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Catamaran - Saigo.Watanabe - 09-06-2008

Almost any ship is deadly when a skilled pilot is using it, ( and im talking about any decent ships and not the flea ect)

Catamaran - El Nino - 09-06-2008

' Wrote:That reminds me Jure, if alot of people complain about ships that can't be hit, then why don't we talk about the Wyrm? Even harder to hit than the Catamaran.

Ah yes... You see, if you're your regular Capwhoring Joe, you don't care about VHF's... only the bombers bother you...

Perhaps if we nerfed their ability to fire supernovas (dons on flame retardant armor and drinks Rum for radiant flame protection) Then everythign would be nice and orderly...

Catamaran - Saigo.Watanabe - 09-06-2008

hmh, the mercs ive seen havent been using red cats *shrugs*, and tbh, if your in a vhf or LF you can easily take down a cat, it wont be easy, but you can easy take it down, its happened to me many a time. And people say im a decent pilot but the cat can take bombers and gb's out easy, i admit that and a few cats can take out cruisers ect. ( but surely thats the point of having fighter support so the bombers to rip your caps to piecies?

hell Jure has killed me many a time with his corsair gb ( darn those corsairs!!!)

Catamaran - SevereTrinity - 09-06-2008

' Wrote:Ah yes... You see, if you're your regular Capwhoring Joe, you don't care about VHF's... only the bombers bother you...

Perhaps if we nerfed their ability to fire supernovas (dons on flame retardant armor and drinks Rum for radiant flame protection) Then everythign would be nice and orderly...

Well, would you rather red cats mount dual minis and instagib Fighters, more so than with SNs?

Catamaran - El Nino - 09-06-2008

' Wrote:Well, would you rather red cats mount dual minis and instagib Fighters, more so than with SNs?

YES!, becouse then fighters can simply cruise away and give them the finger... Mind you there was 5-6 of us, even some light fighter escort... that simply couldn't do much...

Should they not be blasting at me with supernovas I would have dealt with them presto. As I was to busy surviving them with evasive maneuvers. As soon as I brought them in to the gass fields, I could then engage them as they were taking damage, but the point is... You need to use the best tactics at hand to defeat them. In Sigma 13, that means dangerous gases, In another less gassy space, chogoku for example you're toast...

Just a little fix, they're allright, Mercs should not be using them thou....

We have discussed this far and wide, all super weapons need a good counter, right now supernova on the right bomber is devestating in numbers. Catamaran just stands out as the most agile and tiny of the lot... perhaps nerfing it's armor to VHF levels (13k or even 12k) would prove pretty prudent... along with various fixes... (hitbox and such)

Catamaran - Rudo - 09-07-2008

It's understandable that the game is not meant to be balanced around one-on-one fights -- certain makes of ship deserve stats that make them superior in one way or another. Keeps things interesting.

I for one am in favor of certain house ships having much more armor and a big power supply, while another has small ships with tiny plants, and yet another housing more weapon slots than other ships. I'm a big Warhammer 40k fan, and I like the idea of balance around a sizeable force and house diversity rather than unit-vs-unit 'fairness'.

The issue is with independent pilots who will cook up RP stories solely to fly these ships and use them in situations and locations where they are completely out of place. Basically, they get the great ship and turn their back on the RP limitations flying the ship would normally place on them.

Stories should be for entertainment, not to generate a loophole because someone really likes a piece of equipment and wants to justify its use for his/her desired purposes.

And I'm not saying this as a specific argument against the Catamaran. It'd be the same if an Outcast ID/IFF pilot wrote a story about how he used to be a miner till he got hooked on cardamine, to justify his use of the IMG Gunboat.

Catamaran - Lupusy - 09-09-2008

is the catamaran in discovery's wiki yet?

it should be updated with specs and location of the ship

i cant see it in there ---

EDIT -- oh sorry -- its the Dragon Bomber is it?

Catamaran - El Nino - 09-09-2008

' Wrote:Almost any ship is deadly when a skilled pilot is using it, ( and im talking about any decent ships and not the flea ect)

But when that skilled pilot switches from Titan to BD (V)HF everybody goes "Whooa you're good". As you dodge with ease, kill your enemy with even more ease, (not batts no botts touched kind of ease) Then you know you're in a totaly diffrent league... Perhaps playing a diffrent game all toggether...

Catamaran - Akumabito - 09-09-2008

I don't like the cat because it looks like a boat and not a spaceship.

Bombers have huge power plants, they are built specifically as anti cap and anti transport platforms.

They all should handle somewhere between a VHF and a gunboat. A fighter should be able to kill any bomber.

Catamaran - Banza - 09-09-2008

Ok...Change Catamaran if you wish so...then you have to change ather things as well...lets say...5 Titan npc can kill a battleship..(tested)What the?! While 20 Dragon Heavy fighters cant even damige gunboats shealds...Hm...Someone really loves the corsairs...People inhere want to change evrything that they cant win.If the catamaran(KNF and BD)will be change..that would be bad,expecialy for dragons,becouse they have no luxury of buying capitols.That cata and dragon fighter is all we got