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Escorts / merc's message dump - Fellow Hoodlum - 07-14-2006

Talking of old relics ... Browning's breathe smells so bad at the moment, I think I'll
hire him out as an eco friendly assassin. One whiff of that and the target will drop on
the spot. No need for nasty old guns and stuff.

Hoodlum :dry:

Escorts / merc's message dump - Nightfall - 07-22-2006

Relics... I've seen quite a few resurfacing here lately... WWII planes, quite a few assassins... ships... sometimes it feels like the part of the old Terra called by some kind of shorts... or was it the other way around?

Escorts / merc's message dump - Fellow Hoodlum - 07-23-2006

Grief man ... Tenuous link there. Shorts of the three sided variety. But I digress.
Remind Browning when you see him ... Still owes me for that Raven. Got the keys
back somehow. Case of me best tequila went too, thieving old Outcast. Never mind.
Look after the family.

Hoodlum :cool:

Escorts / merc's message dump - Nightfall - 07-23-2006

Back to the famous arm dealers and manufacturers of old Terra... the man is not in his best of conditions at the moment... It will all be taken care of... as soon as I can, I shall personally deliver a case of Anejo to the Manhattan bar leaving a note it's for you. I have it in my cargo... the family... Just need to take care of some bussiness... you don't go against...
Maybe I'll catch you in there...

Bernard :cool:

Escorts / merc's message dump - Fellow Hoodlum - 07-23-2006

Lordy whats the old git been up to now. Pickled liver as usual. Parked the Raven in a
Train again. Insurance broker will have kittens. Thanks for the booze though. Much
appreciated, always did have good taste in spirits.
Family business ... Eh. Not that bunch of second rate suits hanging round here at the
mo with all too obvious bulges in their jackets. Only tolerated cos they flash the cash.
Step out of line in here and the real big boys get called in. Upstarts, can't waltz in here
thinking they own the joint. They will be in for a big surprise. Wait till they meet some
real thugs.

Hoodlum :dry:

Escorts / merc's message dump - Nightfall - 07-23-2006

Cash is good my man... as long as it serves the purpose. I think they might be good dealers... or at least some of them. As for the bulges... well it was mentioned so many times before mate... compensation comes to mind as a good choice... and then again... obvious things are overlooked in the middle of eyesight... blinded by the appearance, I might say.
Ah, so many words, questions... so little time, answers... aaah... this new brand of Cardamine is fantastically fabulous - or as Austin Powers would say - Shagadellic Baby!

Bernard :dry:

Escorts / merc's message dump - Fellow Hoodlum - 07-26-2006

Ok mate ... Plot lost there. We have to talk about that habit. When you calm down again
Hows Browning ? Take it he wrecked another Raven then ? Good job the pirate activity
is down at the moment ... Managed to make some very profitable runs recently. Pay
for another bugger. Changed the combination to the safe. New code in the usual place.
Tequila hidden now ...


Escorts / merc's message dump - Nightfall - 07-27-2006

Old mate! I didn't see that contact coming up.. pleasant surprise!
You're right about Browning, he gets to be wild at times. Gonna be allright as soon as he gets the new ship.
I had some of the Anejo you both like in the Ampoliros' bar where I left him... I guess I have no more of that there...

Bernard :cool:

Escorts / merc's message dump - Fellow Hoodlum - 07-30-2006

That will all be gone if I know him ... and I do. He seems to be back in form then?
Close call there I hear. Offered a job too ... My God what is the world coming to ...
You'll be telling me hes getting married next ... Silly me, flying pigs there.
He can buy the next case then.

Hoodlum :dry:

Escorts / merc's message dump - Nightfall - 08-02-2006

Ah.. no rest for the wicked, my friend!
Browning took off in the direction of Rheinland it seems.. No idea what he is exactly up to.. there seems to be something special about the old pirate. He'll show up on his way to somewhere I hope.
Hmm, marriage? Who knows? Never say "never"!
Btw, finally upgraded the Ampoliros.. too bad you weren't there.. now, it's a magnificent sight - an Outcast Juggernaught. It's got a twin sister ship - The Andromeda, the pair will be the fear of Sirius.
