some of the crew of this vessel made it to the escape pods, and some were floating around, decompressed. It was a necessary sacrifice. Those who made it to the escape pods were brought close to the nearest junker station, and left there for their friends to rescue them. Maybe the crew will understand the message: "Do not do this again, or else..."

Then, I've done a little fly-by in Pennsylvania, to see if I could get into contact with some local working people in the nebula. However, there was no contact. I was hit by an ion storm shortly after, and I'm thankful my ship survived it.. Maybe it's not so bad in nebulas? Not as strong? Either way, after the ship's systems came back online, I have left for home. On the way back through the Kansas system, I have noticed an installation near Planet Topeka. America Freeport, belonging to "The Commonwealth". It opened fire upon me without question, and it appears they had another installation close by, unknown purpose, but sensors identified it as a for of a communication satellite. Apparently, they were civilians under the rule of the "Hellfire Legion". The same group I have found a large capital ship off, very early on in my service. I dodged the incoming fire, and went onward. Turns out, their aim was incredibly poor, as they managed to shoot up their own satellite with the barrage that was meant for me. Fools.

Close to home, in the Omega-5 System, I outfitted my ship with the efficient engines our Hessian allies have developed recently, and I met a freelancer. Checking him out, I found out he had twenty Hessian pilots aboard, and also something quite peculiar: 'Alien Artifacts'. I believe this freelancer is a mere explorer. He appeared friendly, promised to drop off the pilots at the nearest Hessian base, and even proceeded to drop the artifacts before I even had the chance to demand such! It amazed me. This freelancer really knew what to do for the greater good of all of us. Needless to say, the odd looking artifacts were dropped of at Mykolaiv for research.

One note, the ship's log was.. unfortunately corrupted due to the ion storm. I've managed to recover some of the data, but there's a small bit missing. A bit about me trying to find those Pennsylvanian comrades. Not much is missing, just me singing the anthem, some swearing, and a conversation with another freelancer I have met, which only said hello to me, nothing else.

For the People!

Transmission Appendix:


RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Reeves - 04-18-2017

[Image: Coalition-sig.png]

Sirius Coalition Mission Report

[Image: Lukas.jpg]

Assigned Soldat: Lukas Riemann
18.04.824 A.S.
Rang: Lieutenant
Missiya Priority: Low
Uroven' of danger: Low
Current Baza: Zhukhovsky Station
Mission Temy: Hurting Sentiments

Guten Tag, meine Kameraden,

I encountered a constable of the bretonian armed forces hanging about the Freeport and being an utter coward. He saw to indulge in the imaginary no fire zone that protected him. I showed him how efficient imaginary lines are at deflecting Kalashnikov particles. I'll be sure to keep beating them out of Omega-3 to ensure the Hessen have less nonsense to deal with and so that our pushes into Bretonia go smoothly. That was all I encountered.

Gun-cam feed: X

Lukas Riemann
[Image: Atez8rK.png]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 04-19-2017

[Transmission Begins]
From: The Office of the Premier
To: Coalition Personnel
Priority: Moderate
[Image: Coalition-sig.png]
[Message Begins]
"The Republic is pleased at the Army's efforts across Sirius in combating the Houses, criminal organizations and the [REDACTED] menace that threatens all of Humanity. Your valour and dedication is a source of pride for many of our citizens living on our worlds. However the Republic has a new task that must be undertaken for the good of the Coalition and the people it serves.

Kusari has undergone a shift in the balance of power, however we need a clear picture of what is happening beyond the fog of war. Tau-29 and the Kyushu System must be reconnoitered, the Imperial Kusari Navy's fleet movements documented and any IFF Changes noted. We must know what we are up against so plans can be made in the future to counter the enemy and ensure a victory for our forces in the region. Go forth brave Comrades and be our eyes! "

Sirius Coalition
Сириуса Коалиция
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - conmann35 - 04-19-2017

[Image: YEZkLnb.gif]


From: Colonel Mehmed Selim, CPW-Matochkin. Currently berthed at Shasta Orbital Skyhook.
Security Encryption: HIGH
Report transmitted to Coalition Command and relevant officers. Priority transmission to Commissariat for data archival purposes.

Privyet, comrades.

My crew and I have completed the reconnaissance operation ordered on the Tau-29 and Kyushu systems. All primary installations within both systems have been mapped. It is evident the Imperial Navy, somehow, has been very successful at pushing into Kyushu -- the planetary defense grid is under their control now, rather than the Gallic puppets. We can hope that the distraction allows our Blood Dragon comrades to make a move elsewhere in Kusari.

Hostile presence was rather thin during our operation -- we kept a low profile and avoided detection by any primary enemy fleet elements. As of this message we are currently holed up within Baffin, receiving refueling from the TAZ. One of their members handed me one of their trinkets. While I doubt the effectiveness of it in terms of performing what they claim it to do, I do appreciate the welcome nonetheless. We will be back in the Motherland soon. For now, I will get some rest.

For the Motherland, for the Revolution.

Colonel Selim out.


Comms logs follow.

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Shelco - 04-23-2017

[Image: Coalition-sig.png]

Sirius Coalition Mission Report

[Image: cCZbrug.jpg]

Assigned Soldat: Lena Riemann
23.04.824 A.S.
Rang: Commander
Missiya Priority: Moderate
Uroven' of danger: High
Current Baza: Handayan Outpost
Mission Temy:A destroyed Royalist

Guten Tag, meine Kameraden,

after a little while, I decided to roam around Liberty once more, starting off in Dublin, since the Che Guevara was still stationed on Arranmore. My target was the Texas system,
but I stumbled upon two Bretonia traders, a BMM and a BMF ship, both in proximity to Essex. One of them thought it would be funny to ignore my warning and get hit by a few of our guns. Later on, as I jumped to Leeds, I encountered a Royal Navy Battlecruiser who insulted me for being "uneducated". As I wanted him to teach me something, he decided to blow up. I made sure that we get shelter at the nearby gaian base Magellan, where I will stay for a day and then return.

Riemann out.

[Image: CoalitionFlag.png]
Lena Riemann

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - fychoz - 04-26-2017

From: Jr. Lieutenant Phillp Suschely
To: Coalition High Command
Priority: Low

[Message Begins]


Under heavy gunfire I came to Hispania...
[Image: Aproaching_Hispania.png]

I entered into wreck, searched and tractor beamed 7 Coalition pilots
[Image: Taking.png]

On my Way back I was intercepted by 3 outacast ships
2 Outcast bombers
1 Outcast "Storta" class cruiser
1 Outasct "Ranseur" class Battleship
[Image: outcast_2.png]

Their Weapons are unprecise, and their Captains too slow for Coalition Partisan.
Now samples are at Mykolaiv Research Station, and I am ready for future orders...
Long live our Motherland. Hail the Revolution!

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Shelco - 04-26-2017

[Image: Coalition-sig.png]

Sirius Coalition Mission Report

[Image: cCZbrug.jpg]

Assigned Soldat: Lena Riemann
26.04.824 A.S.
Rang: Commander
Missiya Priority: Moderate
Uroven' of danger: High
Current Baza: Arranmore Base
Mission Temy:Guillotine of a Valor

Guten Tag, meine Kameraden,

I have to add another confirmed kill of a royalistic vessel, it was shot down in Leeds, shortly after I finished my previous report, the delay goes on my head, the fight was less a fight of skill but more one to test out my... nerves and patience. This was the first time I ever shot down a Valor, they are gigantic beasts of firepower that glory of strength, nobody could ever deny that. But the arrogance of the gallic folks is their own doom, there seemed not to be any communication between us, the ship was nothing but a giant rifle pointing at us. In the end, the patience and calm hands turned out to be good, although we suffered damage, obviously, we were able to destroy the vessel after about ~30 minutes. We are going to continue our mission.

Riemann out.

[Image: CoalitionFlag.png]
Lena Riemann

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Tabris - 05-01-2017

[Transmission Begins]
From: The Office of the Premier
To: Coalition Personnel
Priority: Moderate
[Image: xaxabt.jpg]
[Message Begins]
"Comrades, there are going to be some changes to the High Command due to Comrade Junjie Chen being on an extended holiday. Until a time in which he can devote more time to the rank of Field Marshal he is regulated to the rank of General until such a time.

In the meantime the post of Field Marshal shall be filled by Comrade Mehmed Selim due to his ever diligence and duty to the Republic. "

Sirius Coalition
Сириуса Коалиция
[Transmission Terminates]

RE: SCRA Communications Centre - Mushy - 05-07-2017

[Image: Coalition-sig.png]


[Image: 6FvQP7z.gif]

From: Lt. Pyotr Ledovskoy

Location: Zhukovsky Station, New Moscow

Topic: Mission Report > One Bretonian down

Today, after doing some early morning patrols, I have decided to venture into the Omega-3 system. Surely enough, an oppressor suddenly came up on my scanner, and it was the ever-present John Steiner of the BPA.

He was quite curious, asked a few questions, some of them were answered, and after a fight, even his death wish was answered by the powerful Tunguska cannon mounted on my bomber. There was a freelancer floating about, recording the fight, who congratulated me on landing the killing hit.

Nothing much else happened. I did fly around with a secondary fleet gunboat for a while, but then we split up.

Needless to say, a bit of revolution was brought to Omega-3 today.
That is all, comrades.

Transmission Appendix: