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Daumann Heavy Construction - Recruitment Center - Printable Version

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RE: Daumann Heavy Construction - Recruitment Center - EazyBreazy - 04-06-2019

Firstname: Grindis
Surname: Vahn
Age: 38
Date of Birth: 788 AS
Origin: Rheiland
Short biograph: I do not even know what to write here, my life is pretty boring. Born on the planet Stuttgart, kindergarten, school, college of mathematics. After studying, I worked in a small firm as an accountant. Then another company is larger, dealing with suborbital transport of large loads. Then a company for the exchange of goods with Bretonia. I think I grew up enough for the next step, to be one of the members of Daumann, to manage my own cargo shuttle.
Division to join: <Mark with a [X]>
[ X] - Transport Division
[ ] - Mining Division
[ ] - Security Wing
Why do you want to work for Daumann? It's very simple, I want a salary more than I have now
Why do you think Daumann should hire you? I have extensive experience in accounting and in calculating the best ways to move supertransports.

『<Character Fullname>
Grindis Vahn

// OORP Notes:
Discord Details: Dymsel#5177
Have you read our Infomation Page: <Yes>
Have you read the Laws of Rheinland: <Yes>
Do you require money for a start up ship of the selected division of your choosing: <Yes>
All applicants with genetic modifications will be rejected: (read animal ears, tails, fur, three or more breasts, or any other sort of abomination will be rejected)

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction - Recruitment Center - Bannorn - 04-06-2019

[-|--] Receiving transmission

Source: < Ewrin Mannlicher >
Emann@dhc.rh | executive@dhc.rh
DHC Executive Office

Signal Strength: Very High
Encryption: AgeiraSec3
Subject: Re: Application

Guten Tag, Herr Grindis Vahn

Good news! Your application have been ACCEPTED.

You will be entered in our thorough training program on a trial period, completing several rotations in various departments in order to acclimatize you with company policies, procedures and to introduce you to various divisions.

During this time you will shadow some of our most experienced employees. Head to The Ring located in the New Berlin system to finalize your application. Your division manager will brief you on the next steps and issue your tag pass and employment certification.

Welcome to Daumann Heavy Construction!

[-|--] Erwin Mannlicher

No files attached.

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction - Recruitment Center - Hermann - 04-08-2019

Firstname: Uwe
Surname: Schultz
Age: 38
Date of Birth: Nürnberg
Origin: Rheinland
Short biograph: I come from an old merchant family in which the mining and selling was placed in my cradle
Division to join:
[X] - Transport Division
[ ] - Mining Division
[ ] - Security Wing
Why do you want to work for Daumann? I was told that there are no better ones
Why do you think Daumann should hire you? because I give my best

『<Uwe Schultz>
『[font=segoe script]Uwe Schultz


// OORP Notes:
Discord Details: Deni#0163
Have you read our Infomation Page: yes
Have you read the Laws of Rheinland: yes
Do you require money for a start up ship of the selected division of your choosing: no
All applicants with genetic modifications will be rejected: ok

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction - Recruitment Center - Bannorn - 04-08-2019

[-|--] Receiving transmission

Source: < Ewrin Mannlicher >
Emann@dhc.rh | executive@dhc.rh
DHC Executive Office

Signal Strength: Very High
Encryption: AgeiraSec3
Subject: Re: Application

Guten Tag, Herr Uwe Schulz

Good news! Your application have been ACCEPTED.

You will be entered in our thorough training program on a trial period, completing several rotations in various departments in order to acclimatize you with company policies, procedures and to introduce you to various divisions.

During this time you will shadow some of our most experienced employees. Head to The Ring located in the New Berlin system to finalize your application. Your division manager will brief you on the next steps and issue your tag pass and employment certification.

Welcome to Daumann Heavy Construction!

[-|--] Erwin Mannlicher

No files attached.

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction - Recruitment Center - Alpha.Wolf - 04-08-2019

[-|--] Receiving transmission

[Image: lXqJLoZ.png]
Source: < Siegfried von Thielau >
SvThielau@dhc.rh | executive@dhc.rh
DHC Vorstand

Signal Strength: Very High
Encryption: AgeiraSec3
Subject: Re: Application

Uwe Schultz,

Good news! Your application has been ACCEPTED.

You will be entered in our thorough training program on a trial period in the Erzbetriebsgruppe to give you the chance to prove yourself as valuable member of Daumann .

During this time you will shadow some of our most experienced employees. Head to The Ring located in the New Berlin system to finalize your application. Me, your division manager will brief you on the next steps.

Welcome to Daumann Heavy Construction!

[-|--] Siegfried v. Thielau

No files attached.

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction - Recruitment Center - Exe - 04-09-2019

『Firstname: Randolf
『Surname: Krone
『Age: 26
『Origin: Rheinland, Planet Baden Baden
『Short biograph: Born as the first and only son of a rich entrepeneurfamily on Baden Baden, i came in touch very early with the needs and the benefits of big logistic-companies. Inspired by the success of the Orbital Spa and Cruise on Baden Baden and influenced by the Rheinland standards and morals, i came to the conclusion that i want to work in the same logistical way like other companies, but support our house at the same time. Also i always liked hard and serious work, that gives me the feeling of doing something big and very important, thats what Daumann does, seeving our homeland with the supply whereever and whenever it needs it. I could imagine a great career in here.
『Division to join: <Mark with a [X]>
[ X] - Transport Division
[ ] - Mining Division
[ ] - Security Wing
『Why do you want to work for Daumann? Hard and good work and the support for our Vaterland.
『Why do you think Daumann should hire you? I have absolved an apprenticeship on the academy for logistic-economics at the university for economics on Planet Stuttgart. Also i know the drills since i was a teenager.

『<Character Fullname>
『Randolf Krone

『// OORP Notes: 
『Discord Details: You have.
『Have you read our Infomation Page: <Yes>
『Have you read the Laws of Rheinland: <Yes>
『Do you require money for a start up ship of the selected division of your choosing: <a little bonus for a Colossus would be nice>
『All applicants with genetic modifications will be rejected: (read animal ears, tails, fur, three or more breasts, or any other sort of abomination will be rejected)

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction - Recruitment Center - Alpha.Wolf - 04-09-2019

[-|--] Receiving transmission

[Image: lXqJLoZ.png]
Source: < Siegfried von Thielau >
SvThielau@dhc.rh | executive@dhc.rh
DHC Vorstand

Signal Strength: Very High
Encryption: AgeiraSec3
Subject: Re: Application

Randolf Krone,

Good news! Your application has been ACCEPTED.

You will be entered in our thorough training program on a trial period in the Betriebsgruppe you chose to give you the chance to prove yourself as valuable member of Daumann .

During this time you will shadow some of our most experienced employees. Head to The Ring located in the New Berlin system to finalize your application. Me, your division manager will brief you on the next steps.

Welcome to Daumann Heavy Construction!

[-|--] Siegfried v. Thielau

No files attached.

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction - Recruitment Center - Cygnatt's Alt - 04-12-2019

Firstname: <Spencer>
Surname: <Rosenberg>
Age: <25>
Date of Birth: <24/06/800>
Origin: <Rheinland, Planet Hamburg>
Short biograph: <Spencer Rosenberg was born to a low income family on Planet Hamberg on 06-24-800 AS. As a child he enjoyed helping his father work on old ships in the family shop. By his late teens Spencer had accumulated a vast knowledge of both Civilian and Rheinland built vessels that he put to good use serving as shipboard engineer in the Rheinland Military between 819 and 825 AS. Once discharged, Spencer worked as a independent contractor carrying ore to the war torn House of Bretonia. During one of his many runs through the Omegas, Spencer's freighter suffered irreparable damage. Left with no ship and dwindling funds, he was forced to search for a job with one of the many corporations that operated throughout Rheinland. It did not take long before his search led him to apply for a job with Daumann.>
Division to join: <Mark with a [X]>
[x] - Transport Division
[x] - Mining Division
[ ] - Security Wing
Why do you want to work for Daumann? <I want to work for Daumann because I believe in doing honest work that benefits the proud people of Rheinland.>
Why do you think Daumann should hire you? <I'm a team player who is willing to work hard and follow the core values that have made Daumann the successful company it is today.>

『<Spencer Rosenberg>
『 <Spencer Rosenberg>

// OORP Notes:
Discord Details: <Cygnatt#0353>
Have you read our Infomation Page: <Yes>
Have you read the Laws of Rheinland: <Yes>
Do you require money for a start up ship of the selected division of your choosing: <No>
All applicants with genetic modifications will be rejected: (read animal ears, tails, fur, three or more breasts, or any other sort of abomination will be rejected)

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction - Recruitment Center - Bannorn - 04-12-2019

[-|--] Receiving transmission

Source: < Ewrin Mannlicher >
Emann@dhc.rh | executive@dhc.rh
DHC Executive Office

Signal Strength: Very High
Encryption: AgeiraSec3
Subject: Re: Application

Guten Tag, Herr Spencer Rosenberg,

Good news! Your application have been ACCEPTED.

You will be entered in our thorough training program on a trial period, completing several rotations in various departments in order to acclimatize you with company policies, procedures and to introduce you to various divisions. Given your previous experience in our industry, and excellent Rheinlandic work ethic, I have no doubt that you will go far in our organisation!

During this time you will shadow some of our most experienced employees. Head to The Ring located in the New Berlin system to finalize your application. Your division manager will brief you on the next steps and issue your tag pass and employment certification.

Welcome to Daumann Heavy Construction!

[-|--] Erwin Mannlicher

No files attached.

RE: Daumann Heavy Construction - Recruitment Center - L e o n - 04-18-2019

[align=left][color=#2E8B57][font=Lucida Sans Unicode]
Firstname: <Van>
Surname: <Gulhen>
Age: <35>
Origin: <NB?>
Short biograph: <Born in NB to a regular family like anyone else, My father was a in the military of the Rheinland and my Mother Ismen in the Police force, My family was respected in our home town because my father has risked his life to our great faction! I've been interested to fly through systems and I find it amusing and beautiful, Every time when I reach to another system I'm been drawn to the beautiful sights of our Rheinland's space!.>
Division to join: <Mark with a [X]>
[x ] - Transport Division
[ ] - Mining Division
[ ] - Security Wing
Why do you want to work for Daumann? <I want to be in the Daumann to support our Miltary force and expand our resources and serve the Rheinland as my parents did>
Why do you think Daumann should hire you? <I've been around in the whole systems and I can find this job amusing and enjoyable and important to serve the greater good!>

Discord Details: <TheFireLeon#6969>
Have you read our Infomation Page: <Yes>
Have you read the Laws of Rheinland: <Yes>
Do you require money for a start up ship of the selected division of your choosing: <No>
All applicants with genetic modifications will be rejected: (read animal ears, tails, fur, three or more breasts, or any other sort of abomination will be rejected)