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Gunboat power supply balance - Jinx - 07-22-2008

scorpion is rather large - comparable to the corsair GB. - the nomad GB is large for sure - almost intermediete to a destroyer ( not sure about its agility - how it was tweaked or if the NPC one is the same like the player one )

the explorer is LARGE. - the dragon GB looks medium, but its fairly large, too.

the liberty gunboat however is small. - however it would be crippled a lot if moved to a small energy core, cause it has 6 turrets.

upcoming gunboats:

- legenations order GB : large
- my zoner GB : large
- gaian GB : tiny
- outcast GB : i think it was small

Gunboat power supply balance - Baltar - 07-22-2008

One other thing to keep in mind ... the bigger the gunboat ... the more turrets and guns you can mount. This being the case ... an increase in power supply would only stabilize the regen rate for the weapons.

Gunboat power supply balance - chopper - 07-22-2008

That's why supply for large ones wasn't improved too much, but it was decreased for small ones, and medium ones.
All GB's in large class have more then 6 turrets, except Rheinland which is just too big to go to Medium class.

Gunboat power supply balance - Jinx - 07-22-2008

and its a nerf that doesn t hurt them much in their usual mission. - only heavy special weapons and cerberus turrets will be affected some more. - ( and missiles, cause we don t know yet how igiss balances the energy need of them )

Gunboat power supply balance - chopper - 07-22-2008

Capacity won't hurt them much.. But regeneration rate will. They won't be able to shoot all the time, like they could 'till now.
Especially light ones.
And they might even try to use more effective weapons. As it is now, everyone puts the best (DPS), and still can't loose any energy.
And that sucks!:)

Gunboat power supply balance - El Nino - 07-22-2008

Damn, is the Osiris getting another nerf? I'm a bit unsettled by this, the most advanced ship, with the tiniest powercore... darn...

If this is to take effect with battleships, the whole balance would have to be redesigned... As things are BS are about equal to eachother, allthou some are more equal than others... It is strange thou how some battleships can fire advanced turrets without drain, while others struggle even with the basic turrets, due to their large size...

In the end battleships would be unbalanced if such a change came in to effect, it would be realistic, but since battleships are unrealisticly priced each at 750M... many things would have to be changed...

Back to GB's, voted yes. And I agree that all capital ships should have variable power cores... //Eventhou what I said up regarding balance issues.

Gunboat power supply balance - Jinx - 07-22-2008

ya - the kusari one is rediculous - i can fire the maingun untill i m dry - while all the time chainfiring solaris turrets ( 4 ) .... once i m out of energy - i can still chainfire the solaris and regenerate at quite a fast speed. feels stupid ....

btw. wasn t the energy balance better in 4.83? - i can t remember correctly - but i think i wasn t able to fire all my turrets while still regenerating like that....

@jure : and thats what i mean by being biased - and argumenting for or against some change. - i agree that some ships are meant to be more advanced and others to be rather ancient. - but who will judge about it. - anyway, i don t think such a change get into effect. - the difference in powercores is simply too great - from 5.5million to 9 million - even if the juggernaut is 6 times bigger than the dreadnaught it feels wrong sort of.

Gunboat power supply balance - Baltar - 07-22-2008

' Wrote:and its a nerf that doesn t hurt them much in their usual mission. - only heavy special weapons and cerberus turrets will be affected some more. - ( and missiles, cause we don t know yet how igiss balances the energy need of them )

All goes to economy of energy. Don't mount Cerbs if you don't have the power source for it. This forces the owner to balance firepower with weapons regen rate. In the end ... its not the heavy weapons that win the fight ... its the ability to keep the guns firing.

' Wrote:Capacity won't hurt them much.. But regeneration rate will. They won't be able to shoot all the time, like they could 'till now.
Especially light ones.
And they might even try to use more effective weapons. As it is now, everyone puts the best (DPS), and still can't loose any energy.
And that sucks!:)

Yup ... heavy weapons should be avoided with smaller ships.

' Wrote:Damn, is the Osiris getting another nerf? I'm a bit unsettled by this, the most advanced ship, with the tiniest powercore... darn...

If this is to take effect with battleships, the whole balance would have to be redesigned... As things are BS are about equal to eachother, allthou some are more equal than others... It is strange thou how some battleships can fire advanced turrets without drain, while others struggle even with the basic turrets, due to their large size...

In the end battleships would be unbalanced if such a change came in to effect, it would be realistic, but since battleships are unrealisticly priced each at 750M... many things would have to be changed...

Back to GB's, voted yes. And I agree that all capital ships should have variable power cores... //Eventhou what I said up regarding balance issues.

I for one would like to see the battleships downgraded a bit. I'm sure if there were more battleship vs battleship battles this would be important. But here in Disco land ... battleships are used almost exclusively to hunt and kill pirates in gunboats and fighters.

I have no sympathy for battleships getting nerfed ... I think its about time. Maybe they'll be used for what they're intended ... actual warfare.

Gunboat power supply balance - Eppy - 07-22-2008

Quote:Liberty Dread should move to the same class as Osiris (is it just me or are they the same size?)
The tiny Bretonia BS should be in one of the first two classes.

[Image: Osiris-Libdread.png]

The Liberty Dreadnought is significantly larger than the Osiris, hence the placement.

As for the Spyglass, it is stated that it's a recon ship of sorts, more of a scanner platform than anything else (hence I put it under a substandard power supply), but we might as well move it up.

As for the Bretonian Battleship, this once's given me a bit of a dilemma. It's not as long as some of the Heavy Battleships, but its hitbox is nearly as wide as them, its turning radius is more comparable to the Outcast Dreadnought than the Liberty Dreadnought, and its firing arcs are not quite what they ought to be, and as one of the principal pilots of this craft I'm really iffy about passing judgement on it, but it's not all it's cracked up to be (hell, I used it because of the looks, I just wanted a unique base of ops for my characters in the Uli Rouge), and I really think it ought to get a heavier power supply.

So, changes made: Heavy Battleship changed from 8.5m to 8, Dreadnought changed from 9m to 8.5, Light BS changed from 5.5m to 6, Spyglass moved up to Heavy Battleship. Liberty Dreadnought unchanged, Bretonian Battleship not changed until I finish searching myself and find out I'm more scum than I think I am.

Battleships do not need nerfing. Battleships canNOT be used effectively to hunt fighters, because the fighters have the happy, happy ability to RUN. Nerfing the Battleships more than they already are would be insane. I suppose we should double bomber powerplants while we're on the subject, too?:angry:

Gunboat power supply balance - mjolnir - 07-22-2008

Spyglass is not really meant for combat so I have no problems with it.

I see that the Liberty Dread is a bit bigger yes... but Bretonian BS should be in same class as it then shouldn't it?