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Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Printable Version

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RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Kazinsal - 01-01-2014

(01-01-2014, 10:16 AM)Govedo13 Wrote: remove freelancer affiliation

And what of factions who use Freelancer IFF?

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Zen_Mechanics - 01-01-2014

(12-31-2013, 06:01 PM)Hawk Wrote: Also remember, even if it's not specifically in the rules, the more RP you have behind your actions, the safer you will be. Even if you follow the rules, someone may choose to report you because they are angry. If you dropped some RP in game as well as declaring an intent to attack a base on the forum, then there is almost no chance that a report against you would be processed.

Yes.but then theres the issue of factions and they can do and what not. For instance, several the order belt decided to bring a few oorp battleships to siege my base, which is zoner. Now I dont care if someone wants to take a shot at it as long as it legit, but i dont care how much they spam on the forums with their so called rp, because the oorp ganking is transparenf like water and perhaps the admins are unable to distinguish the two.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Laura C. - 01-01-2014

I agree that situation is one sided at the moment. If somebody will build trollbase during night, what is possible with current player numbers in the late night/morning hours of european time (let´s say hessian base blocking jump gate in New Berlin or Corsair base blocking gate in Cambridge), there is nothing what can stop them.

So if base destroying have rules and requires RP (and I´m generally fine with it, lolkilling bases is bad), why base builders don´t have to anything and they can just pop the base wherever they want, supply it with everything they want (like supplying hessian PoB from Rheinland bases with Republican indie train etc.), preparing annoying times for house lawfuls because with lowering player numbers (and current bug during destroying the base), it is not easy even for low level bases and for lot players is very annoying to kill illegal bases which appears without any previous RP inside house space. Sitting for two or even six hours and shooting the base is not fun.

Also, nothing regulates who can defend bases and sieging party is very hot target for enemy bombers so they can come to have fun, making hours of effort useless.

tl;dr: At the moment, as house lawful, I have to find illegal base, document it and post RP destroying message. But as base builder I don´t have to anything. And I can even make illegal base inside Rheinland, blocking some jump gate, open it to hessians, but supply it with Republican/DHC/Kruger indie train and if lawfuls come to shoot it, defend it with Corsair bombers. There are no rules which can stop or sanction this. It needs to be balanced.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - djoser1970 - 01-01-2014

(12-31-2013, 05:23 PM)kikatsu Wrote: I think it is required for more of a fair play kind of thing than anything else.
Hello, connect with me I have a full BHG ID looking to get into a group-ship is a Avenger tough as nails loaded and protected to the 9's, I am a skilled player, I play well with others, pls touch base, thanks Rooster

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Highland Laddie - 01-01-2014

Here's an idea to base-builders: don't block a JH or gate, and then don't Q_Q when everyone gets pissed and ganks your base because it's killing everyone.

Stop trollish bases...and trollish sieges shouldn't be a problem, at least from the rule-abiding community.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Tunicle - 01-01-2014

(01-01-2014, 02:35 PM)Highland Laddie Wrote: at least from the rule-abiding community.

and there is your problem!

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Sabru - 01-01-2014

(01-01-2014, 02:52 PM)Tunicle Wrote:
(01-01-2014, 02:35 PM)Highland Laddie Wrote: at least from the rule-abiding community.

and there is your problem!

but also a small solution. that being:

the actual troll siegers would be easier to find and deal with.

i.e: sankshunz

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - mwerte - 01-01-2014

I am fully against making the forums a requirement to take part in the game.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Govedo13 - 01-01-2014

(01-01-2014, 12:49 PM)Kazinsal Wrote:
(01-01-2014, 10:16 AM)Govedo13 Wrote: remove freelancer affiliation

And what of factions who use Freelancer IFF?
Removing their Base building ability would not be such pain since they can run with Zoner IFF.
The harder for the staff option:
Generic Base IFF would need to do a bit more work sadly- the base rephacks should affect the specific group affiliation and diplomatic relations. It must be done on case by case basis.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - AceofSpades - 01-01-2014

complaining about a 3 minute blurb on the forums required before trashing an entire station? what a sad joke of "RP" that would be to drop this for the reasons ive heard. there was a time when anyone on Disco who wasn't aware of the forums was at a disadvantage for reasons like this exactly, and rightly so! If you wanted to be a part of the full Disco experience you needed to actually bother to give a **** with mildly important things like uhhh.. rules? and the smallest expectation of RP.
...Nobody would bother to play soccer with noobs if those new players werent willing to learn the actual rules of the game, because it wouldn't be fun anymore, and it wouldn't be "soccer" . *cough* *cough*

but i digress, i think this is another argument we're blowing up because without realizing it we're trying to argue over a set of rules that apply to two different sets of players, RP and ooRP. you cant expect to make rules that will work for both. however, there are reasons this 3 minute forum crap will work for both:

1. troll seiges on ooRP bases are not in any way difficult to organize, as we've all seen. so if a station is really so ooRP.. like built over a JG overnight, it shouldn't be a problem for long. requiring some forum post is not gonna delay the inevitable gank for long, in fact making such a post like "this lolstation is lol and being engaged" will probably draw you in some extra support for your siege from other players who bother to read.
2. troll seiges on RP bases are not in any way difficult to organize, as we've all seen. requiring some documentation sifts out a few morons, and later gives us someone (or group) to hold responsible for the attack. then any necessary RP or rule issues can be sorted out, both sides know what and who they are dealing with.
3. without a rule like this we will allow for any sort of attack to take place on bases without warning creating an easy window for people to make quick sneak attacks, which can be ooRP. However it is a widely-known fact of human nature that there will always be folks willing to bend the rules a bit to get an advantage, so someone here will no doubt be taking advantage of any window we leave open, thus reducing the gameplay quality for everyone else. by making a sneak attack something you cant do without a forum post (that then fingers you as the attacker), you make it possible to punish those who would just quietly sneak in and try to pull some pew bull. as it stands now its too easy to pull an ooRP attack quietly and then avoid any real retribution.. making a forum post a requirement removes the ability for an ooRP attack to happen so easily within the rules*

*if that sounds funny, it should. but the way the rules are now it is now its very, very, very difficult to actually bring any justice to ooRP sneak base attacks. Even if you manage to document the attack, you have to sort through which folks might actually have RP roles/reason to be there, and people can throw out any sort of stupid bull**** since there isn't actual procedure for such an attack right now. As it stands now, most of these ooRP attackers can get off the hook absurdly easily, hence the need for a simple rule requiring three minutes of effort.

on a complete side note for those who enjoy excess reading: if anybody still really thinks that this server will suffer by having a few of RP rules-- and i mean this is the smallest and simplest of RP requirements regarding the LARGEST investment in the game-- then i'm sorry but you're completely mistaken. The fact that this is an decade-old game means its only played because folks either have a history with FL, or because it offers something UNIQUE. If we continue to let it be a sandbox for pews, most people--especially new ones-- wont see it as having anything better to offer. There are far better graphics/games that offer endless pew so without RP, or some sort of history/nostalgia with Disco, there is sadly absolutely no reason for people to stick around. We've all seen the numbers dip, the peak bein' when Disco had some RP, wars, and interesting things actually going on and not just existing in the background to create a backdrop for shooting at crap. The least we can do is make it so that the new exciting things we add to the server have some sort of RP ties and requirements, otherwise it is for sure going to completely fade away.

pleeeeeeaaase for the community's sake do not put a stop to the addition of the smallest bit of some RP rules, especially regarding PoB's. These are the "new caps", the big-ticket item now, and just like we used to make folks register Caps before it all got outta hand, we gotta (forcibly or not) tie some RP into these bases or it simply wont permeate.