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Death at 700K, PvP Dead? - Printable Version

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RE: Death at 700K, PvP Dead? - lIceColon - 12-31-2013

Quote:3.2 A player who was killed during a PvP fight in any form, must not enter the system where the fight took place or re-engage the attacker(s) for 2 hours from the time of their destruction, or until this/these ship(s) leave(s) the game.
to be exempt you have to not explode, so no, it does count as pvp death.

I've been in one system wall chase in my entire disco "career" as an lpi gunboat chasing some slightly oorp outcasts. It was fun exchanging insults until we both exploded.

As for all the criticism, it is safe to assume that since both the pirate and the cop both decided not to give up the chase, then no one is to blame but themselves. I do not concur with the idea that "system wall running" should be punished in any way - it is a valid tactic. A time wasting but valid tactic.

RE: Death at 700K, PvP Dead? - Jack_Henderson - 12-31-2013

(12-31-2013, 04:52 AM)Karst Wrote: Frankly, anyone leading a chase to the system wall should not only be pvp dead, but fined seventy billion million credits for being a massive, time-wasting nuisance.

Exactly, THIS.
It's one of these terrible attitude problems ("You will not get my blue!!!! Heheheh!!!") that makes the game so stupid.

RE: Death at 700K, PvP Dead? - Thargoid - 12-31-2013

(12-31-2013, 12:42 PM)St.Denis Wrote: Is this in the same vane as 2 Pirate Cruisers popping Trade Ships?

This kind of encounter is becoming more common.

No, the trader has the option to pay, thus not get blown up. I don't.

(12-31-2013, 01:31 PM)Haste Wrote: And seriously OP, system wall running is one of the cheapest, dirtiest moves you can make. It seems reasonable to automatically delete any ship that dies to the system wall.

So is popping a transport in a BC, as I said before, I don't even have the option to pay a tax and go free, so I really don't care.

Following a transport for 700k in a BC just to get one of the easiest blue messages ever, is even lower IMO, he wasted my time, and it was his own choice to follow me for 700k.

And I didn't do it just to be a dick, I had a genuine reason to want to stay in the system, to make money, and was doing something else IRL at the time, so it was the logical choice as I couldn't make it to a station.

RE: Death at 700K, PvP Dead? - Karst - 12-31-2013

(12-31-2013, 05:11 AM)Thargoid Wrote:
(12-31-2013, 04:52 AM)Karst Wrote: Frankly, anyone leading a chase to the system wall should not only be pvp dead, but fined seventy billion million credits for being a massive, time-wasting nuisance.

To answer your question yes, you are pvp dead if you die during a player encounter no matter the circumstances.
I have to ask though, in your situation, why didn't you simply dock at a base?

I was planning to stay in the system for a while, to pirate NPC transports, but I wasn't doing that at the time, I was hauling stuff from A to B, he was wasting my time, the only reason I ran for so long was because I didn't want to be PvP dead and not be able to make money in that system because I was banned from it.

I don't really care about wasting the guys time, he was in a Battlecruiser and I was in a Transport, if he was in a snub I would have stopped to fight, even a bomber.

I was doing stuff IRL at the time anyway, so didn't really care about wasting my own time.

If his idea of fun is popping transports in a BC, then he can wait 40 minutes for his fun, in the end he never even got a chance to finish me off himself.

What happened was that you were caught by the law and then didn't want to be pvp dead, so you decided to grief the guy in the BC into leaving you alone.

You say you would have stayed to fight if it were a snub. Well no surprise there, if it were a snub you probably would have won. So you would have stopped if it's a fight they wouldn't win, but since it was a fight you wouldn't win you just wanted to ruin the encounter by wasting their time.

Worse still, you just afk'd because you had stuff to do, turning it into a no RP situation because the game mechanics allowed this.

(12-31-2013, 01:48 PM)lIceColon Wrote: [As for all the criticism, it is safe to assume that since both the pirate and the cop both decided not to give up the chase, then no one is to blame but themselves. I do not concur with the idea that "system wall running" should be punished in any way - it is a valid tactic. A time wasting but valid tactic.

It's not a valid tactic, it's an abuse of game mechanics.

If you get into an encounter you can't win or escape in an ordinary fashion, just suck it up and die with dignity.

The only reason you'd prefer to die by system wall (or indeed any other form of suicide) is if you enjoy denying your opponent a blue message, which is simply oorp and terrible sportsmanship.

(12-31-2013, 06:46 PM)Thargoid Wrote: So is popping a transport in a BC, as I said before, I don't even have the option to pay a tax and go free, so I really don't care.

If he didn't make a fulfillable demand from you while you were in a transport and simply engaged, that's sanctionable.
However it's not really relevant to the rest of the points here.

RE: Death at 700K, PvP Dead? - Thargoid - 12-31-2013

(12-31-2013, 06:50 PM)Karst Wrote: You say you would have stayed to fight if it were a snub. Well no surprise there, if it were a snub you probably would have won. So you would have stopped if it's a fight they wouldn't win, but since it was a fight you wouldn't win you just wanted to ruin the encounter by wasting their time.

Actually I probably wouldn't have, I had Charon turrets fitted, I was toast to a bomber, but would at least have had an enjoyable encounter with a chance to win at least, even if it's a small chance.

Quote:The only reason you'd prefer to die by system wall (or indeed any other form of suicide) is if you enjoy denying your opponent a blue message, which is simply oorp and terrible sportsmanship.

Sportsmanship? Are you serious? Like he gave me a sporting chance? If he's not going to be a good sport then he can't expect it from others. Popping a transport in a BC is not my idea of being a good sport.

It's not the only reason either, I was making money in the system, and wanted to stay, I had things to do in RL for a while, so why not.

Quote:If he didn't make a fulfillable demand from you while you were in a transport and simply engaged, that's sanctionable.
However it's not really relevant to the rest of the points here.

He doesn't need to make a demand, he's a Navy player and I'm an unlawful, he can pop me with one sentence of RP.

If I died, it spoils my gaming experience, I can't stay in the system and do what I flew through 5 systems to do, if he gives up the chase, what does he lose? A blue message, big deal.

RE: Death at 700K, PvP Dead? - Thargoid - 12-31-2013

Blowing up a transport in a BC just because it's an unlawful player is griefing IMO. It's not like I was caught pirating, or the other guy seen a chain of blue messages caused by me.

And it was a RP situation, I was cornered and had no where else to go except in a straight line, you think it's RP to stop your ship like an idiot when you know the BC is just after a blue message and nothing else? The RP was me escaping.

RE: Death at 700K, PvP Dead? - Karst - 12-31-2013

(12-31-2013, 07:03 PM)Thargoid Wrote: Sportsmanship? Are you serious? Like he gave me a sporting chance? If he's not going to be a good sport then he can't expect it from others.

It's not the only reason, I was making money in the system, and had things to do.

And someone caught you and ended that, this happens. You had things to do as an unlawful, but were caught by the Navy. Why do you think you deserve to simply continue doing whatever it is you were doing after being stopped?

A Navy ship that was patrolling, but got stopped by unlawfuls also can't continue what they're doing.

Quote:He doesn't need to make a demand, he's a Navy player and I'm an unlawful, he can pop me with one sentence of RP.

If I died, it spoils my gaming experience, I can't stay in the system and do what I flew through 5 systems to do, if he gives up the chase, what does he lose? A blue message, big deal.

Actually no, he CAN'T just engage you if you're in a trade vessel, a demand must be issued.

And no, you can't stay in the system if you were killed. That's how it works, for anyone. You flew threw 5 systems to do whatever it is you were doing, but how is that an excuse?
What about a trader that flew for half an hour, only to be asked to drop all cargo 20k from the sell point?
They won't say "oh, but I have things to do in this system and I flew so far, I shouldn't be pvp dead if I don't comply with the demand"

RE: Death at 700K, PvP Dead? - McNeo - 12-31-2013

Regarding the original question, yes its a PvP death.

Actually your gaming experience is mostly defined by your role, and your role as an unlawful involves lawfuls shooting at you. If that ruins your gaming experience, you are playing the wrong role and possibly the wrong game.

What ruins my gaming experience is when unlawfuls fly up to Manhattan or use trade lane networks and expect not to have the kitchen sink thrown at them, and assorted other similar circumstances.

RE: Death at 700K, PvP Dead? - Thargoid - 12-31-2013

Well, thanks for telling me that, I never knew that, I've been attacked and openly engaged by the Navy countless times while flying a transport.

It's not an excuse to stay in the system, it was the reason I tried to escape, my point was, I was only there to make money, I had no interest in RPing with anyone, especially a lolwut.

RE: Death at 700K, PvP Dead? - McNeo - 12-31-2013

(12-31-2013, 07:19 PM)Thargoid Wrote: Well, thanks for telling me that, I never knew that, I've been attacked and openly engaged by the Navy countless times while flying a transport.

It's not an excuse to stay in the system, it was the reason I tried to escape, my point was, I was only there to make money, I had no interest in RPing with anyone, especially a lolwut.

Your choice of ship is quite irrelevant. You should be expecting to be shot by lawfuls if you're unlawful.

Traders currently have to deal with getting shot at by unlawfuls even though their only interest is usually to make money and not RP with anyone, especially a "lolwut". What makes you better than them?