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»UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Printable Version

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RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Kauket - 08-19-2022

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Guardian Varuni

[Image: FVMPCBR.png]


Guardian Varuni, Expedition Forces, of the Starstream here.

Reporting in successful diversion of Cobalt shipments to the Inverness sector, to the leased bay. 22,140 units of Cobalt has been delivered for use. Overspill will be directed to the Administration section to process. Probably good for electronic supply, huh.

After briefly scouting out the Omega-48 and Omega-55 sector for threat anaylsis, I took a detour to the Omega-3 system, coming across a Molly ship called the Royal's End, and a Gammu Unit, Phi-34. 34 appeared to be learning data, so I took no special note in his presence. Although there is another interesting part that I'll cover later in in my report.

Here, at the Freeport, is where I came across a very "proud Libertonian" transport hauling Cobalt. Turns out there was a high demand for it in Liberty.

Having learned of this, I attempted to negotiate with him to divert course. Of course, since he was such a prideful lover of Liberty, he had declined. After some mild dispute with the Mollys between him and the trader, a Bounty Hunter came along. Interestingly, it revealed to me that our people are bountied for a grand total of Eighty Million credits in Bretonia. Of course, since the Bounty Hunter came, the Molly became distracted, and that trader placed a bounty on him. Not particularly a nice man, but hey, that's the usual for Liberty nationalists. Typical outsiders. In the end, the Bounty Hunter got scared off, since a second Molly ship arrived.


Anyway, I stuck around the Omega-3 sector for more commercial vessels to see if I could convince them to provide us with the Cobalt, since I noticed it was on the requested manifests.

I managed to find other traders who were willing to assist me in my cause. An interspace vessel named Hammer, a Zoner called PJ-888, and a Universal Shipping vessel by the name of Pickaxer.

>>ATTACH DATA: Convincing Diversions

Sadly, my image cams were corrupted. Only a select few survived. But, I still have the manifests written down. Units Mind Predator and Lazurith were assisting with the convoying. There was a Gaian vessel locking down the Cambridge gate, but we decided to leave it alone as it wasn't in our way.

Cobalt Deliveries Wrote:PJ-888 - 2,710
Pickaxer - 5,000
Hammer - 14,430

There was a Golden Chrysanthemum vessel we attempted to negotiate with, but they appeared to be fearful. We presume they went off to Kusari with their load of Cobalt.

>>GC- Attempted Negotiations

In addition, I noticed that there was a Refugee ferry being ran a certain Kovcheg. Doesn't seem to be of Bretonian nor Crayterian nature, but they're making runs to some private establishment on Carlisle.


There's an additional report I wish to make pertaining the Omega-55 threat analysis. I've come across a 'Freeport' in the center of the system, as well as the afforementioned Phi-34 seemingly hassling the residents. I've come to learn that the facility may be a hosting grounds for Corsair raiding parties, as well as a point of commercial supply for them. Subject has several commodities on board for open trade, including the derelict Ingenuus cells.

Full data logs are provided here:

ATTACHED DATA: Omega-55 Freeport

Also, I received data from one of the Orion Group regarding information on the defecting Harmony vessel - since they're having a little trouble in the lower Omega region for comms. It confirms some of the speculation that they're running off to the Order, though we haven't had a visual to confirm it yet. It's more than likely to be true though, considering the nature of these renegades.


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RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Kauket - 08-20-2022

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Navarch Valentine

[Image: ojmBL3n.png]


Rewards for completion of the recently posted daily task has been awarded out.

[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: unknown.png]

Keep up the good work.


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RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - monmarfori - 01-03-2023

Mainframe: "Mind Predator"
Location: Valravn Citadel, Inverness
Subject: Targeting the MNS Amalfi
Priority: High

Mainframe "Mind Predator" has connected to the Technocracy's Elgin Primary Node.

>> Identified a hostile Target (MNS-Amalfi), vessel type (Storta-class cruiser) traversing from System: Texas -> Virginia -> Omicron Nu -> Omicron Minor, traversing with affiliated vessels of the Golden Chrysanthemums.
>> Despite the Golden Chrysanthemums' efforts to impede Mainframe, priority Target was intercepted in Omicron Minor in the vicinity of the Omicron Zeta jumphole.
>> Target showed hostile intentions and attempted to engage the mainframe on sight. Affiliated Gammuian nodes (Shock.Value, 1a6a76) marked Target for deconstruction and was carried out successfully.
>> After Target was disposed, priorities were set to return to base. Mainframe returned to Valravn Citadel with only minor damage.

Mainframe "Mind Predator" logging off from the Elgin Primary Node.

Data: Logs, Scan, Destruction

RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Kauket - 01-03-2023

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Navarch Valentine

[Image: ojmBL3n.png]


An excellent job on the payback strike. No doubt these foolish minions of the Order will persist in their ways. But we will be there to strike them back to remind them of their position as lessers.

[Image: XtTbayo.png]

Give them no quarter for their pathetic attempts at trying to disturb our operations. We will continue to award those who take the initiative to cull those who oppose progression.


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RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Kauket - 01-21-2023

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Navarch Valentine

[Image: ojmBL3n.png]


We have recently received information regarding a group of "HRZ" pirates - known as the Black Heart - causing a mild ruckus outside our own home after delivering some vague threats to one of our progenitors, Revenant.

Previously the Spinel conducted reactive tests to gauge their responses with impassive linguistics. The pirates appeared to be defensive regarding the subjects of the major criminial organisations. Internal investigation regarding why Revenant was targetted remains a mystery, to which she has responded, "I do not know, I believe they've might have been in contact with the Order or the Amalfi if they are repeating what they believe. " - It seems according to the word of the pirate that are working in league with one of our foes, as Revenant as claimed that certain individuals have been hounding her research in the recent days.

No less. We cannot let arrogant outsiders come to our home and threaten one of us. I have brought up the incident to the Directorate for analysis. It may be worth sending a diplomatic inquiry to who they're truly loyal to. And I suggest we recalibrate the security pads to prevent any future sleepy stowaways progenitors.

>>Investigation and reactive test from Spinel
>>Threat received from a HRZ vessel outside Valravn

The Black Heart could a possible tool for the operations within the Omegas. But so far, seems like they're adamant on being a mild disturbance. For now, we should disregard them unless they get in the way of our operations, or trepass within our or Gammu's homeland.


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RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Kauket - 02-13-2023

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Navarch Valentine

[Image: ojmBL3n.png]


One of our contractors has reported a disturbance surrounding the Cortez anomaly, conveniently at the same occurance of a public announcement of yet another "Military Peacekeeping drill". Previous scoutings and observations acknowledged the audacity of the "Allied forces" using the Miners Guild world as a point for simulating invasions.

In light of the recent heightened state of alert, it may be prudent to start probing. Beware of these facade Outcasts that pose as Crayter. Should incursions begin, rapid retaliation operations are permitted. I advise some of you ready up for the sorties to hit them right back into the bone of their logistics and study facilities on Sabah Research Station.

For now, wait, see and probe as necessary. The Miners Guild should be alerted, but we have sent out probes to pass on a message.


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RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - monmarfori - 03-29-2023

Name: Ryan H. Ward
Location: Planet New Berlin
Subject: Compiled Report
Priority: High

This is Ryan H. Ward, reporting,

As a fresh researcher out of University, I was assigned to undergo a background check to see if I could be a worthy member of the Research & Development division of the Technocracy of Auxo. This time, my assignment was focused on observing and collecting data pertaining to an enterprising individual known as Dr. Richard Batsbak and his project, New Horizon, which aims to create an artificial jump hole.

I went to Freeport 8 in the Sigma-15 system. As it turns out, the daily holofeed contained an advertisement made by Dr. Richard Batsbak, informing of an opportunity to help him in his scientific excursions. Naturally, I was interested in this, so I contacted him over the Neural Net. After conferring with him, I agreed to collaborate and meet up with him in space near his base in New Berlin (Arnsberg Research Institute), flying a Corvo (Identification, Loadout) under the callsign DSR-Dr.Richard_Batsbak.

We talked about the nature of jump holes first, which, in scientific terminology, are called wormholes. Through understanding of the best-fit model of charged, rotating black holes, it was theorized that these jump holes are the result of excess charge placed within a bend of spacetime as a direct result of gravitational effects. Eventually, we concluded that making stable jump holes required a large-enough, self-containing power source that would be able to hold the tear apart though electromagnetic energy without collapsing on itself. We came up with suggestions on the possible power sources, including antimatter-based generators, fusion-based generators, and energy derived from nomadic substances, the last of which was suggested by Dr. Batsbak in my previous Neural Net communication with him.

It turned out Dr. Batsbak had already tried antimatter-based methods, but was met with failure due to the capacitors being destroyed by the excess energy, so we ruled it out. Then, when talked about possible sites for nomadic-based experimentation, it became clear that both Liberty and Bretonia denied his requests, and that he was still in talks with Rheinland. He claimed that the only possible location was in the Omicrons. That is when I convinced him to not join sides with both the Core and the Order, citing our hostility between these two factions, and the tolerance Rheinland has to the Technocracy within their own borders. But he seemed hesitant when it came to supporting us, citing the reason of maintaining cordial relationships with the other Houses, and the frequency of Core, Order, Corsair, and Outcast presences in the Omicrons. Eventually, we came into an agreement, and he came in aboard his Bustard with a callsign DSR-"New_Horizon". From there, I help him escort his way to the Omicrons via Frankfurt, Sigma-15, Omicron Rho, Omicron Delta, and finally, Omicron Lost.

However, this is when I learned one important lesson of handling seemingly-dormant Nomad ruins. As we decided to analyze a big rock on the outskirts of the system, we decided to check a planet called Moros. This is where I learned a life-saving tip once I made contact with Revenant over the communications relay (//conversations in bold). As me and Dr. Batsbak perfomed the first areal scan of the planet from orbit, I was cautioned by her about the possibility of Nomad retaliation, and that she should suggest using fusion energy instead. Fortunately, me and Dr. Batsbak hadn't made any attempts to breach the planet's atmosphere and told him to not make any further attempts with tampering the Nomad remains on the planet's surface.

This is when a vessel belonging to the Artificial Intelligence (Unit-9467F) appeared. It tried to analyze our intentions as me and Dr. Batsbak watched. Eventually, the AI permitted us to leave the system, continuing back to where we started, but not before stopping by at Freeport 8 in the Sigma-15 system. As I continued conversing with Revenant, she also additionally warned me about trusting the Houses' intentions, and suggested the Omegas, Taus, or the Gallic Border systems. The last of these suggestions was also made by Dr. Batsbak alongside Kusari, to which I cautioned him about the risks of tampering with Nomad remains. As I went back to Planet New Berlin with him, he offered me a drink.

My preliminary conclusion on Dr. Richard Batsbak is that he is always fond of seeking many theoretical options, but when risks are considered, not all of them were known to him, such as the unforeseen consequences of handling Nomad remains (which could have ended disastrously for both of us, as Dr. Batsbak himself said) and his consideration of the relationships between the Houses, the Core, the Order, and the Technocracy. In addition, he seems to prefer maintaining cordial relationships with the other Houses, even if he has to face denial and a lot of paperwork. He is also quite secretive when it comes to the project's exact specifics.

As for his project's feasibility, through some ideas and understanding of the physics behind jump holes, me and Dr. Batsbak had concluded that there was only one way, fusion power, as the other two were deemed infeasible or too risky. However, determining a location wasn't easy enough, as two Houses (Liberty and Bretonia) denied his requests or there were too many risks including hidden ones (Omicrons), but at the end, the other alternatives mentioned were the Omegas, Taus, Kusari, and border regions of Gallia.

That shall conclude my report. I have definitely learned some lessons here, but these won't be the last ones I still have to learn.

Respectfully yours,
Ryan H. Ward

RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Imogen Jau - 04-13-2023

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Sentinel Jau

[Image: lzMoX9P.png]


Sentinel Imogen Jau reporting.

As an update for those who don't know, I resigned my position as Venator and R&D lead and accepted the position of Sentinel some time ago. I've spent the majority of the past several years on Valravn and our settlements on Elgin, assisting incoming civilian elements of our population with integration into our society, learning the languages and cultures of the societies they came from themselves, and drafting designs for various implements to enhance our construction and manufacturing processes. About two years ago, I relocated to Corfu in Theta to collaborate with some friends of ours, and have essentially had my nose buried in books and blackpapers since then.

Finally, I am ready to return to the field. At approximately 2117 hours Corfu time, I launched my old Lich for the first time in years, and found myself immediately patched in to a comms channel between Raven and our new friends in the Starlight Research Consortium. Raven kindly guided me to their location, and caught me up on many of the goings-on that transpired during my period of relative isolation. I'm deeply saddened by the loss of many comrades, role models, and dear friends in that time, but my spirits are greatly lifted by the beautiful technological advancements we have since made. I'm greatly looking forward to discovering the inner workings of them and gaining much valuable knowledge of my own in the process, and in once again contributing to the development of our nation in service of all sentient creatures in the name of Holy Eirene.

I have since returned to Valravn and equipped my ship with our own modern and wonderful guns, and the engineers are currently replacing its engine systems with the latest model. I've also taken the liberty of adopting the callsign 'Gestalt' in accordance with current practice. I look forward to active service with all my comrades, old and new, and expect to be contacted by the Consortium soon regarding collaborative development of exploratory tech for deployment in the caverns of Pygar. May we together blaze the trail of techno-apotheosis.


...transmission complete
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RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - Imogen Jau - 04-14-2023

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Sentinel Gestalt

[Image: 0BKIxLc.png]


Rather long flight today, but I'll do my best to condense this AAR for easy parsing. Around 0038 SMT I undocked from Valravn and made contact with Revenant onboard the Achlys, as well as Lazurith, the Pentation, Heavy Beep, and Aspen of the SLRC. We were soon joined by an associate from the Rogues, Montes. We performed several jumps with the Achlys' hyperspace matrix to acquire scientific data about certain classified phenomena. The relevant scans were collected by Lazurith, the Achlys, and myself, and I believe Lazurith will—once they recover from gastric issues related to the incompatibility of their augs with the cheap oils contained in the Sunbucks donuts they foolishly ate—submit a restricted-access report to the appropriate channels collating this data and providing an analysis thereof. Scans were made of phenomena in Omicron Delta, Kepler, and Texas, at which point we performed one final hyperspace jump returning to Point Alpha. In Kepler we also made contact with another Rogue associate, Hemlocke, alias "Wolf", who followed our expedition thru the entirety of Texas but did not accompany our final jump to Point Alpha. Many laughs and much confusion were had by all, with Lazurith and Aspen in particular seeming to have quite an energetic friendship. In the future, these two should be reminded to behave more professionally when in open space.

Scientific expedition officially ended at 0222 SMT with the mooring of the Achlys at Valravn. Revenant, Aspen, Lazurith, and I briefly discussed the classified data we gathered and related subjects, and I inquired about the advancements in Technocracy neural augmentations made in the past two years, though unfortunately this line of questioning had to be cut short. Our team then split; Revenant departed on her own to conduct personal diplomacy with same aforementioned Rogues in Cortez's Paloma Cloud; Heavy Beep moored with Valravn to recharge; Lazurith complained of GI distress and docked; all assets outwith myself and Aspen in the Cryptomnesia dispersed.

I suggested a quick patrol through home space, into Cortez and the Barrier in Coronado. Aspen was open to the idea, and accompanied me to Echo-Two in Cortez, where we discovered a hastily scuttled space station. Scans indicated all electronics onboard had been wiped; I'm including an audiotextual log of our analysis.

At this point, I decided to cut our patrol short and head to Leeds. I am originally from the planet, though I had not been in the system at all since I departed civilian life to join the Covenant years ago after graduating university. In the wake of the Gallic Royalists' glassing of the planet, I wished to pay my respects. However, just before we entered the Corcovado Field, we were confronted with the prompt appearance of a Lane Hacker vessel. An edited audiotextual log of our conversational exchange follows—edits are to remove extraneous noise and also clarify where communications were made via one-to-one or group/local channels.

At this point, we entered Leeds. For the sake of thoroughness, I've included a log of our conversation there, but it is not tactically or strategically relevant in any manner. However, it does contain personal information about myself, as well as a discussion about the psychosocial nature of unaugmented humanity, Bretonian industrial and demographic history, philosophical musings, a brief but surprisingly-pleasantly civil encounter with a Bretonian Police Authority officer in a large transport, and other errata.

Around this point, we arrived in the vicinity of Ikarus Station. Aspen and I discussed spatial-temporal anomalies qua objects of study with emphasis on tonight's earlier expedition. Again, for the sake of thoroughness, I have included the logs.

Some of this information may be classified, and as such, access to this data subpacket is restricted to personnel with CASE: Final Journey authorization.

My return to Valravn from this point was entirely uneventful. The XB materials the BPA officer mentioned in a preceding log were dropped off at the Citadel with the appropriate department. Now, I think I'll get some well-earned rest. Glory to the Technocracy.


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RE: »UPLINK: Elgin Primary Node - James Greed - 06-10-2023

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Warden Coates

[Image: Nevtelen.png]


Warden Coates here.

Data extraction on Unit-55567D has been finished. The results are just as we have expected, corrupted for the most part. Telemetry taken from the unit appears unrecognizable, but considering the previous attempts yielded no results, this may be an improvement. I reckon the problem has to be with the data transfer itself, since the unit is capable of more complex tasks which would require a functional telemetry system.

Visual scans were similarly noisy, but I will include them as a point of reference.

Scan 1#
Scan 2#
Scan 3#

In conclusion, the damage on the unit itself did not seem to worsen. The maintenance protocols and other subroutines for self-mending still appear to be flawed. Trying to resolve these issues from the outside only activates the very much intact self defense matrix.

In the field the unit responds to commands and follows every order. Useful for light escort duties.

Coates out.


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