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Removing Nano Bots/ Shield Batts - Printable Version

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RE: Removing Nano Bots/ Shield Batts - Syrus - 01-01-2014

I stick with my idea:
Add part of the bots' armor they would give to the base armor of ships for Fighters, Bombers and Freighters.
Increase the armor of transports and gunboats by the full amount they bots would give.
Increase the armor of caps by the full amount of the bots and maybe more.
Remove bots completly.
Add significantly more bats to ships.

But heh, people don't like that, they like the unending snub fights where only a good instant-kill takes most people out of the fight, while the others just run. At least those pvppeople who don't even give the enemy side the chance to get a blue message.

RE: Removing Nano Bots/ Shield Batts - Luke. - 01-01-2014

Sure if you want to turn the learning curve into a brick wall.

RE: Removing Nano Bots/ Shield Batts - Syrus - 01-02-2014

A brick wall would be an improvement from the overhanging cliff with lava pouring down and menacing with spikes of pure evil we got now.

RE: Removing Nano Bots/ Shield Batts - Omega472 - 01-02-2014

Eh. I think the best solutions would all require tons of additional coding, because simply removing them will be a serious pain in the arse, as much as you would like to believe otherwise, and leaving them in, while the simpler and probably most preferred option, is not really doing much to harm gameplay except making space feel like a giant fluffy room.
My advice?
Leave them, but try to change it so you cannot use them in battle in some way. Like, waiting 5-10 minutes before you can repair your ship.
Again, tons of coding, probably too much to be bothered with, but it's just my two cents.

RE: Removing Nano Bots/ Shield Batts - Mímir - 01-02-2014

I think we should do anything we can to remove botsharing from caps to snubs, within the same class I think regens are cool.

Something both McNeo and Govedo wrote the other day made me think. The PVP mentality has changed a lot in Discovery and that people quite often don't want to fight, which in turn leads to one side trying to do his best to spoil a match/drag it on/syswall he knows he will probably lose.

"Of course" you might say, but I can certify that it didn't use to be like this, and it wrecks the fun if the game if you consider PVP to be a major part of Discovery, and I do - even before many of the PVP'ers left and I was on the losing side 90% of the time. Over the years there has been a huge focus on players "only chasing the blue message", but meanwhile a mentality of players never wanting to give away a blue message has grown, and it sucks the fun out of this arcade space shooter. Also IMO this is the reason why people rarely hunt bounties on the lawful side. Cloaks+botfeeding+Buffalo Base/Hfuel = sad hunter.

RE: Removing Nano Bots/ Shield Batts - Pavel - 01-02-2014

Total removal of bots/bats is a bad thing, but reducing their number on snubs, even by half, would be a good one. We no longer would have tiring long duels.

This belongs more to mod balance discussion


Actually, what if bots/bats required some free cargo space, like transport guns?

RE: Removing Nano Bots/ Shield Batts - Haste - 01-02-2014

The problem is that removing their number on snubs significantly affects snubs-versus-other-classes fights. For example, fighting a full Solaris Gunboat would be horrible if bombers had some 50 Nanobots at most. You'd burn through them real quick.

RE: Removing Nano Bots/ Shield Batts - Hidamari - 01-02-2014

feeding people bats and bots is as perfectly legit now as it has always been since freelancer was released (which is 100%). and thats from any angle. transport -> cap, cap -> snub, transport -> snub (and any inbetween that ive missed), whatever, it doesn't matter its not a problem now, its never been a problem before, it will continue to not be a problem for the rest of freelancers lifetime, Amen.

being able to use bots and bats is also fine.

the only peopel who really care are those that were deprived blue messages at which point, there is a big slice of 'deal with it' pie to consume.

RE: Removing Nano Bots/ Shield Batts - Crossroads - 01-03-2014


RE: Removing Nano Bots/ Shield Batts - tothebonezone - 01-03-2014

Triple/Quadruple snub health.

Double/Triple gunboat health.

Same for Cruisers.

5x battleships.

Make repair guns (Yes they're possible dont you even start).

Bam, repair ships have a reason to exist.