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The best game ever.... - Printable Version

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The best game ever.... - AdamantineFist - 06-04-2008

' Wrote:CivilizationVl---------------When i want to make work my brain

How did you get Civilization 6???!!!!

I only have Civ IV...


The best game ever.... - paccplayer11 - 06-20-2008

half life 1 and 2
age of mythology

The best game ever.... - briambo - 06-22-2008

RTS : Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War Series and Company of Heroes
FPS : I'd have to choose Half Life 2 and expansions and Halo 2 (mjam I love it that my pc can run it \o/)
Space : Well that would be Starlancer and ofcourse the sequel Freelancer (I still can't believe the Alliance lost the war, I killed over 300 coalition piliots (a few ace pilots included) , blew up a couple of bases, blew up a few carriers,gunboats, destroyed a cap ship, destroyed the WHOLE 2nd fleet, I still can't believe it, what kind of sick mind came up with the idea that the alliance lost the war)
3rd Person shooters: Hitman series and Freedom fighter
Free roam : GTA series and Assassins Creed.

and yes I have every single on of those games.

The best game ever.... - Paladorin - 06-26-2008

Mine are quite no particular order...

Kick Off 2 - Amiga
Laser Squad - Amiga
Shadow of Collossus - PS2
Lords of Midnight - Speccy (Sinclair Spectrum!)
Viking Raiders - Speccy
Laser Squad Nemesis - PC
Baldars Gate Series - PC

The best game ever.... - Angelfire - 06-26-2008

Half life (all of them)... best fps for me by far.

Freelancer wins as my overall awesomest favoritest game eva!

The best game ever.... - Lucend - 08-20-2008

Don't remember if I posted in this thread yet ....

Ah well.

Besides Freelancer:

Legend of Zelda OOT, MM, LTTP
Dawn of War, Winter Assault, Dark Crusade (Also got me hooked into the 40k fiction)
Star Wars Empires at War

I'm sure I have more, but those are mah core.

The best game ever.... - Zapp - 08-20-2008

Escape Velocity Nova ftw

The best game ever.... - Varyag - 08-20-2008

started in 2005??? Bring on the Zombie hordes!

The best game ever.... - Silent_M - 08-20-2008

Final Fantasy VII for PC, the best game i have EVER played hands down.

Then maybe Zelda The Ocarina Of Time for the N64, what an awesome game:)

oh yeah and KOTOR (no not the sequel) man that game had such a good story.

The best game ever.... - DW-Suzanna - 08-20-2008

[Image: e43ea9b17d02454e80d1282c4e6d8699.gif]

Freespace 2