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The Lane Hackers | Recruitment - Printable Version

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RE: The Lane Hackers | Recruitment - Yasuo Hirano - 02-16-2017

Joining Application

Case: c71e2cfa6b1391b1c4bb7eae15d7533f/75
Alias: Sun.Liang-tan
Transponder: R~LH~Sun.Liang-tan
Background: Blood Dragons


I doubt it is usual for someone like me to try to get into contact with you but here I am.
Born in Bretonia prior to the Kusari-Bretonia into a kusarian-bretonian family, later on when the war was on the rise we became a target to the Kusari intelligence service. I lost a lot to them but it thought me a lesson for my entire life. In the end it leaded me on the path I follow even still today, the path of an assassin in the shadows. Samura, Naval Forces, everyone who abuses their authority or harmed the majority of the society appeared on my target list, money for kills, kidnapping, silencing, and so on.
It was a good but bloody time, years passed before my lifestyle was to change. I got to know more about the Blood Dragons, their ways of honor and the way they fight for getting back what is rightfully theirs. I joined them, a rare sight that they accepted a half-kusarian foreigner.
They taught me the ways of life a Samurai follows. Every little bit they taught me just improved my skills further but I didn't feel like it was the right place to belong at, not the right place to use my abilities for improval of an entire house.
I am ready to assist the true guardians of Liberty, the Lane Hackers. The few times I was in this beautiful house showed me how dark and evil it already is behind its cover. It literally smells like corruption and power abuse behind every second corner on Manhattan.
If I can make my part in the cleaning of Liberty's society from the bad parts I will be just glad. Maybe Liberty is the place for me to belong at.

Your instructions were interesting, so was staying on Deshima for a while before suddenly the alarms went off and I was chased by a hell lot of Bounty Hunters. Once I escaped them it was rather calm until I arrived in Liberty to further follow the instructions.
I don't want to show off here but I would say that I did even more than the required goals or the optional steps.

See here how much I did:

Phase 1 of your instructions
Here we go with Phase 2
Phase 3; There can never be enough Cardamine.

RE: The Lane Hackers | Recruitment - Jaws - 03-16-2017

Joining Application

Case: ac1d3b5f620c4803031209110b0b8d5c/76
Alias: Jaws
Transponder: R~LH~Jaws~
Background: Ageira Technologies


Well.. that was a close call. How you guys knew to contact me just as security were closing on my quarters is beyond me. But thankful to the end i shall be..
..also, i guess from the way in which i have been conscripted means you know what i was doing on Pueblo before my near-demise.
It would seem also that i am not the only one, four of my colleagues had gone missing in the weeks leading up to my hasty departure, we were all working on the same project. That project being the testing of new security equipment on Jump gates. The last guy that went missing, Roy Stacks.. was a friend of mine for many years and a man of much integrity, he loved his job and his family, for him to disappear in the way he did (according to my supervisor he just handed in his notice and left) sent alarm bells ringing, so i did some research.. what i found was chilling, my four colleagues were not the first to disappear after working on high-priority projects such as this. I felt like i was at the tip of the iceberg, if i could have just got the help from someone in senior position.. but it was not to be, they're all as corrupt as the next. I was lucky to be on break at the time of your message, though i doubt that is a coincidence.

A debrief of my time since escaping Pueblo:

After escaping the station via a Civilian light craft i made my way to Liberty, there i started to gain the trust of the Rogues, first by showing them my piloting skills, assisting their vessels against the Libertonian lawfuls, then by taking it upon myself to go out lonewolf style and destroy several storage containers belonging to DSE at Baltimore

Once i had gained the trust of my new hosts i took shelter at their station in Pennsylvania, taking on missions and gaining freelance work from allied groups. It was while out on one of these missions that i was approached by a gentleman that introduced himself as Malcolm Haynes. He was flying a ship with the callsign: Equanimity. Anyway, he asked me to pass on his regards to Huracan and Sun Liang-tan. Although these names mean nothing to me now i am sure all will become clear in the future. Well, through conversation with this gentleman i gained 3,000,000 SC.. Don't ask please because i myself have no idea why?? But if someone de-cloaks a ship in front of your very eyes and offers you any credits you dont say no, right? After this generous financiers contribution i was able to purchase a freighter to carry out the third and final part of your instructions. I filled the hold with goods (including a nice dose of Cardi) and headed for Cortez. I've gotta say, it wasn't an easy ride. But knowing what i know about lane and gate sensors i was able to avoid any unnecessary law enforcement encounters

So, here i now am.. Sending this transmission, unsure of what is to come but confident in the path i have taken

RE: The Lane Hackers | Recruitment - Brad Whitaker - 06-24-2017

Joining Application

Case: 5abaf58005fbfba60ebdb861479ba46a/78
Alias: Brad Whitaker
Transponder: R~LH~Brad.Whitaker
Background: Lane Hackers


This is Brad Whitaker here to inform you that I have been successful in completion of all tasks that I have been required to do before sending in my application. As you might be aware, all my tasks were a great success and there was not much trouble apart from the missions I receieved while at Mactan earning enough funding for a Bactrian Combat Freighter. Once there was enough funds in my account for the Bactrian, I had proceeded to go purchase and purchase enough equipment to make it a survivable vessel and capable to fight off local authority. Clearly the local authority was no match for me otherwise I would not be sending my application in right away. Just before I continue my application, I would like to send in the evidence and proof of completion of my tasks and three phases with two prototype weapons that were found on my journey around Liberty and the Independent Worlds.

File 1 File 2 File 3
50 Trade Lane Parts 2 Prototype Weapons

Now with that sent in, it is time to tell you a brief description of my self, my personal life, where I come from and other important information that may be important to my application. Let me start of with, I am Brad Whitaker, born and bread in the Ontario system. Right now I am twenty six years of age. My previous occupation was well nothing, I have been working in the bars on Mactan Base. After hearing years and years of elitist pilots speaking about their stories, history and becoming a Lane Hacker, it inspired me and made me want to become more. My father Xavier Whitaker was a Lane Hacker himself, he would be a fighter pilot providing intelligence on important targets that required to be assassinated. My father became missing in action when I turned sixteen. My mother, I have not heard, or spoken to hear since I was only a child. Coming from a Lane Hacker family, it has been very inspirational to follow the footsteps of the brave hackers who work day in and day out to get the high risk jobs done to feed people like myself. To help construct homes for the families in need. The stories i've heard from the brave warriors has made me want to join. So hear I am, a twenty six year old bar worker wishing to follow those who inspired him over the years with their stories.

RE: The Lane Hackers | Recruitment - Von.Hammerstein - 07-06-2017

Joining Application

Case: d203bd1bf040106327b959ea7952bd78/79
Alias: Von Hammerstein
Transponder: R~LH~Von.Hammerstein
Background: Ageira Technologies


Greetings to you all. I wish to inform you that I have completed all tasks that were given to me. I will be brief, once I escaped Pueblo (due in no small part to you I might add) I found my way to Rochester base. The Junkers there very kindly gave me some advice on how to get in good with the Rogues. Following their instruction, I picked a few fights with lone bounty hunters and slowly managed to gain the Rogues trust. I would like to point out that I did not forget about the tasks that you gave me, I did indeed destroy the shipping depot's outside Baltimore shipyard and Planet Mannhattan respectivly. Over time I earnt enough to obtain a dromedary freighter. I picked off a few more Bounty hunters and managed to convince the rogues at Buffalo to let me do one of their cadimine runs to Montezuma base in Cortez. I am happy to say that I saw no one along the way. Thus I have, as far as I understand, completed all the tasks that you have assigned me.

DSE & Police Depot's destroyed

Cardamine shipment

You asked me to tell you a little about myself and why I wish to join. Well...I will be very frank you, I don't much care for any 'gung-ho' sort of attitude, and I'm no fan of killing either. I enjoy a good read, the odd smoke and a decent view. Oh I've seen a few things I shouldn't have, done a couple of shameful acts in the past, but mostly, I like the quiet. What I cannot stand, however, is innocents being bullied into submission. If there is one thing in this universe that makes my blood boil, it's that and I firmly believe that is exactly what is going on in Liberty. But I get ahead of myself, I was born on planet Denver, only child to a middle class banker and a nurse. I have a fairly uneventful childhood, I grew up, went to university and got a decent job. All is well with my family, they're somewhere doing something. I don't pay them much mind and they leave me too it on the condition I send them the occasional postcard. As for my physical description, I am about 1.76 Meters tall, black hair, grey eyes, shaven with, if I do say so myself, a good singing voice. If I fit the bill, then please know I am waiting.

RE: The Lane Hackers | Recruitment - Stefan.Pomerov - 08-28-2017

...latency.node( alpha ) is grader.than 100ms...

Name: Stefan.Pomerov
Background: Lane Hackers
Subject: The notes of my progress

Phase I:
As one could expect, I utilized the missions provided by the Pub in Mactan to obtain a 'Bactrian' class Freighter
((OOC: I couldn't get a screen shot of this I was dealing with a really annoying neighbor. The juggle of it all pretty much got me to forget a couple of things, like 'REMEMBER TO TRANSFER YOUR ID TO YOUR NEW SHIP'. I lost my eye Lane Hacker eyepatch in bars/pubs))

Phase II:
From there I traveled to Colorado, where I spent over an hour an a half watching commercial traffic. Then I managed to obtain 39 Docking ring parts. I made screens shots of that, then realized that not only did I get the wrong part, but I needed 50 of them, so I jettisoned them.
After making some runs from the Colorado to New York Jump Hole Ring to Cochrine Depot to sell some salvage and pilots. I occurred some credits. When I ran into an individual where we stuck a deal:
I, an technically unlawful individual, could 'unlawfully provide' some cargo to said individual, in exchange to fulfill the condition of "By any means necessary" of obtaining 50 Trade Lane parts:

I raised the 250k SC for a 1-to-1 purchase, and the individual was more than happily willing to do so:

Proof of both ship class and cargo:

Phase III:
Arrival at ...<<Redacted>>... base:

And completion of mission:

I present these as fact, as the net will cache that my of actions and they are with out doubt!
Let the bytes set us free!

RE: The Lane Hackers | Recruitment - Mr. Blackfriar - 09-17-2017

Joining Application

Case: 02c18707820881ba70424d2e5ace3195/83
Alias: Blackfriar
Transponder: R~LH~Blackfriar
Background: Ageira Technologies


I believe an introduction is in order. I was born on planet Manhattan and shown the interest in technology from a young age. At the age of 19, I applied at University of Manhattan's distinguished Programming department, graduated 5 years later in top of my class. The Ageira recognized my talent and hired me to work at the project for perfecting trade lane security systems. During one of my recent breaktroughs, I was pushed to background and my superior took all the credit for my accomplishments. I decided to leave, as the arrogance and narcissism of my coworkers was not bearable. I received life threats from my superior the day after my departure. Nobody makes threats to me. Nobody. I always knew that a inner persona was inside me, but at that moment I realized that it is a murderous bastard with bad temper. I exploded with anger, went to his household, slit his throat and murdered his family. Following day, I felt like I did nothing wrong. I felt relieved. The violence made me serene. Peaceful. But the Police started to gather evidence, I had to leave before they made a move on me. As the Rogues are nothing but brainless animals, the only logical thing was to contact you, as your organization will give me what I need. Freedom, violence, and use for my programming skills.

I followed the instructions included in your transmission. Escaped Pueblo and moved towards New York system. As I knew the Rogues will not be glad of my presence at their base, I decided to provide them a reason to give me docking rights on Buffalo. My combat simulator lessons used to be my hobby, but now they proved to be an useful asset, as I managed to take down several Navy and Xeno pilots on my way. Also, as you instructed; I destroyed the DSE property near Baltimore Shipyard and Police property orbiting planet Manhattan as I assumed that it would put a message around that I am no joke. My arrival on Buffalo was not welcoming, but they decided to let me dock in exchange for the pilots I have captured. Finding a job on the Buffalo was effortless, as I joined the raiding squad, they let me partook in several missions against the Guild, Navy and Police, providing me with enough funds to move on to phase two. I proceeded to Pennsylvania system and docked on Niverton base. I bough a Bactrian freighter and went on a wreckage hunt to properly equip it. I took the chance and found two codename weapons, one you informed me of its whereabouts, and other found from a rumor on Niverton. The wrecks also were stuffed with other equipment so I managed to equip my Bactrian with proper weaponry, a cargo scanner, advanced thruster, and even an armor upgrade mark I. The surplus of the equipment was sold to the dealer on Alcatraz, simultaneously selling numerous pilots I've captured to local slavers. This endeavor made me has left me enough funds to afford a full load of Cardamine. And here I am, waiting at Montezuma base, per your request, awaiting your answer.

Escape from Pueblo
Depots destroyed
Arrival on Buffalo
Bactrian acquired
Codenames acquired
Cardamine delivered

RE: The Lane Hackers | Recruitment - David Dragonpol - 09-18-2017

Joining Application

Case: 8c9d1dc72d46877914723a336c033e23/84
Alias: David Dragonpol
Transponder: R~LH~David.Dragonpol
Background: Lane Hackers


Let's start at the beginning, my father was a Lane Hacker, he met my mother at Mactan base in Magglan, he just returned after finishing a mission and met her, she was a bartender. Some time after that I came to this world. I was 7 years old when my mother and her ship were blown to pieces by a Liberty Navy fighter. Neither me or my father knew that she was smuggling Cardamine in her Mammoth. Ten years I was working on my knowledge about the Sirius sector of Sirius.Upon reaching my adulthood, I started working as an Equipment vendor on Mactan. I was building guns onto ships for two years and so I made enough money for myself to get a Stargazer. Since I was a boy I aspired into joining the Inner Circle and now with a Stargazer I could finally fulfill my dream. I flew the ship for my first time and the experience was grate. I flew it to Alberta and received my instructions on how to join the Inner Circle. I connected to the Network which monitored my activities and I successfully comleted all my criteria. Now I am waiting on Airdrie Hideout for the verdict of my application.

Proofs of success:

- All of them done

"Making the corporate weenies cry, so our kids can live in a free and just galaxy."

RE: The Lane Hackers | Recruitment - Patrice - 10-20-2017

Case: LH0101fpzQt4z32
Alias: Patrice
Transponder: R~LH~Patrice
Background: Ageira Technologies

How can i be so ignorant....after so may years i guess one's view becomes clouded...time to clear the sky and clear ones life..start with a clean sheet...
So, after receiving your initial assignemt i was very sceptical. How would one possibly be able to escape? It was only shortly before that time that i found out that you could not just escape...especially when you are recognised as a talented programmer....

I managed to get out quite quickly....although i was under heavvy fire from Pueblo Station, the slow moving projectiles where no match for the agility of my craft.

Arriving in New York was one hand it felt like returning to a safe haven, but that only lasted for half a entire hud was flashing bright red! the near vicinity there was nowhere i could get to. The onle place i could take refuge was Rochester Base. During my stay there, i was able to work on the assignments given.

One of my first actions was to destroy some storage facilities....well i regretted that immediately...after destroying the depots...2 gunboats appeared....i maged to shake them off though...

All assignments apart from one where completed, unfortunately i was not able to get the prototype weaponry.

Below are the guncam shots i managed to take:

I will remain at Montezuma, awaiting further instructions..

Patrice out

RE: The Lane Hackers | Recruitment - Nepotu - 10-22-2017

Joining Application

Case: 83fe69c2463f1ba2fa9ebb58464d35fe/87
Alias: Jack Spang
Transponder: R~LH~Jack.Spang
Background: Lane Hackers


Greetings Lane Hackers,
I finally arrived at Airdire Hideout. Oh boy, I must say that this wasn't easy to find. Lucky me I found some fellow Lane Hackers patroling in the area and they were kind enought to take me to the base.

First of all let's talk about the instructions you provided me. I was able to raise half of the money required to buy the ship by doing some missions from Macatan Job Board against Bounty Hunters and then selling the captured pilots. The other half came from selling the loot I found in the wrecks at the coordinates you provided me. Some people were really interested in buying the transport turrets I found there. This wreck hunt helped me with the other phase: finding the Trade Lane and Jump Gate Parts. As soon as I finished these two phases I move to the third and last phase. These instructions made me go through some dangers but I made it out alive. So here I am at Airdire's bar having a drink and sending you this message. I will also attach some visual proofs so that you'll be sure I finished the instructions.

Now...about me... There aren't many things. I'm 22 years old and I was born on a smuggling ship owned by my parents. This was our home so they took me with them on every smuggling run. One day, when I was 12, we were docked at Mactan to get some supplies and resume our work an undercover Bounty Hunter managed to infiltrate the base and tried to kill both my parents. He was a rookie Bounty Hunter and something gave him away revealing his identity letting my old one run away. In order to keep me safe they left me behind. Some hackers took me under their protection and helped me become on of them. I always heard stories about the Inner Circle and made me want to join it.

Attachment : Instructions complete

RE: The Lane Hackers | Recruitment - The Espada - 12-27-2017

Joining Application

Case: babbd24f1d21f9b66acbbaf093028891/88
Transponder: R~LH~[REDACTED]
Background: Lane Hackers


Howdy there, Inner Circle. I passed all your trials with ease, although it did take me considerably a while, I managed to procure a Combat Freighter - the Bactrian, with rudimentary equipment, fifty Trade-Lane/Jumpgate Parts from Supply Ship Ft. Worth in the eastern region of the Grande Negra. and finally, your prototype pulse cannon from Torbay in the eastern edge of St. Lawrence Ice Field.

It seems I forgot to introduce myself. My name's Herman Drake, I was born and raised on Houston to corporate parents. Dad's a logistics chief, in-charge of overseeing the export of Platinum Ore from Liberty, and Mom's a businesswoman on Manhattan for Deep Space Engineering. Me? I took a different road, I took advanced military training in snubcraft on West Point. Although I finished my training, I never got into the Navy due to my worrisome parents, so instead became an escort pilot for Libertonian corporations, mostly Ageira matter-of-fact. It was a dreadful "job", being underpaid for putting my life on the line and saving Ageira shipments through-out Sirius. Funny how the ones who just fly a long hunk o' superalloys from A to B got paid five times more than I do.

In my last lawful contract, I had to escort some Ageira transport to a station named "Leduc Station", located somewhere inside an Asteroid Field in the eastern side of Alberta. While the convoy was on the way to Camrose, a bunch of Hackers ambushed our convoy and blew up the transports. My wingmen ran off and I was left alone. This is where I got my reparation from corporate oppression and depravity. The Hackers were gracious enough to spare me and even proposed I join their cause. I didn't mind to flee my life of dull, longspun flights and inadequate cheques that barely sustain my needs. It has been two years since I joined the ranks of the Lane Hackers - but I heard rumours of the "Inner Circle", a bunch of solemn people doing serious work, I was keen to find out more, to find a much more exciting life with a true cause. So I did some "look-around" on the Mactan Network and found your recruitment. I've followed all of your steps and I'm writing this message to you on Airdrie Hideout. Hope Y'all can appreciate my efforts and let me join your ranks.

Here's an album of my journey completing the three steps: ***