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Wacky Idea (warning: opinions contained within) - Printable Version

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RE: Wacky Idea (warning: opinions contained within) - Hannibal - 12-03-2013

Now i know you love fighters and you wouldn't fly anything else but this ain't EVE and we don't have the same ship balance(as in bigger the better) ,so:
-your time of death/temp bans for those class of ships are totally unbalanced ,unless bigger ship class will receive a more than generous buff in hull,shields,guns,etc..
-do remember that this is still a game..and a 1 day ban will drive players away from the game and even those who didn't will have no other choice than flying only snubs(now i know you would like this,but..mehh..others ,including myself, wont!)

I actually like how EVE economies/diplomacy/wars/etc is the way it is and even implement some of them in our own mod,something like:
-POBs producing ships,guns maybe even refine ore for a better quality and ofc price that can be sold on npcs base
-death penalty,well..this one is tricky to balance it as you may of been thinking already,maybe instead of a time related action against the victim there would be guns/thruster/shield/cd/cm lost(no docking module,jumpdrives,scanners due to them taken too much time to build in first place) that can only be bought and made on POBs for fighters,gunboats,cruisers,battleships alike since as said before there's a way different balance here than eve in combat
-etc(have to cut this idea short due to work time Sad )

RE: Wacky Idea (warning: opinions contained within) - aakopa - 12-03-2013

Yees please! But only if numbers would be half of this, I mean 12h for bs... etc.

RE: Wacky Idea (warning: opinions contained within) - nOmnomnOm - 12-03-2013

(12-02-2013, 11:51 PM)Snak3 Wrote: Only if Caps became real caps. Hardly taken out by even 5 bombers.

>.> real caps HARDLY taken down? What?
Its a BOMBER. That's its job. If u dont like bombers then get a LF and kill them.

RE: Wacky Idea (warning: opinions contained within) - sindroms - 12-03-2013

Why bother with caps then?

If you need something small taken out, get a VHF. If you need something large taken out, get a bomber.
Freelancer was never accounted for caps, we never had any reason to have them. The only things you could shoot with caps were other caps and some retard VHfs, who sat still during battles.

But even now cruisers are better 1v1ing battleships than other battleships are, in which case the only thing that matters is the size of your armor upgrade.

Caps have no purpose on Disco. Give them a purpose and then we can finally adjust their strengths accordingly. Now all we are doing is desperately trying to avoid making them multifunctional.

RE: Wacky Idea (warning: opinions contained within) - Valrin - 12-03-2013

This would be interesting, but I don't know....not being able to log on with your ship for that long....and having this would make Conn go kaput.

What are all you talking about making cap ships REAL?!?! Am I the only one who remembers when ONE Sunslayer torpedo would kill a battleship? They aren't even supose to have shields for crying out load.

RE: Wacky Idea (warning: opinions contained within) - Trogdor - 12-03-2013

(12-03-2013, 07:50 AM)Valrin Wrote: What are all you talking about making cap ships REAL?!?! Am I the only one who remembers when ONE Sunslayer torpedo would kill a battleship? They aren't even supose to have shields for crying out load.

Not sure if trolling or serious.

RE: Wacky Idea (warning: opinions contained within) - Zen_Mechanics - 12-03-2013

Dreads unlike battleships should be way more powerful but rather slow, while battleships do not. I think the words speak for themselves. Also, cruisers are by far stronger than battleships which is odd.

RE: Wacky Idea (warning: opinions contained within) - Trogdor - 12-03-2013

(12-03-2013, 07:03 AM)nOmnomnOm Wrote:
(12-02-2013, 11:51 PM)Snak3 Wrote: Only if Caps became real caps. Hardly taken out by even 5 bombers.

>.> real caps HARDLY taken down? What?
Its a BOMBER. That's its job. If u dont like bombers then get a LF and kill them.

Why would anyone put that many resources into building a battleship if it can be taken out by a few significantly smaller and cheaper ships? Why would you build one if all it's good for is taking out other ships of similar size? i.e. if the enemy's battleship is no threat to your forces, why build one of your own?

InRP, battleships are seriously formidable opponents. But they're not this way ingame because... well.. blame Blodo.

RE: Wacky Idea (warning: opinions contained within) - Highland Laddie - 12-03-2013

Guess what!!?? In RL, huge battleships used to be kings of the oceans until a few planes demonstrated that they could drop some bombs/torpedoes on it and sink it with relative ease. This revolutionized naval warfare and led to the development of the aircraft carrier and the carrier group. Why should this aspect of the game be so dramatically different because it's in space? (Didnt we have this discussion before?)

IMO, perhaps a better alternative for adjusting BSes would be something like:
1) give BS the longest reaching guns to compensate for lack of maneuverability
2) give BS more gun slots so they can dedicate more of them to anti snub weapons and make them less vulnerable
3) make BS anti-snub weapons more dangerous - increase refire rate, damage, distance

I would rather something along one of these lines is done rather than making the hulls/shields stronger.

RE: Wacky Idea (warning: opinions contained within) - Syrus - 12-03-2013

I'm not sure if a ship specific ban is possible even.

Overall I see problems with this though, first off, you could for example die to NPCs, accidents (especially) lanes or other things that don't involve a real fight on any ship, as was mentioned before. Second, what if you wish to train in Conn with the ship in question? You can't expect everyone to only do one fight every few hours or even every half day. And third, people who got enough money could just buy several transports, gunboats or even cruisers and battleships. While, yes, that would be a massive money sink, I feel like it is not how it should be.

The idea has some flaws, also some good sides though. Having the destruction of a bigger ship mean something (btw, keep in mind, a transport is easier to build than a GB...) would certainly be interesting, but it would also cause problems. If caps were made quite a bit more sturdy so that they didn't die in a few second in a fleet engagement...who know. (I'd for example make the weapons have a little dispersion while giving them longer range or such...)

So, the end I think if the idea were ever to be considered it'd need some refining.