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Chrysanthemum Communications Network - Printable Version

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RE: Chrysanthemum Communications Network - Lord Helmchen - 04-12-2021

Gen'an Chrysanthemums
Incoming Transmission

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Smugglers and Incompetent Lapdogs

Beginning Feed

Sender: Ono Yuki

Recipient: Gen'an Chrysanthemums

Subject: Gaijn Smuglers, and Incompeten |KSP|

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Viewing Report

Kon'nichiwa Sisters,

Today I made a Patrol in the New Tokyo System as I came across 2 Gaijins Flying Enterprise Liners LLI|LuxTravel-Sapphire and LLI|LuxTravel-Palisade, both full of Artifacts. As I know that the Hogosha have their Dirty Claws Deep in that Business I Decided to Intercept them and Interrupt their Dirty Business. Sadly the Gajin escaped and could Unload the Artifacts on New Tokyo, even Trough some |KSP| were in the System. but as Usual, these Lapdogs are Highly Incompetent. These Corrupt Baka's couldn't Find their own Butts and were absolutely Useless in the Protection of the Kusari People. I challenged one of them to a Duel, but I underestimated them and Lost. The Lapdogs Know at least how to Fight. the Pilot with the Callsign |KSP|Arita.Teruo[O] Knows how to fight, be careful around that one Sisters. as for the Gaijins, i will Put some Torpedos in their Ships when I see them Next time. as always I have all my Scanns in the Attachment.


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Yūrei Ono Yuki
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Gen'an Chrysanthemums

Concluding Report

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RE: Chrysanthemum Communications Network - Cyclonis - 04-13-2021

Gen'an Chrysanthemums
[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-16.png]
Incoming Transmission

Sender: Shiraishi Kotomi
Recipient: Gen'an Chrysanthemums
Subject: 4/13/828 A.S Patrol Notes

Recording started
*tap* *tap*

This log is for 4 13 828 A S patrol.

Yoi tsuitachi Sisters!
Another late recording I'll keep this one brief and sweet for you all.
I took helm of the Aisuburaddo today for a short test run into the Kyushu rock fields and by chance encountered a Kruger vessel passing through carrying Cobalt Ore.
The vessel was identified as the Alzenau he seemed fairly shy and didn't want to take much time with our encounter I didn't even have to distrupt his engines.

Two other sisters joined me towards the end of this little encounter but thankfully their assistance was not required.
I pirated the vessel for 8.5 million and let him on his way and the communication log will be within the data package of this recording.

Anzen ni tobu Sisters.

Recording Ceased

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Shinibana Shiraishi Kotomi
[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-22.png]
Gen'an Chrysanthemums

Concluding Report

Viewing attached files

RE: Chrysanthemum Communications Network - Kherty - 04-14-2021

Gen'an Chrysanthemums
[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-16.png]
Incoming Transmission

Sender: Katagiri Minako
Recipient: Gen'an Chrysanthemums
Subject: Report of the 14.04.828

Konnichiwa Sisters,

Here is my report for yesterday's operations.

I, and two sisters departed from Kinkaku-ji for a routine patrol in the Shikoku system. Our scanners picked up some transmissions from a ship.
As we flew around looking for it, we intercepted it in the vicinity of Planet Junyo. It was a Zoner Spatial, with its cargo full of Black Market Light Arms. Seeing the small size of this ship, and knowing the Zoners well, I decided to ask for a few Light Arms to be given to us. A total of 15 Black Market Light Arms have been intercepted and delivered safely to Kinkaku-ji. Additional weaponry for my sisters is always useful.

Then, our scanners picked up a KNF transponder, near Deshima Station. I decided to hunt it and found out it was a rusty pilot that didn't flew for a bit, like myself. Contrary to most encounters with KNF pilots, this one was agreeable, and made me forget what their institution stands for, as if we were only two human pilots, enjoying a trivial combat.
While this is seems good, it wasn't. I wasn't enough even to this "rusty" pilot, as my ship was destroyed. I was too reckless. This will not happen again.

Either way, please find attached at the bottom of this report, the visual and audio recordings of these encounters.

That is all for now, sayonara.

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Karyūdo Katagiri Minako
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Gen'an Chrysanthemums

Concluding Report

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RE: Chrysanthemum Communications Network - WiseTaurus - 04-15-2021

Gen'an Chrysanthemums
Incoming Transmission

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Decoding transmission contents

Beginning Feed

Sender: Sada Aeru

Recipient: Gen'an Chrysantemums

Subject: 101st Ghosts of Razgriz

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Viewing Report

Konbanwa, sisters:

I was delivering our spicy product, Shigeakiki, to Malta when I met an Outcast from a group I have never interacted before: Dominic.Esteban[101st]. At first I thought it was already common Outcast knowledge that we were distributing the beverage to all Sirius, but I think they did not get the message. He was not pleased, as first impression, with this innovation and its stimulating properties, so I gave them some of it, as a proof of loyalty to all Maltese. Then, I told him that there was a general Outcast consensus of agreeability regarding this drink. In the end, he seemed to accept our deals.

[Image: ut9JxWQ.jpg]

Afterwards, we talked about our own groups, until a couple of his friends arrived: Ademar.Argueda[101st] and Edda.Paganini[101st]. Their group seemed to be awakening from their power struggle slumber, as I was informed by them. Their last important event occurred during the Orange Hammer operation, and now they are back in action. It will be nice to see another Maltese flying near us. (Log 1)

Before I could finish the talk, my ship went on a blackout for some minutes…I will have to pay a visit to the mechanic, once again. When my systems went back online, they were still there but some distasteful company arrived, Crayter Republic ships. The outcasts told me to return to my journey hastily, so I did. Fight exploded and I made an exit before the valuable cargo suffered damage.

Fly safe, sisters!

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Senjōzaki Sada Aeru
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Gen'an Chrysanthemums

Concluding Report

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RE: Chrysanthemum Communications Network - Cyclonis - 04-17-2021

Gen'an Chrysanthemums
[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-16.png]
Incoming Transmission

Sender: Shiraishi Kotomi
Recipient: Gen'an Chrysanthemums
Subject: 4/17/828 A.S Patrol Notes

Recording started
*tap* *tap*

This log is for 4 17 828 A S patrol.

Asa Sisters!
Another late recording had to do a cargo run deal with a Freelancer after forcing a Samura against his will to mine some ore.
The usual.

Now first I have some very interesting news I was recently approached by a man who had purchased an license for our engine technology.
You may recognise the name Harlinger. A very interesting topic ran up to an encounter I had today with my other sisters while using the Aisuburaddo.
Now, to save the communication log read Harlinger had a bounty placed on his head by a man some of us had met called Health.Inspector.
This particular man also 'fined' one of our sisters recently with some sort of parchment I guess you could call it.

Well Harlinger has offered us to be apart of some bounty board as he himself has posted a bounty on these so called 'health inspectors' I've already ran data line where
more information can be found on this on a more secure net. I believe this might be a great time to excercise some hunting skills and to be paid at the same time.
A communication log of this will be in the data package attached to this message.
End of Harlinger

OS&C Skywardens Retreat
Onto more regular news I was on a joint patrol at the start of the day with sister Kirisame we took our usual paths and decided to
take a slightly more stealthy approach in the nebula where the lanes run to Galileo in Shikoku.
Our patience was well deserved as we cut the lane off to an OS&C Liner, the Skywardens.Retreat captained by Miss Cynthia Farwell.
Quite a polite person and in the nebula we were very much left undisturbed.
The liner was carrying Spring Breakers If I recall at the time and we determined a 6 million credit total fee would be sufficient.
A log of the communication will be down below of course.
End of Skywardens Retreat

OS&C Beefmaster
Lastly and probably my least proud piracy yet but... were not exactly nice people all the time either.
You will all recall the Ryuju Comet a popular site for Platinum miners.
Well an OS&C vessel by the name of BeefMaster peculiar name I know had pretty much picked up ore right infront of me.
Needless to say their cruise was distrupted and an 8 million credit fee was snatched.
No drama no deep conversations.
And as always a communication log will be attached.
The vessel did have a message for Misaki though 'i have new Cakes for her to Try'
End of Beefmaster

Anzen ni tobu Sisters.

Recording Ceased

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Shinibana Shiraishi Kotomi
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Gen'an Chrysanthemums

Concluding Report

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RE: Chrysanthemum Communications Network - Fuji - 04-18-2021

Gen'an Chrysanthemums
Incoming Transmission

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Decoding transmission contents

Beginning Feed

Sender: Sadako Fujiwara
Recipient: Gen'an Chrysanthemums
Subject: Fight in New Tokyo

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Viewing Report


Was called away while on my patrol in Shikoku to check on the the Gen'an freighter Asutorapia. Turned out 2 KSP fighter pilots were harrasing it, designated |KSP|Arita.Teruo[O] and |KSP|Kogeki-1. They refused to buy the shige and even shot some of our stock. Things got sour fast when the pilot of |KSP|Kogeki-1 identified himself as the High Commissioner of the State Police. I decided to turn it into a hostage situation instead.

In short. No shige was sold. 2 police ships put out of action. I wrecked my Iris by crashing into one of them. Got 2 broken ribs and a busted leg. I am going to make Malta pay for my medical bill by claiming the police bounties. I will be back to my old self again soon. Oh and the freighter survived and Tomoyo took me back to Kinkaku-ji.

Good hunting everyone.

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Yūrei Sadako Fujiwara
[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-22.png]
Gen'an Chrysanthemums

Concluding Report

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RE: Chrysanthemum Communications Network - Fuji - 04-19-2021

Gen'an Chrysanthemums
Incoming Transmission

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Decoding transmission contents

Beginning Feed

Sender: Fujiwara Sadako
Recipient: Gen'an Chrysanthemums
Subject: Azurite gas and APM hardware

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Viewing Report


Seems like I am back into business sooner than expected. I strapped myself in a medical grade harness to reduce the stress on my broken bones and decided to take a new fighter for a run. Yes I know I will get slapped by Tomoyo for that and I was only patched up recently, but piloting a fighter is pretty doable even in this condition. I mean you all send that old lady all across Sirius in a battle transport.

Alright, as for why I disclose this. I found a merchant with interesting cargo. Some drone. I bought some interesting things. APM Hardware and Azurite Gas. I want to bring the Azurite gas to Kotomi for a fun experiment. I just want to see what happens if you mix it into the shige. Just for fun you know. It will be worth every single credit I paid the bot.

Now ill go back to the bed so my injuries can heal. Starting to think this wasn't such a good idea.

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Yūrei Fujiwara Sadako
[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-22.png]
Gen'an Chrysanthemums

Concluding Report

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RE: Chrysanthemum Communications Network - nabushi607 - 04-20-2021

Gen'an Chrysanthemums
[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-16.png]
Incoming Transmission

Sender: Izawa Hakana
Recipient: Gen'an Chrysanthemums
Subject: Daily reports on date of 4/20/828 AS

Konnichiwa Sisters,

While doing Cardamine supply runs, a fellow sister had just finished off a freighter carrying plutonium. She had then asked if I could assist her with taking the cargo back to Kinkaku's Annex. She had offered to escort me back, and I accepted.
Proof of delivery will be in the packaged files below.

Wakare sisters

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Minerai Izawa Hakana
[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-22.png]
Gen'an Chrysanthemums

Concluding Report

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RE: Chrysanthemum Communications Network - Cyclonis - 04-22-2021

Gen'an Chrysanthemums
[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-16.png]
Incoming Transmission

Sender: Shiraishi Kotomi
Recipient: Gen'an Chrysanthemums
Subject: Azurite Experiments & 4/20/828 A.S Notes

Recording Started
*tap* *tap* bit of a buzz should be alright.

Kuon o inorimasu Sisters!
This log is for 4 20 828 AS

Azurite Shigeakiki
Now as some of you have heard one of our sisters specifically Fuji had made an interesting trade recently and procurred some Azurite Gas.
These containers of the gas had been moved to the Annex for further study.
Upon some basic experiments we found that given certain passes of electrical currents the azurite gas is able to be fused or bonded to various materials and vice versa
is also able to be undone with the same methods but at a much higher state of power.

Now upon Fuji's request of mixing the Azurite Gas with Shigeakiki in it's natural state the two of course don't really mix unless you apply a high pressure as a form of
carbonation. Once this has been done you get the same status effect to that of a fizzy drink.
Now lets switch gears back to when I said Azurite Gas can be altered with high powered currents.
If you apply a voltage through the carbonated Shigeakiki the trapped gas in it has an...
Well rather interesting effect.

In the infused state of Azurite Shigeakiki or as some of the others in the Annex have nick named it.
Crystal Shige the liquid stores the charge of the current placed into it like a capacitor.
Which gives you this bubbly but also plasma like effect when the drink is unopened.
When you open the vessel for the drink a large portion of the gas releases as the stored energy discharges when in contact with the air.
We can't currently confirm the safety of consumption for the drink as no trials have been passed or started as of yet.
And to what effects this carries out too either the side effects that the drink had prior is unkown as well as what changes Azurite could bring to Cardamine elements.

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A new recruit.
Holding our trade routes in the vessel Sunokura I came across two sisters who were in conversation with a state police pilot named Iruka.
Kirisame and Matsumoto had been conversing with Iruka for awhile.
A rather interesting character to say the least not only did our Sisters give the officer Shigeakiki but she also consumed it.
Having been convinced of the effects of Cardamine and Shigeakiki that benefits your health.
After some more talking we learned that the officer no longer really wanted to serve within the corrupted state police.

Iruka in turn started seeking how to join the Gen'an I had proposed a small challenge as during the midst of our conversation
police vessels had approached us. I tasked her to destroy their ships and she did successfully.
And then I told her to destroy the escape pods and without any hesitation Iruka erased the helpless pilots.
This had formally convinced me at least of her willingness and so Kirisame gave our new friend a task.
Which was to escort my vessel on it's trade route.

Upon splitting off from Kirisame and Matsumoto. Iruka and I traversed the jumpholes towards Omicron Alpha.
The home of the outcats at Malta. We had talked a fair amount and got to know each other a little more.
On our return journey I decided it would be best to drop off my return cargo at Ainu.
As it would be a good place for our new recruit to not only be kept an eye on but also provides many jobs.
This in my eyes would be her proving ground for now.

This is all I have for you now Sisters Mate Ne

Recording Ceased

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Shinibana Shiraishi Kotomi
[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-22.png]
Gen'an Chrysanthemums

Concluding Report

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RE: Chrysanthemum Communications Network - The Gen'an Chrysanthemums - 04-22-2021

Gen'an Chrysanthemums
Incoming Transmission

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Gen'an Command


The following rank adjustments are now in effect.

Due to Matsumoto Hotaru's contribution to the Gen'an Sisterhood and her combat abilities, she has been promoted to Karyūdo rank.

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First Communications Officer, Ikeda Yume
[Image: Webp-net-resizeimage-22.png]
Gen'an Chrysanthemums

Concluding Report