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I would like to start a Player Owned Base - Printable Version

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RE: I would like to start a Player Owned Base - Draconyx - 07-23-2013

If you want to make a hidden base you have to plan out where to put it - tactically a base outside of a cloud is visible for a long distance thus inside a cloud is automatically safer. If you then build a base off the plane then it tends to be safer. If you combine these then you should be reasonably safe.

RE: I would like to start a Player Owned Base - sindroms - 07-23-2013

In theory, you can place them in the open, but you need to simply think about the location. What if someone placed a base right behind, say, Pittsburgh? If you are careful to supply it and nobody notices you, then nobody would ever find it, as long as you keep it neutral.

RE: I would like to start a Player Owned Base - SummerMcLovin - 07-23-2013

(07-22-2013, 04:54 PM)PeterFreelancer Wrote: I see on other videos BAF joining group chat, enough evidence for me.

I think this is a misunderstanding, that "New Player" is just someone joining the server (this is an option you can have running with the game). Not every base is swiftly taken out by the Bass Hunters, some do have some RP done with them and are a result of breaching the laws instead of just being there and left unsupplied.

I already said my opinion to you in response to your PM, so if your expectations change then we can take that forward. Until then, there is still plenty to do other than upset yourself over bases.

RE: I would like to start a Player Owned Base - PeterFreelancer - 07-23-2013

(07-23-2013, 04:06 AM)Sabre Wrote: ******* RAGE ALERT******

wow calm down.
yes they are trolls, and they destroy bases. but no need to go psycho and claim everyone cant be trusted because of some deluded notion that everyone is working with the bass hunters.

Quote: Haaaha I will never pay 300 million to start a base at Bretonia and then BAF will tell where I am building and then the bass hunters will kill my base, no way, what a ridiculous society here omg.

you think the BAF would sell you out to the Bass Hunters? lololololol

what the bass hunters are doing is wrong, but.....

Much butthurt i sense in you

Yes I was angry at that moment.
Sorry for that...

(07-23-2013, 08:28 AM)Sheaim Wrote: Besides, the Bass Hunters themselves state that they only attack bases that run out of supplies... I don't know how much truth is in these claims, but I have no reason not to believe them.

I have friends who supply the base! (I was almost done with the shields, honestly)

(07-23-2013, 08:57 AM)sindroms Wrote: Well, why would you attack a fully supplied core 4 base? The Bass Hunters attack bases which run out of supplies, in other words, belonging to individuals who think that a group project can be done solo. If you care about your base and make sure to supply it, it will not be harmed.

POBs naturally have no enemies, they are too easy to make and are not within danger. I think people should understand that there are simply things that you cannot have, in other words, space is dangerous.

Also this thing about ''ohnoz no rp before base pew'' argument is getting way too old. Do you really think that any sort of PVP engagement is the RESULT of roleplay? No, it is the result of the IDs people use. If you see an enemy ship, you drop some needed lines of RP and then go in to shoot it. The RP is usually the outcome of the whole situation, not the initiator.

Your base is being attacked by battleships with the ID which is hostile to your faction. If it was a PVP fight, nobody would bat an eye. It is all because people have this delusional thought that bases cannot be touched only because they take so long to make. No, that is not the case. That is why we even have shields and weapon platforms. That is the reason they are destructible in the first place. If you build an OC POB, be sure that the Corsairs, IMG and BHG will take interest in bringing it down.

This has been done for years now. People gather groups to focus their efforts against specific factions, groups or individuals. This time the targets are POBs, but the difference between then and now is that the group simply went on and showed what exactly they do. Of course all of these actions are OORP related, because all of the decisions you make are ones made in real life, not by your fictional characters.

In other words, RP is OORP. Every bit of RP has OORP reasoning. It was always the case. People just are mindblown that someone actually acknowledges that.

Decent answer, thanks

(07-23-2013, 11:53 AM)SummerMcLovin Wrote:
(07-22-2013, 04:54 PM)PeterFreelancer Wrote: I see on other videos BAF joining group chat, enough evidence for me.

I think this is a misunderstanding, that "New Player" is just someone joining the server (this is an option you can have running with the game). Not every base is swiftly taken out by the Bass Hunters, some do have some RP done with them and are a result of breaching the laws instead of just being there and left unsupplied.

I already said my opinion to you in response to your PM, so if your expectations change then we can take that forward. Until then, there is still plenty to do other than upset yourself over bases.

Have you seen their youtube channel?


Well this thread can be closed, I try to find some guys who I can really trust and who really want to start a player owned base. Big chance I won't tell a thing about where the location is first at the system controllers... Thanks for the answers, it made me a bit less angry about whole Disco.

Well one more question hehe: If I ask to build a player base in lawful territory (so I mean I get permission from the Liberty Navy / Rheinland Military / Bretonia Armed Forces / Kusari Naval Forces and I build a base and I pay some building rights. Is it possible to get some back-up from some ships until the shields of the base are finished? Because with the starting 400.000 hitpoints, every player can destroy it in instant.

I really appreciate your answers!



RE: I would like to start a Player Owned Base - Cris - 07-23-2013

Your best bet is contacting a Bretonian trading faction and reach an agreement with them, because bases cant be supplied by 1 guy during their development phase. If you really are too paranoid to trust the only people that could actually help you, you should stop playing multiplayer rpg games.

Also most bases end up being a drag and annoyance.

RE: I would like to start a Player Owned Base - PeterFreelancer - 07-23-2013

(07-23-2013, 08:59 PM)Cris Wrote: Your best bet is contacting a Bretonian trading faction and reach an agreement with them, because bases cant be supplied by 1 guy during their development phase. If you really are too paranoid to trust the only people that could actually help you, you should stop playing multiplayer rpg games.

Also most bases end up being a drag and annoyance.

I was just paranoid because my base gets destroyed by Gallia Battleship while no-one spotted me except some (unofficial and official BAF players).

2 things could have happened:

1) Gallia battleship is patrolling at Stokes Asteroid field, while using cloaking device. Because he came there in instant (without reckoning at the first place) While my base was protected by a friend who spots any hostile contacts, my base was constructing shield barrier, a battleship using cruise engines stormed at my base and killed it with heavy mortars...

My friend always used a back-door route so they couldn't see any transport coming in and out.

2) A unofficial BAF is scouting for his other unofficial GRN account. (So actually, the one who protects you is using an other account to destroy your base)

But well I'll end this discussion, base is destroyed and will not come back. And it was a wise lesson, now I know how I could succeed instead of failing.

You can't know if people are using opposite factions to have an advantage of what is coming next, but ye I was paranoid yesterday. But it's over now, I guess

Greetings Peter

P.S: thanks for reply!

RE: I would like to start a Player Owned Base - sindroms - 07-23-2013

Well, people tend to keep, or try to anyway, a lawful and an unlawful character in the same region for versatility when it comes to group battles and just to keep an eye on both sides. It is not against the rules, mind, to use OORP info to your advantage. Well, more like, there is no way to prevent such things.