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Liberty Forces Message dump - Spear - 05-10-2009

***Incoming Transmission***

Comm ID: Deputy Director Daniel Carpenter
CC: LSF & LN High Command

Just finished my patrol with A.I.T Julia Wolfe and an encounter with a Hellfire Legion squadron. After a tough battle, only one HF pilot remained and the engagement drew to a close.

First to fall was HF-Saret.F who unluckily strayed to close to a mine I had deployed

HF-Jacob.D'Inverno was next, suffering at the hands of a missile barrage.

The next to fall was a Lane Hacker designation Cray in a light fighter, he too encountered a mine.

Finally it was HF-S-Joshua.Mahnke whose ship exploded as I passed close to him although I have no knowledge as to what happened to his vessel.

The only remaining HF pilot was HF-Mark.Grant whose ship I had damaged but he had been resupplied by the HFBC-Last.Sunrise Battleship. Knowing that this target would be tough to take down on my own and exhausted from the strain of battle the engagement ended and I returned to Norfolk for repairs.

A commendation should be made to A.I.T Wolfe for exemplary service and I hearby promote her to the rank of Agent due to this and previous performances.

DD Daniel Carpenter

***Closing Comm Link***

Liberty Forces Message dump - rayne - 05-10-2009

.:Incoming Transmission:.
[Image: julia.png]
.:Comm ID: Agent Julia Wolfe:.
.:Location: Classified:.
.:Encryption Protocol: Omega 3:.
.:To LSF High Command:.

I am honoured to receive this promotion and I shall continue to perform to the best of my abilities, I shall also pass on my knowledge to our new recruits and guide them on how to be a successful agent.

.:Transmission Terminated:.
.:Signal Lost:.
.:Tracing......... Impossible:.

Liberty Forces Message dump - Mr.Fabulous - 05-11-2009

---Incoming Transmission---
---Transmission Verified---

It is with a heavy heart that I report this transmission...

The time we (I and Mila, my co-pilot) started our patrol was over on NY. As we were getting supplies, we came across two civilians that were still trying to learn the ropes. When we left them, we heard that they were being harrased by some Xeno Pilot, but were capable of defeating them themselves.

Unfortunatley, later in the day we came across the same Xeno pilot, who managed to defeat our ship very quickly (//I was still typing a message when he opened a torpedo on me, but I don't blame him since I only had an Adv. Palisade shield), and was forced to land on Baltimore Shipyard in our Pods, awaiting insurance (in other words, to get us a new ship)...

After getting my new ship 4 hours later, I started off my patrol over on the Texas system, where I found a few vigilantes that defended themselves from a junker pilot who attacked them, but was defeated...

It was some time after doing some assignments when I was confronted with a RM VHF. I immediately tried to avert the fighter myself, but was heavily outmatched. I chose to retreat to avoid getting my ship blown up, but at least I had reported the news over to the LN-LNS-Calypso.

Some time after, I found out that there WERE traders in the LN, so now I intend that my new roster would be as follows:

[LN]-Leon.Tigre = Executioner-ship for patrolling Liberty --> 2 pilots: Me and Mila(co-pilot)

[LN]-LNT-Vagabond = Mammoth-class Transport (the High Command is yet to approve of the name) --> 4 pilots: Me(pilot, Mila(co-pilot and navigator), Faye(engineer and comm operator) and Mark(cargo superviser)

After having escaped, I proceeded to do further assignments when I was contacted by LPI-James.Bauer to help his comrades over on the Texas-Mojave Tradelane...

What I saw was incredible...

I saw that the two LPI-men that needed help were outnumbered 5:1 by some hostiles: and I could've sworn a few of them were actually part of the LSF and LPI!!! I proceeded to engage, but was shortly outmatched, and my ship destroyed (once again). Thankfully, both of us didn't get seriously hurt, and during the confusion were able to escape in our pods... I don't know the fate of the other two LPI-soldiers...

I'm now currently on the Vagabond, awaiting a brand new Executioner ship to have built for me... ...*sigh*...:mellow:

This is Recruit Leon, signing off... May the force be with all of us...

---Transmission Ended---

Liberty Forces Message dump - jimmy Patterson - 05-11-2009

=============incomeing transmission======

source:norfolk shipyard
id: jimmy patterson
format: personal
to: Rct tigre
CC: Recruiting office,Liberty NAvy
hey kid glad to see both of ypou passed admitancerunninga normally one seat fighter with two pilots mist be diffrent at best considering the exes normally a single seat they must of extended it or sent you a training model,anyway if you see me or my ship dont be afraid to holler at me there probly gonna okay your mamoth just fine and to anyone involved in that process leons allright in my book,also if the recruiting office is woundering why im paying and listed as a guardian i hlped the kids out,dont worry about reinburseing me it allready cycled back to me in the form of hazzard pay,your gonna go far leon real far(mila too)

safe trip
-James Patterson,Captian-Liberty Army,CO- LSCA Ft. louisbourg,1stCAG

Liberty Forces Message dump - Mr.Fabulous - 05-12-2009

---Incoming Transmission---
---Transmission Verified---

Today's patrol was VERY surprising, exciting, and hectic...

We started off my patrol over in NY, where we (me and Mila my co-pilot of course) were met over with some criminals that were harassing some Liberty NPC's. Well, we didn't meet them, Per Se. We only heard them. We couldn't do anything about it because they were too strong to fight against my Exe...

*sigh* I can't remember much after. I guess I figured that me and Mila would trade a bit, and that's when I was contacted by some LPI officers to have a duel with us, for trainin purposes of course.
We proceeded to them, and had a jolly time of it until they started to be called back into action: it seems there were some troublemakers over on NY.
We encountered Victor007, who had a freelancer ID, neutral IFF and a RHEINLAND BEHEMOTH fr a ship. My homeboys wanted to just blast-em, but he managed to get away due to another problem coming in...
My crew and my allies encountered a lone Outcast Fighter. We engaged em straight, but were picked off slowly. My allies demanded me to flee, lest my trans be blown up, so I agreed.

Somehow, Valence Harper, the Vice Admiral himself, contacted me (really now... the admiralty sure have sights on me *laughs*), saying that using my transport Mammoth and its crew, as a small gunship, was a bad decision to make, for a transport lost by the LN would be a loss in their part.

I was shortly contacted by a pilot named Claire.Angel| US-E for a try-out in a duel, to test me and Mila's skills in dogfighting, and gauge our aptitudes for the LN... Of course, we lost, but the pilot admired our ability to be able to take down his shields until I shortly blew up... The pilot, after having dueled for two more times, told us we were alright, and advised us to buy an Avenger/Guardian already, despite that we were still recruits.

We did as the pilot said soon afterwards, and now I have a new roster to report:

[LN]-Leon.Tigre = Guardian-class Fighter --> two pilots: me and Mila(co-pilot)

We did a few assignments to once again raise my LN guard rep, and even met a junker with a Slaver ID.

We were suddenly hailed in an all-frequency bandwidth by =LSF=Fortunate.Son that an RNC had just docked into Texas, just as we were doing a mission there.
We immediately proceeded to the Bering gate and had contacted Batista for backup. But as soon as me and Mila arrived at the scene, the RNC-Valhalla was nowhere to be found... My co-pilot checked the long-range scanners, and found the RNC back in Hamburg.

Then the unthinkable happened...

I was planning to scout out Bering for any other potential threats once we leave the RNC prob out of the way with Son when I got engaged by the same RM scout I tried to fend off two days ago... Jens.Brandt. Luckily, I won this battle, and soon couldn't take it no more: now I wanted to report our happenings over to command...
After a short talk with some officers, I then continued over with gaining better rep again...

I couldn't believe my scanners saying to me that we had just discovered an ORDER CAPITAL, roaming around NY. I reported the news to a nearby officer, who tried to run after the capital ship. I then continued on with my own business, letting the pros do it...

That said, I think that my patrol was a great success... I am truly grateful that I'm doing Liberty a fine job (//except a bit of OOC in the Mammoth-Outcast incident, nothing I can't fix), but thankfully I didn't get my ship blown up this time... Things are seemingly turning out for the better...

(//oh yeah... I am SOOOOOO backwater in my computer-using skills, since I don't do it often unless it be just e-mailing, searching or playing. I would REALLY LOVE to know how to put in screenshots like the ones the others have so as I could have more detailed reports... thanks):D

This is Recruit Leon, signing off... May the Force be with all of us...

Liberty Forces Message dump - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 05-13-2009

::Incoming transmission::
::Source: LPI Internal Affairs public hotlike::
::Sender location, IMG Mudd Island::
Greetings, I would like to inform liberty of a corrupt officer.

[Image: lpitraitor.png]

I was leaving liberty after docking with the Louisborug the other nite, when in california my trade lane was disrupted.
Naturaly, as it was an outcast gunboat, and the outcast are IMGs enemies, I engaged said gunboat.

The gunboat had some sense, and ran. A chase ensued, and as I cornerd him behind a large astroid with several weapons emplacements, a LPI showed up and begain to order me to leave the system.

Naturaly, I thought it was odd as I had never heard anything about a ban on large vessels from liberty space, especily considering the number of liberty personal I personaly know and have docked with before.

So of course, I explained the situation to the LPI.

He responded with a SNAC.

He kept insisting I leave the outcast, and liberty as well.

Eventualy I decided he could deal with teh gunboat on his own, if he could manage it, and tried to leave, but someone kept crusie disrupting my vesse, and the outcast kept following me as well, and eventualy re-engaged me, at which time I returned fire.

During the course of the engagement, the LPI claimed that I had fired upon him with a missle (which is odd, a destroyers torpedos are NOT known for their agility in hitting bombers, however the gunboat DID have missles .... ) and begain attacking me.

My vessel was badly damaged in the engagement, as shown with the visual evidence above, unfortunitly I did not get any more, as the remaining footage was corrupted due to battle damage.

Good luck rooting out the traitor.

Liberty Forces Message dump - jimmy Patterson - 05-13-2009

=burst transmission=====
from: LSCA Ft Louisboiurg
to: all liberty military:

<start> rhineland vessel in new york all units are to asist ASAP vessel is supported byt pirates


Liberty Forces Message dump - Weedalot - 05-13-2009

' Wrote:=burst transmission=====
from: LSCA Ft Louisboiurg
to: all liberty military:

<start> rhineland vessel in new york all units are to asist ASAP vessel is supported byt pirates

**Incoming Transmission*
**Comm ID: Joe Young**

Roger that.. i will meet you in space in one moment

*End Transmission*

Liberty Forces Message dump - Nitram - 05-13-2009

' Wrote:My vessel was badly damaged in the engagement, as shown with the visual evidence above, unfortunitly I did not get any more, as the remaining footage was corrupted due to battle damage.

Good luck rooting out the traitor.


I must admit I messed up here. At the time I tought all ships bigger than Gunboats that are not Libertonian are to be removed or destroyed. As it turns out, that only applies to battleships. Still, that is no reason to hunt pirates out of your zone of influence. Hunt meaning that following the ship all the way to alcatraz.

I apologise for the damage done.


Liberty Forces Message dump - rayne - 05-13-2009

.:Incoming Transmission:.
[Image: julia.png]
.:Comm ID: Agent Julia Wolfe:.
.:Location: Classified:.
.:Encryption Protocol: Alpha 5:.
.:To LSF High Command:.

Where to start, well first off there was a huge pirate presence near the Manhattan orbit, me being in a fighter couldn't do much about it, I hooked up with Agent Internity and we monitored there movements, they eventually ended up in Pennsylvania. Now a fighter is no match for 4 gunboats so I was ordered not to pursue. It was a welcome relieve, I had a signal from one of our satellite's in A*?/. that a rhienland super heavy fighter was attempting to break into new york. On my arrival to the zone, I intercepted this guy just on the entrance to the minefield.

He was carrying Mads and looked like an infected rhienland spy, I commanded him to hand over his cargo and accompany me to the Missouri for questioning. He opened fire without warning, lucky my reactions are amazing, we were locked in combat "in a minefield" of all places, not for the unskilled or faint hearted I can tell you. Anyway, his ship was no match for my Avenger and was destroyed, I tractored his pod in and he is now being questioned.

Not long after that, I received an encrypted transmission from a bounty hunter, he wanted safe passage through A*?/. How he knows of its existence is worrying, I allowed him through. Once he arrived me and [1st]Clarence Harper greeted him. We questioned him on what he knows, and I wiped his navi computer of all references to the place. We escorted him to the Missouri for his vessel to be searched and was sent on his way. I recommend close surveillance on this ship, it goes by the name of BHG|Interceptor and is a gunship.

End of report, Agent Wolfe Out.

.:Transmission Terminated:.
.:Signal Lost:.
.:Tracing......... Impossible:.