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Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - Printable Version

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Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - Dejavu - 08-09-2010

This really saved my arse, I installed Win7 on my PC, installed FLAM, working fine. Next day I try to use FLAM and I get an error come up. I reinstall it, same problem.

Soooo...I used this, excellent work!

Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - Slainte - 08-12-2010

Excellent work mate. One thing though, when i launch from Launchpad my screen resolution is wrong. Looks like W/S settings But numbers match 1280/1024. Any ideas?

Edit: Fixed it, alls good:)

Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - GhostFace - 08-12-2010

It looks ground breaking! Where's the download link if I may had not seen it.

Update: Found it

Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - stardust47 - 08-12-2010

Awesome! Thanks!

Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - Mickk - 08-13-2010


This file shall be uploaded to my personal web space.


If I remember. :P

A linky shall than be placed in this thread.

There shall then be TWO places you can get this fantabulous little proggy from.

Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - Valarin - 08-13-2010

Thanks from me also. Works flawlessly and spectacularly hassle-free. The built in ID generator is an excellent touch.
You, sir, win my internetz for this week. Cannon and Kazinsal also for said ID generator thingy.

Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - Lucus - 08-13-2010

Cool. Only thing, when I moved it around my desktop, all my icons cloaked.

Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - Coin - 08-14-2010

you sir, can haz a +1

wear it with pride!

Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - Jongleur - 08-24-2010

Thanks again for all the positive feedback I've received on this app; I'm glad you guys found it useful. That said, I have a new release.

Troy (Kazinsal) suggested it would be helpful to add the ability to start the FLServer from Discovery Launcher. This involved a few small changes to the configuration:
  • Addition of 2 new buttons: "Launch Server" and "Kill Server..." which do exactly as they suggest.
  • Former "Launch Executable" edit box has been changed to "Launch Directory". As its name indicates, this is the directory where the Freelancer.exe and FLServer.exe executables can be found.
  • Included alphabetical sorting of the account list when Discovery Launchpad loads (I found it somewhat annoying that a newly created account would remain at the bottom of the list).
    Note: Once the sorting is completed the account file is saved; this process is invisible to the user.
Troy also turned me towards the NSIS installation scripting which I found extremely handy and really easy to use. Now Discovery Launchpad v1.1 installer is available for download. This installer gives the user the option to create shortcuts in the Start Menu, in the Quick Launch, and/or on the Desktop in addition to selecting the installation directory.

If a user wishes to uninstall Discovery Launchpad, you can take comfort in the fact that the accounts.xml file will not be deleted (just in case it wasn't backed up elsewhere) but all other files and shortcuts will be deleted.

The last thing I should mention is that accounts.xml is not included in the installation process, so if you install this over-top the last version of Discovery Launchpad, you shouldn't notice any difference when it comes to opening your saved accounts. You will, however need to reset your launch options such as Launcher Directory, event options, command line args, etc.

I'd also like to plug Troy's new conversion app., ADFtoXML, that takes .ADF and .DAT files and converts them to the XML format used by Discovery Launchpad. Thanks, dude!

Thanks again for all the help and positive feedback.

~ Jong

PS: As always, any suggestions, issues, or feedback can be posted here.

Discovery Launchpad v1.3 - aerelm - 08-26-2010

Wait... The New Icon is the Bottlenom? Win!:D

P.S: Also, thanks for Alphabetic Ordering.