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The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - Printable Version

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LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - themikeruler - 02-29-2012

---Transmission Corrupted---

// links weren't working, will fix later

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Ursus - 02-29-2012

Where the money is going: Festus.Hagen

Kills: 1 lane hacker, 1 indy pirate

Circumstances: Moving my ship and a passing transport told me about a big fight in Cortez, so I went there. Found 3-4 hostile snubs attacking a LABC with a lone BHG trying to fight them off, so I gave my bats and bots to the LABC and started shooting into the crowd. Got a couple of kills out of it, the hostiles were focused too tightly on killing the navy boat.

  • Lane Hacker Roland ID and kill
    [Image: th_roland-id-0.png] [Image: th_roland-kill-0.png]

  • Indy pirate Philip ID and kill
    [Image: th_philip-id-0.png] [Image: th_philip-kill-0.png]
Payment owed: 1 LH 1.2m; 1 pirate 1m; total 2.2m

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Dada - 03-01-2012

Where the money is going: Kai.Dressel

Kills: XA-Racer; xeno ID/roc bomber

Circumstances: I caught this one at the jump gate in California, he was standing there and waiting for victims. After a moment, he engaged was a long fight and a snac finished it.

Payment owed: 1.600.000 SC

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - themikeruler - 03-03-2012

Must say, nice kill, Kai.

Where the money is going: BHG|BoomStick

Waran Bomber - Independent Pirate
Outcast Tridente Gunship - Outcast
Rogue Gunboat - Liberty Rogue
Sabre - Outcast

Circumstances: Well, this is my first official bounty pick up! My first victim, The.Wild.West, was an indie pirate in a Waran, caught by me while I was occupying my Manta. He told me that he would only fight me if I was in something bigger, better. So I took him up on that deal, and got into my Dolphin. I fought him, and killed him. Unfortunately... the picture of the actual destruction of his vessel was intermittently lost.. yet my radios picked up the distress signal as his ship was torn apart by my Razors.

As for the Outcast Tridente, it is my fault that there is no official proof of his equipment... but luckily, my ship's targeting system kept track of what he was, and provides visual proof of his -former- well-being. So, Liberty Navy pilots Roy Baker and Rachel Sanders called me over to dispose of a trashy, annoying 'Cast Gunship. I came in , and the kill was quick, even though he tried evading countless amounts of Razors and Pulses from my ship.

Few days later, there was word that some Rogues were causing hell among a trade lane in Cali, so me and a couple of others went in. After a small talk and a big fire fight, I ended up taking the head of the Gunboat, while the others got the fighters.

Then, just 20 minutes later, upon going into my Bomber, I stumbled into a lone Outcast fighter. Unfortunately he killed some rookie pilots before I got there... but when I did, it only took me seconds to avenge those pilots' souls. My buddy who arrived at the scene with me was able to get the guncam of his equipment; I had been in the heat of the moment and was only able to pick up the radio interference of his ship's explosion.

Payment owed:
Indie Waran = 1.000.000 Million SC
OC Tridente = 1.400.000 Million SC
Rogue GB = 1.800.000 Million SC
OC Sabre = 1.200.000 Million SC

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - The Republic Of Liberty - 03-04-2012

[Image: 2vmamgh.png]

The Republic of Liberty Bounty Board is temporarily closed for the next 12 hours while we process all pending claims.

Thank you for your patience.

Ferris Dufresne
Central Liberty Internal Treasury

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - The Republic Of Liberty - 03-04-2012

[Image: 2vmamgh.png]

BHG; Independent Contractors;

You are performing a valuable service for Liberty. Attached are your payment transaction records.

Bounty Hunters Guild:
[Image: 2dgvm9s.jpg]

Independent Contractors:
[Image: 14wuo1l.jpg]

With payments complete, the Bounty Board is now reopened.

Ferris Dufresne
Central Liberty Internal Treasury

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - themikeruler - 03-04-2012

Where the money is going: BHG|BoomStick

Indie Eagle
XA Eagle
Indie Bomber
XA Bomber

Circumstances: Rumors were going around that a group of Xenos were shredding up transports in Colorado/New York. So as I exited the Fort Bush - Color JG Trade Lane, there they were; 7 Xenos. At first they didn't know who I was, but they later realized that I was one of their former brethren. As they wanted to get me dealt with quick, the fight began.

2 of the kills were extremely easy Xeno.Redneck and Carter.Greyham, nothing but a couple rookies new to the pattern of the Xeno raids. Then, I headed straight for the leaders of the Xenos, XA-Canebreak and XA-Coachwhip, who I killed. XA-Racer fled from the scene out of cowardliness. Then it was me against a few Eagles and a bomber.

Suddenly, what appeared to be a hijacked Liberty Gunboat appeared and opened fire on me. The mistake that led to my ships demise was going for the snubs first, for the easy kills. But unfortunately, after much fighting, they got the best of me, and took down my ship. With much gratefulness, my escape pod didn't fail to eject and sent my flying towards Fort Bush.

Problem is, after landing on Bush, I checked my data pad for the guncam shots; once again, my ship only recorded one of the ships equipment, which in essence is a generic protocol for all of them, and the radio distress signals from the explosions of their ships.

Hopefully, my new Bottlenose won't have the same problem.

I'll be back for the rest of those blasted Xenos, and for that hijacked Navy Gunboat. Just you wait!

Payment owed:
1.200.000 Million SC x4
400.000 Million SC x2

Total: 5.600.000 Million SC

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - themikeruler - 03-05-2012

You ask, back so soon? Yup.

Where the money is going: BHG|BoomStick

Kills: LR faction Barghest

Circumstances: So, after retrieving my new Bottlenose in which THERE ARE NO DEFECTS, I'm at Riverside Station, when I get a call from an unknown sender. I take it to my private quarters, and find that LR-The.Queen.Viper wants a rematch from a previous unfair fight in which an LABC joined in and caused her Novas to 'malfunction', and her escape pod to eject. I accept the call, and meet her in the nearest asteroid field. What happens when we meet just goes downhill from there.

Payment owed:
1.200.000 + 400.000

Total: 1.600.000 Million SC

// double post -.-

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Lucky Luke - 03-06-2012

Where the money is going: White.Pearl

Kills: One Xeno-Indie Roc and one XA-Faction Roc

Circumstances: While I was at Manhattan, a distress call came saying that Xenos were blowing up traders by the lane to California jumpgate. I responded, and soon found two Xenos. I engaged them, and was joined by another BH and a Mando. The Xenos made a jump to California, where four more of them were waiting. The other BH was soon killed, leaving me and the Mando. One of the Xenos stepped on his d... ermm... mine, and was vaporized. I got two of their ships, and the other three retreated. I retrieved their escape pods and delivered them to Sugarland.

  • [Image:] Unfortunately there was an error here. The ID scan got mixed up with the cargoscan. I will leave it up tou you to decide wheter to approve this claim.
  • [Image:]
  • [Image:]
  • [Image:]

Payment owed: 2.800.00 SC

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Dada - 03-07-2012

Where the money is going: Kai.Dressel

Kills: K.Mihawk outcast ID/broadsword bomber

Circumstances: A bunch of criminals was attacking a transport near Fort Bush....i snacced this one.

Payment owed: 1.200.000 SC