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Community Survey: Your Stumbling Stones as a new member - Printable Version

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RE: Community Survey: Your Stumbling Stones as a new member - KaiserDietz - 02-02-2014

At first i began as i how i made money in the vanilla SP, doing missions, grinding my way up to a bomber in only a week! (yeah i know i wasn't a fast learner.) Afterwards i learned about the riches of mining, and got involved with that.

My first incident OORP was with a random guy i just happened to chat up. I had always got on looking for angels, as there was usually that massive "we're here to help" sign. However i eventually got sick of it and just asked another guy in private chat, i didn't even know what double bars were.

My biggest difficulty was the broad scope of disco and the absolute lack of a chronology. I found myself clueless about nearly everything, from IDs to IFFs to general mining and money making. I would often get caught on my freelancer ID / police IFF ship in the middle of nowhere and have no clue why everyone was yelling at me. It felt alot like players were cruising up and going, "look at this noob, let's bully him and destroy his ship." I kept getting tech nerf messages but could never figure out what that meant and in general hated playing alot. There was no historical information available from info cards, base news etcetera on how to pick up on what i had missed and get up to speed.

RE: Community Survey: Your Stumbling Stones as a new member - Sava - 02-02-2014

*Your choice of progression through the ingame. (A.I trader, miner, pirate, so on.)
I started as a cardamine smuggler. CSV, Dromedary, Bumblebee, Percheron and, finally, a PT.
Then I bought an OC sabre.

*Your first incident OORP, if acceptable.

*What caused the most difficulties for you as a new player ingame and on the forums.
My first problem was poor English.
Zaza and Jack Ramirez aka The.Old.One helped me alot as a new player, so I learned what is what quite fast.
Certain player factions (RoS, HF, Keepers, Phantoms) didn't fit my ideas about FL universe. Same as unlawful and zoner caps, actually. I still qq about them inwardly.
About forums... I came in arguing about some shiny stuff (tech mixing, for instance) and used to have a butthurt untill I realised that some elitist players are like politicians - they are completely dishonest and egoistic when it comes to discussing their beloved toys - and accepted it.

RE: Community Survey: Your Stumbling Stones as a new member - Ironwatsas - 02-03-2014

*Your choice of progression through the ingame.

Random Freelancer->Mercenary->Mad Scientist->Warlord->Machine God

*Your first incident OORP, if acceptable.

None. I knew how to RP coming into Disco, and I did it Like I meant it. The closest I've ever gotten to OORP was a Merc-IDed Wraith working for the GC. And I made efforts to do that one in RP too.

*What caused the most difficulties for you as a new player ingame and on the forums.

Never really had any difficulties beyond making money and dealing with lolwuts (this was in the days of the infamous Kyushu-NB Diamond Niobium run). RP wasn't an issue, I was dealing with fairly straightforward individuals who knew what they were doing.

The difficulties only emerged later once player cliques and ooc arguments started breaking out over stupid things. (The Red Catamaran, Dab's Ego, Enko in general, etc).

RE: Community Survey: Your Stumbling Stones as a new member - Cælumaresh - 02-03-2014

*Your choice of progression through the ingame. (A.I trader, miner, pirate, so on.)
ZonerZonerZoner, moving him through the game by doing the occational basekill mission and scouting for IMG Convoys

*Your first incident OORP, if acceptable.

*What caused the most difficulties for you as a new player ingame and on the forums.
The RP at first, but i grabbed on to that pretty quickly, so for me nothing really

RE: Community Survey: Your Stumbling Stones as a new member - Singularity - 02-03-2014

  • Your choice of progression through the ingame. (A.I trader, miner, pirate, so on.)
    I basically started as a Trader which I still pursue now even. A simple and Logical way to earn some credits when you need them and when you join a trading corporation, they provide you a lot of RP scope even. I then moved on to Sigmas and started Mining. Piracy was never a cup of tea for me !!!. I prefer Revolutionaries instead. Makes RP easier for the new guys who want a taste of Unlawful.
  • Your first incident OORP, if acceptable.
    Although a Fun event, I was chatting with another friend in Group Chat where instead I wrote those lines in System chat, mistyped it as "/s" instead of "/g". Instantly, I got a private chat, informing me not to go OORP in system. It was Fun.
  • What caused the most difficulties for you as a new player ingame and on the forums.
    Hmm, As a New player, I was clueless what to do, when I saw my friend with a Nephilim with Cloak. I had a simple task of Trading, which I did so well, but in vain as I never knew about the Ore runs. First 2 months, I hardly collected 100 million. So, for me, getting into the process of making money for other ships and RP in way after was difficult. Once, I got inside, it was pretty systematic.

RE: Community Survey: Your Stumbling Stones as a new member - Fifty. - 02-04-2014

*Your choice of progression through the ingame. (A.I trader, miner, pirate, so on.)
Miner. Oh the long hours of grinding Helium.

*Your first incident OORP, if acceptable.
At the point I got a hauler I started trading around, completely clueless of trade routes. I also didn't really fully understand the concepts of RP or how IDs and their restrictions worked. (which got me sanctioned and registered in the forums)

*What caused the most difficulties for you as a new player ingame and on the forums.
The vast amount of RP, information, ships, players, everyone doing his thing. Got me really confused.

RE: Community Survey: Your Stumbling Stones as a new member - sindroms - 02-11-2014

Bump. I could really use at least another 14 more replies. The more, the better in terms of filtering out what is what.