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Liberty Forces Message dump - Printable Version

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Liberty Forces Message dump - rayne - 05-29-2009

So he has resorted to practical jokes it seems, well two can play at that game. I suspect this is all his doing, it is time to make him feel small.

.:Incoming Transmission:.
[Image: Julia.png]
.:Comm ID: Agent Julia Wolfe:.
.:Location: Classified:.
.:Encryption Protocol: Zeta 3:.

Captain Karlo, while I do appreciate the gifts you sent me to make amends for pointing a gun at me. I must inform you that I am already in a relationship and your attempts at getting in my bed are futile at best. I know you must over compensate with your big ship and fleet, I wonder... Are you lacking in size in other areas? I must admit though it is nice of you to secretly admit your love for me when we were in your quarters eh?

[color=#FF0000].:Transmission Terminated:.
.:Signal Lost:.
.:Trace......... Impossible:.

Liberty Forces Message dump - Seth Karlo - 05-29-2009

Sonya laughed.

"Oh he isn't lacking dear...."

Seth chuckled at that.

[Incoming Transmission]
[Id: Seth Karlo]

Miss Wolfe,

If you are suggesting I sent you those "toys", you are sadly mistaken. The order was in your name, not mine.

Also, your shameful attempts at innuendo do not do you any favours, not only am I in a relationship, I do not love you, and your bed is probably far less comfortable than mine, so you are welcome to keep it to yourself. And you have never been in any of my quarters, my sensor logs can attest to that.

Finally, my partner has asked me to say that "Oh, he isn't lacking dear" and I must say I trust her word.

Good day Miss Wolfe.

[Transmission ends]

Sonya stood up, seething. Seth looked at his angry XO and smiled.

"Just ignore her Sonya... This is quite amusing."

Liberty Forces Message dump - Jihadjoe - 05-29-2009


[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF]PRIORITY:[color=#FF0000] High.

TARGET ID: Commodores Christina Robinson and Sarah Willows.
COMM ID: Admiral David Hale.

SUBJECT: Appropriate behaviour.

Ladies. I shall be talking to you both regarding this particular incident regarding green and golden dresses at some point. I want all of the relevent evidence delivered by the two of you to my personal office on board the Durango this evening. Including the most recently delivered shipments to your respective places of residence. Perhaps if Ms Willows were to also bring that bottle of tequila confiscated from the rogues the other day.

Admiral Hale out.

[font=Agency FB]

Liberty Forces Message dump - jimmy Patterson - 05-29-2009

==========Ft Bragg army base========
" even jim was now indeed laughing he suddenly stopped when he realized what would happen if the press cought wind so he entered his acess to the comms arrayand started

"to all concwrned partys,it has just occured to me that what if the logs were to become declassified i know its not my branch of service but i feel that we must do our upmost to cover up this..erm debacle i highoy recomend you act acordingly before somebody leaks logs"

he sighed praying that clarence dident get any ideras

Liberty Forces Message dump - Lunaphase - 05-30-2009

Incomming transmission*
ID: Atonement
Mina Arteria, captain
*Two minutes pass by wile the logs are read. The captain remains stoic, exept for batting an eye. During this time a purple crab-like creature scuttles by in the background. Message log read, the captain simply looks up into the feed.*
Message begins: I was unaware casual fridays was this litteral. It makes my crew's shore leave pale in comparison. Is this normal military protocol?
Message End: Termination at source

Liberty Forces Message dump - spec - 05-30-2009

--- Open Channel ---
...Incoming Message...
>>Sender..........Agent LSF Fortunate Son
>>Location........Somewhere in Liberty space
>>Receiver.......Liberty Navy , LSF High Command - Department Director+, Vice Admiral+

>>Class...........Code Red
>>Encryption....Liberty Govt - Tier 1 + 2 Restricted Key

...Commence Message

Dear Sirs,
I have some very disturbing news related to events that occurred earlier today.
While on patrol with Director Copperfield an unknown entity attempted to control my mind and was unsuccessful. Perhaps this was due to the shield resonance of the equipped classified shield on my ship. The Director made a strategic call to intercept this being and we tracked the source as Pennsylvania. After entering the system we separated in order to locate the suspect and Copperfield was able to obtain a fix of his location - It was in a nomad light fighter. During the chase I joined him and was able to disrupt the suspects engine bringing him to a halt.

That said, soon after strange things started to happen - the Director was muttering strange words, trying to remember someone - it appeared as if he was having flashbacks of some events - some event of a rescue perhaps. It didn't take me much time to realise that it was the signals coming from the nomad ship that were responsible. I tried to tell the Director to change his shielding and even sent direct commands to his on-board computer but to no avail. At this time his ship auto-set co-ordinates for the Kansas System.
I fended off the nomad fighter for a while with most work being done by a Navy officer - Julie.
When I searched for the Director's ship, it was too far and my commands were not being ack by his on-board computer.

I assembled a small rescue team to intercept the director in Kansas. We reached the system first and gave chase to the Director's ship, which still wasn't responding to my commands. His ship or him seemed possessed - they were looking for a power source and flying in a highly irregular pattern. Eventually we caught up with him and I managed to down his shields to rescue his pod, but was unable to get a lock.

He fled into the gaseous nebula nearby and after extensive searching I located him just as he was activating a huge alien structure. It appeared to be of Nomad origin. Once he went through, I ordered the patrol back to the edge of the nebula and requested them to actively patrol the area.

Meanwhile I've moved to our base inside Z21 awaiting debrief and sending you this critical message.
The nomad seems to have infected the Director and has led him to an unknown destination.

I'm awaiting further orders.

End Message...
--- Channel Closed ---

Liberty Forces Message dump - Seth Karlo - 05-30-2009

[Incoming Transmission]
[Priority: HIGH]
[ID: Captain Seth Karlo]

Agent Fortunate Son,

Due to this worrying development, I have ordered Squadron 2 from the San Francisco battlegroup to start combing the Kansas system in case he re-appears.

While using dangerous alien technology is a bad idea, the San Francisco is equipped with Prototype "Hades" engines, which should allow us to pursue the Director, wherever he has gone.

We shall contact High Command, and hopefully we can mount a rescue as soon as possible.

Captain Karlo

[Transmission ends]

Liberty Forces Message dump - Ocampo - 05-30-2009

Incoming Transmission
Priority: High
Sender: Captain of the LNS-Brookstone

While on routine portal routes my "Scanner Officer" noticed something on the long range scanners. My officer saw an Oracle| tagged vessel flying trough Virgina system multiple times. I made the choice to bring the LNS-Brookstone to the Virgina system to investigate this more in depth. Upon arrival to Battleship Petersburg I was hearing stories of a U.F.O (Unidentified Flying Object). When I heard this I had a meeting with the Captain of the Petersburg. I requested to see the scanners log to see if I could see anything. After about five minutes was able to see the Oracle| vessel fly right past the Petersburg and San Jacinto Station. I used this as reasonable evidence against the Oracle| ship.

I Will leave it the Liberty Navy High Command to state the way the we can handle such an intrusion into our off limits system.

Thank You,
Captain Kinney of the LNS-Brookstone

Transmission Cuts to static

Liberty Forces Message dump - VincentFerrex - 05-30-2009

Vice Admiral Valence Harper fumbled around in the darkness, only a small shimmer of light in the cozy room entering through, for his aide.

Finding it along the bedside opposite to a warm curvy figure, he opened it and punched in his passwords, eyes drenched with sleep. A high priority notice caught his eye. A message from Admiral Hale, as the aide flickered as Harper's touch on the screen brought the message into view.

What the... Dresses... Commodore Willows and Robinson...? High priority...?

Interested, Harper sat upright on the bed, the warm arms of the other figure unwrapping themselves from his body, as he rubbed his eyes and started reading the previous logs...


Laughter could be heard outside Room 258 in Newark's residential quarters.

Liberty Forces Message dump - atom - 05-30-2009

To the officers conserned in the Drover case, can I have and answer to my plea's as I am still in confinement, and unable to continue with my duties, and I have not had a shower or change of clothes since my arrest, also the grub here is terrible and what you class as water is only good for, well I'll leave that to your imagination, I have already said sorry for the incident. I need to get back to work as I am looseing money being incarcerated, please settle this matter asap. Humbly Drover