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[DEPRECATED] The Crimson Cross Recruitment - Printable Version

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RE: The Crimson Cross Recruitment - MarkIII - 09-07-2014

Name: Krogen Larken

Birthplace:On a Rhienland Planet named New Berlin


Previous Occupation:Transportation of Arrested Rhienland Military Commandants. (Illegally Arrested and Tortured)

Brief Character Description:
Krogen was born on the planet New Berlin. His family brutally slaughtered by Military Commandants. His father Kross Larken was a very large and famous General within the Military services. His father betrayed the Military factions and sold stolen secrets to all unlawful factions. When the military found out they brutally murdered his family. In the moment of Krogen's sorrow and treacherous thoughts, he placed in a mission within his head and moved along the universe taking upon his own wrath on those who killed his family. When he finished his dues he drifted out alone, into space. He could never let go of what he has done, so he drifted out to space to continue his legacy of destruction and evil. He flees out of Rhienland space to continue his path. He has been led to riches and glory and looks for a good faction who is unlawful and looks to wreck havoc upon the lawfuls who just so happen to slide into the unlawful space. Wherever it may be he lands. He looks forward to continuing his riches and glory.

Do you pledge to uphold the holy faith, even if it should cost you your life?: Honestly, it really is not needed to be asked. I pledge my guns and resources.

==OORP Section==

Why do you want to join the Cirmson Cross?:
The outcast way is the best cast way. The ships are fantastic. The weaponry is exemplary. The way of life they lead is the best way of life to be offered.

Have you ever been sanctioned before? (provide links where possible):
I've been playing on this server for a year and a half. I have never joined a faction because, I could never find the "RIGHT" faction to join.

Have you read and do you understand the Outcast Lore?:
To be honest, no, I have never read the Outcast Lore. But, I know most of what is expected of me to be an Outcast.

What is the connection between Cardamine and the Nomads?:
No idea at this moment but, definately willing to learn.

Skype info:

Signature: MarkIII or Golden Kraken

RE: The Crimson Cross Recruitment - Crimson Cross - 09-09-2014

[Image: CrimsonCross_zpscf4f842e.png]

== Crimson Cross Recruitment ==




Mia Sanchez

Your story, while a little bit strange, seems to check out. For that, we are willing to give you a chance.

Malta, Skorba Valley, Tarxien Chapel. Be there in 3 days.


Krogen Larken

Hired guns are... of less value to us than Maltese lives, but right now we can't afford to be too picky. Besides, maybe if you die, you'll be saving a native Maltese life.

We'll chance it. Head for Malta and keep your weapons powered down. If a patrol stops you, tell them who you are and that you're being given flight clearance by the Cross, then direct them to the Cross Command centre on Valetta.

We'll get you sorted out.





RE: The Crimson Cross Recruitment - Hermes - 09-11-2014

Name: Manuel Jose
Birthplace: Planet Malta
Age: 18

Previous Occupation: Unknown

Brief Character Description:
My master said that my body was found in an escape pod in Omicron Beta, not very far from the Omicron Alpha Jump Hole, My body was damaged and my head was heavily injured, He also said that he had to buy me some human organs and an artificial eye because he says he's an outcast with a kind heart... i lost my memory completely and i couldn't remember anything from my past except the formal outcast pilot's suit of my mother and father and how they were firmly looking and well respected.
Later my master changed his mind, and i started working for him, he said i should call him "master" and i shall not receive any fees because he already paid lots of credits buying me human organs so i have to payback by working for him..
I served my "master" as a true appreciator to his kind help, he found me when i was 13 and no one knows what happened and why was i heavily injured in an escape pod... but i served and served and served and it seems that it never end, so today i decided to escape... and things didn't go well and i got caught and tortured by my master hard and left wounded near a cardimine field almost dead from the bleeding...
I knew that the cardimine origin comes from the holy spirits, i moved slowly, as my vision started to fade and my body was losing it's vital appearance, until my eyes went dark & i went into a deep coma....
The next day i opened my eyes, and felt much better, i looked at my body and it seems that my wounds are magically almost healed ... the bleeding stopped, so i stood up and there was something orange in my hand... it was cardimine
i don't know how i restored my health partially, i still have pains everywhere in my body but whenever i take a bit of this orange holy thing ... i feel better

I decided not to look back, not to seek revenge and to flee and flee and flee
I cured myself and decided to head toward what i wanted to be.
*enters crimson cross hq*

Do you pledge to uphold the holy faith, even if it should cost you your life?:
I do, and i will give my life as a gift if needed

==OORP Section==

Why do you want to join the Cirmson Cross?:

I am a very old player of this game, almost since it started, and i played on a lot of online server, and what i gained from experience about myself is that i always feel better in a group and while performing teamwork.
I knew that a nice friend is one of the Crimson Cross Head Masters, and also i knew that 2 of my very close online friends joined already so it gave me a motivation to apply.
Also the Outcast faction always gained my interest ... a very nice and mysterious faction which i would love to join

Have you ever been sanctioned before? (provide links where possible):
Yes, i was new to the server and i didn't know that there is a disconnect thread, where people can post when they loose power, connection etc.. , and during the last 3 years, my country had a revolution & everything was unstable including the power and the internet connection - so i lost power while in the middle of an interaction, and didn't know about the "Disconnect" thread yet, so got sanctioned and lost all my money and equipments on my outcast dreadnaught.

Have you read and do you understand the Outcast Lore?:
Yes i did.

What is the connection between Cardamine and the Nomads?:
It's life, energy and holy. it's the source of our strength as outcasts... It's left for us to prosper by the holy spirits, it cover Planet Malta and we can't go away from it as our bodies experience shock & eventually die without cardimine.

Skype info:
Skype unfortunately does not like my current operating system, and it fails to setup successfully, but i use teamspeak 3 and i can be found on the tl;dr unofficial discovery gc teamspeak server.

RE: The Crimson Cross Recruitment - Crimson Cross - 09-14-2014

[Image: CrimsonCross_zpscf4f842e.png]

== Crimson Cross Recruitment ==




Manuel Jose

The powers of the Spirits has been revealed to you young one. As such, we believe you are ready to walk the path of enlightenment within the Cross, and hereby welcome you as a new Crusader.

The Tarxien temple will welcome you with open arms as a new initiate.

// We'll work something out with the whole lack of skype thing.





RE: The Crimson Cross Recruitment - Crimson Cross - 10-04-2014




Crimson Cross recruitment is temporarily <CLOSED> for restructuring and a much-needed re-vamp. Check back soon!

--Cross HC

RE: The Crimson Cross Recruitment - Crimson Cross - 10-28-2014




Due to migration to a new recruitment format and page, this page can be locked, O'mighty moderators.


RE: The Crimson Cross Recruitment - Tabris - 10-28-2014

Thread has been closed as requested by the operator.