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Cargo space "enlarger" - Printable Version

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Cargo space "enlarger" - Bjorn - 07-28-2008


Good idea, and i think is could be done(wishfull thinking here)

Cargo space "enlarger" - Sand_Spider - 07-28-2008

No.. Here's another recap..

1.2 cargo space multiplication, with a 50% armor reduction.

Which means..

If you own an Adv. Train..

Normal: 5000 cargo space, 140,000 armor
Cargo space enhancement train: 6000 cargo space, 70,000 armor

The EXACT point of having more cargo space is.. HAVING MORE CARGO SPACE.

If you afraid of dying, then don't use a Cargo space enhancement. No one is going to make you use it..

Some people are actually smart enough to stop for pirates all the time, so they don't get shot or killed, so they don't need armor upgrades

Other people have figured out some less used routes, so they NEVER get pirated, which makes an armor upgrade pointless.

The Cargo space enhancement is for the above mentioned people. If you are constantly being shot at and/or killed as a trader, then don't use it.

1.2 cargo space multiplication is enough, anything else is just overkill. I have come to realize this..

So there's your explanation..

EDIT: I don't see how this COULDN'T be done, seeing as we already have armor multiplications..

Cargo space "enlarger" - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 07-28-2008

Wel that's the choice of the captain. If he feel's he's fast/smart enough to survive an assualt let it be.

Cargo space "enlarger" - pipsqueak - 07-28-2008

Simple solution, restrcict transports to capship armor only.

That will eat up 300 cargo cap when installed.

Cargo space "enlarger" - Raekur - 07-28-2008

' Wrote:Some people are actually smart enough to stop for pirates all the time, so they don't get shot or killed, so they don't need armor upgrades

Sorry, I guess I missed the main point to this. It is to make the traders want to stop because of having more money invested in their cargo and also having no option but to pay a pirate due to having a massive reduction in hull strength.

End result, helps the pirates a HELL of a lot more then the traders.
But as you said, only the 'smart' traders would use this.

Cargo space "enlarger" - Sand_Spider - 07-28-2008

Pipsqueak, I don't think that has anything to do with this, and doesn't make sense in the way you posted..

Cargo space "enlarger" - pipsqueak - 07-28-2008

Capship armor reduces the cardo capacity by 300 units.
It is your choice whether to mount it or not.

Lets say you have a train, you can Wither have it at regular hull / 5000 cap
or armor upgrade 4700 cap.

Isnt it the same as what you are asking for.

Its like you are buying a ship with the expansion on it. by installing aromor, your expansion goes away.

Hope that makes sense. Frankly 5000 capacity is already too much if you ask me. I'd say restrict the traders to 340 cruise speed if they buy the upgrade, now there is a fun aspect.

Cargo space "enlarger" - Sand_Spider - 07-28-2008

Erm, not really.. Lets just keep it simple shall we?

And not EVERYONE likes to use an adv. train, I myself absolutely LOVE the whale. Only 300 less cargo space than an adv. train, and is much smaller and slimmer, perfect for asteroid fields.

plus, if you multiply 5000 cargo space by 1.2, it's only 1000 extra, so what's the big deal?

If you think 5000 cargo is too much, then that is 100% fine with me. Use something like a normal train, or a luxary liner..

What you think is your's and your's alone, but most people kind of like the Cargo space enhancement idea, despite the fact that it might not be possible..

Another recap: 1.2 cargo space multiplication, 50% armor reduction.

Cargo space "enlarger" - DarthCloakedGuy - 07-28-2008

Sounds good; I'll be able to spend less time powertrading and more time RPing.

Cargo space "enlarger" - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 07-28-2008

no one like'sa to spend the vast majority of their time on the server trading They'll do their best to reduce the amount of time doing so....sorry. Cargo increaser is a go with me.