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BHG Discussion thread - Jinx - 07-12-2008

ah, k

i ll establish a board tomorrow ( i dont feel like that right now ) -

i d like to keep such a board "clean". - so i d make 2 threads. one with the official and active bounties for the region ( this thread would be modified - but not replied to ) - and one thread that is meant to post evidence etc. - that way, the active bounty thread does not grow rediculously which would only make looking for the active bounties harder... .

BHG Discussion thread - sovereign - 07-12-2008

Sounds smart. Do you have skype? That would be nice.

Currently, the way I'm thinking of having bounties run is like so:
  1. Player lists a bounty.
  2. Bounty is delegated to nearby bounty office listing if applicable, or listed as "universal" on all of them.
  3. Players take bounty
  4. Players submit evidence at the bounty office they would like to claim at.
  5. Guild arranges payment from client and to player.
Seem reasonable?

BHG Discussion thread - Jinx - 07-12-2008

i don t do skype - but bounties can be PMed to my "Cheshire" forum account ( thats better, cause there is a lot less stuff incoming to that account ) - they are then being added to the board. - don t know the whole details, i ll work it out. - not every bounty board needs to look identical.... and anyway. i don t think there ll be too much on freeport 11 anyway. - i mean... there s only corsairs, the [core], some order and zoners - along with very few odd adventurers... but hardly any of those is interested in a bounty.

thats the good thing about delta. the BHG isn t really doing headhunts there but is in open war.

BHG Discussion thread - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 07-12-2008

' Wrote:Right, a couple of ideas have been passed around on skype, and I have created a chat for discussing such matters. CHL has told me that hammering a rusty nail into my lower regions would be less painful and he may be right, but I feel its worth a shot.

If anyone would like to help fix the BHG into something worthy of respect and not sneering, please give me a ring on skype. My skype is sovfalcon, by the way.

Note: Before y'all ask, this will not be a faction, indies welcomed and encouraged. "Just" a group of players keeping things organized and encouraging people to fly fighters and helping move the BCs into the Omicrons- without getting too fascist. The idea is to encourage people and use threats and force only when absolutely necessary. Keep it friendly, basically.

Couple of notable things on the agenda:
  • Unifying bounty boards. All bounties will be asked to go through the BHG, and may sometimes be partially subsidized to do so. As a tag along move, "fair play" will be instituted and you won't see people claim bounties on fighters with their gunships and battlecruisers.

  • Getting capital ships to move to the outer systems, where they belong. They're called warships for a reason, they aren't meant to putz around hitting fighters. They will perhaps be paid to engage other capital ships, and scolded, disowned, or even fired upon if they maintain a presence within house systems (soon to be illegal in Rheinland, by the way).

  • Putting more bounties out there. The Liberty Police have already bountied all criminals in Liberty (no, I'm not joking) and Rheinland will soon follow suit. Kusari shouldn't really do that since they don't like the BHG, but I'll talk to Unselie about a similar move. In addition, people may be given slight kickbacks or free escorts (allowed by the ID, here's a legit use for it) if they post bounties.

  • Training good hunters. I know a lot of people use capital ships because they suck with fighters- so, we start training people to at least not flail around helplessly.
Comments, suggestions, skype contact info all welcome. Things will get better if I have anything to say about it.

Oh yeah, my BHG is Lucy.Granger. Not fully equipped (fully repped though) yet, but I'm working on it.

EDIT: Shoot, posted this in Flood. Should probably move to General Discussions. *goes off to find moderator*

All for it although I wouldn't mind seeing a bit more BHs base somewhere in the border worlds we're being sent to.

BHG Discussion thread - sovereign - 07-12-2008

The Freeports will serve as borderworld bases, since the BHG has no other landing rights out there. Granted, most bounties will be done in house systems (except for Kusari) but still, the OPG have gotten bountied several times and bounties out in the Omegas/Omicrons will need to get taken care of.

As for "open war" out in Omicron Delta, Treewyrm raised concerns about more caps out there. Its a good point, does anyone have suggestions on how to encourage fighters out in the Omicrons too?

BHG Discussion thread - Athenian - 07-12-2008

Well we're based in New London orbit, but as the Doghouse is used for prisoner transports to help make the S/D completely financially viable that isn't an issue. But hey, if you want to give me the keys to Sheffield Station sure. I'll be charging 1 million to dock and all ship purchases have to go through me. :P

So the Bounty Board in each station would effectively do the job of liasing with corporations and lawful authorities within that House to collect payment and distribute money to bounty hunters who completed jobs within that system? I'm not sure if this is what you're talking about setting up. It doesn't seem clear to me.
What about bounties on individuals that move from House to House? Are you asking all bounty hunters to go through these offices to claim payment when they finish a job?

I happily trawl through the employment board already, compiling bounties that might be active but what's stopping people from contacting someone directly or doing that themselves? Well, laziness. If anyone comes to Bretonia as it is they can check out the links to active bounties I've put on our faction page and hey presto, the work is done for them - in exchange for what? What do we get from this apart from more paperwork? It does little to change RP and the work I did to make things easier for my members goes to help people who contribute nothing in return; in fact tightening my association with all the other BHers out there I don't know or trust yet could end up working to my detriment. As I said, I think the S/D are at least resepctable in Liberty now, and I hope I can build on that in the future.

Why are we ruling out gunships so soon? Have any of you tried collecting against the OPG contract? They will happily wipe the floor with you with their lunchboxes and think nothing about it.

Don't get me wrong - I'm all for helping out; some things just aren't clear to me yet. As for using force to get people to play the way we think a BH should be played? Well, that makes me uncomfortable. The voices calling for BHers to be more restricted seem pretty loud on the forum; but I rarely see them in game. And as I said, I'm sure many of them would be happier if we were all flying around in barracudas taking on bad guys using our powers of persuasion. The idea of identifying serious offenders who bring the Guild into disrepute is feasible but the criteria need to be determined. If something serious does happen I'd suggest we offer a big juicy and repeatable bounty to mercenaries to deal with the problem.

I'm prepared to bend a little to make people happy but there are limits to how far I'm willing to go to accomodate the complaints of people who want to control from the forums and have never said a good word about any BHer.

I think one of the suggestions I made consisted of some sort of council and a voting system: I think we need to decide what we are about before we undertake this huge adminsitrative task. Bounty boards are no joke, nor is claiming bounties and collecting bounties. There has to be a voice if you like that can approach the factions and say "this is what this collection of BHers have decided - please do this; we want that; we're prepared to offer that in exchange for it" - like negotiating that they offer open bounties to BHers only, in exchange for which we undertake to offer free interdiction of contraband, i.e. like a police force.

We have good relations with Bretonia and all our ships seem welcome there so long as they behave. We have formalised relations but I would hope that we ensure access to Cambridge Research Facility and docking rights at Planet Cambridge, and more importantly, ensure we can still access CRF in future versions of the game.

I think getting players in game working together should be one priority. Expanding BH RP is another - as I said fully id'd and tagged BH vessels doing prisoner transports, providing materials for ship building (I got a Freelancer to do trade runs that will allow us to begin constructing a few more ships but I'm building a trader to do this), more than just fighting.

ps - If anyone is interested we're doing training in Connecticutt today and tomorrow fighting the BH gunship, cause if the rumours are true, if you can hit that you can hit anything.

pps - @Raekur : thanks for clearing that up; heard a lot about that over the last few weeks. Who the hell are the 522nd?

pps - did I say I'm glad to see a thread where Bhers can discuss things like this without those whiners interfering? Good work Sovereign.

//edit - overtaken by posts - the BPA has a bounty request thread -perhaps one of those and then post the bounties on a separate thread on the first page - that initial post gets edited as it changes, claims go after it. All someone has to do is go to the first page. Synth Foods one is a good example, as is the BPA one.

BHG Discussion thread - mwerte - 07-12-2008

I like the way this is going. Keep it up guys. Don't FORCE people to "join or die" but make it attractive to the players that want to join.

i must say though, keep sending in the lone Battleships, they are easy prey for the bomber wings. :D

A final note. BHG basing off the FP in Tau-37? I don't think so. The Zoners there would get wiped out in an instant. Think multipule Outcast Dreadnaughts and Battleships bearing down on them to crush the BHG. The Outcasts would never let the enemy stage so close to their home.

BHG Discussion thread - Athenian - 07-12-2008

Encourage fighters in the Lonelicrons? Go in groups. I will be sending unsuspecting members out there on a SERE course, to help their survival skills. It is no fun in the Lonelicrons in a fighter....

Events? Order please. We can earn cash on the pirate weasels...

BHG Discussion thread - Dusty Lens - 07-12-2008

' Wrote:A final note. BHG basing off the FP in Tau-37? I don't think so. The Zoners there would get wiped out in an instant. Think multipule Outcast Dreadnaughts and Battleships bearing down on them to crush the BHG. The Outcasts would never let the enemy stage so close to their home.

They already do utilize those freeports and they have been for years untold.

The sorest point to the Freeports in the eyes of the Corsairs and Outcasts is that they serve as ready havens for, well, everyone. Including Bounty Hunters.

Experienced Zoners feel free to correct me on that score if I'm wrong.

Infact, I think the only group that has ever been tossed out of a Freeport (that I'm aware of) were the Unioners for crowing Freeport II in Bering.

BHG Discussion thread - sovereign - 07-12-2008

' Wrote:Well we're based in New London orbit, but as the Doghouse is used for prisoner transports to help make the S/D completely financially viable that isn't an issue. But hey, if you want to give me the keys to Sheffield Station sure. I'll be charging 1 million to dock and all ship purchases have to go through me. :P

OMG FASCISM!!!!11wunwun

On a more serious note, if you want it its yours.

Quote:So the Bounty Board in each station would effectively do the job of liasing with corporations and lawful authorities within that House to collect payment and distribute money to bounty hunters who completed jobs within that system? I'm not sure if this is what you're talking about setting up. It doesn't seem clear to me.
What about bounties on individuals that move from House to House? Are you asking all bounty hunters to go through these offices to claim payment when they finish a job?

Exhibit A, Unselie's bounty board- people sometimes have a hard time getting paid due to difficult ingame hours and the like, but if the "office" in a given area is responsible for getting the money around, it makes things easier. Basically, a few people from different timezones might have keys to the account, and whenever the client or bounty completer is on, they do the money transfer. If the individuals want to organize it themselves that's their perogative, but the office can help them if necessary.

As for forum activity, each office will maintain a forum thread for listing bounties in its area of influence, managing conduct rules for giving out bounty money, stuff like that.

Quote:I happily trawl through the employment board already, compiling bounties that might be active but what's stopping people from contacting someone directly or doing that themselves? Well, laziness. If anyone comes to Bretonia as it is they can check out the links to active bounties I've put on our faction page and hey presto, the work is done for them - in exchange for what? What do we get from this apart from more paperwork? It does little to change RP and the work I did to make things easier for my members goes to help people who contribute nothing in return; in fact tightening my association with all the other BHers out there I don't know or trust yet could end up working to my detriment. As I said, I think the S/D are at least resepctable in Liberty now, and I hope I can build on that in the future.

Admittedly, some of the bounty offices will do more work than is worth. However, if there has to be a price for redeeming the name of the BHG, that little bit is worth it. The idea is that we manage guild contracts and try to get people to offer only to the BHG (and possibly Mandalorians)- in return for efficiency, there might be a slight "tithe" of some sort to help fund the war in the Omicrons. Not sure on specifics yet, and do you have skype yet? *grumbles*

Quote:Why are we ruling out gunships so soon? Have any of you tried collecting against the OPG contract? They will happily wipe the floor with you with their lunchboxes and think nothing about it.

Good point. However, the OPG tend to be in the *gasp* Omegas, outside of house space- our hands are not tied by the governments in those regions, and I see nothing wrong with matching ship classes.

Quote:Don't get me wrong - I'm all for helping out; some things just aren't clear to me yet. As for using force to get people to play the way we think a BH should be played? Well, that makes me uncomfortable. The voices calling for BHers to be more restricted seem pretty loud on the forum; but I rarely see them in game. And as I said, I'm sure many of them would be happier if we were all flying around in barracudas taking on bad guys using our powers of persuasion. The idea of identifying serious offenders who bring the Guild into disrepute is feasible but the criteria need to be determined. If something serious does happen I'd suggest we offer a big juicy and repeatable bounty to mercenaries to deal with the problem.

I'm all for that too. Ships operating in violation of house regulations (and thus making the BHG look bad) will be warned, disowned, then bountied if necessary, although the idea is to work mainly with positive reinforcement.

Quote:I'm prepared to bend a little to make people happy but there are limits to how far I'm willing to go to accomodate the complaints of people who want to control from the forums and have never said a good word about any BHer.

I know how you feel, but for me this is a chance to help everyone out- pirates aren't happy with BHG caps flocking them, Keepers aren't happy about flying bombers all the time, militaries aren't happy with people doing their job all the time, and BHG are sick of taking flak. By organizing things, all of these get helped and the Bounty Hunters will ostensibly do some bounties, as opposed to being the "trader revenge faction of choice".

Quote:I think one of the suggestions I made consisted of some sort of council and a voting system: I think we need to decide what we are about before we undertake this huge adminsitrative task. Bounty boards are no joke, nor is claiming bounties and collecting bounties. There has to be a voice if you like that can approach the factions and say "this is what this collection of BHers have decided - please do this; we want that; we're prepared to offer that in exchange for it" - like negotiating that they offer open bounties to BHers only, in exchange for which we undertake to offer free interdiction of contraband, i.e. like a police force.

A council and voting system sounds like a great idea. I have to leave soon and can't write too much on it, but it is definitely worth it... it just needs to be more effective than the Zoner council...

Quote:We have good relations with Bretonia and all our ships seem welcome there so long as they behave. We have formalised relations but I would hope that we ensure access to Cambridge Research Facility and docking rights at Planet Cambridge, and more importantly, ensure we can still access CRF in future versions of the game.

I think having the bounty offices work as ambassadors too might be a good idea.

Quote:I think getting players in game working together should be one priority. Expanding BH RP is another - as I said fully id'd and tagged BH vessels doing prisoner transports, providing materials for ship building (I got a Freelancer to do trade runs that will allow us to begin constructing a few more ships but I'm building a trader to do this), more than just fighting.

Yep. Maybe start some shipping events and the like too.

Quote:ps - If anyone is interested we're doing training in Connecticutt today and tomorrow fighting the BH gunship, cause if the rumours are true, if you can hit that you can hit anything.

pps - @Raekur : thanks for clearing that up; heard a lot about that over the last few weeks. Who the hell are the 522nd?

pps - did I say I'm glad to see a thread where Bhers can discuss things like this without those whiners interfering? Good work Sovereign.
//edit - overtaken by posts - the BPA has a bounty request thread -perhaps one of those and then post the bounties on a separate thread on the first page - that initial post gets edited as it changes, claims go after it. All someone has to do is go to the first page. Synth Foods one is a good example, as is the BPA one.