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Public Newcomer Helper Log Thread - Printable Version

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Angel Message Dump - Ash - 10-09-2009

Following up a report from yesterday. Had a little bit of spare time to help a few miners on their way into the wider world.

A Dromedary known as TheUnforgiven and another person i forget to recall the name of. Helped them out with some mining in Pennsylvania for a while before taking them out on a trading route around Liberty. Also went through the motions of introducing a few people to the command features here such as local chat and log commands.



Today So Far:

I had quite an...interesting; to say the least; encounter with a Hacker on my way back to pennsylvania. As i approached the New York Jump Gate in Colorado he asked me to stop, and so I did. He then continued to ask me immediatley for half a million credits. I began to explain to him that the credits were meant for needing pilots that aren't as well off as he is. I also tried to reason with the fact that we were strictly neutral at heart. This he ignored an kept me under antimatter fire until I eventually imploded.

It wasn't a very nice experince.

[Image: angels2.jpg]

After the event I attempted to speak to him and get him to understand what he had done, who we were, and why it wasn't very nice to make us implode. He didn't seem to care very much.

[Image: Angels1.jpg]

After then I recieved a number of PMs from a number of people speaking of how this person had been unnecessarily making people explode throughout the day with very little conversation or relent. Whoever he is, he doesn't seem to be a very nice chap. I'l leave this matter up to Angel Sass.

The rest of the day consisted of me and Angel Sprolf staying within Pennsylvania answering passing questions of numerous pilots. Just another day at the office.


Angel Message Dump - Sassafras - 10-09-2009

Yeah! The other new Angel makes his debut. Great job Angel Ash.

Angel Message Dump - Sassafras - 10-11-2009

Hmmmm. Very dissappointed in that Phenomenon fellow. We need to finish getting your Angel setup with proper ID and reputation. But nice try none the less Angel Ash.

Let me see. Was a busy weekend so I'll get right to it. I had the pleasure of meeting and/or helping the following fellows: Roughneck, Sirius., Smokey.Johnny, GMG|-Mang.Kinjo, RyoFrostMore, Armisael, Aytcha.Etche, Alden.(Doc).Jenssen, Civetta, CowboyBeppop, Proletarian, ProsperX, Strife, StarRunner, [EL-S]-Harlekin, Nivelle-Keizo|Drone-01, Daniel.Tolren, [ESS][Darth.Sidious.], Lathan, and Crexie.

Oh yes, met a fellow named [*(^.UNKNOW.^)*]. Try typing that fast. Advised pilot to change his char name before server does it for him. He didn't have the funds for said name change, so provided a blessing and he now has a new name.

Did the usual Rhino, class 4 shield upgrades. Held the now famous Angel Mining School with expeditions to the silver fields in Colorado, scrap metal at Pittsburgh, and of course helium. Discussed roleplay concepts and to not be afraid of getting pirated. Negotiating with pirates and paying when needed is all great fun. Having to support a family and such is nice banter when getting pirated.

Explained why various player messages no longer display. Explained why a pilot who had just been blown to smithereens couldn't relaunch and by-stand to watch rest of battle. He complained that this server was too strict then logged off. Well, better to err on the side of order then chaos.

Some questions on bomber guns and where to get them. Interesting comment by a fellow who said his Junker bomber could still mount regular guns--curious. Questions about freighter upgrade to the Train. Not a bad choice after the Camara. Which ID was appropriate for trading between between Liberty and Kusari. Told him that generic trader or Universal Shipping ID would work in grand style.

Still seeing a lot of // chat stuff in system. Much of it in anger. Old habits die hard. Gently reminding pilots to "help maintain the quality of the game environment by using only role-play dialog in the system channel." Most are receptive to that line in a private message.

As the XA always say. "Yeeeehhhhaaawww, 's time t' giddy-up 'n git m' 'ss in gear 'n hit th' ol space highway.

Angel Sass

Angel Message Dump - Ash - 10-11-2009

Managed to squeeze a wee shift into this evening in which I sat around for a while talking to void space. However after a while I decided to set up a duelling challenge with some of the newer pilots in the area for a cash prize. The target was to reduce my ships hull integrity down to 50% and must I say a fellow named Anadeus_Blair picked it up pretty quickly. There were no other challengers around so I decided to call it a day and head into Harrisburg for the night.

All in all a productive shift.


Angel Message Dump - GZalewski - 10-11-2009

I just recently learned of your faction, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one assisting the new ones here. I've made it a habit as I am playing, usually while I am on a long cargo run, to go through the chat list looking for players under level 10. My first action is to give them a 100k cr gift & send a "Startup gift" message. If they respond I let them know there are no strings attached & to enjoy themselves. If they wish further information I am glad to give them any assistance/information I am able to. My usual advice for a fair start is to go mining helium to build up starting capital.

If one of your ships wish to contact me online all my lines vessels names begin with either IKV or [CTA]IKV.

Thanks again for my not finding myself alone helping others.


Angel Message Dump - n00bl3t - 10-12-2009

Pulled a shift today.

Got the third degree from some people.

Got asked for help by people in Omega 15, all the way to NY and Pennsylvania.

Loadouts advice, ship choice, ship location, FLHook commands, general complaints about the mod. I dealt with all.


Edit: Gholjub, your help is appreciated. We are glad someone else is helping us too.:)

Angel Message Dump - Ash - 10-12-2009

Got into the thick of it this afternoon for a few hours in Pennsylvania. Kicked off with some classic offerings of help to the system which didn't seem to work. I then rounded up a few under 20s for some Ashified missions out into Pennsylvania. Mostly consisting of collecting pilots for a fair amount of cash. The pilots were then released onto Bethlehem soon after to avoid any bias of us Angels. Two fellows that took up the missions were a cool little guy called [R]ascal and another fella called Big.Rig|Roadhogg. I spent a little while pointing [R]ascal in the right directions of money out in the wider world. I hope he's found what he was looking for in terms of trade.

Another strange encounter today with an unlikely stranger. This time a rheinlander named Hans.Kruger in a rather large Mjonlir bomber. I don't see how he'd made it thus far through the front line to Bethlehem station but I'd guessed the Zoners were doing what they did best at staying Neutral. He asked me for information on how to get to the Ellesmere system. Naturally I immediatley discouraged his efforts to reach that area of space and how.....silly it would have been should he have got there. Throwing my advice aside he continued his persuit for the Hole to that system into Alaska, I never knew how far he got.

Another unusual occurance was a fellow called {DC}**SweatyBeef** claiming his account had been deleted after his server crashed and his 'written down' account number was lost in a fire. He asked if he could get his account back, I replied that was very unlikely. He then asked if his forum account could be accepted/allowed. His forum name SickBreeD rang a bell, and so it did with a few other guys in the system. A got a number of warnings about this bloke due to his recent 'run ins' with the Admins. I've chosen not to talk to the Admins about this person yet as his circumstances seem to be obvious.

Just another day at the office.


Angel Message Dump - n00bl3t - 10-13-2009

Pulled a shift today.

Saw people getting killed by Nomad NPC's

Nothing apart from that.

Angel Message Dump - Sassafras - 10-18-2009

Must be luck of the draw. When I'm in the Angel ship, I'm pretty busy.

Latest shift consisted of chatting or helping the following happy pilots: Frank.Zamboni, Yev.Lightwing, Keepers.Kishar (nice bit of mind torture RP with the Keepers), Harbinger (not Keeper), John.Shepard, SPARTY, DSE)Foraker (good to see you again), Crexie, Posessed, Zaotoichi, wdx1q, CC-Hades.Express, Wuwaba, Typhoon, and the lovely Corsair-Valeria_Benitez (hola amiga).

Helped several pilots get started with ship upgrades. I was feeling rather generous with the Angel bank.

Shift was interesting that I received several calls from pilots in other systems that other pilots in same system were not behaving appropriately. Stuff with multiple IDs, ID and ship not matching, question about bomber guns, how to rep a Zoner Guard, a ship in a guard system that shouldn't be there, and a very polite Liberty Rogue telling me beforehand that he had killed a few under-level ships who had fired on him first and drained his shields below 50%. Fire away my friend, show them Starflyers who's boss.

And listened in as Angel Dejavu and Jihad Joe sorted out a couple of server scoundrels.

All in all, a good shift.

Angel Sass

Angel Message Dump - Sassafras - 10-20-2009

Great job to my Angels who are posting their shift reports--N00bie, Ashie, Sprolfie. Keep up the awesome work. I loves ya.

Angel Sassie