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Base Application Request: OPEN TO LIBERTY & BRETONIA GOVERNMENTS, cc: OS&C - Printable Version

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RE: Base Application Request: OPEN TO LIBERTY & BRETONIA GOVERNMENTS, cc: OS&C - Teerin - 07-06-2014

COMM ID: Lieutenant Commander Frank Harrison
TARGET ID: Gateway Shipping Incorporated
SUBJECT: Late Fees

[Image: isQIBn4.png]

G'day, Mister Stuart.

It has recently been brought to our attention, while going through the backlog left behind from recent bureaucratic reorganization, that your company is four months behind on tax payments for Oceana Shipping Platform.

I understand that these regular payments can be a bit tiresome, as I'm not always one to file my income on time either. Anyway, I've been tasked to remind you of this - please forward your bills to Ferris.Dufresne at your earliest convenience. Thank you.


Lieutenant Commander Harrison,
Liberty Navy First Fleet.


RE: Base Application Request: OPEN TO LIBERTY & BRETONIA GOVERNMENTS, cc: OS&C - Highland Laddie - 07-06-2014

Greetings Lt. commander.

My records actually indicate only 2 months behind (June & July). I will, of course, forward payments at my earliest convenience. My apologies for the indiscretion.

-Stuart out.

RE: Base Application Request: OPEN TO LIBERTY & BRETONIA GOVERNMENTS, cc: OS&C - Teerin - 07-07-2014

COMM ID: Lieutenant Commander Frank Harrison
TARGET ID: Gateway Shipping Incorporated
SUBJECT: Late Fees

[Image: isQIBn4.png]


Your last transmission was sent in February of this year, paying for that month and the one after that. This means you still need to send credits for the months of April, May, June, and July.

Even though your installation has been upgraded extensively since the last payment, there was also a long ago reduction of base fees by half. Thus, Oceana will now only cost Gateway 22,500,000¢ per month. As you are behind however, that now totals to 90,000,000¢. In the future, do file your taxes on time.


Lieutenant Commander Harrison,
Liberty Navy First Fleet.


RE: Base Application Request: OPEN TO LIBERTY & BRETONIA GOVERNMENTS, cc: OS&C - Highland Laddie - 07-12-2014

Mr. Harrison, payment has been sent, as your records should now indicate. You may consider us up-to-date.

-Stuart out.

RE: Base Application Request: OPEN TO LIBERTY & BRETONIA GOVERNMENTS, cc: OS&C - Wildkins - 09-30-2014


COMM ID: Commander John Graham
TARGET ID: Gateway Shipping
SUBJECT: Base Fees

To Gateway Shipping:

I have been instructed to relay this message from the Admiralty; it would seem as though there is yet another discrepancy in Gateway's taxes. Namely, the base fees for "Oceana Shipping Platform" are roughly 2 months late, as no fee for the months of August or September has been paid.

We are willing to accept your late payments, filed to the account Ferris.Dusfresne to the amount of 45.000.000¢. In the future, do make efforts to pay these base fees on time.

Commander John Graham
Logistics Corps Head
First Fleet, Liberty Navy


RE: Base Application Request: OPEN TO LIBERTY & BRETONIA GOVERNMENTS, cc: OS&C - Highland Laddie - 10-04-2014

Commander Graham,

I have sent payment of 60M credits to Mr. Dufresne, this should cover costs of the previous 2 months we missed, as well as a portion of our current month as a show of good faith to the Liberty government.

You know....sometimes the pain of bureaucracy can lead to slower responses and what not.

Until next time.

-Stuart out.

RE: Base Application Request: OPEN TO LIBERTY & BRETONIA GOVERNMENTS, cc: OS&C - The Republic Of Liberty - 07-17-2019

[Image: 220px-Flag-liberty.png]

Gateway Shipping Inc;

It would seem that due to bureaucratic error your modular station's status was never properly documented. We see constant late payments done in the past until they finally stopped. We have found this error now and it will be reviewed to find most appropriate course of action. If you wish to add anything on this matter, please do so swiftly.

- Liberty Government

To: Gateway Shipping Inc - The Republic Of Liberty - 09-01-2019

[Image: 220px-Flag-liberty.png]

Gateway Shipping Inc;

By our quick calculations, it would amount to 1.530.000.000 credits of missed license fees. If you are willing to quickly wire this payment to cover past payments and at the same time receive permanent license without additional cost, please forward this amount to Liberty-Bank-001.

- William Hawthorne, Secretary of the Treasury

RE: Base Application Request: OPEN TO LIBERTY & BRETONIA GOVERNMENTS, cc: OS&C - TheShooter36 - 09-01-2019

[Image: dddj4sg-4b153a0c-43b4-4e49-b877-c348120c...IS17-i97YE]

Greetings, whomever it may concern.

I am Robert Stark, CEO of Gateway Shipping. While we understand the need of the payment, despite Liberty's own...cloudiness and past directorate's faults, I believe you are aware that nearly 1.6 Billion is quite an amount and it may take a while to do an assets check as well as top it off, if necessary. Rest assured, you will have your money as soon as possible.

Stark, out.

RE: Base Application Request: OPEN TO LIBERTY & BRETONIA GOVERNMENTS, cc: OS&C - TheShooter36 - 09-01-2019

[Image: dddj4sg-4b153a0c-43b4-4e49-b877-c348120c...IS17-i97YE]

Greetings again,

We have done the assets check and have seen we have the required amount ready. You should have the required amount wired by now.

[Image: unknown.png]

Stark, out.