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Mon'Star Feedback Thread - Erythnul - 09-05-2008

Bjorn, Freelancer is probably the least stereotypical game (especially for its genre) I've ever played; hence why stereotypes become all the more glaring and noticeable when applied here.

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - Linkus - 09-05-2008

Least stereotypical game?
The entire game is made OF stereotypes.

Liberty, Bretonia, Rheinland, Kusari. All stereotypes. So are all of the factions really. Not to forget the storyline, as cliche as you could get.

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - Bjorn - 09-05-2008

I disagree, based on following stereotypes:

Liberty, pure american cops and robbers, perfect place to make bad crime movie

Rheinland, 1870-1950, worker fronts that work against goverment

Kusari, 17ct feudal and japan of today, usual conflict of modern and traditional

Bretania, baroqe england, where small lords and barons are undermining the empire, empire is trying to hold together, and there are irish separatists and eco terrorists who point on global pollution of house systems

Omicrons, 15-17 ct spanish main, pirate wars

Order and nomads, usual SF "misunderstood heroes" that are rooting out alien invaders and infested goverment workers

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - Primus Avatar - 09-05-2008

' Wrote:Least stereotypical game?
The entire game is made OF stereotypes.


Mon'Star Feedback Thread - me_b_kevin - 09-06-2008

stay on topic please

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - Zapp - 09-06-2008

Mon'Star pwns.

All you that criticize, know that the legend of Mon'Star will outlive you all, and will be carried on until (god forbid) the community dies.

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - Patriot - 09-06-2008

Well i learn something really fast about the Necrosis...................

When you see it.........Fly in the other direction ASAP :P

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - Generation - 09-06-2008

How my brain works...

Lt: Sir we have an unknown contact on Scanner

Capt: Can you identify?

Lt: Hang o.... ITS THE NECROSIS!!!

Capt: Thats not good....

*panic breaks out*

Capt: Brings us about, max thrust!!!

Lt: Heading sir?

Capt: Any where that ship aint!!!!


It also works like this...

purple..... ARGH!!!!

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - Ironwatsas - 09-06-2008

Well, even though Mon'Star seems to be based (intentionally or not) on a number of somewhat corny steriotypes and clice villans, he has taken those overused motifs and made them seem utterly badass.

Yes, there have been more origional characters. Yes, Mon'star's 'kill kill kill' mentality and the reasons behind it seem somewhat haphazard. But the way I see it, Disco's storyline needs at least ONE 'kill kill kill, none of the side crap' character. So yes, I think Mon'star is doing fine. Steriotypical villian or not.

He's like disco's Jason Vorhees, for better or worse.

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - sgrana - 09-06-2008

' Wrote:I only came across Mon'star once, I had just undocked from Freeport 2, on my way to repfix in Rheinland.

Mon'star: Here's a tasty little morsel...

and bang I'm dead, at the time I'd never heard of Mon'star.

Still there is no reasonable explanation for much of his killing - i was in a zoner fighter

Personally I think terrorists should be fighting for a cause - the AFA, Molly's etc.
I haven't read his stories, i don't have time to read 99% of them, perhaps his reasoning and cause is explained there.

What I do know is - you're the only terrorist I'm afraid of - so your doing your job right!

don't feel bad he did the same to me and my alba, with full zoner id and iff outside of a zoner base.

I like monstar keep up the choas and destruction.